Topic: The 10 Commandments | |
Why is it that just about all denominations only keep nine of the ten? The only one they want to change is the 7th day Sabbath. Which was Sanctified during the week of Creation (Gen. 2: 1-3) I myself am a Sabbath keeper. I welcome all opinions. G-d Bless to all.
Why is it that just about all denominations only keep nine of the ten? The only one they want to change is the 7th day Sabbath. Which was Sanctified during the week of Creation (Gen. 2: 1-3) I myself am a Sabbath keeper. I welcome all opinions. G-d Bless to all. Amen, but I think the main problem with specifically the Sabbath and man. Is that God blessed the 7th day and sanctified it. But who's to say our 7th day is the day he did that. Also since the calender technically starts on Sunday, that would make Saturday the 7th day. But if we go by the culture, Sunday is the last day as Monday is normally seen as the first day of the week. |
Why is it that just about all denominations only keep nine of the ten? The only one they want to change is the 7th day Sabbath. Which was Sanctified during the week of Creation (Gen. 2: 1-3) I myself am a Sabbath keeper. I welcome all opinions. G-d Bless to all. you mean to tell me now,that after Millennia of Upheaval you know exactly which day of the Week in present time the Sabbath is? main thing me thinks,is,that you keep a Sabbath! |
Why is it that just about all denominations only keep nine of the ten? The only one they want to change is the 7th day Sabbath. Which was Sanctified during the week of Creation (Gen. 2: 1-3) I myself am a Sabbath keeper. I welcome all opinions. G-d Bless to all. Amen, but I think the main problem with specifically the Sabbath and man. Is that God blessed the 7th day and sanctified it. But who's to say our 7th day is the day he did that. Also since the calender technically starts on Sunday, that would make Saturday the 7th day. But if we go by the culture, Sunday is the last day as Monday is normally seen as the first day of the week. I think the main thing God wants is for us to focus purely on him for at least one day out of the week. And not entirely focus on money/life all the time. I don't personally feel it has to be a specific day eg., Sunday/Saturday, ect. The Jews have been keeping the calender since the being of our creation, and there 7th day is the same as ours. Also Messiah was asked by a young man what he needed to have Eternal life. This was Messiah's reply (Matt. 19: 16-20) Messiah said that if you want to enter into life keep the Commandments. This is the short version, but you can look at it your Bible. |
Edited by
Mon 10/20/14 12:31 PM
Why is it that just about all denominations only keep nine of the ten? The only one they want to change is the 7th day Sabbath. Which was Sanctified during the week of Creation (Gen. 2: 1-3) I myself am a Sabbath keeper. I welcome all opinions. G-d Bless to all. Amen, but I think the main problem with specifically the Sabbath and man. Is that God blessed the 7th day and sanctified it. But who's to say our 7th day is the day he did that. Also since the calender technically starts on Sunday, that would make Saturday the 7th day. But if we go by the culture, Sunday is the last day as Monday is normally seen as the first day of the week. I think the main thing God wants is for us to focus purely on him for at least one day out of the week. And not entirely focus on money/life all the time. I don't personally feel it has to be a specific day eg., Sunday/Saturday, ect. The Jews have been keeping the calender since the being of our creation, and there 7th day is the same as ours. Also Messiah was asked by a young man what he needed to have Eternal life. This was Messiah's reply (Matt. 19: 16-20) Messiah said that if you want to enter into life keep the Commandments. This is the short version, but you can look at it your Bible. The Jews have been keeping the calender since the being of our creation, and there 7th day is the same as ours. So what day does their calender say it is? Saturday? Or Sunday? |
They keep Saturday as the Sabbath.
They keep Saturday as the Sabbath. And you can know their calender is without flaw how? And God made the calender? I ask because "time" was going before man stepped foot on this planet. How can one know if Sunday was actually the day God started the creation of the world? And inevitably rested on Saturday and blessing it for the Sabbath. |
Edited by
Mon 10/20/14 01:09 PM
They keep Saturday as the Sabbath. And you can know their calender is without flaw how? And God made the calender? I ask because "time" was going before man stepped foot on this planet. How can one know if Sunday was actually the day God started the creation of the world? And inevitably rested on Saturday and blessing it for the Sabbath. One reason I know that they keep the calender is that G-d made them the keepers of the Commandments. When Messiah came He also kept the Commandments. He came to show us that we are to keep it out of Love for G-d. Not the traditions of man, who made the Sabbath a Burden and not a joyful rest as intended. If we use the excuse that any day could be the Sabbath, then that would mean that G-d wants us to fail. In (Rev. 12:17) it says: "And the dragon was wroth with the woman (church) and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the Commandments of G-d, and have the testimony of Messiah-Jesus." So here we see that there is a church that keeps the Sabbath and the testimony of Messiah-Jesus, which he kept the Sabbath and in (Mark 2: 25-28)He says that He is the L-rd of the Sabbath! I really don't believe that G-d would give us the Sabbath Day and then hide it from us so we couldn't keep it. G-d is Love and Compassion for us His Creation. Besides if you were to look it up on the internet you will find that the early Roman Church under Constantine changed the 7th day for the 1st because he didn't want to be like the Jews. |
I don't believe the substance of the Sabbath has to do with a calendar
I think it is about working six days and resting one,,,, |
.. mustard is my number one..
closely followed by relish.. what..ohhhhh...10 commandments.. ... I thought it was your favorite 10 condiments... ![]() ![]() . |
So all of the Scriptures that refer to the Commandments firm except for the Sabbath? The others Don't Steal, Don't murder, don't commit Adultery and so forth are what they are and the Sabbath is any 7th day in your work Schedule, Hmmm! So you don't believe G-d set a day aside for rest for people to follow. interesting!
Why is it that just about all denominations only keep nine of the ten? The only one they want to change is the 7th day Sabbath. Which was Sanctified during the week of Creation (Gen. 2: 1-3) I myself am a Sabbath keeper. I welcome all opinions. G-d Bless to all. Amen, but I think the main problem with specifically the Sabbath and man. Is that God blessed the 7th day and sanctified it. But who's to say our 7th day is the day he did that. Also since the calender technically starts on Sunday, that would make Saturday the 7th day. But if we go by the culture, Sunday is the last day as Monday is normally seen as the first day of the week. I think the main thing God wants is for us to focus purely on him for at least one day out of the week. And not entirely focus on money/life all the time. I don't personally feel it has to be a specific day eg., Sunday/Saturday, ect. |
Edited by
Mon 10/20/14 07:43 PM
So all of the Scriptures that refer to the Commandments firm except for the Sabbath? The others Don't Steal, Don't murder, don't commit Adultery and so forth are what they are and the Sabbath is any 7th day in your work Schedule, Hmmm! So you don't believe G-d set a day aside for rest for people to follow. interesting! I do,, calendars came later, God had not named the days, man did God only declared that he worked six days and rested the seventh,, which I believe to be the SUBSTANCE and POINT of keeping the Sabbath,,, because, as cultures have changed, so have their work days,, the point is that, based upon a WORK schedule, we are to work six and be off one,,, as God did when he created the earth ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. 9They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules |
if their is anything the Jews make sure and do it is tradition. The Sabbath we are told is a sign of his people. The calander does reflex Sabbath ( Saturday) as the 7th day of the week. Constantine put out an edict at the council of Nicea to distinquish the Jews from the new believers. That was the day of worship. History shows the believers were keeping the same day as the jews. In Acts 15 at the council when 4 things a new believer was to abstain from the Sabbath was not included. Why? Because every Sabbath in the synagues they could hear the words of Moses. No respectable minister will tell you the Sabbath ( Saturday ) is not the 7th day of the week. Yahweh said in Ps. 51 a broken and contrite Heart he will not despise. Why? Is this not the conversion? Is this not the washing away of your sins? Is this not humbling yourself? The Sabbath is a sign between him and his people. He says his ways r higher than your ways. Do you think the Sabbath is not kept before the throne in Heaven for all eternity? That Heaven does not obey his laws? It is a sign of creation as Hebrews tells us. It is a sign of who the Creator is because he rested on this day and so do we in rememberence of this. The command even says to REMEMBER The Sabbath. No other commandment tells us to Remember as if it will be something forgotten. And it clearly has been forgotten and put aside by the Hearts of Men. If Yahshua was the our Example then follow what he did. |
Edited by
Tue 10/21/14 04:45 AM
if their is anything the Jews make sure and do it is tradition. The Sabbath we are told is a sign of his people. The calander does reflex Sabbath ( Saturday) as the 7th day of the week. Constantine put out an edict at the council of Nicea to distinquish the Jews from the new believers. That was the day of worship. History shows the believers were keeping the same day as the jews. In Acts 15 at the council when 4 things a new believer was to abstain from the Sabbath was not included. Why? Because every Sabbath in the synagues they could hear the words of Moses. No respectable minister will tell you the Sabbath ( Saturday ) is not the 7th day of the week. Yahweh said in Ps. 51 a broken and contrite Heart he will not despise. Why? Is this not the conversion? Is this not the washing away of your sins? Is this not humbling yourself? The Sabbath is a sign between him and his people. He says his ways r higher than your ways. Do you think the Sabbath is not kept before the throne in Heaven for all eternity? That Heaven does not obey his laws? It is a sign of creation as Hebrews tells us. It is a sign of who the Creator is because he rested on this day and so do we in rememberence of this. The command even says to REMEMBER The Sabbath. No other commandment tells us to Remember as if it will be something forgotten. And it clearly has been forgotten and put aside by the Hearts of Men. If Yahshua was the our Example then follow what he did. ![]() Matt. 5:17,18 "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass way one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the Law till all is fulfilled." Messiah came to show us how to make the Law (Commandments) honorable by showing how to keep them in the Spirit of Love towards G-d and Messiah. Not to change it, that is why He fought with the Pharisees, Scribes, because they wanted the people to follow what they said the Law meant and not G-d. (Mark 7:6-9) "These people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the Commandments of G-d, you hold the tradition of men. All too well you reject the Commandments of G-d that you may keep your traditions" |
I don't want anyone to misunderstand me, I'm not looking to convert or convince anyone to believe the way I do. I am trying figure out how it all got changed around from what was actually taught by Messiah and the Apostles. To clarify Quotes from Messiah like in Matt. 7:12,14 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." and again in Matt. 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me, L-rd,L-rd shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? And I will declare to them, I never knew you, depart from Me you who practice Lawlessness! (breaking of the Commandments) When Messiah said He would declare, that is a strong word to use and then He told them I never knew you. That's pretty clear and strong as well.
Was Man made for the Sabbath, or the Sabbath made for Man?
After the resurrection of Jesus, wich occurred on the first day of the week...the Lord's disciples began observing the Sabbath on the first day of the week...Sunday(act 20 :7)
Christianity is not about keeping the law though...or even the ten commandments, it is about fulfilling the law through the spirit of love...just saying.. |
Was Man made for the Sabbath, or the Sabbath made for Man? The Sabbath was made for man. I am trying to understand why we as humans and not the Creator has the right to change the day that He had Sanctified for us, He said to Remember the Sabbath Day and to keep it Holy! |
Isaiah 1:13 The new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity.
Matthew 12:2 Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day. John 5:16 And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day. Romans 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another; another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. Colossians 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat and drink, or in respect of a holy day, or of the new moon; or of the sabbath days. |