Topic: 10 Signs He's Not Going To Propose Marriage .
shegdad's photo
Wed 08/20/14 08:09 AM
One of the biggest dating
questions which haunt
women is whether her
boyfriend is ready to commit.
She may be sticking around
with him for almost a couple
of years now, hoping that he
will make up his mind and still
waiting for the elusive
engagement ring. If you don’t
want this to happen to you,
learn to pick up ten signs
which tell you that he’s not
going to propose marriage in
a hurry.
1.He Never Discusses
This is perhaps the first hint
that should start ringing
warning bells in your mind.
Your boyfriend cannot be
caught dead talking about
marriage as an institution or
even commenting on
commercials for wedding
products and services. He
won’t mention it even if his
own brother is getting
married and he is going to
be the best man. His
aversion to the M-word
should be indication enough
that marriage does not
figure anywhere in his near
2.He Is Hugely Ambitious
Guys whose only mission in
their lives is to reach the
top of their professional
ladder are likely to take
their time settling down. This
is because emotional
commitment to a partner
might force them to cut down
on their working hours and
make networking with
business contacts or
frequent out-of-town trips
difficult. Though this is not to
say that married guys don’t
find success – witness
President Obama and Bill
Gates - super ambitious men
who are perpetually looking
for the next bigger and
better thing are more likely
to consider marriage as
leading to professional
3.All His Friends Are Single
This is as sure a sign as
any that your boyfriend is
not going to propose
marriage. If you notice that
his social circle is
exclusively made of
bachelors and divorced men,
it is evident that he is
uncomfortable around
married couples and has no
plans to join their ranks in
near future.
4.He Has Strong intimate
A guy who places great
emphasis on sex and
considers it the most
important part of a
relationship is unlikely to
settle for a single partner.
Gone are the days when men
could be baited into marriage
on the lure of sex. The
dissociation of sex and
marriage as well as intimate
freedom for women has also
made it easier for men to
keep sleeping around unless
they wish to marry for other
reasons. And if your
boyfriend has a large
intimate appetite, it is
unlikely to be satisfied by a
single person. He will sooner
or later get tired of being
with you and move on to
someone else he can go to
bed with.
5.He Lives Out Of A Suitcase
Men with unstable living
conditions usually have
priorities like work and
travel which are bound to
clash with a stable married
life. You may be thrilled to
have a high-flying war
correspondent or wildlife
photographer as a
boyfriend, but such people
are unlikely to settle down to
tame domesticity. Far easier
to spot - and avoid – are
guys who are in and out of
jobs or in trouble with the
law and thus perpetually on
the move. Rather look for
men who have stable lives
since they are the ones
more likely to be looking for
stable relationships.
6.He Does Not take You To
Meet His Family
This is an unmistakable sign
that a guy is not considering
marriage even though he
may be dating someone. Men
usually discuss their families
only with those who are
close enough to be let into
their inner lives. If your
boyfriend has never
suggested that you meet his
parents and even appears
to be uncomfortable talking
about them to you, then
perhaps he is not ready to
make you an intrinsic part of
his life.
7.You Don’t Figure In His
When talking about his
future, does your guy
merely discuss his goals of
starting a business someday
and are his dreams limited to
retiring by the sea with his
very own beach house and
luxury boat? If so or
something similar, then this
is an indication that you are
not part of his future plans
and thus unlikely to be his
wife any time soon. Unless of
course, he goes through a
life-changing experience and
realizes the value of a
committed relationship which
is again putting too much
store by chance and
therefore not worth wasting
your life for.
8.He Doesn’t Ask You About
In a reversal of the above
point, a guy unwilling to
commit will also be
uninterested to know about
your life goals and hopes for
the future. The present-
comfortably carefree and
uncomplicated - is good
enough for him. He does not
want to know if you want to
eventually settle in the
suburbs or how many kids
would you like to have and
whether you would prefer
little girls or boys. Hell, he
doesn’t even want to know
where you have always
wanted to go for your
honeymoon! If you find all
this true in case of your
boyfriend, then you can kiss
your dreams of marrying him
goodbye and start looking
for a more suitable guy.
9.He Is Divorced
While divorced men are
technically single and thus
seeming candidates for a
committed relationship, if
your guy has gone through
a particularly messy divorce,
then probably he cannot
bear the thought of marrying
again. To be sure about this,
pry around gently to see
how badly he feels about his
breakup and whether the
scars are deep enough to be
permanent. Other than
emotional issues, a divorced
man may also be caught up
in child support and alimony
so as to make any further
commitments completely out
of the question.
10.He Is Not Forthcoming
About Personal Information
Have you ever wondered
why your boyfriend is
always vague when you ask
him about his work and
where he lives? You might
have a rough idea that he is
into finance and that he
commutes from the suburbs
but if he is unwilling to
clearly share his personal
information with you,
probably he has something
to hide – a spouse or a
lover maybe. Or more likely
he is determined to keep you
away from the rest of his
personal life. Not exactly
marriage material, is he?
No one can say for sure
what goes on in a person’s
mind and what influences
his/her decisions. But if your
boyfriend displays all or
most of the above signs,
then more likely than not, he
is not yet ready to propose
marriage to you.

no1phD's photo
Wed 08/20/14 08:19 AM
#11.. he still has his old wedding ring ,on his finger..
#12.. he insist that you have to take your toothbrush home with you every morning. because it takes up too much room on the vanity
#13.. he keeps your pillow for the bed, in the closet..
.laugh rofl :banana: :thumbsup:

michele63's photo
Wed 08/20/14 08:42 AM

#11.. he still has his old wedding ring ,on his finger..
#12.. he insist that you have to take your toothbrush home with you every morning. because it takes up too much room on the vanity
#13.. he keeps your pillow for the bed, in the closet..
.laugh rofl :banana: :thumbsup:

#14. his name is No1

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

sparkyae5's photo
Wed 08/20/14 08:42 AM

#11.. he still has his old wedding ring ,on his finger..
#12.. he insist that you have to take your toothbrush home with you every morning. because it takes up too much room on the vanity
#13.. he keeps your pillow for the bed, in the closet..
.laugh rofl :banana: :thumbsup:


Jtevans's photo
Wed 08/20/14 08:52 AM
marriage is s-t-o-o-p-i-d! indifferent

bashajones's photo
Wed 08/20/14 08:56 AM

marriage is s-t-o-o-p-i-d! indifferent

Haha! I kinda agree....laugh

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 08/20/14 09:11 AM

marriage is s-t-o-o-p-i-d! indifferent

Haha! I kinda agree....laugh

I don't :tongue:
I wouldn't get married very soon, I mean, it's one heck of a commitment, not to be taken lightly. But if a guy really never ever wants to get married again, I'm not interested.
To me it's like: if he's still that traumatized by his ex / past events, he better work on it to get over it. If you're really ready for a real serious commitment, you should be able to open doors again and to keep them open.
Goes for women as well, of course.

If you simply don't 'believe' in marriage, not based on a bad experience, fair enough. Different scenario

bashajones's photo
Wed 08/20/14 09:27 AM

marriage is s-t-o-o-p-i-d! indifferent

Haha! I kinda agree....laugh

I don't :tongue:
I wouldn't get married very soon, I mean, it's one heck of a commitment, not to be taken lightly. But if a guy really never ever wants to get married again, I'm not interested.
To me it's like: if he's still that traumatized by his ex / past events, he better work on it to get over it. If you're really ready for a real serious commitment, you should be able to open doors again and to keep them open.
Goes for women as well, of course.

If you simply don't 'believe' in marriage, not based on a bad experience, fair enough. Different scenario

You can be in a serious commitment without being married. And marriage isn't really the "commitment" everyone seems to think it is. Adultery seems to be popular in marriage these days....just sayin'

mysticalview21's photo
Wed 08/20/14 12:38 PM
I never had the problem with either of my x marriages I did live with they just asked me... I said nothing and really never wondered ... and don't believe I will get married again... so it will not make a difference this time either ...

mysticalview21's photo
Wed 08/20/14 12:45 PM

One of the biggest dating
questions which haunt
women is whether her
boyfriend is ready to commit.
She may be sticking around
with him for almost a couple
of years now, hoping that he
will make up his mind and still
waiting for the elusive
engagement ring. If you don’t
want this to happen to you,
learn to pick up ten signs
which tell you that he’s not
going to propose marriage in
a hurry.
1.He Never Discusses
This is perhaps the first hint
that should start ringing
warning bells in your mind.
Your boyfriend cannot be
caught dead talking about
marriage as an institution or
even commenting on
commercials for wedding
products and services. He
won’t mention it even if his
own brother is getting
married and he is going to
be the best man. His
aversion to the M-word
should be indication enough
that marriage does not
figure anywhere in his near
2.He Is Hugely Ambitious
Guys whose only mission in
their lives is to reach the
top of their professional
ladder are likely to take
their time settling down. This
is because emotional
commitment to a partner
might force them to cut down
on their working hours and
make networking with
business contacts or
frequent out-of-town trips
difficult. Though this is not to
say that married guys don’t
find success – witness
President Obama and Bill
Gates - super ambitious men
who are perpetually looking
for the next bigger and
better thing are more likely
to consider marriage as
leading to professional
3.All His Friends Are Single
This is as sure a sign as
any that your boyfriend is
not going to propose
marriage. If you notice that
his social circle is
exclusively made of
bachelors and divorced men,
it is evident that he is
uncomfortable around
married couples and has no
plans to join their ranks in
near future.
4.He Has Strong intimate
A guy who places great
emphasis on sex and
considers it the most
important part of a
relationship is unlikely to
settle for a single partner.
Gone are the days when men
could be baited into marriage
on the lure of sex. The
dissociation of sex and
marriage as well as intimate
freedom for women has also
made it easier for men to
keep sleeping around unless
they wish to marry for other
reasons. And if your
boyfriend has a large
intimate appetite, it is
unlikely to be satisfied by a
single person. He will sooner
or later get tired of being
with you and move on to
someone else he can go to
bed with.
5.He Lives Out Of A Suitcase
Men with unstable living
conditions usually have
priorities like work and
travel which are bound to
clash with a stable married
life. You may be thrilled to
have a high-flying war
correspondent or wildlife
photographer as a
boyfriend, but such people
are unlikely to settle down to
tame domesticity. Far easier
to spot - and avoid – are
guys who are in and out of
jobs or in trouble with the
law and thus perpetually on
the move. Rather look for
men who have stable lives
since they are the ones
more likely to be looking for
stable relationships.
6.He Does Not take You To
Meet His Family
This is an unmistakable sign
that a guy is not considering
marriage even though he
may be dating someone. Men
usually discuss their families
only with those who are
close enough to be let into
their inner lives. If your
boyfriend has never
suggested that you meet his
parents and even appears
to be uncomfortable talking
about them to you, then
perhaps he is not ready to
make you an intrinsic part of
his life.
7.You Don’t Figure In His
When talking about his
future, does your guy
merely discuss his goals of
starting a business someday
and are his dreams limited to
retiring by the sea with his
very own beach house and
luxury boat? If so or
something similar, then this
is an indication that you are
not part of his future plans
and thus unlikely to be his
wife any time soon. Unless of
course, he goes through a
life-changing experience and
realizes the value of a
committed relationship which
is again putting too much
store by chance and
therefore not worth wasting
your life for.
8.He Doesn’t Ask You About
In a reversal of the above
point, a guy unwilling to
commit will also be
uninterested to know about
your life goals and hopes for
the future. The present-
comfortably carefree and
uncomplicated - is good
enough for him. He does not
want to know if you want to
eventually settle in the
suburbs or how many kids
would you like to have and
whether you would prefer
little girls or boys. Hell, he
doesn’t even want to know
where you have always
wanted to go for your
honeymoon! If you find all
this true in case of your
boyfriend, then you can kiss
your dreams of marrying him
goodbye and start looking
for a more suitable guy.
9.He Is Divorced
While divorced men are
technically single and thus
seeming candidates for a
committed relationship, if
your guy has gone through
a particularly messy divorce,
then probably he cannot
bear the thought of marrying
again. To be sure about this,
pry around gently to see
how badly he feels about his
breakup and whether the
scars are deep enough to be
permanent. Other than
emotional issues, a divorced
man may also be caught up
in child support and alimony
so as to make any further
commitments completely out
of the question.
10.He Is Not Forthcoming
About Personal Information
Have you ever wondered
why your boyfriend is
always vague when you ask
him about his work and
where he lives? You might
have a rough idea that he is
into finance and that he
commutes from the suburbs
but if he is unwilling to
clearly share his personal
information with you,
probably he has something
to hide – a spouse or a
lover maybe. Or more likely
he is determined to keep you
away from the rest of his
personal life. Not exactly
marriage material, is he?
No one can say for sure
what goes on in a person’s
mind and what influences
his/her decisions. But if your
boyfriend displays all or
most of the above signs,
then more likely than not, he
is not yet ready to propose
marriage to you.

let me add another for u op
how about the man that is older... never married and no children ...
those are ones ...some might wonder about ...

mysticalview21's photo
Wed 08/20/14 12:52 PM

#11.. he still has his old wedding ring ,on his finger..
#12.. he insist that you have to take your toothbrush home with you every morning. because it takes up too much room on the vanity
#13.. he keeps your pillow for the bed, in the closet..
.laugh rofl :banana: :thumbsup:


laugh owner of a lonely heart... much better then a owner of a broken heart biggrin

no photo
Wed 08/20/14 01:17 PM
"One of the biggest dating
questions which haunt
women is whether her
boyfriend is ready to commit.."


Do not speak speak for me...

I am quite capable of using my own voice.

bashajones's photo
Wed 08/20/14 01:17 PM

"One of the biggest dating
questions which haunt
women is whether her
boyfriend is ready to commit.."


Do not speak speak for me...

I am quite capable of using my own voice.

lol...This has never "haunted" me either. Not even close....laugh

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/20/14 01:18 PM
if he is already married,,, was that in there?

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 08/20/14 04:06 PM

marriage is s-t-o-o-p-i-d! indifferent

... and those grapes are sour. indifferent

m3k4y's photo
Wed 08/20/14 04:09 PM

#11.. he still has his old wedding ring ,on his finger..
#12.. he insist that you have to take your toothbrush home with you every morning. because it takes up too much room on the vanity
#13.. he keeps your pillow for the bed, in the closet..
.laugh rofl :banana: :thumbsup:

#14. his name is No1

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

laugh laugh laugh

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 08/20/14 04:14 PM
Another sign that he will not propose marriage ...

He is getting plenty of sex without being married.

TawtStrat's photo
Thu 08/21/14 01:00 PM
Yeah, or he hears people saying all the time that they're married, so sex is a thing of the past.

Erwin73's photo
Fri 08/22/14 12:20 AM
Actually, I don't agree with post 6 and 9...
I am devorced myself but definitly looking for marriage. And it's kinda difficult when you live half a world away from each other, to show her to your parents... right?

Any way, it's my opinion....

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sat 08/23/14 02:09 PM
This seems like a great thread. And a lot of good signs to look for. lol. :smile:

I wouldn't say "haunt" though lol. But I get the point of the signs.

Some people are marriage minded at different stages of their lives; and some are not, etc.

Generally, if there is marriage mindedness, and there is no proposal of marriage when dating someone for two years, then it's time to move on. No sense in wasting time either.

Some people also do not have sex, unless they are married.