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Topic: Soul Mates
bashajones's photo
Sun 08/17/14 05:32 PM
I have never believed in "soul mates". And "love-at-first-sight" is hard for me to believe in also. There're too many people in the world for me to wrap my head around those ideas. I have never felt I found my soul mate, or fallen in love-at-first-sight. Thoughts?

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 08/17/14 05:38 PM
There are times when you are talking to someone (even possible platonic friend) and they start saying things that are SO familiar.....not the cliche' ending each other's sentences....

....but the recognized "YA" that is SO close to your ideas.....

....that you can't wait to interrupt them with something that THEY already feel!

:heart: I LOVE "THAT"!!!!:heart:

Datwasntme's photo
Sun 08/17/14 05:39 PM

I have never believed in "soul mates". And "love-at-first-sight" is hard for me to believe in also. There're too many people in the world for me to wrap my head around those ideas. I have never felt I found my soul mate, or fallen in love-at-first-sight. Thoughts?

best wishes sent to you : )
really think i have , or should i say she found me : )
time will tell
was more like lust at first sight
but then blossumed in to love
then has been growing more in to a soul mate

now i can't even think i would know what to do if i didn't have her in my life

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 08/17/14 05:47 PM
Soul-mates are in the same category as faeries.
Some people actually believe that they exist.

makenwallo's photo
Sun 08/17/14 05:48 PM
Edited by makenwallo on Sun 08/17/14 06:08 PM

bashajones's photo
Sun 08/17/14 05:48 PM

There are times when you are talking to someone (even possible platonic friend) and they start saying things that are SO familiar.....not the cliche' ending each other's sentences....

....but the recognized "YA" that is SO close to your ideas.....

....that you can't wait to interrupt them with something that THEY already feel!

:heart: I LOVE "THAT"!!!!:heart:


bashajones's photo
Sun 08/17/14 05:51 PM

I have never believed in "soul mates". And "love-at-first-sight" is hard for me to believe in also. There're too many people in the world for me to wrap my head around those ideas. I have never felt I found my soul mate, or fallen in love-at-first-sight. Thoughts?

best wishes sent to you : )
really think i have , or should i say she found me : )
time will tell
was more like lust at first sight
but then blossumed in to love
then has been growing more in to a soul mate

now i can't even think i would know what to do if i didn't have her in my life

Awww...sooo freaking romantical...:heart:

m3k4y's photo
Sun 08/17/14 05:57 PM
I chus my soul mate...wich made him exist..

bashajones's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:00 PM

I chus my soul mate...wich made him exist..

Okay. THAT kinda makes sense to me.

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:18 PM
I chus to overlook typos (seriously).....cause I really like the idea of "creating" destiny!flowerforyou :banana:

bashajones's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:25 PM

I chus to overlook typos (seriously).....cause I really like the idea of "creating" destiny!flowerforyou :banana:

Freakin' liberal smartazz.

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:34 PM
Whatever Forrest GOP!

seahawks's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:39 PM

I have never believed in "soul mates". And "love-at-first-sight" is hard for me to believe in also. There're too many people in the world for me to wrap my head around those ideas. I have never felt I found my soul mate, or fallen in love-at-first-sight. Thoughts?
well if there are to many people to wrap yur head around those ideas. how bout wrappin yur legs around my head? laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker :wink:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:41 PM

I have never believed in "soul mates". And "love-at-first-sight" is hard for me to believe in also. There're too many people in the world for me to wrap my head around those ideas. I have never felt I found my soul mate, or fallen in love-at-first-sight. Thoughts?

Love at first sight, not necessarily. Soul mate, yes. Very intens and special, very different from 'normal', but still no guarantee it will last

bashajones's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:42 PM

I have never believed in "soul mates". And "love-at-first-sight" is hard for me to believe in also. There're too many people in the world for me to wrap my head around those ideas. I have never felt I found my soul mate, or fallen in love-at-first-sight. Thoughts?
well if there are to many people to wrap yur head around those ideas. how bout wrappin yur legs around my head? laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker :wink:

lol...another naughty one....tsk tsk...:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

seahawks's photo
Sun 08/17/14 06:44 PM

I have never believed in "soul mates". And "love-at-first-sight" is hard for me to believe in also. There're too many people in the world for me to wrap my head around those ideas. I have never felt I found my soul mate, or fallen in love-at-first-sight. Thoughts?
well if there are to many people to wrap yur head around those ideas. how bout wrappin yur legs around my head? laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker :wink:

lol...another naughty one....tsk tsk...:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

bashajones's photo
Sun 08/17/14 07:00 PM
My "soul mate" must have found someone

Awatersign's photo
Sun 08/17/14 08:44 PM

Soul-mates are in the same category as faeries.
Some people actually believe that they exist.
Lol now am starting to wonder!slaphead

Awatersign's photo
Sun 08/17/14 08:51 PM

I have never believed in "soul mates". And "love-at-first-sight" is hard for me to believe in also. There're too many people in the world for me to wrap my head around those ideas. I have never felt I found my soul mate, or fallen in love-at-first-sight. Thoughts?
I've felt like I've found my..."soul mate " twice,but I was wrong,maybe I just need to find a "HOLEMATE ",just sayin!think drinker

LUNG1954's photo
Mon 08/18/14 01:00 AM
Edited by LUNG1954 on Mon 08/18/14 01:04 AM
In Rutgers University's 2001 National Marriage Project Survey, 94% of 20 to 29 year olds said: "When you marry, you want your spouse to be your soul mate, first and foremost." Another 88% said: "There is a special person, a soulmate, waiting for you out there."
But even those who don't believe in soulmates consciously are just as affected by a similar idea that operates unconsciously and more powerfully.
We all hold some unconscious list of notions describing an "ideal" relationship partner. Often we recite parts of this list as what we want in a partner. But reality inevitably fails to match our ideals. And we judge and react to real people according to our ideals.
As a result, many relationships that have potential are blocked, if not lost. And dissatisfaction, unhappiness and upsets are unconsciously generated.

I'm dreaming about having a soul mate and working to turn the dream into a reality. I believe one person is out there for me, that right person.

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