Topic: WHEN DATING!.. how many dates
HoneyFly's photo
Fri 05/30/14 06:30 PM

no1phD's photo
Fri 05/30/14 06:35 PM
. that is a long quote to
. but yes been there done that.
. god bless last call..rofl rofl :banana:

TawtStrat's photo
Fri 05/30/14 06:46 PM

Well, that would depend on how the date goes but one I suppose. I'm not looking for one night stands but if I click with somebody and she's up for it I won't turn her down. I would need a really good reason to knock a woman back like one or other of us being involved with someone elseand if there's no sexual chemistry on a first date there's never a second.

I suppose that the average woman expects the men to do the chasing and I have never had a girlfriend that I didn't make it clear enough from the get go that I fancied her and I'm not some sort of a dipshit that comes on to women and then backs off if they take me up on it.
.. so I can assume . you shoot for two dates.. minimal..
.. would I be correct.. yes and I too can be won over easily..

It really depends on how it goes and also how keen I am to get a new girlfriend at the time. If she's my type we probably get into some sort of sexy conversation and that can always lead to a kiss and a cuddle but I met one recently that wasn't really the type that I usually go for and although she did come home with me, I didn't really do anything apart from trying to get to know her as a friend that night and she wasn't coming on to me either, so I just told her that I wasn't really sure that she was my type but that I would like to see her again. I think that what happened there was that we actually clicked too well mentally and she just didn't want anything serious. Also, it hadn't been that long since my last girlfriend and I was still trying to get over that.

It's basically whenever the woman is ready but I'm quite fast with them if I'm really interested because what gets me interested in them in the first place is the sexual chemistry and not so much how nice looking she is or anything like that. Well, it does make a difference if a woman is what I tend to think of as my type but I'm not that picky about that and what I think of as my type now only really became so when I met someone in my thirties that wasn't really what I thought of as my type until then.

no1phD's photo
Fri 05/30/14 06:49 PM
.. it is not a set hard and fast rule..
. but I have heard from plenty of women.. how they tend to have a number.. it often goes something like this... on first date.. you are getting along quite well.. down to the last drops of the bottle of wine. our hands are touching.. our lips have touched once or twice during the evening.. I think things are going well.
. but I wish not to rush..
. but my desire and passion. and the wine.
. are starting to override my brain..
. so I say what do you think..
we seem to be hitting it off quite well.. wink, wink,nudge, nudge
. she echoes my statement..
. but follows: up with.. I can't believe I'm about to do this... I usually wait till at least the third date...
. so my thinking is this..
. there seems to be a magic number.

stan_147's photo
Fri 05/30/14 07:10 PM
Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat!

no1phD's photo
Fri 05/30/14 07:33 PM
.. no I don't really date those types.
.. you know your momma..rofl
.. I'm just kidding about the mama part..rofl slaphead

no1phD's photo
Fri 05/30/14 07:36 PM
.. okay I'm all done quoting.
. replies to this topic..
. you all just do what you do best..
.. put your two cents in..biggrin rofl

no photo
Fri 05/30/14 07:40 PM

.. okay I'm all done quoting.
. replies to this topic..
. you all just do what you do best..
.. put your two cents in..biggrin rofl

Oh right. does it have to be cents, can I use my two penny worth.
Anyway, I've never had that many dates so I'm no expert, but for me it's either there or it isn't

soufiehere's photo
Fri 05/30/14 07:53 PM

No schedule, no timeline.
When I am in the mood, it is ON :-)
.. so if we just met..
. sleeping together would not be off the table.. on that first date..
. is this a correct assumption on my part...?

Yup :-)

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/30/14 08:04 PM

. do you go on..
before you consider letting them into your bedroom..
.. do you have a set number.?.
. is there a number.?.
. do you think a women's number would be higher.. then the man's?
. and why? or why not?

once I know a commitment is made, no set number, but I do need enough time to feel like I have seen them in different situations, and seen them handle adversity, and seen how they treat their family and friends and women in general,,lol

these days, sex is just fulfillment, so I doubt there is a lot of difference between men and women who are casually dating as to whether they set a number of dates before getting into bed together

no photo
Fri 05/30/14 08:27 PM

The magic number is three
My intent
My desire
My will

As for when I succumb ... It is not a matter of dates but of trust :-)

I get the intent to fulfill my desires with you blondey but its your will because I've shown mime!!!! Trust comes with time. .

dcastelmissy's photo
Fri 05/30/14 11:33 PM
It's a matter of commitment on both sides, mine and his, otherwise it's not dependent on anything else, including the number of dates, wine, or anything else. Lines of some sort have to be in place, not to mention proof of no STD's, which most overlook. Unpopular view I know, but of so much importance in the long run. Color me stupid if you like, but nothing and no one is worth so much that I lose my good judgment.

18bravo1's photo
Sat 05/31/14 12:45 AM
I agree

jacktrades's photo
Sat 05/31/14 01:28 AM
To be honest I am the type of person who is very cautious so just to invite someone to my house I would have to had a few positive dates with them, but once I entertain at home its cocktails and hopefully some naked twister.laugh

no photo
Sat 05/31/14 06:10 AM
Great question phD. For me, I usually like to wait til at least the 3rd date. That way you can possibly establish a connection of chemistry between the 2 of ya, and hopefully be able to use full disclosure in conversation about sex.

no1phD's photo
Sat 05/31/14 07:33 AM
.. thank you everyone.. from what I'm hearing.. it is beginning to sound like..
by the third date#3.. it is when a lot of people reach their comfort zone.. and this seems to reflect what I have discovered myself...hmm.. you know what.. I love dating. sex or no sex.
. just going out on a date is nice.
all on its own...The anticipation. the planning of the date.. even the what should I wear part...laugh .. oh yeah I almost forgot.. I think women have a higher number than men.. and rightly so.. because you know us men.
. once we have entered your bedroom... the fine dining ends.
. and the let's order take out and stay in begins.!!!.slaphead drool drinks flowers flowers

no photo
Sat 05/31/14 08:12 AM
No dates forsad me

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Sat 05/31/14 04:46 PM
Hiya PHD. How ya doiiiiiiiiiiiiin? :). Hope I don't confuse the heck out of you, but I actually don't have a set number. It all depends how well we know each other. If it was someone I chatted with, regularly, on the forum, I'd be more likely to let him have his way with me, MAYBE on the first date. Yet if it was someone I hadn't got to know very well, then it could take a while.

TBRich's photo
Sat 05/31/14 05:14 PM
Depends, seems the more I like a woman the longer it takes. The longer it takes the more likely she does something to irk me into not wanting to. Although, a lot of my dates recently it happened on the the first date and usually they are too nutty to ask out again. So am I actually dating? or just prescreening? dunno. BTW, I rarely get turned on anymore by most women and the sex is their idea- I may lead them on by acting like I like them, just to be nice, but how long can you listen to how she can't get the Keurig to work and she is worried the dog threw up. I was with a woman today who had such a laugh, I finally had to mimic it and go "Huh huh huh, Fire Bad!" in my best Frankenstein voice. Someone save me from the banality and ennui of all of this. Anything further father? Anything further father? Shouldn't that be anything father further? From the day that first commenced it, I'm against it! Does anyone know where I put my glasses? Gee, now I am rambling on

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 05/31/14 05:23 PM

. do you go on..
before you consider letting them into your bedroom..
.. do you have a set number.?.
. is there a number.?.
. do you think a women's number would be higher.. then the man's?
. and why? or why not?

The answer depends on what standard that you use to determine right from wrong, and you Humans have varying standards.