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Topic: Wants To Discuss "US"
ImWhtUWnt19's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:13 PM
Ok so as I had posted earlier today me and this guy have been talking and we agreed to stay friends but tehn he called and said hes on his way over because he wants to talk about possibly becoming more than friends with me and I need all the advice on what to do

heartbrokenbaby's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:15 PM
hi chirs

whos the guy

ImWhtUWnt19's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:15 PM
His names Dave

mishaellyn's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:17 PM
Have you met in person before?

ImWhtUWnt19's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:19 PM
We hung out twice...

Duffy's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:23 PM
u r afraid because he is coming over and u have already hung out 2ce, and he wants what?

oh boy. i think that you should think 2ce about what u r doing here, and tell him not to come over until u invite him...

i think that is the rule. no drop by's unless prearranged......
then, consult your witch doctor, take 2 lizards to calm u down and chase that with some jack daniels.

Izzy8's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:24 PM
I honestly would meet in a nutural place.

If you hung out only 2x and then decided to be friends and he then says he wants to come over to discuss more than a friendship with you?


Really think about this. If it doesnt feel right....

ImWhtUWnt19's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:24 PM
No I invited him over to hang out and hes like ok good because I wanna talk to you and Is aid bout what and he said "us" so im kinda nervous because I wanna date him so badly but idk

ImWhtUWnt19's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:28 PM
Someone please juss give me advice on what and what not to say when we tlk bout this...

lissa_327's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:31 PM

Aren't you the one who was screaming the last couple of days about how alone you have been for the past 5 months or whatever. See what he has to say, if you agree fine go for it. If any of it sounds like something you dont want say NO, you can say no ya know. Good Luck!

lissa_327's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:31 PM
settle down before you blow a freaking gasket. If it was meant to be it will happen.

ImWhtUWnt19's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:33 PM
LOL thanks im juss freaking outt and I have no clue why

shadow_princess's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:34 PM
ugh chris must i cheer again??:tongue:

ImWhtUWnt19's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:34 PM

shadow_princess's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:37 PM
fine butttt not here the whole short shorts thing sooo not pretty :tongue:

no photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:38 PM
Your heart will tell you what you need to know when you hear what he has to say. But, I agree with lissa, make sure it's what YOU want as well. Don't settle for what you don't want, you'll only be miserable in the end. Believe it or not, if it's not right, there will be someone who will be right.

ImWhtUWnt19's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:42 PM
I suree hope so

shadow_princess's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:43 PM
ya should check ur inbox there bud

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 09/18/07 03:18 PM
From no guys to 2 guys? ... guess you're getting what you wish for. Good luck to you! :smile:

ImWhtUWnt19's photo
Tue 09/18/07 03:38 PM
Ok so he`ll be hea soon and he wants to go outt somewhee but wants to know where I ant us to go please gimme advice on a nie good place to go and talk...

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