Topic: Can love see or blind?
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Sun 04/27/14 11:17 AM
It sounds alike to my understanding, but i need more commet on these question.

kc0003's photo
Sun 04/27/14 11:23 AM
love's not a mirror and love isn't blind
but it can hide the things we don't want to find

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Sun 04/27/14 12:11 PM

Can love see or blind

It sounds alike to my understanding, but i need more commet on these question.

Love sees more than we think it does and if it's strong enough it overlooks what can weaken it. So yes, love can turn a blind eye when it chooses too.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/27/14 12:18 PM
Love sees what it wants to see. I have seen people so blind to what was going on right in front of them if you carved it on the forehead they would not comprehend it. Which tends to make me believe some people are more obsessed than in real love with someone. Many so called lovers are nothing more than scammers and bullies or worse sick in the head themselves. Tend to think like attracts like.

orangesandapples's photo
Sun 04/27/14 12:39 PM
I tend to agree with PacificStar48. It is so sad sometimes to see a couple who think the other person loves them, but it is a lie. The other partner cheats, betrays and lies at the drop of a hat and no matter what you say, the person still believes that they have a perfect relationship. It is so sad.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 04/27/14 12:50 PM
The blind fall in love, just like everyone else.

Raziel92's photo
Sun 04/27/14 04:50 PM
As a Latin man..I believe that getting to the LOVE is blind...twist and turns but once your there its super a clear day

no photo
Sun 04/27/14 08:37 PM
Love is confusing .it can control your mind , soul and body.and can only open your mind and eyes free when it's over. That is when you can begin to see even in the is strong and can calm down all the strong,the fierce,naughty... Name it

Solace84's photo
Mon 04/28/14 04:55 AM
When they say love is blind,it means,when your in love you see no faults.....Or see faults and behave as if they don't exist.......Some say love is irrational,but am here to say love is rational 'cause these days,folks fall in love with their eyes wide open :)

CindeLLe's photo
Tue 05/06/14 12:08 AM
Love is blind because lovers refuse to see

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Tue 05/06/14 03:26 AM
I think most walk into it blindly. One example, is my mum and my stepdad. I hate to admit that. And should feel ashamed for ever mentioning it. My stepdad has drove her away from most of our relatives. According to him, she's only allowed to communicate with HIS side of our family. He's really controlling. I know a LOT of people aren't keen on a step parent, but this isn't what it boils down to anyway. I just wish she could see past her love for him.