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Topic: how to convience my gf for love making :p
hearthacker0007's photo
Tue 02/18/14 06:05 AM
i really need it...we r very happy 2gether ...she sed after marriage :(

no photo
Tue 02/18/14 06:27 AM
It should not take "convincing." It could look like you do not respect her wishes. I think you should respect her wishes. If you cannot do that, then maybe rethink what it is you really want.

no photo
Tue 02/18/14 06:45 AM

It should not take "convincing." It could look like you do not respect her wishes. I think you should respect her wishes. If you cannot do that, then maybe rethink what it is you really want.

I totally agree!

hearthacker0007's photo
Tue 02/18/14 06:50 AM

It should not take "convincing." It could look like you do not respect her wishes. I think you should respect her wishes. If you cannot do that, then maybe rethink what it is you really want.

nah...its not lyk tht...we are 2gether for almost four years....nd i dnt think we will marry soon :(

sybariticguy's photo
Tue 02/18/14 06:51 AM
While she requires you to be held sexual hostage i suggest you find a gal to have an adult relationship. Realize you are not required to maintain her sexual values and are entitled to yours and if she objects then point out she needs to address your needs before asking you to give yours up for her! She is a female chauvinist. If you love someone you dont ask them to prove your love and if they do then suggest they have no right to ask of you what they cannot offer.

 Maria195's photo
Tue 02/18/14 07:20 AM
I think she has a nice family values and also you can tell she has respect for herself, so maybe you should respect her wishes also. Because it seems you two might no be ready for marriage so she is not ready to give herself to you. Accept her and respect her and if you can't wait until marriage then move on or do what is best for you!

sparkyae5's photo
Tue 02/18/14 07:20 AM
Edited by sparkyae5 on Tue 02/18/14 07:33 AM
respect her or move on.....its not rocket science.....this is a good example of why woman say they can not find a good guy......a big component of love is respect for the other person in what they believe in there heart of hearts.....

metalwing's photo
Tue 02/18/14 07:31 AM

respect her or move on.....its not rocket science.....

Agreed. You live in a part of the world where sexual choices can have greater lifelong impact than here in America. You are very young. It sounds like your partner is more mature than you. Listen to her.

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 02/18/14 07:32 AM
While I do agree you should respect her wishes if you wish to be with her. Sometimes the best things in life are worth waiting for. I personally couldn't do it. Of course I also wouldn't buy a car without driving it first or a ring without getting it fitted either.laugh

hearthacker0007's photo
Tue 02/18/14 07:35 AM

respect her or move on.....its not rocket science.....

i respect her alot...i neva forced her...nd i neva tld her abt my feelings tht i want jst asking u guys..if there is any proper way to convience/ask her...wat her u call it

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 02/18/14 07:42 AM

respect her or move on.....its not rocket science.....

i respect her alot...i neva forced her...nd i neva tld her abt my feelings tht i want jst asking u guys..if there is any proper way to convience/ask her...wat her u call it

Well you shouldn't hide your feelings from her. Open and honest communication is a good foundation for any relationship. Especially when you don't agree on a certain subject.

 Maria195's photo
Tue 02/18/14 07:44 AM

respect her or move on.....its not rocket science.....

i respect her alot...i neva forced her...nd i neva tld her abt my feelings tht i want jst asking u guys..if there is any proper way to convience/ask her...wat her u call it

I think you should stop to try to convince her, otherwise you might pressure her to do something she is not willing to do then regret later. So if you do just be prepared to face the consequence!!!

hearthacker0007's photo
Tue 02/18/14 08:57 AM
alrite.i'll try not to think abt not telling her cz once we talked abt couples having se* & all befo marriage...nd i got to kno her i decided its better to jst keep quite than telling her my then she'l b upset tht she is nt able to fulfill my wish or she might do it 4 i dnt want it to in this way...

 Maria195's photo
Tue 02/18/14 09:50 AM

alrite.i'll try not to think abt not telling her cz once we talked abt couples having se* & all befo marriage...nd i got to kno her i decided its better to jst keep quite than telling her my then she'l b upset tht she is nt able to fulfill my wish or she might do it 4 i dnt want it to in this way...

To me you are making the right choice, but after all is up to you. Good luck with wherever you choose.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 02/18/14 10:11 AM
Tell her that you've tried it and that she will really like it.

I don't know man. I think that you could probably get into her pants unless she's totally fridgid. That's not rocket science either but like someone touched on above, there might be some guilty feelings afterwards. The thing is though, I don't really get how a horny guy could be happy with a woman like that. Four f**king years? That would make me desperate enough to marry her.

hellsboy's photo
Tue 02/18/14 10:14 AM
I never thought that I need to convince my gf for love making!!! She is my gf... I love her... she loves me... we love each other and so love is made already. .. love shud be dere... love can never be made my friend.... it can just be felt!!!!

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 02/18/14 10:20 AM
Hey man, he doesn't want platitudes. He's asking us how he can get his hole.

hellsboy's photo
Tue 02/18/14 10:26 AM
Lol tawt... he asked for love making. .. n u talking about sex.... I know people say sex n love making is same but for me sex is what u can have wid anyone but lovemaking is wid one u love n is really special. .. love making is a special feeling you will have wid ur mate on bed... try feeling it.. hope u understand

 Maria195's photo
Tue 02/18/14 10:28 AM
Edited by Maria195 on Tue 02/18/14 10:29 AM
Wow! I'm in shock just to read how ignorant can some people be to think the way about woman...WOW! Just think if that girl was your daughter would you give the same suggestion? slaphead

hellsboy's photo
Tue 02/18/14 10:38 AM
Maria whom u addressed ur comment on??
Hope not me??tears

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