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Topic: Bush declared war on Iran
joshyfox's photo
Mon 09/03/07 01:13 PM
Knox, Forge's not over there fighting most likely because the army would not take a new recruit who is over 60, no offense to Forge.

What's with the needless insulting and aggression Knox?

I can honestly can say that I have no idea how well or how poorly the occupation of Iraq is going and I figure the media is probably not feeding us the whole story one way or another. All I know is testimony from some soldiers who HAVE come home and said "We have to stay in Iraq." There are even troops who re-enlisted for another tour in Iraq, I don't care how patriotic you are, you don't sign up for a military campaign if you think it's a waste of time.

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 01:17 PM
Have you read his past posts, Josh? You should.

Maybe I did go over the line. Maybe my emotions poured out. But, honestly, I'm sick and tired of people who're constantly wanting us to fight everyone in the world, while they just sit back and talk about it.

Forge can take it. Knowing him, he'll come back with something. Of course, I'll be ready.

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 02:19 PM
I am back at my keyboard, now, having calmed down from a rare fit of anger. Emotions are a funny thing. you like to think you're always in control. Most of us are, mainly. Every once in a while, though, life itself, along with trying circumstances can cause a person's fuse to somehow shorten. Min did, and the result was a post I wrote a few posts ago in this column.

Anyone who's read my posts on here knows full well my feelings towards the Bush Administration and the War in Iraq. I won't repeat that, there's enough of my posts out there that explain fully. No, I'm here right now, not to further this debate, but rather to make a statement:

I'd like to, at this time, offer a personal apology to Gardenforge. My emotions overcame me, and I lashed out in what I consider to be an unprofessional matter. No matter our disagreements, we're all supposed to be friends at the end of the day. I apologize for the name-calling. Gardenforge, you are entitled to your opinion, as am I. We can debate the issues(we usually do), and keep it at a professional(well, as professional as it can get here)level. I was wrong to attack you on a personal level, and I offer my sincerest apologies for that. I wanted to say I'm sorry in this forum as opposed to private e-mail because someone who insuls another in a public forum SHOULD be man enough to say he's wrong in the same forum.

I'd also like to apologize to everyone else here who read my prior post. I know we all have our moments, but I like to think I can keep my emotions in check. Insulting someone else here is something I shouldn't have done, and something you all shouldn't have had to read.

I promise I'll stay on an even keel from here on in. Of course, I'll still be stating and defending my opinions here--but, from now on, in more of a courteous manner.

Thank you everyone for reading this.


gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/03/07 02:39 PM
Temper Temper knoxy, I love it when liberals get backed into a corner they lash out and start calling names, such pathetic people. Next thing I know you will do your Swan Song again and deactivate laugh

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 02:50 PM
Now, Forgedrinker .....

On a serious note here:

No, I don't have a plan to get us out of this mess our "leaders" have gotten us into(I don't think you do, either, but I won't go into that for now). I truly wish I did. But, let me ask you a question. Try to answer seriously, I'm interested in knowing what you think on this.

Say I did have a plan. A foolproof plan. One guaranteed to work. Do you, for one second, think ANYBODY on either side of the asile in Congress, Senate, or the White House is gonna listen? You know as well as I do that they all, Republican and Democrat, have their agendas up their? The next good idea most politicians in Washington have will be the FIRST good idea they have.

I don't dislike Republicans. Hell, I've VOTED for some of them(Reagan TWICE). But I do hate the Bush Administration. And every REAL Republican should, too. This admin. will drag the entire party down.

davinci1952's photo
Mon 09/03/07 04:40 PM
indifferent indifferent

Hennnery's photo
Mon 09/03/07 04:45 PM
noway Please excuse me for blunderig in as if I knew anything, But if wusco was a great WAR leader,then how is it that he was hiding under the sheets while AWOL durring Vietnam???

Afganistan Had NO MILITARY, IRAQ Surrendered but wusco blew the hell out of it anyway...

Iran is not only in tact,but wusco has told them our boys will be there soon...

OK, so if Knot Head attacks Iran, we are going to be Loosing Flat Tops and Submarines, Israel need to concern herself with Iran,Because Russia will Nuke Israel...

The wusco adminestration has screwed China Good, So Guess What???

Everything west of The Rockies is Forfit to China...

Who in their right mind left this gang of FOOLs and theives in charge??? noway

mnhiker's photo
Mon 09/03/07 04:49 PM
So knoxman, what's the problem then?

If this administration drags down
the whole Republican party, then
the Republican party, which now
exists as lapdog sycophants for
the Bush Administration, will fail
in November 2008.

Then they will be forced to reinvent
their party, and, maybe (dare to dream)
they will become true conservatives
and quit wasting the public money
on wars and bridges to nowhere.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/03/07 04:59 PM
You got to be kidding Knox, Congress listen to a citizen without money. If you look out your window tomorrow and see hell froze over you will know it happened laugh

Actually I do have a couple plans for Iraq but they are not not a popular ones.

Plan A

1. Seal and I mean SEAL the borders with Syria and Iran.

2. Pull all the troops back to the Kuait Border

3. Point them toward the Iran and Syran borders and tell them to kick ass and take names and leave no armed enemy behind you.

4. When you get to the border call for further insturctions.

5. If you see a member of the press in your area of operation consider that person hostile and fire of them.

6. Tell the Iraq Government that they have 24 hours to step up to the plate and take on some responsibility with out bickering or they will be parachuted en mass into Tehran.

Plan B.

Pull all troops out of Iraq immediately and relocate them to Kuait where they can rest and relax while the factions in Iraq fight it out amoung themselves. Then nuke the winner.

mnhiker's photo
Mon 09/03/07 07:49 PM
Song of the Republicans:

(To the tune of "Those Were the Days")

"Mister, we could use
a man like Ronald Reagan again..." laugh

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 09:10 PM

Your # 6 point is what I've been saying all along, if you've read my posts. That's the whole problem in a nutshell. We need to put pressure on the Iraqis to start taking some responsibility for themselves. Aren't you tired of giving them billions in "welfare" and having nothing to show for it?

You know, when we first went there, a lot of people said the Iraqis would learn "The American Way". Isn't a shame that they've chosen to emulate the laziest amounst us(undeserving welfare recipients)?

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