Topic: why do bad things happen to good people..!!!
KinBarrie's photo
Sun 09/08/13 04:25 PM



I think it's the other guy. You know, the one
downstairs saying that.:wink:

His weewee can talk??? noway

Blasphemy Edy. Repent!:angry:

Mean the devil.

Be more specific next time grumble


It's ok, Edy. I can't make you.

Sorry, I wasn't more specific about it.

But be careful, or I'll do absolutely nothing
next time.:angry: laugh

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 09/08/13 05:08 PM
Compared to who or what is a person "good"?

jacktrades's photo
Sun 09/08/13 05:14 PM
I have learned not to look to deep into it. Its life, a series of events some good, some bad ,some terrible. Its part of the ride.

navygirl's photo
Sun 09/08/13 07:14 PM

Is it a punishment?
Is it a examination?
Is it a misunderstanding as to considering the qualities of being GOOD?
or else..?

I figure I was a terrible person in a past life and this why these awful things keep happening to me.

In seriousness I believe what cases hurt is a human's
innate sense to want things. The more we want, the more
we hurt.

Guess it must be my fault for wanting a roof over my head and food in my stomach which is the cause of bad things are happening to me. slaphead

Tallan0104's photo
Sun 09/08/13 07:53 PM
I have asked that question for years! If your a god fearing person you have to have faith that God has a plan, and us mere mortals are just not hip enough to always understand it. I am having to ask for strength on a daily basis and I am usually shown what I need to get through it. I don't know why we have to go through these tribulations, but I'm guessing it is to make us stronger for a future endeavor. On a personal note, I am going through my own drama. And while I don't get why, I have to keep the faith

navygirl's photo
Sun 09/08/13 07:54 PM

I have asked that question for years! If your a god fearing person you have to have faith that God has a plan, and us mere mortals are just not hip enough to always understand it. I am having to ask for strength on a daily basis and I am usually shown what I need to get through it. I don't know why we have to go through these tribulations, but I'm guessing it is to make us stronger for a future endeavor. On a personal note, I am going through my own drama. And while I don't get why, I have to keep the faith

And what happens when it becomes too much to deal with and a person ends their life? Is that God's plan too?

KinBarrie's photo
Sun 09/08/13 08:15 PM

Is it a punishment?
Is it a examination?
Is it a misunderstanding as to considering the qualities of being GOOD?
or else..?

I figure I was a terrible person in a past life and this why these awful things keep happening to me.

In seriousness I believe what cases hurt is a human's
innate sense to want things. The more we want, the more
we hurt.

Guess it must be my fault for wanting a roof over my head and food in my stomach which is the cause of bad things are happening to me. slaphead

Not what I meant, Navygirl.

I meant "things" as in things that aren't necessities.
Material good and other junk we think we need, but in
reality don't. :wink:

Rizajune's photo
Sun 09/08/13 08:16 PM
It's not a punishment! It happens for us to become a better person :) as we overcome those "bad things" we're saying, we became stronger and we need that in our daily living facing differrent consequences. We should always thank God for allowing us to continue life, no matter how good or bad the things we encounter :)

KinBarrie's photo
Sun 09/08/13 08:21 PM

I have asked that question for years! If your a god fearing person you have to have faith that God has a plan, and us mere mortals are just not hip enough to always understand it. I am having to ask for strength on a daily basis and I am usually shown what I need to get through it. I don't know why we have to go through these tribulations, but I'm guessing it is to make us stronger for a future endeavor. On a personal note, I am going through my own drama. And while I don't get why, I have to keep the faith

Tallan, life is tough, no question. We can never
blame God for whatever is thrown at us. All the
negative things in the world don't come from him.
They come from satan, his minions and people themselves.

Just keep the faith my friend. Everything has a way
of working itself out. Will pray that things get
better for you soon.:smile:

KinBarrie's photo
Sun 09/08/13 08:23 PM
Edited by KinBarrie on Sun 09/08/13 08:26 PM

I have asked that question for years! If your a god fearing person you have to have faith that God has a plan, and us mere mortals are just not hip enough to always understand it. I am having to ask for strength on a daily basis and I am usually shown what I need to get through it. I don't know why we have to go through these tribulations, but I'm guessing it is to make us stronger for a future endeavor. On a personal note, I am going through my own drama. And while I don't get why, I have to keep the faith

And what happens when it becomes too much to deal with and a person ends their life? Is that God's plan too?

Nope. That's satans plan when a person who gives into
committing suicide. Suicide comes from negative emotions
and feelings, which as I stated above in another post
comes from the devil, satan and his minions.

KinBarrie's photo
Sun 09/08/13 08:24 PM

It's not a punishment! It happens for us to become a better person :) as we overcome those "bad things" we're saying, we became stronger and we need that in our daily living facing differrent consequences. We should always thank God for allowing us to continue life, no matter how good or bad the things we encounter :)

I 100% agree with you here.:smile:

Tallan0104's photo
Sun 09/08/13 08:25 PM
I have asked that question for years! If your a god fearing person you have to have faith that God has a plan, and us mere mortals are just not hip enough to always understand it. I am having to ask for strength on a daily basis and I am usually shown what I need to get through it. I don't know why we have to go through these tribulations, but I'm guessing it is to make us stronger for a future endeavor. On a personal note, I am going through my own drama. And while I don't get why, I have to keep the faith

elizabethdejesus's photo
Sun 09/08/13 10:23 PM
good and bad always go together our life is ful of mysteries weder u r a gud or bad person, problems(bad) has solutions en if gud things happen thank God:)

no photo
Mon 09/09/13 12:45 AM

Bad things do happen to bad people, but they
deserve it more than the good.

I'm wonderful.It's just not fair, dammit! Why? Why-hyhyhyhyhyh!!sad

Is it time for a nap perhaps ?

I have to take my medication first!:angry: :wink:

*flicks your ear* watch your tone young man! grumble

fruitful conversation, keep going..may get some solution.
Getting bad output with bad input may be accepted but whats if we get good results with bad input.
some outputs may be result of lack of prudence but it has no relevance of being good or bad.
ultimate of topic is, good people suffer more negatives compare to others, why?

Clears throat. Sorry maam, need to take my pills first.laugh

I had a very busy morning doing nothing.

Wow you were doing exactly what I did too love
Maybe that's why bad things happen to me...cause I'm not doing anything to prevent them?

no photo
Mon 09/09/13 01:20 AM

Is it a punishment?
Is it a examination?
Is it a misunderstanding as to considering the qualities of being GOOD?
or else..?

I figure I was a terrible person in a past life and this why these awful things keep happening to me.

In seriousness I believe what cases hurt is a human's
innate sense to want things. The more we want, the more
we hurt.

Is every thing ends with questing god or his supervision?
of course,bad or good are part of same coin (life).
To me, if good thing happens with bad doing ,still its not preferred.
then what?
praying is a good thing but not every thing..
being satisfied with limits is good but not a solution..
living with ideology,ethics and super values are the basic of being human but these are not guarantee for food,shelter,safety and much more.
Life is "limit" for human for necessity,desire,dreams,pleasure and more and its need great equation at different stage. Failure at one stage hampers other stage and results in hardship at every stage and it goes on..!!!

Guess it must be my fault for wanting a roof over my head and food in my stomach which is the cause of bad things are happening to me. slaphead

uche9aa's photo
Mon 09/09/13 01:43 AM
well,"all things work together for good to those who love God;to those who are called according to his purpose".

Duday40's photo
Mon 09/09/13 03:51 AM
Wrong people always speak the right words

huntn1234's photo
Mon 09/09/13 04:06 AM
While all of what you all have said seems to make a far argument. I believe a careful study of The Book Of Job may give us a better vision of why bad things happen to good people. Right along the idea presented "to forge us into stronger people" :smile: a

uche9aa's photo
Mon 09/09/13 04:27 AM
Pls take note that not every "good people" qualify to be 'Job' of the bible nor qualify to claim the promise of God to say that all things work together for good for them.Reason is that some may think they are good but by God's standard,they are rotten eggs and criminals.Only genuine repentance,total hate for sin and radical turning away from filth of the mind,flesh and the world of unrighteousness qualify you to claim the promise.That is only possible by faith in Jesus

no photo
Mon 09/09/13 08:03 AM

Is it a punishment?
Is it a examination?
Is it a misunderstanding as to considering the qualities of being GOOD?
or else..?

I figure I was a terrible person in a past life and this why these awful things keep happening to me.

In seriousness I believe what cases hurt is a human's
innate sense to want things. The more we want, the more
we hurt.

Guess it must be my fault for wanting a roof over my head and food in my stomach which is the cause of bad things are happening to me. slaphead
well stop that, silly woman tongue2