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Topic: dating a non drinker
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Thu 10/30/14 04:33 PM
Edited by unknown_romeo on Thu 10/30/14 04:31 PM


A woman said this exact same thing to me a long time ago. By the time I was done with her she never wanted to say that again to me,or any other man for that matter.

You see, Here is the truth of the matter. If a person, man or woman,can't have any fun without alcohol in them,They have a problem. Not the person who doesn't drink. I may step on some toes here. But when it comes to booze,There's nothing about it I don't know. I know that road. I've been down it.

You take a person who just has to have a beer,or whatever their drug of choice may be. If they can't have fun with other people without a drink,It's a personality flaw. It's the truth whether they like it or not. When you get off from work at the end of the week and all you want to do is kick back the next few days and have a few beers, Wed comes and you're already thinking about it. Thursday comes and you can almost taste it. Friday morning,And all day at work you're already thinking about your stop to pick up your Blue Ribbon.

5:pm and out the door you go. Your mouth is wet with anticipation of that first cold one. You can't get to the store fast enough. It bugs you because you are stuck in the check out lane. Some pecker head got ahead of you with two shopping carts full of almost everything in the store. And to cap it all off,They are paying for everything with coupons.

You finally make it through the check out. You hurry home to get it on ice with what you already have. You finally get to pop that cold one.

The one thing you don't realize,You gotta problem. You gotta monkey on your back. You can't have any fun with people who don't drink. You are so use to having some booze whenever you are out anywhere or have people over at your place,You have absolutely ZERO personality without your liquid crutch.

It goes deeper than this. This is just a part of it. I've been through it and out the other side. Nothing I don't know about it.

I'll tell you this though. If you meet someone and that person has a drink here and there, They control the booze,The booze doesn't control them,They can have a drink and be social. They know their stopping point and they never cross it. You never see that person drunk. They don't drink to get drunk. She/he could care less that you don't drink. They are OK with it, They may be OK if you want to date.

But, If you see everything besides this, RUN! That person will make your life a miserable he11 if you get in to deep with them.


You are absolutely spot on there.
I had a similar Experience where she had a problem with drinking which eventually destroyed the relationship. I used to drink as well but quit 8 Months ago and ive learnt my lesson the hard way about never to get involved with a drinker.

whattheheywastaken's photo
Fri 10/31/14 10:38 AM

I was told I'm too boring to date because I can't keep up

But can she walk a strait line?

no photo
Fri 10/31/14 10:48 AM

Sure, as long as they had no problem with me drinking.

yep, I'll go with this, as long as they can put up with my giggling when I do drink:smile:

Tryztan's photo
Sun 11/02/14 03:15 AM
I don't drink. So it would be ideal for me really.

Angeltripping17's photo
Sun 11/02/14 05:14 AM
I really don't understand why it should be an issue in the first place ?

willn1k's photo
Fri 06/26/15 08:34 AM
I wish I knew

Jesusprincessmt's photo
Sun 06/28/15 03:42 AM
I don't drink, but an occasional drink does not hurt. I do not believe in putting extra toxins in my body if I can help it. The environment has plenty of those. I would rather date a non drinker. That would be ideal, but it is rare to find a man that does not drink alcohol.

no photo
Sun 06/28/15 04:10 AM
I'd prefer a non drinker, non smoker, non drug user. But if they do, it shouldn't control them.

Annierooroo's photo
Sun 06/28/15 04:25 AM
Edited by Annierooroo on Sun 06/28/15 04:26 AM
It doesn't bother me. They can drink or not as long as they can handle it.
After a hard day of work in the heat a nice cold beer is always good.

willn1k's photo
Sun 06/28/15 01:49 PM
I don't drink, but an occasional drink does not hurt. I do not believe in putting extra toxins in my body if I can help it. The environment has plenty of those. I would rather date a non drinker. That would be ideal, but it is rare to find a man that does not drink alcohol.

I wish I could meet more people like you

lynnleeds's photo
Sun 06/28/15 01:53 PM
well I don't drink am tee total.

willn1k's photo
Tue 08/18/15 10:23 PM
I have been asked to take a lie detector test to proved that I'm completely straight edge. not even my family believe I tried drinking or smoking.

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 08/18/15 10:28 PM
Well, I don't know.......do tranquilizers work if you put them in Coke...or Pepsi...whatever she prefers.


no photo
Tue 08/18/15 11:13 PM

I've ask this question before but not like this. Could you date a non drinker? why? Don't say designated driver.

Of course so. Why not?. If my mate doesn't care to or prefers not to drink that is fine with me.

I chose not to eat broccoli... I hope I would not be discounted for that.

dnewnew's photo
Wed 08/19/15 10:38 AM
Yes I could date a non-drinker as I am one myself. I once got rejected by a guy I messaged "hi" to, on another site. His profile stated he enjoyed fine dining & fine wines. There was other stuff in his profile that I found interesting which is why I messaged him. He messaged me back saying that since my profile stated I didn't drink, and that was part of his fine dining experience as well as going to wine bars, he was only looking for someone who could appreciate that. Oh well...I guess it would be gauche if I asked for a soda in a wine bar. We were not compatible as to lifestyle interests is all.

BTW, OP you stated "every woman I know drinks"???, does that mean drinking to the point of inebriation or just a glass of wine with dinner. If getting drunk is the main point of their evening out, then no...not a match for you. However, no one, drinker or non-drinker, should have to feel like the other person is judging them for their choice or that their choice is an issue making the other person uncomfortable. If you know X girl drinks heavily when she goes out...just don't go out with her. Perhaps Y girl who only has one beer the whole night would be a better choice. Even better...can you arrange for a date where there will be no food/alcohol issues at all - go to a museum or the zoo...stuff you do in the daytime usually has less of a chance to involve alcohol.

Good luck

be_Calm's photo
Wed 08/19/15 03:29 PM
Edited by be_Calm on Wed 08/19/15 03:29 PM
Not being able to date a non drinker is like saying, someone is only fun if their a drunk . which i find very untrue

willn1k's photo
Fri 08/21/15 05:22 PM
not everyone thinks that way

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 08/21/15 06:22 PM
I don't drink after watching how ignorant most people act when they drink. And how many of them obviously are not having a good time. You see them setting there choking it down and looking half sick. What fun is that? Besides it is expensive as can be. You can eat a nice dinner for what one mixed drink costs and if you mess up your car that is real misery.

All to often drinkers do things, say things they regret, or should, and can't take back. Doesn't even count the multitude of fights it causes. And injuries. My idea of a good date is not ending up in the ER room. And lets face it if you think a person can be nasty sober can you imagine them loaded on booze?

I consider myself kind of lucky that booze makes me feel like garbage almost immediately and for certain for several days after so it is just not worth it.

Especially when I can cut up and act as silly as I want sober and know what I really did the next day.

dreamerana's photo
Fri 08/21/15 07:08 PM
I'm not a drinker. it's not a problem to go out with people who do as long as they don't try to push alcoholic drinks on me.
mist of the time it's not a bad thing because the people I spend time with know their limits.
I'm seeing someone now, but when I did go put on dates, a person's actions even when drinking say a lot.
if I have to babysit an alcoholic, won't spend much time with that person.

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