Topic: A critique of atheism
msharmony's photo
Mon 06/24/13 12:32 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 06/24/13 12:34 PM
I dont think he is a fool, I think perhaps he has misphrased or blurred the line between homsexuality and christianity

christians are not free from any sinful behavior,, christians just aknowledge the sin , repent, and try to turn from it

non christians embrace it,,,,

this again, is defining christian by actual behavior and not self titles,,,,

there are those struggling with all t ypes of sin, including sexual, who only struggle because they are christians who believe in the sin of their behavior

'proud' homosexuals are but one of the types who are not living 'christian' life,,,'proud' sodomites (Who can also be heterosexual), and proudly promiscuious,,,etc,,, are a couple or the several others,,,,,

because the op seems to isolate homosexuals in his opinions, it feels more of the partial truth and easier to attack,,,,

no photo
Mon 06/24/13 12:38 PM
The only "sin" is to entertain feelings of condemnation and judgement towards others, and to be upset or obsessed by what other people are doing, thinking, believing and feeling.

I believe if a person wants to help change the world, the place to begin with change, is yourself.

ViaMusica's photo
Mon 06/24/13 12:39 PM

The only "sin" is to entertain feelings of condemnation and judgement towards others, and to be upset or obsessed by what other people are doing, thinking, believing and feeling.

I believe if a person wants to help change the world, the place to begin with change, is yourself.


msharmony's photo
Mon 06/24/13 02:42 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 06/24/13 02:43 PM

The only "sin" is to entertain feelings of condemnation and judgement towards others, and to be upset or obsessed by what other people are doing, thinking, believing and feeling.

I believe if a person wants to help change the world, the place to begin with change, is yourself.

if that is your definition of sin,,

than perhaps condemning those who condemn is equally sinful?


discernment and judgment are human not sinful,,,

hypocrisy,, judging by a standard you dont feel you should live,, however

is frowned upon by both religious and non religious

no photo
Mon 06/24/13 06:46 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 06/24/13 07:00 PM

The only "sin" is to entertain feelings of condemnation and judgement towards others, and to be upset or obsessed by what other people are doing, thinking, believing and feeling.

I believe if a person wants to help change the world, the place to begin with change, is yourself.

if that is your definition of sin,,

than perhaps condemning those who condemn is equally sinful?


discernment and judgment are human not sinful,,,

hypocrisy,, judging by a standard you dont feel you should live,, however

is frowned upon by both religious and non religious

Who am I condemning? No one. I personally do not believe in the concept of "sin."

So many people insist on it though.ohwell whoa

If you are one who entertains feelings of condemnation and judgement towards others and you identify with what I wrote about "sin" then you have condemned and judged yourself.

You can only 'sin' against yourself when you fill your head with criticism and judgement of others. It can only be harmful to you when you are choosing to be unhappy and upset because of how other people want and choose to live their lives.

God is in everyone, and omnipresent. When you judge others, you judge God. I tell you this for your own information. Your judgement of others does not concern me. I understand it.

no photo
Mon 06/24/13 07:04 PM
When you insist on the concept of "sin" that alone requires you to be judgmental of others. Telling people that everyone is a "sinner" (because the Bible says so) is illogical IMO.

Mankind makes rules and laws. God does not. God's law is the law of vibration. (cause and effect, karma, etc.)

no photo
Mon 06/24/13 07:12 PM
Maybe Jesus came back and he was assassinated.

William8's photo
Mon 06/24/13 10:52 PM
Square roots? Scientists say plants are good at math

LONDON (Reuters) - Plants do complex arithmetic calculations to make sure they have enough food to get them through the night, new research published in journal eLife shows.
Scientists at Britain's John Innes Centre said plants adjust their rate of starch consumption to prevent starvation during the night when they are unable to feed themselves with energy from the sun.
They can even compensate for an unexpected early night.
"This is the first concrete example in a fundamental biological process of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation," mathematical modeler Martin Howard of John Innes Centre (JIC) said.
During the night, mechanisms inside the leaf measure the size of the starch store and estimate the length of time until dawn. Information about time comes from an internal clock, similar to the human body clock.
"The capacity to perform arithmetic calculation is vital for plant growth and productivity," JIC metabolic biologist Alison Smith said.
"Understanding how plants continue to grow in the dark could help unlock new ways to boost crop yield."
(Reporting by Nigel Hunt; editing by Keiron Henderson)

Here is just one example of in your face evidence of the existence of God.

How can a plant evolve complex addition skills that are essential to its survival?



The evidence for God is overwhelming and the evidence for the fact that atheist's are fools as the Bible says.

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/24/13 11:21 PM

The only "sin" is to entertain feelings of condemnation and judgement towards others, and to be upset or obsessed by what other people are doing, thinking, believing and feeling.

I believe if a person wants to help change the world, the place to begin with change, is yourself.

if that is your definition of sin,,

than perhaps condemning those who condemn is equally sinful?


discernment and judgment are human not sinful,,,

hypocrisy,, judging by a standard you dont feel you should live,, however

is frowned upon by both religious and non religious

Who am I condemning? No one. I personally do not believe in the concept of "sin."

So many people insist on it though.ohwell whoa

If you are one who entertains feelings of condemnation and judgement towards others and you identify with what I wrote about "sin" then you have condemned and judged yourself.

You can only 'sin' against yourself when you fill your head with criticism and judgement of others. It can only be harmful to you when you are choosing to be unhappy and upset because of how other people want and choose to live their lives.

God is in everyone, and omnipresent. When you judge others, you judge God. I tell you this for your own information. Your judgement of others does not concern me. I understand it.

I was responding to this statement

"The only "sin" is to entertain feelings of condemnation and judgement towards others, and to be upset or obsessed by what other people are doing, thinking, believing and feeling."

implying there is only one 'sin',,,,,,

also, there is a difference between judging behavior (regardless of the WHO) and judging the WHO behind the behavior,,,

we make decisions about actions, and it is hypocrisy if I determine a behavior to be RIGHT for me to decide it is WRONG When someone else does it

or to assume it is WRONG When I do it but RIGHT when someone else does

behavior,, seperate from the individual, is either right or it isnt,,,,,moral or sinful, legal or illegal,,,,,etc,,,

TBRich's photo
Tue 06/25/13 06:16 AM

It's a fact that more cases of HIV in Africa occur through heterosexual contact, although obviously both heterosexual and homosexual acts occur there just as anywhere.

It's also a fact that HIV can be spread through both heterosexual and homosexual activity, anywhere on the globe.

HIV didn't originate in humans at all, but within other primate species. That's also a fact.

While it spread more quickly within the gay community, the fact is that EVERYONE is at risk, gay or straight.

One more fact: I don't believe in "sexual sin". I don't believe that being gay or bisexual is any more "sinful" than being straight, because I don't think sex is a sin. Sex is sex, period, full stop.

Babies are born with all kinds of diseases, born into hunger and poverty, born into abusive families and unhealthy environments, oppressive cultures, etc. That anyone would focus solely on ONE thing and rail about it is disgusting.

IM not sure of the 'facts' above

heterosexuls can have sex with homosexuals(bisexuals in practice)

there are different ways statistics are gathered, for example

NEWLY infected vs living with the disease
(for example, more heteros are living with the disease here too,,,but most of the NEWLY infected are homosexual)

its true about siv being thought to have lead to hiv in AFRICA< as we know blood can cause spread of disease, and in some African cultures consuming simian blood was a staple of the diet

really dont care to get into HIV in Africa, but in AMERICA where the culture does not CONSUME simians as part of the diet,,, what william has stated is not untrue,,,

everything STARTS somewhere,, first from consuming what should not be consumed (simian blood) and then by engaging in amoral sex,, we have seen the spread of the consequence from those culturally accepted sins,,,


and the nature of a thread is that people pick a topic and speak about it,,
actually,you could ingest cooked Simian Blood,its the contact with it while hunting those Monkeys!
yep,especially thsat when they pick that Topic,they employ the Argument from Intimidation!
If you don't believe as I do,you will burn in Hell forever,or whatever the current Favorite Threat of the Religionists is at the moment!
OP employs similar tactics as the Westboro-Crowd does!

I dont personally think its about 'belief' strictly,, because 'belief' is only as strong as the action that backs it up

I can 'beieve' I am heterosexual, but if I enjoy sex with the same gender,, I am at the very least a bisexaul....

the nature of the bible, to me, is about the guideline of warnings against the consequences the CREATOR warns us against based upon certain actions which lead to them

its how we live, not what we 'believe' that invites the consequences of sinful BEHAVIORS

again,, my personal opinion/spritual truth

Hmmm, so do you enjoy it? LOL

I think that homosexuality is not just a form of sex, but also a form of love and therefore should be respected and honoured

RKISIT's photo
Tue 06/25/13 06:36 AM
The OP is just like most,trying to proselytize a myth.It's a tradition based on faith and faith alone.
Fideism is one of the causes of stupidity.

ViaMusica's photo
Tue 06/25/13 07:56 AM

The OP is just like most,trying to proselytize a myth.It's a tradition based on faith and faith alone.
Fideism is one of the causes of stupidity.

He also doesn't understand science very well. Then again, a lot of people don't. I blame the educational system in any number of places.

Just remember, leaping to conclusions is the only exercise some people ever get. laugh

mightymoe's photo
Tue 06/25/13 08:34 AM

Square roots? Scientists say plants are good at math

LONDON (Reuters) - Plants do complex arithmetic calculations to make sure they have enough food to get them through the night, new research published in journal eLife shows.
Scientists at Britain's John Innes Centre said plants adjust their rate of starch consumption to prevent starvation during the night when they are unable to feed themselves with energy from the sun.
They can even compensate for an unexpected early night.
"This is the first concrete example in a fundamental biological process of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation," mathematical modeler Martin Howard of John Innes Centre (JIC) said.
During the night, mechanisms inside the leaf measure the size of the starch store and estimate the length of time until dawn. Information about time comes from an internal clock, similar to the human body clock.
"The capacity to perform arithmetic calculation is vital for plant growth and productivity," JIC metabolic biologist Alison Smith said.
"Understanding how plants continue to grow in the dark could help unlock new ways to boost crop yield."
(Reporting by Nigel Hunt; editing by Keiron Henderson)

Here is just one example of in your face evidence of the existence of God.

How can a plant evolve complex addition skills that are essential to its survival?



The evidence for God is overwhelming and the evidence for the fact that atheist's are fools as the Bible says.

the fools are the people that blindly follow a imaginary god, then pass judgement on those they feel are beneath them...

your doing all this judging, why don't you say what your bible says about judging people?

mightymoe's photo
Tue 06/25/13 08:35 AM

The OP is just like most,trying to proselytize a myth.It's a tradition based on faith and faith alone.
Fideism is one of the causes of stupidity.

He also doesn't understand science very well. Then again, a lot of people don't. I blame the educational system in any number of places.

Just remember, leaping to conclusions is the only exercise some people ever get. laugh

it's easier to believe in an imaginary being than it is to study science...

msharmony's photo
Tue 06/25/13 08:41 AM

It's a fact that more cases of HIV in Africa occur through heterosexual contact, although obviously both heterosexual and homosexual acts occur there just as anywhere.

It's also a fact that HIV can be spread through both heterosexual and homosexual activity, anywhere on the globe.

HIV didn't originate in humans at all, but within other primate species. That's also a fact.

While it spread more quickly within the gay community, the fact is that EVERYONE is at risk, gay or straight.

One more fact: I don't believe in "sexual sin". I don't believe that being gay or bisexual is any more "sinful" than being straight, because I don't think sex is a sin. Sex is sex, period, full stop.

Babies are born with all kinds of diseases, born into hunger and poverty, born into abusive families and unhealthy environments, oppressive cultures, etc. That anyone would focus solely on ONE thing and rail about it is disgusting.

IM not sure of the 'facts' above

heterosexuls can have sex with homosexuals(bisexuals in practice)

there are different ways statistics are gathered, for example

NEWLY infected vs living with the disease
(for example, more heteros are living with the disease here too,,,but most of the NEWLY infected are homosexual)

its true about siv being thought to have lead to hiv in AFRICA< as we know blood can cause spread of disease, and in some African cultures consuming simian blood was a staple of the diet

really dont care to get into HIV in Africa, but in AMERICA where the culture does not CONSUME simians as part of the diet,,, what william has stated is not untrue,,,

everything STARTS somewhere,, first from consuming what should not be consumed (simian blood) and then by engaging in amoral sex,, we have seen the spread of the consequence from those culturally accepted sins,,,


and the nature of a thread is that people pick a topic and speak about it,,
actually,you could ingest cooked Simian Blood,its the contact with it while hunting those Monkeys!
yep,especially thsat when they pick that Topic,they employ the Argument from Intimidation!
If you don't believe as I do,you will burn in Hell forever,or whatever the current Favorite Threat of the Religionists is at the moment!
OP employs similar tactics as the Westboro-Crowd does!

I dont personally think its about 'belief' strictly,, because 'belief' is only as strong as the action that backs it up

I can 'beieve' I am heterosexual, but if I enjoy sex with the same gender,, I am at the very least a bisexaul....

the nature of the bible, to me, is about the guideline of warnings against the consequences the CREATOR warns us against based upon certain actions which lead to them

its how we live, not what we 'believe' that invites the consequences of sinful BEHAVIORS

again,, my personal opinion/spritual truth

Hmmm, so do you enjoy it? LOL

I think that homosexuality is not just a form of sex, but also a form of love and therefore should be respected and honoured

love is love

I respect love for people,, I respect the ability to separate love from lust/attraction/sex,,,even more

there are many ways to 'love' people,, that can lead to sexual behavior but it is a separate issue from it,,,

TBRich's photo
Tue 06/25/13 08:42 AM

The OP is just like most,trying to proselytize a myth.It's a tradition based on faith and faith alone.
Fideism is one of the causes of stupidity.

He also doesn't understand science very well. Then again, a lot of people don't. I blame the educational system in any number of places.

Just remember, leaping to conclusions is the only exercise some people ever get. laugh

it's easier to believe in an imaginary being than it is to study science...

My Pooka friend Harry gets mad at that kinda talk!

msharmony's photo
Tue 06/25/13 08:43 AM

Square roots? Scientists say plants are good at math

LONDON (Reuters) - Plants do complex arithmetic calculations to make sure they have enough food to get them through the night, new research published in journal eLife shows.
Scientists at Britain's John Innes Centre said plants adjust their rate of starch consumption to prevent starvation during the night when they are unable to feed themselves with energy from the sun.
They can even compensate for an unexpected early night.
"This is the first concrete example in a fundamental biological process of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation," mathematical modeler Martin Howard of John Innes Centre (JIC) said.
During the night, mechanisms inside the leaf measure the size of the starch store and estimate the length of time until dawn. Information about time comes from an internal clock, similar to the human body clock.
"The capacity to perform arithmetic calculation is vital for plant growth and productivity," JIC metabolic biologist Alison Smith said.
"Understanding how plants continue to grow in the dark could help unlock new ways to boost crop yield."
(Reporting by Nigel Hunt; editing by Keiron Henderson)

Here is just one example of in your face evidence of the existence of God.

How can a plant evolve complex addition skills that are essential to its survival?



The evidence for God is overwhelming and the evidence for the fact that atheist's are fools as the Bible says.

the fools are the people that blindly follow a imaginary god, then pass judgement on those they feel are beneath them...

your doing all this judging, why don't you say what your bible says about judging people?

again, judging behavior is different than judging PEOPLE,,,

RKISIT's photo
Tue 06/25/13 08:57 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Tue 06/25/13 09:13 AM
How can a plant evolve complex addition skills that are essential to its survival?
Adaptation and beneficial mutation that you keep trying to claim is rubbish.Plants are living organisms by the way.
Evidently William you have it in your head that god is responsible for everything including creating people who don't know anything but Ken Ham and Henry Morris's b u l l s h i t.

no photo
Tue 06/25/13 12:05 PM

Square roots? Scientists say plants are good at math

LONDON (Reuters) - Plants do complex arithmetic calculations to make sure they have enough food to get them through the night, new research published in journal eLife shows.
Scientists at Britain's John Innes Centre said plants adjust their rate of starch consumption to prevent starvation during the night when they are unable to feed themselves with energy from the sun.
They can even compensate for an unexpected early night.
"This is the first concrete example in a fundamental biological process of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation," mathematical modeler Martin Howard of John Innes Centre (JIC) said.
During the night, mechanisms inside the leaf measure the size of the starch store and estimate the length of time until dawn. Information about time comes from an internal clock, similar to the human body clock.
"The capacity to perform arithmetic calculation is vital for plant growth and productivity," JIC metabolic biologist Alison Smith said.
"Understanding how plants continue to grow in the dark could help unlock new ways to boost crop yield."
(Reporting by Nigel Hunt; editing by Keiron Henderson)

Here is just one example of in your face evidence of the existence of God.

How can a plant evolve complex addition skills that are essential to its survival?



The evidence for God is overwhelming and the evidence for the fact that atheist's are fools as the Bible says.

the fools are the people that blindly follow a imaginary god, then pass judgement on those they feel are beneath them...

your doing all this judging, why don't you say what your bible says about judging people?

again, judging behavior is different than judging PEOPLE,,,

You can have all the opinions about behavior that you want. But when you judge behavior and preach about "sin" you are usually pointing at a particular person.

msharmony's photo
Tue 06/25/13 05:18 PM

Square roots? Scientists say plants are good at math

LONDON (Reuters) - Plants do complex arithmetic calculations to make sure they have enough food to get them through the night, new research published in journal eLife shows.
Scientists at Britain's John Innes Centre said plants adjust their rate of starch consumption to prevent starvation during the night when they are unable to feed themselves with energy from the sun.
They can even compensate for an unexpected early night.
"This is the first concrete example in a fundamental biological process of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation," mathematical modeler Martin Howard of John Innes Centre (JIC) said.
During the night, mechanisms inside the leaf measure the size of the starch store and estimate the length of time until dawn. Information about time comes from an internal clock, similar to the human body clock.
"The capacity to perform arithmetic calculation is vital for plant growth and productivity," JIC metabolic biologist Alison Smith said.
"Understanding how plants continue to grow in the dark could help unlock new ways to boost crop yield."
(Reporting by Nigel Hunt; editing by Keiron Henderson)

Here is just one example of in your face evidence of the existence of God.

How can a plant evolve complex addition skills that are essential to its survival?



The evidence for God is overwhelming and the evidence for the fact that atheist's are fools as the Bible says.

the fools are the people that blindly follow a imaginary god, then pass judgement on those they feel are beneath them...

your doing all this judging, why don't you say what your bible says about judging people?

again, judging behavior is different than judging PEOPLE,,,

You can have all the opinions about behavior that you want. But when you judge behavior and preach about "sin" you are usually pointing at a particular person.

no, I am not,,,I am referring to the behavior,,,,which I would consider 'sin' regardless of the who...