Topic: Is there a such thing as truth? | |
Ok, so I;m Pretty new at this, but I know a few things about life and relationships. A relationship is built off of, Love, Trust, Communication, Compromise, And Sex. AND the only reason I say sex is bcus, if ur not taking care of each other in the bedroom, then it wont work out. I mean u can b great friends , but lets be honest, u know what feels good to u and what doesn't. Beyond that, why all the lies??? everyone on her EVERYONE, is looking for a relatioship, if not then they would go and get themsleves some random ' STRANGE' and be done with it. But y all the lies??? Look, if u dont have ur own place, or vehicle,, thats fine, just be upfront about it. If ur collecting sometype of check, then just admit it! instead of saying ur 'SELF- EMPLOYED' and in actuality. ur gettin sometype of disability check!!! It's not alot of big things that destroy a relationship. IT'S ALOT OF LITTLE THINGS THAT CAN B AVOIDED IF U JUST OPEN UR MOUTH AND B HONEST!!!. Ur reading this now and ur wondering whats wrong with me!! nothing, I'm just tired of all the same lame *** b.s. that is a constant let down bcus no one wants to keep it real anymore....
Griffin |
Not wondering what's wrong with you at all, I agree. I hate to be lied to I'm a very honest person but lie to me and let me catch you it will take forever to build that trust again
yup, i 'feel' your, um dismay,,but i was putting myself in the other persons place,,,gracious, i'd be embarrased, saddened, compromised,,a lot of negative emotions if i had to state my incapabilities when they were staring me in the face every moment of every day,,,wow,,now im depressed thinkin bout all of mine!! we all put our best forward,,it's part of who we are, how we've developed. i'd hate to become someone who wants to show all my negativites first! it'd be like that was my focus, n i choose to be more positive than that,,does that make sense!?!
TBH I'd be very embarrassed putting "living off benefits" on my profile, I'm only 19 years old and have had to scrounge off jobseeker's just to pay my rent because my mum is unemployed, although it was only for a few weeks (I have a proper job now, I'm very good :P). That's a thought actually, to men/women, would my past situation not be as bad as living off benefits but not being able to find a job at all?
people do what they need to do
I personally wouldnt consider it 'bad' that someone was living off of benefits,, if thats the best they could do at the time,,,, |
The 'truth' is tricky. Lie detectors only measure 'deception',, so we can believe something that isnt true, and pass the test... truth, in one sense, is whatever we perceive it to be however, everything we perceive to be isnt necessarily 'true',,,, |
Edited by
Wed 06/05/13 08:27 AM
Didn't Confusion say...There is only truth, lies are but illusion. Or was that sticks and stones...?
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Didn't Confusion say...There is only truth, lies are but illusion. Or was that sticks and stones...? ![]() confucious played hopscotch and jump rope outside????:surprised he mustov lived in the next block over :) |
Ok, so I;m Pretty new at this, but I know a few things about life and relationships. A relationship is built off of, Love, Trust, Communication, Compromise, And Sex. AND the only reason I say sex is bcus, if ur not taking care of each other in the bedroom, then it wont work out. I mean u can b great friends , but lets be honest, u know what feels good to u and what doesn't. Beyond that, why all the lies??? everyone on her EVERYONE, is looking for a relatioship, if not then they would go and get themsleves some random ' STRANGE' and be done with it. But y all the lies??? Look, if u dont have ur own place, or vehicle,, thats fine, just be upfront about it. If ur collecting sometype of check, then just admit it! instead of saying ur 'SELF- EMPLOYED' and in actuality. ur gettin sometype of disability check!!! It's not alot of big things that destroy a relationship. IT'S ALOT OF LITTLE THINGS THAT CAN B AVOIDED IF U JUST OPEN UR MOUTH AND B HONEST!!!. Ur reading this now and ur wondering whats wrong with me!! nothing, I'm just tired of all the same lame *** b.s. that is a constant let down bcus no one wants to keep it real anymore.... Griffin once again (because I've said it before) if your interest was intimacy not sex, your luck might be better in the long term. If people are lieing to you a lot maybe mix up and change your search criteria a little... but ya the internet is definitely a buyer beware zone, I agree ![]() welcome to the forums ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 06/05/13 08:58 AM
Is there such a thing as truth
Life's a bidge and then you die... ![]() There is a truth for you ! Welcome to Mingle2 |