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Topic: Pitbulls ...who has them
no1phD's photo
Tue 04/08/14 03:33 PM
.. I had the measles once.. I had them..
. is that anything like pit bulls..hmm

no photo
Tue 04/08/14 07:11 PM
I have owned pit,doberman,rotts,chows,boxers,as well as minni-pins,cats as large as mancoons(look it up).
I have also worked/hallandale k-9 unit force w/ all breeds for domestic,as well as protection trainng.
I have rescued 120 lb rotts from running through a fence after 2 boys,and through a patio glass door. After 24 hrs /the dog..I kept him,adapted him out,hes been great.
My 4yr old 92 pound red nose lets a mancoon cat box /him,alng w/the 3 1/2 yr old grandson.
My point here is;some dogs as like people clash personalities,whether due to blood line, inbreeding, or the owner has no knowledge of the breed and their actual needs.

I'm just saying..

no photo
Mon 04/21/14 03:42 AM

I have a pitbull I named Cilli (Silly) because she's so playful and goofy.

Under the right set of circumstances any dog can attack other dogs and humans.

They're not much different than we are when they feel threatened or are abused. (imo)

I took Cilli to the Vet last Friday for her final round of puppy parvo vaccinations and the clinic staff couldn't help but laugh as I had to drag her by the leash through the lobby and into the exam room as she was in full "brake mode".

Yes, front paws stretched out in front, head down, eyes up and pleading, butt up and tail down, rear feet and nails dug into nothing as she unceremoniously slides into the waiting arms of the compassionate doctor, who while grinning ear to ear, says, "So Cilli doesn't like me much, I take it?"

No, she doesn't like shots and remembers him from her previous visit. She also doesn't care for loud noises either.

After we returned home and settled back into our daily routine of Hammer and Cilli playing together while I'm busy elsewhere, suddenly Hammer hears something and runs out the doggie door barking the alarm.

To which in response Cilli rapidly retreats to her kennel where she sleeps at night and stays while I'm away from home, and using the nails on her left paw she grabs the metal framework of the door, opens it and quickly enters as the door closes in her wake, and she hides behind her still bigger than her stuffed animal bed buddy, shivering with fright until big brother Hammer returns from his guard duty and lets her know the danger has passed.

Are pitbulls mean? Some are, yes.

Are pitbulls easily scared and humble? Most definitely.

And I'm so glad my Cilli is still so silly, because I don't abide aggressive dogs in my home as a drama free lifestyle preference.

RainbowTrout's photo
Mon 04/21/14 02:30 PM
Edited by RainbowTrout on Mon 04/21/14 02:33 PM
We have a Pitt Bull mix that visits us. She belongs to a neighbour down the road. They call the colour a Brindle. Sandy is laying on my bed right now. I think she has actually taken over it. But when I get ready to lay down I just lay on top of her because it is easier than trying to get her to move over.laugh She usually moves then.

no photo
Thu 04/24/14 03:13 AM
Edited by AthenaRose2 on Thu 04/24/14 03:17 AM
I hate to brag on my youngins, but...

Okay, I'm lying. The truth is...

Cilli is really impressing me with her intelligence and willingness to please.

When I take her walking on the road, I live in the country so this isn't dangerous, I let her run ahead dragging her leash until she gets about 10 or 15 feet out of reach. Then I call her name in a certain way that she's quickly figured out means "STOP!"

Much to my amazement she does as soon as she hears my command. Then she turns her head around looking at me and waiting for me to give her direction.

If I say it's okay then she continues on her way.

If I say come back here and don't get too far ahead of momma, she turns her little sassy butt around and returns to my side. Of course her attention span lasts for only a second at 14 weeks old and she's off to a trot once again.

But the fact that she comprehends my desire for her to obey me and that she follows direction so early makes me feel very blessed.

I say this because with Hammer it's a completely different story.

There's no way I can walk with him because he's 80 pounds of pure male pulling strength and he doesn't mind me unless I have a cookie in my hand.

Also, yesterday I was gone from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Cilli didn't potty in her kennel. Instead she held it in and I could hear her desperate cries for relief as soon as I opened the car door and hurried to unlock the front door so I could get inside to let her out.

Regardless to how much she's gotta go she refuses to leave my side until she's jumped up and licked my face wet in welcome so glad you're back mom fashion, and I squat down so I can hug her as she puts both front paws, one on each shoulder and around my neck as she nibbles my earlobe.

Yeah, the earlobe thingy has been something she's done ever since I took here from her mother's tit at 6 weeks.

Anyway, after 11 hours of confinement and satisfactory attention she's finally ready to run out back and cut loose. And I mean 4 or 5 times while still running back to me for some more sugar between puddles.

All the while Hammer follows her around waiting for her to finish so he can pee on each and mark her as his.

Such is the life of an animal lover that sees the beauty no matter the nasty in every little thing my babies do. happy

no photo
Thu 04/24/14 07:52 AM
Edited by AthenaRose2 on Thu 04/24/14 07:54 AM
I swear, I can never get enough of Cilli's antics. But in order for me to have any alone time with my friends online Hammer has to babysit for me.

So it's the funniest sight to see the look of puzzlement on her face as I tell her "NO" as she paws the off button on my laptop... yes, she has turned it off before by pawing pressure and knows where to apply it... as I shew her away while telling her to go find brother.

And its just as if she knows exactly what I mean so she quickly glances around the room to see where he is, then once locking eyes with his she leaps off the bed in his direction.

And of course he's laying down somewhere trying to catch a breather himself when she runs right up over the top of his head which is just the right size to attach her belly to his forehead like a hat as her hind legs dangle on each side of his face while he peers between them looking at me, as if to say, jeeezz mom couldn't you give me 5 more minutes?

Then as he begins to stand up she slides off and they're after each other again.

Yay... now mom can get back on Mingle and play too... :wink:

no photo
Sat 04/26/14 06:44 AM
Edited by AthenaRose2 on Sat 04/26/14 07:41 AM
Me and Cilli increased our walk by a mile this morning. On the way out I stepped a quicker pace along the usual route and she kept lagging behind unsure of our destination.

Despite her initial hesitation curiosity got the best of her as she listened to nature's sounds in the trees and the grass around us while looking to me for guidance or taking off however she fancied.

The farther into the dense woods we walked the various and unknown sounds had her spinning in awe. Some had her transfixed and staring while others lured her to investigate.

Feeling so connected I rarely took my eyes off of her knowing that youthful exuberance might lead her on a chase I wouldn't be able to follow.

The weather is perfect right now with a cool crisp feel that excites the nerves and stimulates the brain, fusing enough energy to keep a pep in my gait. So onward we walked.

Eventually Cilli's panting increased as she tired and slowed, her excitement waning and she stood still in her tracks purposefully lowering her body to the pavement while looking me in the eyes to let me know she didn't want to go on.

So I stopped and scooped her up into my arms cooing and bragging about what a good girl she is as she happily nibbled my earlobe and I could create lasting memories of these moments knowing the time will soon arrive that she will be too big for me to hold her like this again.

After enjoying each other's affection for a few minutes I gently placed her down on her paws and took her leash in hand.

On the way back Cilli had no doubts with her nose to the ground she swiftly retraced our path pulling me along as gently as she doggedly could in her now rejuvenated rush to get back home to her big brother.

With a bravado she lacked only a few minutes earlier now that she had our scent of a trail to follow and the pressure of the collar reminding her I was hers to lead nothing distracted or slowed her again.

And much to my pleasured surprised just as I've been teaching her by example when she heard vehicles coming in our direction she veered us off the road where we could stand and wait until the coast was clear and we could proceed.

The closer we get to home the more excited she gets and the quicker she tries to run on ahead. So as a reward for being so smart and making me proud I unleash her when we enter the outskirts of the front yard and watch grinning as she tucks in her hind end making a mad happy dash to the front door where she sits so pretty waiting for me to catch up and put the key in the locked door.

Alas but who is also waiting there patiently? Why it's Hammer of course. And he knows what's in store. A milk bone as a reward for being such a good boy while he's home alone.

As I open the door just enough for me and Cilli to enter into the foyer while not letting Hammer dash out beside us he excitedly greets us both by spinning in circles and pushing Cilli aside to get next to me and lick my hand.

Eagerly now they both follow me into the kitchen, Hammer trying to take the lead but Cilli running underneath his belly and beating us to the 4 ft tall hand carved wooden vegetable bin combination bread box where she sits knowing the milk bones are just out of their reach but ready for their daily consumption.

This scenario is repeated so many times each day that all I have to say is "cookie" and no matter where they are or what they're doing they stop and immediately race to get there first.

Reaching into the box I retrieve two bones, one for him and one for her. And it's the funniest sight to see little Cilli with a Hammer size milk bone clenched between her teeth as she scurries to her favorite place to eat behind the sofa and out of Hammer's greedy for milk bones reach.

And it never fails to bring a smile to my heart as I listen to his four legged prance as his nails lightly tap across the wooden floor as my boy happily trots to his favorite snack spot in the middle of the living room where he's surrounded by the sectional sofa.

Needless to say, while Hammer soon devours his treat and returns to the kitchen for seconds, Cilli is too tired from our recent excursion to eat her treat just yet.

So knowing brother isn't easily fooled she sneaks into the bedroom where I'm sitting on the bed taking my shoes and socks off and quietly she tiptoes through the open closet door where once inside gingerly deposits her treasure between my shoes while pushing her nose into the transparent dirt in her instinctive effort to cover her treasure that she hides in plain sight.

Quickly exiting the closet she checks to make sure Hammer didn't see her secret hiding place as he strolls back into the room sniffing the usual spots he's found her bones before only to be misguided as she catches his attention by rubbing her body up against his front legs and leads him away from the closet with his nose in her butt. :)

You go girl, that's showing him how it's done. ;)

queenb1963's photo
Tue 04/29/14 04:35 PM
I myself had German shepherds, she was great. I am now a owner of pitbulls, I had a female pitbull but she suddenly past away last April in my bed at 2 am. I have a pitbull mix named diesel he was lonely after his best friend died. I now have a rescue brindle pitbull, not from a shelter but from this sob who left him to die by coyotes. Not sure how old he is, but when he came to me he was skin and bone, I've started a fundraising to help me save him. He has heartworms pls share his site www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/savingmack/154415. Mack never knew what a loving hand was until he came to me.

Coolguyfunny's photo
Sun 06/08/14 09:26 AM
I like any dogs if they are nice and won't attack

I have known been around three pit bulls
1st one a friend's dog, very nice good around kids everyone but will attack small animals mainly snakes(he would sit a long time swinging a snake around) died of old age though
2nd one I never got close to it it was always on a chain is guess it gets aggressive from being on a chain, but never mean to the owner
The 3rd was owned by same person who owned the 1st. Also nice dog friendly around everyone but I also know he never cages or chains his dogs so that may be a factor (obviously not the only one but still)

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 06/08/14 06:15 PM
Our Sandy is half Labrador and Pitt Bull. We call her Sandy because she is a sandy colour.

taitra's photo
Fri 06/13/14 04:45 PM
I have a pitbull/boxer mix and she is very sweet:heart:

pnate27's photo
Fri 06/13/14 09:27 PM
Im owner to a pitt/masstiff and im proud of her

beauty314's photo
Fri 06/13/14 10:03 PM

jeffduffel's photo
Tue 06/17/14 07:09 PM
owner. and he is a good dog. we keep that dog in a small cage so he can't possibly hurt anyone.

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