Topic: Pitbulls ...who has them
no photo
Sun 12/01/13 03:34 AM
german shepherds..thumbs up!

As far as big dogs go, I prefer German Shepherds.

Smaller dogs I prefer terriers.

no photo
Sun 12/01/13 03:39 AM
And you look like you are not playin'
people can tell me all day how "misunderstood" pitbulls are but if one comes near me,it's last meal will be a bullet.i've never been around a non-aggressive one.same with chows,spitz,and dobermans

larsson71's photo
Mon 12/02/13 02:17 AM
It's mostly drug dealers where I stay that own them, as a status symbol. I'd rather have a Staffie though!

LunaFoxx's photo
Wed 01/15/14 09:13 AM
My roommates and I had a pit when I lived with them. She was the biggest sweetheart ever! She used to sleep with me at night from time to time. The last time I saw her she was all excited the I had come "home". I moved out from where they were living. That was the hardest part of leaving was not being around her 24/7. I'd trust her even with kids, no worries.

willing2's photo
Wed 01/15/14 03:27 PM
Edited by willing2 on Wed 01/15/14 03:27 PM
One that was free to run the neighborhood squeezed through my gate a couple days ago.

Tried to kill my Red Healer.

He ate a 357 slug.

Dumped him in the brush near where the Sherriff sets his speed trap.

ridewytepony's photo
Wed 01/15/14 05:54 PM
Edited by ridewytepony on Wed 01/15/14 05:55 PM
Ive partied with a few..they're alot like us I guess.
They stagger when they drink to much.
They like to lay on the couch when they're hung over.
They get red eye in the morning and don't move all day.
after every beer they like to watch you crash the empty
can on your forehead. and they like it when you smash their
can over their head too
they just like flat beer and they bark like crazy when the beer is still
No animals were injured jurring the making of the posttongue2

Brizzlekicks's photo
Fri 02/28/14 03:51 AM
I've got a bulldog cross. I eneded up with her after my neighbour found a load of abandoned puppies in a skip. We took them down to the nearest rspca dogs home and as we were looking around my dog was about to get destroyed so had to take her home.

longboardernew's photo
Sun 03/02/14 01:43 AM

people can tell me all day how "misunderstood" pitbulls are but if one comes near me,it's last meal will be a bullet.i've never been around a non-aggressive one.same with chows,spitz,and dobermans

there is no such thing as a "bad" dog Breed, Just Bad Owners

- Ceaser Milan

no photo
Sun 03/02/14 02:37 AM
is this topic about pitbulls or childkillers
same thing

indignus's photo
Sun 03/02/14 04:18 AM
My pit only attacks obnoxious lezbos, I'd tell him not too but I can't think of a good reason...

Mississippigal2003's photo
Thu 04/03/14 06:53 PM
I've got a pitbull/German shepherd mix and an English bulldog and a full blooded pitbull

no photo
Fri 04/04/14 04:15 AM
I have a pitbull I named Cilli (Silly) because she's so playful and goofy.

Under the right set of circumstances any dog can attack other dogs and humans.

They're not much different than we are when they feel threatened or are abused. (imo)

jacktrades's photo
Fri 04/04/14 03:02 PM
Edited by jacktrades on Fri 04/04/14 03:04 PM
I have seen good and bad Pitbulls I believe its the owners who make them bad, myself I like Labrador Retrievers.

caitybug2596's photo
Fri 04/04/14 05:50 PM
I grew up with pits my whole life and frankly i cant stand people who have never had one but still say theyre vicious. I finally adopted a six week old female today! :)

no photo
Fri 04/04/14 05:53 PM

I grew up with pits my whole life and frankly i cant stand people who have never had one but still say theyre vicious. I finally adopted a six week old female today! :)

They kill kids, end of.
They are a gun just waiting to be fired.

caitybug2596's photo
Fri 04/04/14 06:11 PM
n a murder nobody blames gun, they blame the person, yet when a dog attacks someone, nobody blames the person who made it that way, they just kill the dog and blame the entire breed.

no photo
Fri 04/04/14 06:24 PM

n a murder nobody blames gun, they blame the person, yet when a dog attacks someone, nobody blames the person who made it that way, they just kill the dog and blame the entire breed.

Please don't get me wrong, I love dogs and I always have done and always will. I have a little Westy myself.
I often watch Ceaser Milan and his pitbull, a lovely dog, but there's just to many irresponsible people who own them, if owning them is the right description, (i prefer to call a dog my best friend) and these irresponsible people get them a bad name.
I live in a city where there's a lot of these type of dogs and I have actually picked up my Westy and held him above my head to stop him being attacked.
But yes in a sense, I agree with you, its the people who have these angry dogs that need to be put down.

zzzippy56's photo
Mon 04/07/14 03:45 AM
There are a product of there enviorment.. I have had 3 good, loving dogs.. the last was a pit was so gentle that I made a saddle for his back and my young children would ride him... and no he didnt charge other dogs... only lames rase them to be that way...i would put him on cotten kyte string and tie it to the bumper of the motorhome while we were racing our drag boat. he knew better then to brake the string.. a prince amoung dogs.... but that is how he was rased to be..Lars out

AvlKinkyFunGuy's photo
Tue 04/08/14 08:49 AM
OK, I'll say it.

Anyone here posting that they have shot a dog can KISS MY GODDAMN ***! And you deserve to be pistol whipped.

If you're too much of a p***y to break up the fight or whatever it is in a humane way then you should just leave the dogs alone, or call animal control.

If *I* ever ran across you shooting a dog we'd have a serious fu**in' problem. And one of us would end up in the hospital. It might be me, and that's OK, because I'll at least make you think twice about doing it next time. ***.

I did actually see someone kick a dog once. He'll never do it again.

I've done rescue for over 15 years now. There are NO bad breeds. Only bad owners and bad situations. The problem is that Pits have very strong bites, and if they get a hold of something it's really hard to get the situation fixed.

Do you know how many Pit Bulls I've been bit by in 15 years? ZERO.

Do you know how many times I've been bit by small dogs? 13 (episodes)

Do you know how many times I've been bit total? 27 (episodes)

Read it again. Pit Bulls have bit me a total of ZERO times. ZERO.

I had a Jack Russell byte me 19 times once (single episode). My Plot Hound bit me 11 times during the same incident.

I've broken up dog fights with 7 dogs before. With a cat in the middle - no joke. And still - never been bitten by a pit bull.

And on that note, everyone have a pleasant day. I'm going to go snuggle with my 4 dogs now...:)

no photo
Tue 04/08/14 03:29 PM
I would never own a pitbull and I have been around them so I say this with confidence. They are illegal to own in some communities here because they are bred to be dangerous and many are. That is documented. It is not just how they are raised. It's how they have been bred. I've seen them turn on a dime.

There is no reason for the breed to exist.