Topic: Can You Handle a Traditional Man
Redmond2007's photo
Sun 08/19/07 02:36 PM
Really? Why?

no photo
Sun 08/19/07 02:39 PM
I was married for 4 1/2 years.
I was beaten for the house being too clean.
I was beaten for the house not being clean enough.
I was beaten for making the wrong meal on a tuesday.
I was beaten for spending money to bring food in the house.
I was beaten for spending time with my premature 2pound, 12 ounce daughter.
I was beaten because I told my husband's friend that he wasn't home.
I was beaten because it was sunday.
I was beaten because he didn't have anything else to do.
I was beaten because there was not any football on Monday night once.

Need I go on? I am sure that one as bright as you can figure out what my marriage was like.

So don't sit there with that self-rightous act that you are playing and judge me.

ToyotaGirl's photo
Sun 08/19/07 02:40 PM
Was she aware of his expectations before they married? Then I'll answere your question of Why?

widowerseeking's photo
Sun 08/19/07 02:48 PM
red first of all I did not call you stupid, I asked if you were not the same at all. secondly you are just describing the south end of a horse traveling north. see by your profile you are divorced can understand why. next I was married to one lady for 50 years would still be with her, except the lord called her home. and no I am not in the wrong place or the wrong age group, I happen to think women need to be treated with respect regardless of where they are or their age.

widowerseeking's photo
Sun 08/19/07 02:48 PM
red first of all I did not call you stupid, I asked if you were not the same at all. secondly you are just describing the south end of a horse traveling north. see by your profile you are divorced can understand why. next I was married to one lady for 50 years would still be with her, except the lord called her home. and no I am not in the wrong place or the wrong age group, I happen to think women need to be treated with respect regardless of where they are or their age.

no photo
Sun 08/19/07 04:14 PM
noway wow fine. I had no idea you went through all that. I understand your other posts from the past more now.


Gryphyn's photo
Sun 08/19/07 04:39 PM
Wow, nice thread guys. I like all the words being tossed around

Red, it seems to me that a definition of a "traditional man" isnt the same as others definition. I will elaborate on what a traditional man did before the womens lib movment became an issue.

I will address the traditional man first.

A "Traditional Man" worked his a$$ off 12 or more hours a day 6 or 7 days a week and when he came home from was served dinner/supper.

I believe you said you have your own business/garage which to me means a Mechanic. This is a very difficult job and deserves more respect than we get sometimes. I will tell you from years of experience having a wife that did have dinner ready it isn't worth fighting over. She did it because thats what she thought she should do, not because I dictated/asked her to do it. She cleaned house, and did all the things you think are traditional. She was a "Stepford Wife". Sounds to me you should have expressed what you wanted from your wife before you were married. That my friend was the first mistake.

People find out far to late what is expected in a relationship long after marriage, and as a result instead of these people talking out the problems they go outside of the marriage to find help or a shoulder to cry on. Hence the reason this lady goes out with her friend. It is pobably a whining session about how you want dinner at a certain time and that you don't want her to read certain things.

It is time to open up communications with the wife before this gets too far and it ends in a divorce, or worse.

Seems to me your a smart man, I know what it takes to repair the vehicles we work on these days, and the biggest problem I have with the ones I work on is having enough information about the vehicle and once I set up the communication link(aldl) the rest can be very easy to find and repair the problem.

Think about it and only then can you find the root cause of the failure.


:wink: drinker glasses bigsmile


iceprincess's photo
Sun 08/19/07 07:40 PM
Red traditionalism isn't all it's cracked up to ex felt he was traditional and we won't go there with that one. My sister's fiance is a "tradirional" man as was my father neither are like my ex and to give you some insight my ex was a lot like your friend hence nothing like my father or my soon to be brother. there are so many definitions for that word your version adn my exes version to me and many other women is closer to dictorial than traditional.

TheSurfCityKid's photo
Sun 08/19/07 07:43 PM
Traditional Man.
You mean like Ward Cleaver?

no photo
Mon 08/20/07 06:45 AM
has the fighting stop yet?

Nervesgone's photo
Mon 08/20/07 08:00 AM
It appears laugh

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Mon 08/20/07 01:07 PM
hugs to fine porcelain.I was in the same situation physical the other mental.Redmond got an answer to his question but what he really wanted was affirmation that treating a woman like property was ok.Sorry ,it isnt.

Jess642's photo
Mon 08/20/07 02:28 PM
Redmond wrote....

Sun 08/19/07 12:08 PM
A question was asked how do I know so much about these people.
Yes I know them. Since women are usually the first to whine about marital problem she told me some of this and the rest to other people.
But thats hardly the point. The fact that you women chose to evade the issue and create another one is so typical of dysfunctional women get get marooned on a dating site.
Keep that in mind from now on.


Fascinating stuff...and you posted further that you have read these same angry women post attacking posts in the threads...

I asked the question, Redmond...I asked a few...

Were they angry questions? Nope...but I find it interesting that you saw hostility in my post. That reflects you, the reader, not me, the poster, as you have interpreted my post as being in anger.

I asked a few pertinent questions, to better understand the subject, how you came to know so much about a couple... without being one of those people.

When making broad statements, be mindful of how that reflects upon you.

It appears you have hostility towards women who think for themselves, and can ask direct questions. Is this the case? I may be wrong, but the essence of your posts, when read in entirety, leads me to believe this.

Perhaps your perception of women who are subservient, and men who are assertive works for you, however I find that mindset doesn't work as well now, in 2007, as it did in the 1920's - 1950's.

Just to post was not attacking, I am not an angry, hostile woman, dried up, and desperate to find a partner on a US dating site, (I live in Australia, hello?), and I was asking for simple answers, to better to understand the situation you had described.

kidatheart70's photo
Mon 08/20/07 02:30 PM
Hi Leeflowerforyou smooched

Jess642's photo
Mon 08/20/07 02:34 PM
:heart: bigsmile flowerforyou Hi Harry!!

no photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:01 PM
There's a difference between tradtion and slavery. :wink:

no photo
Tue 08/21/07 02:30 AM
Personally i feel really bad for men that get tricked into marriage.

but for those in the sad predicament of marriage, i don't think either partner should try to control the other one.

no photo
Tue 08/21/07 03:19 AM
tricked? huh ..laugh what

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Tue 08/21/07 03:24 AM
((((((((((((BORED)))))))))))))) how are you doing?

Nervesgone's photo
Tue 08/21/07 04:25 AM