kellysirishgirl "Looking for friends locally"
43 year old woman from Saint John, New Brunswick      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About kellysirishgirl
IN A RELATIONSHIP, JUST LOOKING FOR FRIENDS IN MY LOCAL AREA. Just an update, please do not ask me to go on webcam with you for sexting chat or so that you can show me your private parts! I find it completely disgusting and if that is what you are looking for, move on. Also not looking for female friends to have sexting chat with either. I like to have fun! I am more than just a pretty face, I am a compassionate person looking for the right people to be friends with and see where things go from there. Is maith liom spraoi a bheith acu! Tá mé níos mó ná duine amháin i go leor, tá mé ag duine atruach ag lorg na daoine cearta a bheith chairde le agus a fheiceáil nuair a théann rudaí ó ann. I will ask questions of you, to find out more about you, just as you would ask questions of me to find out if there is a compatibility. If you find it offensive for women to ask you questions, or find it stupid or a waste of time, then don't contact me. We are all here to find friendship, etc, questions are part of that to find out about the other person. Beidh mé ceisteanna de leat a iarraidh, tuilleadh a fháil amach faoi tú, díreach mar a bheadh ​​leat a iarraidh ceisteanna liom a fháil amach má tá comhoiriúnacht. Má fhaigheann tú ionsaitheacha sé do mhná a iarraidh ort ceisteanna, nó é a fháil dúr nó cur amú ama, ní sin a dhéanamh teagmháil a dhéanamh liom. Táimid go léir anseo cairdeas, srl a fháil, tá ceisteanna mar chuid de sin a fháil amach mar gheall ar an duine eile. Please, do not contact me if you are MARRIED, or if you are looking for intimate encounters only I'm originally from Ireland, I work a lot but enjoy my time off, and would like to find like minded people to share that with. Tá mé ar dtús ó Éirinn, tá mé ag obair go leor ach taitneamh a bhaint as mo chuid ama amach, agus ba mhaith leat a aimsiú mhaith daoine minded a roinnt go bhfuil. Taim ag lorg du dhuin a ghra.
Profession: own profession
Physical Appearance
5' 2"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
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