Topic: Do age does matters?
Winlei's photo
Tue 02/26/13 07:21 PM

Age doesn't matter everyone knows that

ok would u date a 14yr old
laugh noway

I would assume he meant within legal limits, Queene
I think that is leegal in Iran or Iraq, or least that is the youngest you can marry. It has been about seven years since I last looked at that chart.

I think that's a chart I can do would think they'd be ashamed the old perverts....I recenly read somewhere about a shiek marrying a 13 y/o....disgusting & I mean that wholeheartedly. cultural and religious differences just do not excuse pedos, IMHO

Marrying as in "MARRYING"! Gosh is it acceptable to church? (SPEECHLESSSSS)

no photo
Tue 02/26/13 07:24 PM

Age doesn't matter everyone knows that

ok would u date a 14yr old
laugh noway

I would assume he meant within legal limits, Queene
I think that is leegal in Iran or Iraq, or least that is the youngest you can marry. It has been about seven years since I last looked at that chart.

I think that's a chart I can do would think they'd be ashamed the old perverts....I recenly read somewhere about a shiek marrying a 13 y/o....disgusting & I mean that wholeheartedly. cultural and religious differences just do not excuse pedos, IMHO
Then you are against most of history, but many girls died young and usually in child birth. Good thing modern medicine has help cut that down.

no photo
Tue 02/26/13 07:28 PM

Age doesn't matter everyone knows that

ok would u date a 14yr old
laugh noway

I would assume he meant within legal limits, Queene
I think that is leegal in Iran or Iraq, or least that is the youngest you can marry. It has been about seven years since I last looked at that chart.

I think that's a chart I can do would think they'd be ashamed the old perverts....I recenly read somewhere about a shiek marrying a 13 y/o....disgusting & I mean that wholeheartedly. cultural and religious differences just do not excuse pedos, IMHO
Then you are against most of history, but many girls died young and usually in child birth. Good thing modern medicine has help cut that down.

actually I am quite knowledable. criticizing me personally because I do not agree with all of your political statements (particularly when u don't even know me, and chances are I am far more knowlegable than you realize) is certainly unattractive. As far as the rest of your statement, I don't see the relevance


no photo
Tue 02/26/13 07:30 PM

Age doesn't matter everyone knows that

ok would u date a 14yr old
laugh noway

I would assume he meant within legal limits, Queene
I think that is leegal in Iran or Iraq, or least that is the youngest you can marry. It has been about seven years since I last looked at that chart.

I think that's a chart I can do would think they'd be ashamed the old perverts....I recenly read somewhere about a shiek marrying a 13 y/o....disgusting & I mean that wholeheartedly. cultural and religious differences just do not excuse pedos, IMHO

Marrying as in "MARRYING"! Gosh is it acceptable to church? (SPEECHLESSSSS)

IDK really much about that religion but it's gross. I think they try to justify it with religion and/or culture. It is simply another example of a women's rights / children's rights violation in my opinion. A pedo is a pedo....and I'd say the same for places in America where that used to go on discrimination

no photo
Tue 02/26/13 08:27 PM

What I always wonder, is how an older guy/woman would be sexually compatible with a younger type, because say when someone is in their 60's, and they're having say, erection problems, if that person is with, e.g, someone in their 40's, a younger one, then they might want to think how it might not be as easy as they imagined. Life doesn't always go the way you want it to. The sexually compatible thing is something I'd need to think about.

I love you!

I have a funny answer and a serious one. I'm going to go with the serious one cause I'm cracking up too much.

Love comes in so many different ways that if two people are really connected it won't be a big deal. There are many things that can happen that stops the flow. We're not guaranteed a lifetime, but if you find love at any age it's worth every second you have.

Ok, now my funny comment. I for some reason end up with younger women and when we have this talk I tell them their lucky because I will keep around my stunt double.

no photo
Tue 02/26/13 10:11 PM

What I always wonder, is how an older guy/woman would be sexually compatible with a younger type, because say when someone is in their 60's, and they're having say, erection problems, if that person is with, e.g, someone in their 40's, a younger one, then they might want to think how it might not be as easy as they imagined. Life doesn't always go the way you want it to. The sexually compatible thing is something I'd need to think about.

I love you!

I have a funny answer and a serious one. I'm going to go with the serious one cause I'm cracking up too much.

Love comes in so many different ways that if two people are really connected it won't be a big deal. There are many things that can happen that stops the flow. We're not guaranteed a lifetime, but if you find love at any age it's worth every second you have.

Ok, now my funny comment. I for some reason end up with younger women and when we have this talk I tell them their lucky because I will keep around my stunt double.

can I borrow the stunt double when he;s not "doubling?"

I like a man who is employed :)

no photo
Wed 02/27/13 07:38 AM

Marrying as in "MARRYING"! Gosh is it acceptable to church? (SPEECHLESSSSS)
Depends on the church and what time period. I remember listening to a bible historian about Mary and Joseph. At that time Mary was about 14 to 15 when she gave birth to Jesus and Joseph was between the ages of 25 to 40. It has become a more common view today to think of it as sick because we now view teens as children where at one time they use to be viewed as young adults.

I remember back in the 90s in school we talked about how it was not uncommon to hear about 12-year-old boys in Mexico stop going to school and started helping out on the farm. They were expected to take over the farm and even find a girl to marry.

In some culture a 30-year-old marrying a 15-year-old was no different then a 40-years-old marrying a 20-year-old. Often marriages were not for love unlike today where love is promoted but is some cases not always excepted. We assume the ever 20-year-old girl marrying a 50-year-old man is for money not love. Then a 25-year-old guy dating a 15-year-old girl is some short of sex predator. Yet when a 16-year-old has sex with a 15-year-old we go, you are not supposed to do that.

I’m not saying which way is right or wrong but just how I’ve seen the culture react. I for one don’t believe that every person who steals is doing it to get rich quickly but there are some that do it just to survive. Some people choose to marry for money, some for love, some for sex, and some just to gets their parents off their backs.

Let me finish by playing devil advocate here for the moment with a question. Why do we feel it is ok for a 30-year-old to have a relationship with a 50-year-old that is sexual but against a 15-year-old with a 20-year-old relationship base on love?

no photo
Wed 02/27/13 08:36 AM

Age doesn't matter everyone knows that

ok would u date a 14yr old
laugh noway

I would assume he meant within legal limits, Queene
I think that is leegal in Iran or Iraq, or least that is the youngest you can marry. It has been about seven years since I last looked at that chart.

I think that's a chart I can do would think they'd be ashamed the old perverts....I recenly read somewhere about a shiek marrying a 13 y/o....disgusting & I mean that wholeheartedly. cultural and religious differences just do not excuse pedos, IMHO
Then you are against most of history, but many girls died young and usually in child birth. Good thing modern medicine has help cut that down.

actually I am quite knowledable. criticizing me personally because I do not agree with all of your political statements (particularly when u don't even know me, and chances are I am far more knowlegable than you realize) is certainly unattractive. As far as the rest of your statement, I don't see the relevance

Many girl were not expected to make it to their 20s, many do to death in child birth. Often you wanted to have children early on and lots of children. Youth was considered the healthiest time to have a family. Many children died young as well. It was short of a numbers game before medicine had gotten better. After all, you children were your social security in the old days. The more children you had helping on the farm the better off you can be and the children took care of the parents when the parents got to old to work.

Cultural change both in medicine and education is one reason we have push for people to have relationship till their 20s even though nature kick in back in the teen years.

no photo
Wed 02/27/13 09:45 AM

Age doesn't matter everyone knows that

ok would u date a 14yr old
laugh noway

I would assume he meant within legal limits, Queene
I think that is leegal in Iran or Iraq, or least that is the youngest you can marry. It has been about seven years since I last looked at that chart.

I think that's a chart I can do would think they'd be ashamed the old perverts....I recenly read somewhere about a shiek marrying a 13 y/o....disgusting & I mean that wholeheartedly. cultural and religious differences just do not excuse pedos, IMHO
Then you are against most of history, but many girls died young and usually in child birth. Good thing modern medicine has help cut that down.

actually I am quite knowledable. criticizing me personally because I do not agree with all of your political statements (particularly when u don't even know me, and chances are I am far more knowlegable than you realize) is certainly unattractive. As far as the rest of your statement, I don't see the relevance

Many girl were not expected to make it to their 20s, many do to death in child birth. Often you wanted to have children early on and lots of children. Youth was considered the healthiest time to have a family. Many children died young as well. It was short of a numbers game before medicine had gotten better. After all, you children were your social security in the old days. The more children you had helping on the farm the better off you can be and the children took care of the parents when the parents got to old to work.

Cultural change both in medicine and education is one reason we have push for people to have relationship till their 20s even though nature kick in back in the teen years.

that is an extreme example from a very long time ago when life expectancy was much dofferent, I agree. Nonetheless a 12 or 13,14 year old is really more a child than an adult. It is a wrong practice and most defintely a women's and children's right issue globally. Also it is not for men to say when women should marry, or when or even if we should have children. That is for the woman to decide herself.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 02/27/13 11:53 AM
i think age matters, some... i wouldn't date an 18 year old, but i would date a 30 year old...

oldhippie1952's photo
Wed 02/27/13 11:58 AM
Age matters to me only in intensity.

I would date an 18 year old, but that is all, period.

To want to grow closer to someone, they would have to be near in age to me. Near being subjective.

Needless to say I prefer my own age group, but sometimes you go out with who is available. I'd much rather pay for a date with someone I won't even hold hands with, than go by myself.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 02/27/13 12:04 PM

Age matters to me only in intensity.

I would date an 18 year old, but that is all, period.

To want to grow closer to someone, they would have to be near in age to me. Near being subjective.

Needless to say I prefer my own age group, but sometimes you go out with who is available. I'd much rather pay for a date with someone I won't even hold hands with, than go by myself.

yea, thats the way i feel about sex... takes all the BS out...

Winlei's photo
Wed 02/27/13 01:40 PM

Marrying as in "MARRYING"! Gosh is it acceptable to church? (SPEECHLESSSSS)
Depends on the church and what time period. I remember listening to a bible historian about Mary and Joseph. At that time Mary was about 14 to 15 when she gave birth to Jesus and Joseph was between the ages of 25 to 40. Mary will be stoned to death if ever the people finds out that shes pregnant.
They dont have a choice at that time. Inorder for her to be save Joseph must marry Mary.

PrintsCharming's photo
Sat 03/30/13 09:22 AM
Only if you're a wine or scotch.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/30/13 09:36 AM

as a matter of study, we have a general 'developmental' process we go through which correlates strongly to age

but there are 40 and 50 year olds who never got past the developmental stage of a 20 year old

and there are 20 and 30 year olds who have matured to the emotional development that would be expected from someone much older

so the emotional and intellectual age matter very much

the biological age can be a decent gauge of that, but not a STRICT indicator

people should be emotionally and intellectually compatible for relationships to 'work'

if sex is the only objective though, age only matters as a matter of law and age of consent,, although I personally find it disgusting for those at later stages in life to be lying down with those barely out of high school...

oldhippie1952's photo
Sat 03/30/13 10:02 AM

For me it isnt but it depends upon their status of life,,,, with their child/ren it is a big"AWKWARD" situation....for my opinion only.... Let me know yours

Age doesn't matter as long as you are comfortable with each other.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 03/30/13 11:30 AM
Older women and young men committed relationship, usually is rare.

no photo
Sat 03/30/13 01:57 PM

I stand corrected thank you msSly...sorry for posting a wrong grammared question...

No worries Win,the only person who can crucify you is the inventor of the English Language-and am sure they died eons ago!

no photo
Sat 03/30/13 02:06 PM
Edited by KiK2me on Sat 03/30/13 02:12 PM
Age matters to wine,cheese,whiskey...And when you are dead...
I think it does matters but sometimes people make it work
For the other problems that might {or might not} "Arise"
There are some little blue pills

no photo
Sat 03/30/13 02:21 PM

Maturity seems to matter more than age to me. When you deal with adult children age is just a number. I have been around women half my age who seem more mature than me, too.laugh
I have heard that woman usually like to date a guy older because they are normally more mature then guys their own age or just a little older. Don't know how true that is but that is what I heard.

Living example!!

I get along VERY well with men older than i! So,now,i would never date a man a day younger or less than 5years older than i! I dated my age group,and found them to be immature,i couldnt relate(other than the bedroom that is!!?),yet i have found that i have lots and lots in common with men 5years(and more) older than i!!