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Topic: The Pope Stepping Down
Bestinshow's photo
Thu 02/21/13 04:37 PM

midst growing efforts by international law advocates to arrest and prosecute Pope Benedict for the Church's cover-up of child sex crimes, Vatican officials have announced they will give the retiring Pontiff sanctuary, arguing that otherwise he would be "defenseless" - a feeling likely familiar to the Church's many victims of sexual abuse. A week before his resignation, the Pope reportedly heard from an undisclosed European government that the International Tribunal into Crimes Against Church and State (ITCCS) had called on "all people of conscience" to "disestablish the Vatican," and seek Benedict's and others' arrests for crimes against humanity. Their call comes as part of an upcoming Easter Reclamation Campaign that also seeks to seize the assets of the Church under international law. In addition, the New York-based Centre for Constitutional Rights has requested, on behalf of the Survivors' Network, an international inquiry into the Church's sheltering of pedophile priests. Pope Benedict is reportedly scheduled to meet next week with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to request immunity against allegations of child rape. We don't really wish him well; we simply wish him what he legally and morally deserves.

"We call upon all citizens and governments to assist our efforts to legally disestablish the Vatican, Inc. and arrest its chief officers and clergy who are complicit in crimes against humanity and the ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and protect child torture and trafficking."


The only "conspiracy" I see is the vatican trying to cover up for pedophiles
I can just imagin the many nameless and faceless victims unknown to all throughout the churches long and secretive history when there was no means of exposing pedophilia in the church.
Imagine if this was a Muslim religion guilty of these horrible crimes. The public would be whipped into a frenzy by the 24/7 propaganda outlets and we would be off to another war

no photo
Thu 02/21/13 05:14 PM
Throughout time there have always been men (or people) afflicted with the disease or disorder of pedophilia. There are also more psychopaths in the world that you might think. I think it is a flaw in the DNA.

It is a horrific fact that has been hidden in secret societies for years.

Winlei's photo
Thu 02/21/13 06:02 PM
The pope stepping down because of his illness doesnt matter that he will stop serving the Lord. Try to consider the condition of his body at his age. If you were on his shoe would you still work even though you knew you have a poor health? That is why there is an age limit in working. If you are bound to retire you will do a work at home which is related to your work. Never judge a person because of the anomalies and false rumors. We are all human, we tend to commit mistakes so do not expect perfection. Not all religious leaders are saints. Respect to a person would be nice.

Winlei's photo
Thu 02/21/13 06:02 PM
The pope stepping down because of his illness doesnt matter that he will stop serving the Lord. Try to consider the condition of his body at his age. If you were on his shoe would you still work even though you knew you have a poor health? That is why there is an age limit in working. If you are bound to retire you will do a work at home which is related to your work. Never judge a person because of the anomalies and false rumors. We are all human, we tend to commit mistakes so do not expect perfection. Not all religious leaders are saints. Respect to a person would be nice.

no photo
Thu 02/21/13 06:20 PM

The pope stepping down because of his illness doesnt matter that he will stop serving the Lord. Try to consider the condition of his body at his age. If you were on his shoe would you still work even though you knew you have a poor health? That is why there is an age limit in working. If you are bound to retire you will do a work at home which is related to your work. Never judge a person because of the anomalies and false rumors. We are all human, we tend to commit mistakes so do not expect perfection. Not all religious leaders are saints. Respect to a person would be nice.

A Pope has not resigned for the last 500 years no matter how old and feeble he got.

Most Popes died in office.

His reasons don't add up.

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 02/22/13 12:43 PM
Of all the rumors floating around about just why Pope Benedict XVI is hanging up his camauro, one has taken on a life of its own. According to several well-placed vaticanisti--or Vatican experts--in Rome, Benedict is resigning after being handed a secret red-covered dossier that included details about a network of gay priests who work inside the Vatican, but who play in secular Rome. The priests, it seems, are allegedly being blackmailed by a network of male prostitutes who worked at a sauna in Rome’s Quarto Miglio district, a health spa in the city center, and a private residence once entrusted to a prominent archbishop. The evidence reportedly includes compromising photos and videos of the prelates--sometimes caught on film in drag, and, in some cases, caught ‘in the act’.

Winlei's photo
Fri 02/22/13 02:07 PM

Of all the rumors floating around about just why Pope Benedict XVI is hanging up his camauro, one has taken on a life of its own. According to several well-placed vaticanisti--or Vatican experts--in Rome, Benedict is resigning after being handed a secret red-covered dossier that included details about a network of gay priests who work inside the Vatican, but who play in secular Rome. The priests, it seems, are allegedly being blackmailed by a network of male prostitutes who worked at a sauna in Rome’s Quarto Miglio district, a health spa in the city center, and a private residence once entrusted to a prominent archbishop. The evidence reportedly includes compromising photos and videos of the prelates--sometimes caught on film in drag, and, in some cases, caught ‘in the act’.

I dont have a say in it. All i can say is. "a stain attracts more attention than the whole white cloth".

Winlei's photo
Fri 02/22/13 02:07 PM

Of all the rumors floating around about just why Pope Benedict XVI is hanging up his camauro, one has taken on a life of its own. According to several well-placed vaticanisti--or Vatican experts--in Rome, Benedict is resigning after being handed a secret red-covered dossier that included details about a network of gay priests who work inside the Vatican, but who play in secular Rome. The priests, it seems, are allegedly being blackmailed by a network of male prostitutes who worked at a sauna in Rome’s Quarto Miglio district, a health spa in the city center, and a private residence once entrusted to a prominent archbishop. The evidence reportedly includes compromising photos and videos of the prelates--sometimes caught on film in drag, and, in some cases, caught ‘in the act’.

I dont have a say in it. All i can say is. "a stain attracts more attention than the whole white cloth".

Winlei's photo
Fri 02/22/13 02:24 PM
"most pope died in their office"(jeanniebean)
There is no wrong in resigning. Do not makethis an issue. Even kings resign and pass their title to their heir. We all have different views in life. Lets put it this way. You have a business. You work hard to prosper it yet you received bad feedbacks. Your old and cannot gain back the reputation of your business but you want it to stand strong. Can you gain it back knowing that your incapable to do it. Or would you pass it to someone trustworthy to lead the way? Or would you rather die in your office without even seing the capability of the one supposedly appointed to manage.

no photo
Fri 02/22/13 02:28 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 02/22/13 02:36 PM

I don't think I am "making it an issue" -- unless you think it is an issue. I am simply stating a fact. Pope's don't normally resign, they stay in office until death no matter how sick they are. They have plenty of people to fulfill his papal duties for him.

(In fact the Vatican seems more like a nursing home for old Popes or Priests.)

I find it strange that as the CEO's of Citibank and other major banking empires resign it looks more and more like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship.

As the church falls.... so do the banks. The sky is falling, The system is crumbling, truths are being revealed. This is the meaning of the tower in tarot.

The tower has manifested in the physical world as the World Trade Center.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 02/22/13 02:37 PM
It sounds like the Pope quit when he heard a warrant had been issued for his arrest.:


Winlei's photo
Fri 02/22/13 02:42 PM
Most. And he is not among the most. A fact is a fact. Yes. And it is also a fact that we all have choices( good or bad). He stepping down? Its his choice.

no photo
Fri 02/22/13 02:43 PM

Wow. How reliable is that source and why has this not been all over the news? Unbelievable. It is a total web bot hit....if all of this is true. The Vatican is exposed.

In response to the documented crimes of child torture, trafficking and genocide linked to Pope Benedict and Vatican officials, the ITCCS will be sponsoring a series of ongoing protests and occupations of Roman Catholic churches and offices through its affiliates around the world beginning in Easter week, March 24-31, 2013, and continuing indefinitely.

These actions will accompany the legal efforts to bring Joseph Ratzinger and other Vatican officials to trial for their proven complicity in crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

no photo
Fri 02/22/13 02:44 PM

Most. And he is not among the most. A fact is a fact. Yes. And it is also a fact that we all have choices( good or bad). He stepping down? Its his choice.

He's a Ratzinger leaving a sinking ship. laugh

His choice? You betcha!

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