Times and styles change. It is the nature of things. My big beef is young girls dressing like hookers. Children should not dress in sexually Provocative ways. I don't know how this got started and it appears to have no end in sight, but it is shameful. I wonder the same Joe...As a mom who raised a daughter, I try to consider this from a parents view and honestly cannot come up with one valid reason why they would allow their daughters to dress provocatively at such a tender age....The only thing I ever got close to as a reason was peer pressure as kids want to "fit in" but then I ask, "Fit in where and why?"... ![]() Underage girls dressed like hookers attract a very bad class of attention and (I don't know the statistics) but are sure to get into trouble they can't get out of. I suspect they don't tend to get a lot of respect from men either. This is not a good way to start out adult life. Actually this can even apply to all females be they underage or overage to dress like the stereotypical hookers that we see in movies or on street corners in the 'seedier'parts of our cities around the world. Try explaingn your views on dress to these women who take part in street demonstrations across the world, ranting and raving about how they dress should not be cause for males to assault them is their absolute right to dress like a slut, end of discussion, period...or so they think. Personally, I somewhat agree with them; besides why on earth would any male feel that he should assault a female be she dressed as a hooker/ slut or not. If they are one, what is the beef with them, their going rates for various services??? Or is it something else, much deeper in their twisted little brains that would set a male to assault a hooker or just a plain ordinary female; if I saw naked females on streets, it would still never occur to me to sexually assault any of them...When in the Crimea during their summers, one sees naked women and whole families all over the various towns, roads and countryside; lines of naked people at the local Baskins and Robbin's ice cream stands, even on the buses and trams...It is no big deal...and no one assaults anyone. Look it up if you have any doubts about the people going around naked there in summers, there must be lots of sites on seeing the Crimea in summer... |
Times and styles change. It is the nature of things. My big beef is young girls dressing like hookers. Children should not dress in sexually Provocative ways. I don't know how this got started and it appears to have no end in sight, but it is shameful. I wonder the same Joe...As a mom who raised a daughter, I try to consider this from a parents view and honestly cannot come up with one valid reason why they would allow their daughters to dress provocatively at such a tender age....The only thing I ever got close to as a reason was peer pressure as kids want to "fit in" but then I ask, "Fit in where and why?"... ![]() Underage girls dressed like hookers attract a very bad class of attention and (I don't know the statistics) but are sure to get into trouble they can't get out of. I suspect they don't tend to get a lot of respect from men either. This is not a good way to start out adult life. They do it for attention and because that attention helps them to feel better about themselves. They have low self esteem. Dressing like that will get them attention.... mostly from older men which is trouble. With their peers, it will get them pregnant at 15 or 16. |
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Sun 02/10/13 01:37 PM
At the local grocery store, my eyes beheld a woman who was about 50-60 or more pounds over weight who was wearing a mini-skirt, high heels, a low cut top with cleavage, tons of make-up and bling. It was a sight to see! I couldn't stop staring.
Inappropriate? Probably. This is a small town with tons of "church ladies" not to mention lots of dirty old men who can't get it up any more but try very hard anyway. My only thoughts towards her was.... why? What is she thinking? Does she always dress like that? I was both fascinated and curious. It wasn't gross or ugly or sloppy, it was quite beautiful..glamorous and slutty. It was as if she was dressed for a night on a street corner as a hooker. ![]() |
At the local grocery store, my eyes beheld a woman who was about 50-60 or more pounds over weight who was wearing a mini-skirt, high heels, a low cut top with cleavage, tons of make-up and bling. It was a sight to see! I couldn't stop staring. Inappropriate? Probably. This is a small town with tons of "church ladies" not to mention lots of dirty old men who can't get it up any more but try very hard anyway. My only thoughts towards her was.... why? What is she thinking? Does she always dress like that? I was both fascinated and curious. It wasn't gross or ugly, it was quite beautiful... but suggestive. It was as if she was dressed for a night on a street corner as a hooker. ![]() Maybe she was. |
Edited by
Sun 02/10/13 01:38 PM
At the local grocery store, my eyes beheld a woman who was about 50-60 or more pounds over weight who was wearing a mini-skirt, high heels, a low cut top with cleavage, tons of make-up and bling. It was a sight to see! I couldn't stop staring. Inappropriate? Probably. This is a small town with tons of "church ladies" not to mention lots of dirty old men who can't get it up any more but try very hard anyway. My only thoughts towards her was.... why? What is she thinking? Does she always dress like that? I was both fascinated and curious. It wasn't gross or ugly or sloppy, it was quite beautiful..glamorous and slutty. It was as if she was dressed for a night on a street corner as a hooker. ![]() Maybe she was. In our small town, there are no such street corners. |
Maybe she's trying to start a trend? Harper Valley PTA?
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Sun 02/10/13 01:50 PM
I could care less how anyone dresses. I think if you feel comfortable; then wear what you want. I can remember my parents freaking out about girls wearing mini skirts and I vowed that I wasn't going to be like that. Me, I can dress from a military uniform, to long gown & heels; to just wearing a sweatsuit as I did yesterday to go out for some cold medication. Clothing does not make me the person I am; as its merely an outer dressing and nothing more. I have better things to worry about in life than worrying about what others are wearing.
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Sun 02/10/13 02:10 PM
I am only concern about how a man dresses, if I am interested in dating him. I want him to be neat and know what to wear on any given occassion. I like dresses and skirts. I use to wear short skirts until I got 40 then my hemline went down a bit. I once dated a Older professional man ,he was 56, and he wear shorts shorter than mine. I didn't like him having better looking legs than me.
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I could care less how anyone dresses. I think if you feel comfortable; then wear what you want. I can remember my parents freaking out about girls wearing mini skirts and I vowed that I wasn't going to be like that. Me, I can dress from a military uniform, to long gown & heels; to just wearing a sweatsuit as I did yesterday to go out for some cold medication. Clothing does not make me the person I am; as its merely an outer dressing and nothing more. I have better things to worry about in life than worrying about what others are wearing. this^^^^^^^^^^^^ I don't worry about what others are wearing. I only have myself to look after and if others don't like what I'm wearing to bad..........Nowadays people get looked down at if they're not carrying a designer handbag or the latest expensive footwear, or the latest style. I just want to be comfortable in what I'm wearing and appropriate for me. |
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Sun 02/10/13 02:08 PM
I could care less how anyone dresses. I think if you feel comfortable; then wear what you want. I can remember my parents freaking out about girls wearing mini skirts and I vowed that I wasn't going to be like that. Me, I can dress from a military uniform, to long gown & heels; to just wearing a sweatsuit as I did yesterday to go out for some cold medication. Clothing does not make me the person I am; as its merely an outer dressing and nothing more. I have better things to worry about in life than worrying about what others are wearing. oops double post...................... |
Remember a long time ago when everyone was getting all uppity about people takin' a switch to their kids a**es?
Yeah, this is what you get...But of course we were never too good at looking ahead. |
My 6 year old daughter has asked me repeatedly to sign her up for dance lessons. While I'm all for the idea of her participating in extracurricular activities, I've been to several of the performances of my nieces. I'm appaled at the costumes these children wear!!
Who ever thought the idea of putting a baby in a pair of sequined booty shorts and a bra and parading them around on a stage should have their head examined. I even looked at signing her up for classes at the YWCA but asked to see the previous years costumes. Still a no-go for me. I dress in a very conservative manner. All parts of me are covered at all times. The only exception being in the summer when I wear shorts and occasionally a tank top but bra straps are always covered and cleavage is left to the imagination. I'd never venture out of the house in my pajamas. To me, that is the epitome of laziness. It's not so much about not feeling comfortable with my body as believing that anyone who gets to see it needs to work for it. |
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Sun 02/10/13 03:40 PM
The good ol days?
I see what the kids are wearing to school today and find it hard to remember what we had to wear to high school Girls had to wear dresses or skirts. No pants or shorts allowed. This meant you usually needed nylons... and panty hose had not been invented yet so the girls had to wear nylon stockings with garter or girdles with garter belt straps to hold up your nylons. Today, a high school girl wearing skirts with nylon stockings held up by a garter belt would probably not be allowed. Dressing like that is a turn-on to old men these days. Strange indeed. ![]() ![]() |
Remember a long time ago when everyone was getting all uppity about people takin' a switch to their kids a**es? Yeah, this is what you get...But of course we were never too good at looking ahead. oh man, that reminds me of a comedy routine by Russel Peters about when he tried the local kids advice on how to deal with (to be read, get away with disrespecting) his parents,,,lol its called beating your kids (the clip is), but its more about different cultural norms and trends,,,,hilarious |
I could care less how anyone dresses. I think if you feel comfortable; then wear what you want. I can remember my parents freaking out about girls wearing mini skirts and I vowed that I wasn't going to be like that. Me, I can dress from a military uniform, to long gown & heels; to just wearing a sweatsuit as I did yesterday to go out for some cold medication. Clothing does not make me the person I am; as its merely an outer dressing and nothing more. I have better things to worry about in life than worrying about what others are wearing. I agree that clothes don't make the person. However, the clothes we choose do have an effect on how we're perceived by others. We all make snap judgements based on appearance. We can't help it, it's part of our evolutionary programming. Clothes are a big clue to who a person is. I have found, most of the time, you absolutely can judge a book by it's cover. Gangsters dress like gangsters and bankers dress like bankers. It's my opinion that everyone should make an effort to look as good as they can, as often as they can within the context of what they're doing at the time. This is what "appropriate attire" means. What you wear to go shopping or to a job interview is going to be different than what you wear to work on your car or fix your plumbing. But, no matter what you're doing, there's no excuse for looking bad while you do it. |
Shortfire said....
"I'd never venture out of the house in my pajamas. To me, that is the epitome of laziness." TexasScoundrel said... "But, no matter what you're doing, there's no excuse for looking bad while you do it." I agree with both of them!...It's not about insecurity, need for attention, or being superficial...It's about self respect, dignity....Plus, you never know who you might meet when you're doing something mundane like shopping for groceries! ![]() |
I could care less how anyone dresses. I think if you feel comfortable; then wear what you want. I can remember my parents freaking out about girls wearing mini skirts and I vowed that I wasn't going to be like that. Me, I can dress from a military uniform, to long gown & heels; to just wearing a sweatsuit as I did yesterday to go out for some cold medication. Clothing does not make me the person I am; as its merely an outer dressing and nothing more. I have better things to worry about in life than worrying about what others are wearing. I agree that clothes don't make the person. However, the clothes we choose do have an effect on how we're perceived by others. We all make snap judgements based on appearance. We can't help it, it's part of our evolutionary programming. Clothes are a big clue to who a person is. I have found, most of the time, you absolutely can judge a book by it's cover. Gangsters dress like gangsters and bankers dress like bankers. It's my opinion that everyone should make an effort to look as good as they can, as often as they can within the context of what they're doing at the time. This is what "appropriate attire" means. What you wear to go shopping or to a job interview is going to be different than what you wear to work on your car or fix your plumbing. But, no matter what you're doing, there's no excuse for looking bad while you do it. Again; who cares how someone dresses. I would obviously dress for an interview or the symphony but going shopping; nope. Sweats are just fine. I want to be comfy and when you are loading and unloading a vehicle; good chance of getting dirty and why would I care what anyone thought of me. I am buying groceries for my home not trying to meet someone. People really need to get overthemselves. I reserve my judgments for a person on actually talking to them so as long as the person has good hygiene; I don't care what they wear. |
Shortfire said.... "I'd never venture out of the house in my pajamas. To me, that is the epitome of laziness." TexasScoundrel said... "But, no matter what you're doing, there's no excuse for looking bad while you do it." I agree with both of them!...It's not about insecurity, need for attention, or being superficial...It's about self respect, dignity....Plus, you never know who you might meet when you're doing something mundane like shopping for groceries! ![]() I just finished saying I go out to buy groceries; not try to get picked up by a guy. I vote for comfort personally. I went out on Saturday in a full sweat suit and my hair tied back in a pony tail with no make up. The only person that should be concerned about how I look is me. I am not out to impress anyone else. |
I could care less how anyone dresses. I think if you feel comfortable; then wear what you want. I can remember my parents freaking out about girls wearing mini skirts and I vowed that I wasn't going to be like that. Me, I can dress from a military uniform, to long gown & heels; to just wearing a sweatsuit as I did yesterday to go out for some cold medication. Clothing does not make me the person I am; as its merely an outer dressing and nothing more. I have better things to worry about in life than worrying about what others are wearing. I agree that clothes don't make the person. However, the clothes we choose do have an effect on how we're perceived by others. We all make snap judgements based on appearance. We can't help it, it's part of our evolutionary programming. Clothes are a big clue to who a person is. I have found, most of the time, you absolutely can judge a book by it's cover. Gangsters dress like gangsters and bankers dress like bankers. It's my opinion that everyone should make an effort to look as good as they can, as often as they can within the context of what they're doing at the time. This is what "appropriate attire" means. What you wear to go shopping or to a job interview is going to be different than what you wear to work on your car or fix your plumbing. But, no matter what you're doing, there's no excuse for looking bad while you do it. Again; who cares how someone dresses. I would obviously dress for an interview or the symphony but going shopping; nope. Sweats are just fine. I want to be comfy and when you are loading and unloading a vehicle; good chance of getting dirty and why would I care what anyone thought of me. I am buying groceries for my home not trying to meet someone. People really need to get overthemselves. I reserve my judgments for a person on actually talking to them so as long as the person has good hygiene; I don't care what they wear. I have to concur, in fact, ID consider somoene looking spiffy at the grocery store in the middle of the night as kind of high maintenance,,,lol it just depends upon the occasion, that person who is interested in YOU is gonna have to know you dont walk around 24/7 dressed to impress, nor should you feel a need to just to be accepted by others,,, when I run to the store, I dont bother with the makeup and crap, its just a chance for someone to find me 'attractive' as I am,, and probably be more likely to stick around after we get comfortable and have to be sharing a home or a space with each other |
I could care less how anyone dresses. I think if you feel comfortable; then wear what you want. I can remember my parents freaking out about girls wearing mini skirts and I vowed that I wasn't going to be like that. Me, I can dress from a military uniform, to long gown & heels; to just wearing a sweatsuit as I did yesterday to go out for some cold medication. Clothing does not make me the person I am; as its merely an outer dressing and nothing more. I have better things to worry about in life than worrying about what others are wearing. I agree that clothes don't make the person. However, the clothes we choose do have an effect on how we're perceived by others. We all make snap judgements based on appearance. We can't help it, it's part of our evolutionary programming. Clothes are a big clue to who a person is. I have found, most of the time, you absolutely can judge a book by it's cover. Gangsters dress like gangsters and bankers dress like bankers. It's my opinion that everyone should make an effort to look as good as they can, as often as they can within the context of what they're doing at the time. This is what "appropriate attire" means. What you wear to go shopping or to a job interview is going to be different than what you wear to work on your car or fix your plumbing. But, no matter what you're doing, there's no excuse for looking bad while you do it. Again; who cares how someone dresses. I would obviously dress for an interview or the symphony but going shopping; nope. Sweats are just fine. I want to be comfy and when you are loading and unloading a vehicle; good chance of getting dirty and why would I care what anyone thought of me. I am buying groceries for my home not trying to meet someone. People really need to get overthemselves. I reserve my judgments for a person on actually talking to them so as long as the person has good hygiene; I don't care what they wear. Sure, and why not a loin cloth? I understand they are very comfortable in the right weather. You are missing the point. Nothing wrong with sweats (although I wouldn't be caught dead in them outside the gym). What looks bad is inappropriate clothes. A 300 pound woman in a halter. A fat man in pants that don't cover his butt crack. I have said a number of times in this thread that anyone can look good no matter what style of clothes they're wearing. It's all about the fit. |