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Topic: what is up with ur past
no photo
Thu 08/17/06 10:25 AM
who cers about the pastlive and learn right

dAviedAnger's photo
Thu 08/17/06 10:32 AM
That is exactly why the past is so important. If one is not able to
learn from the past, and learn from experiences and grow stronger, one
is doomed to relive the past over again.

no photo
Thu 08/17/06 10:37 AM
but why do gurls want to know about ur bast

dAviedAnger's photo
Thu 08/17/06 10:48 AM
To gather more about you. If you have a bumpy past, the girls will be
there to support you. I want to know about a girls' past too before I
get into a relationship with them. Sometimes, when hearing about one's
past, you can make a pretty good decision on how the relationship will

no photo
Thu 08/17/06 11:17 AM
but what if they r not like that what if they did somethin fucked up
cuz they were stupid see u cont allwasy know about the past cuz the past
can hurt u

dAviedAnger's photo
Thu 08/17/06 11:29 AM
I think right there you solved your own question for you. Not telling
someone the truth or hiding the truth about your past if they ask is
never the right thing to do. I have been in a past relationship where it
was important for me to know about the past. My ex told me about her
past, and we worked from there. Some people hold onto the past. They
hold it very dear to them because they are afraid of change. Some let go
and embrace new opportunities. I'm split in the middle. I love new
experiences but miss some fun times I've had in the past. That's just
how people are.

no photo
Thu 08/17/06 02:47 PM
How about when it comes to one changing there life stlye around, but
others such as employers keep judging individuals for things that could
of happened in the past?
I know plenty of people who have changed there lives around, but still
get judged even not only changing there life around but getting a
college ed.

wizardofahhhhs's photo
Sat 08/19/06 09:55 PM
you,know i really think i might have been Napoleon in a past life,and
yes,i do spot "ELVIS" quite frequently,saw him in front of Old Navy just

andreww38's photo
Sun 08/20/06 02:39 AM
one of the most amazing all guy response threads.

if a girl is entitled to know abt yr past, would you likewise enquire
abt hers?

and would you be disturbed by her answer?

no photo
Sun 08/20/06 11:54 AM
na cuz i dont want to know them for what they were or what tey did but
how im getin to know them now

andreww38's photo
Sun 08/20/06 03:47 PM
if she had been with 100 guys would you be disturbed?

i know i'd be.

no photo
Sun 08/20/06 04:13 PM
ya ye that is why i would not want to know that is why i would not ask
about the past

kisses17's photo
Mon 08/21/06 12:50 AM
A girl asking about your past lets her know why you chose to be with
her... and if she asks what went wrong, it lets her know what not to do
to keep you...

lonewolf001's photo
Mon 08/21/06 12:54 AM
i agree with danny the past is the past let it die with time as long as
she didnt kill anyone or anything like that what dose her past matter.

unsure's photo
Mon 08/21/06 05:11 AM
My mom has always told me never tell a man how many guys you have been
with....because they will always throw that up to you. I say the past is
the past, move on. My moto is this...never look back just look ahead!
Who cares what your partner has done, all I know is just don't hop in
bed with every single person you meet. Safe sex people!! (can you tell I
am in nursing) Seriously, you don't know whats out there and you do not
know who that person has been with.

no photo
Wed 08/23/06 06:53 PM
live and learn! the past is just that the past!

no photo
Thu 08/24/06 08:53 AM
ya tell me about it what u did in ur past is not how u r now why do u
want to know what they did and not to get to know them for them as they
r now cuz if u know what they did u will all ways think about it and not
get to know them for how they r now see to the past goes for u on ur
past so u can now what not to do but the person ur with does not need to
know it cuz it could fuck everything up

drshadowj's photo
Fri 08/25/06 02:07 AM
Lets face it. Everyone knows what kind of person they are and we all
choose our lives. Today, gentlemen women can Pay Pal $49.00 and know
EVERYTHING, even the name of your high school sweetheart. They use
public records, if you are married, she will, if you have been to jail
she will know, if you were dishonorably discharged from the service she
will know She will know where you lived, where you have lived and worked
for the last ten years and if you have been to a detox center. She will
know if you are registered to vote, how many times you failed to vote in
the last ten years, she will know your overall grade point average from
High School, any liens or legal suits you have against you or have been
in. Actually, most women do not need this information, they can sum you
up in a heartbeat, but if they like you and want to continue, if she can
afford the $49.00 eventually she will do a background check on you right
on the web. I am not going to name the sites, just do a Google for
people finders if you ever need this kind of information. If you were
born here, it takes an hour or so and if not a little longer. In my
business, my partner pays a private detective and though he can get
non-public information on like what size fruit of the looms you wear, he
still goes directly to a computer and has his connections.
Any man or woman can do a background check and sometimes get some
dramatic results. There are plenty of stories who have been caught
married, wanted for a felony in another state or a polygamist running a
Big Con.
If you have any doubt, protect yourself, not just women either,
unfortunately there are still gold diggers who have priors for
prostitution and soliciting. The net is full of predators, but there
is not a demon behind every bush. (no pun intended

Kristina_0778's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:11 AM
i wish it had been this easy before i got married. i never would have
done it. not with him anyway.

Kristina_0778's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:45 AM
honestly, though... there are just somethings that don't need to be
brought into a new relationship. it does have a tendency to jump up and
bite you in the ass. especially for women. women admit to sleeping
with more than a couple of guys, they're sluts. men brag about sleeping
with more than a few, they're studs. i had a similar issue the other
day. a friend of mine knows certain things that are turn ons for me,
learned on accident by play wrestling one day, he likes to pick on me
about it sometimes and a guy i had met recently, took it as i had slept
with him, because there was no way a guy would know that unless you had
sex with him, as far as he was concerned. he might as well had just
come out and called me a slut. hell, he practically did.

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