Topic: "IF WOMEN" | |
well that was worth repeating
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"When they to meet, it is he who has to go to meet her because she is afraid he might pull out a tomahawk and scalp her after he rapes her. He must not be afraid that she will wake up in the night and behead him with an axe."
Grieving, with your attitude toward women, this might be something you should be concerned about. If women are so bad, why are you here looking for one? |
Well Wholeflarer, when U read my post again, U & Lulu will realize that U r commenting on something other that what I said involving 'the children." Your quotes is:
woman is "supposed" to do rather than asking, "hey, can I help out anywhere here?' You might find that woman would get the kids put down is=n far less time and you would have more love time with mama. Unquote. I was not speaking of my wife, myself and our children together in a house, where I used to be the one the children used to mostly play with and amidst play go and prepare food for them to eat or get up from my bed when they say they are hungry. Read again:: I was talking about a VISITING situation BEFORE it reaches man and wife situation or after a break-up, where one visits the other. if you go to visit a woman at her house, when she says to come, she continues doing all she feels to do, but if she comes to visit you, you cannot that and have her sitting on the couch waithing on you UNTIL you finish doing all your work, attending to your children as she did when you went at her. I find what I said is simple to understand. I don't know why anyone should misunderstand such a SIMPLE example. So it is either you did not read what I wrote or you just playing smart and pretend you are befriending women to get them to like you. The other thing is this: Apart form myown experiences and what I read or was related, I was a Police Officer trained in community Policing among other things and worked in the Supreme Court for years witnessing first hand what happens to men in Court and the preceedings before Court. When I finish give advice or handle a matter, WOMEN used to tell me: "Boy U good." And to used to ask to see this Policeman. Both men and women used to seek me for advice. You probably, like many others, even some Police Officers, do not have the experience I have. But I know that you are trying to help me avoid bashing from men-haters. You are afraid for me. Well there are women out there who KNOWS all that I am saying is the truth. And they will not bash me for SPEAKING IT. AND WHAT AM SAYING IS not FEW AND FAR between. Tha's how MOST women are. And MOST men KNOW that including some scheming ones I spoke of in another post. |
If women ruled the world the world would be "sugar and spice and everything nice" that's what the world would be like!!
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You see plenty men are afraid women vexed with them for speaking the truth. So when they are among men, in men talk, they agree with the men on these truths, but when women are around, they change their tongue. They speak with a forked tongue. i am afraid too. BUT I WILL STILL SPEAK THE TRUTH WHETHER THEY ARE AROUND OR NOT. I GOT 2 BALLS AND BACKBONE.
Women are ruling the World right now. Have you ever heard the expression: "Behind every successful man is a woman?" The are many things out there where, if a women is seen accompying a man, he will get through faster. if she is by herself she will get through; If he is by himself, he may not get through. For example. Do not MORE women own houses than men? Do not women get jobs faster than men? I was unemployed a certain time and broke. I went out looking for jobs once again or at least come home with some food money. I came home MT. The woman I was with went and CAME BACK WITH MONEY.
In all honesty I think your perspective is skewed Greiving.
You are seeing through filters thick as the old coke bottle glasses. Take off those glasses man and see with fresh eyes. Not everyone can be painted with the same brush. We have all encountered negative experiences. We do not all, however, carry them around in a sack with us to hit new people over the head with. You are nursing old wounds. Heal them. For yourself and your world will look different. |
Artgirl. If you clear the 'defending women-sororoty instinct part of you, you will notice that I said this:
Quote: "Well there are women out there who KNOWS all that I am saying is the truth. And they will not bash me for SPEAKING IT." Unqoute. You will noticce that I say MOST women. Not 'EVERYONE' as you say. why are some going off the track of the pertinence. I know that there are still plenty women who will admire me for speaking the truth. And they will find me a very sweet guy. And they might even take advantage of me like some others did. One thing you are SURE of with me. I am not speaking with any guile. With intent to deceive. Technically, men-haters are being filtered. Or people who already waking around with some answers for some questions, who put the wrong answers to the wrong questions when they are chained up like a jack-in-the-box. Like some people walking around with pain killers and looking for pain. |
I am defending no one and in such matters I see without gender.
Your posts sounds sad, judgmental and closed. I was merely sharing another perspective. Good luck to you ... I hope you find what you are looking for. |
Unfortunately for you Greiving, your truth is only true for you, not for others, therefore it's not the ultimate truth.
You better learn rather sooner than later that other people see the world and your truths from a different perspective. I could never, ever agree with you, my outlook on things is quite different. |
Well I am indeed sad that I could not have such a pretty one like you in my corner. but I am speaking the truth and you know it too. You are not dumb. Artist are not dumb.
Invisible. Which one of the things I said is NOT true. That as soon as a man talk the truth about women they get turned off on you and hate you?
Frank apology accepeted. and grieving I want to know what world you are living in..... I sure don't rule you or anybody else and don't want to and (expecially you) Get a grip on real life and look around it is a two way street..... I refuse to stay in your pity party any longer. learn to share and love like frank suggests.
Ladyinluv2be.Which one of the things I said is NOT true? That as soon as a man talk the truth about women they get turned off on you and hate you wishing they could kill you?
Greiving, please note, I said YOUR TRUTH. Which part of that don't you understand?
I have been watching you, popping into my profile how often in the past few days? 12? 13? 14? I have deleted every picture showing more than my face, and you are still looking every so often, what are you looking for? To find YOUR TRUTH confirmed? You won't find that in neither mine nor Artgurl's profile So give in, will you? |
I don't know who you had a bad experience with but we are NOT all that way and do NOT include me in on it. I get mad if you do not tell the truth. I know I am not perfect and don't want to be but you are way off base saying we rule world because of your experience with a couple women. So don't run us all down until you have tried us all and you will never try me because of your attitude.
Hear what frank said:
Quote: "IF WOMEN RULED THE WORLD We could have a man in our life-------but not in our house. Just come in, attach the DVD player and get out-----------" unquote. It seems to me if I had said that I would have been dead. Frank is your friend. I know women can attach videos. Love me for that! I know women are running things already. Love me for that. You should be glad that I have said something as a PLUS to women. But you are so drunk with hate for men that you cannot see it is a credit to women. There are women who sing songs about that. About what? That they are the Boss. I have proven that I could give evidence of what I say. Have you? |
Invisible I just went and saw more than your face. You have forgotten to delete about 2. But I coud still copy it put two horns on it and send it to you
Have fun
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