Topic: Fake Skeptics & The "Conspiracy Theorist" Slur
Troubled's photo
Sun 01/27/13 06:12 PM

Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

the "criminal cabal"...sheesh, your minds are running in so many directions no wonder you can't see fantasy from fact... so now it's the criminal cabal who did it, and not bush... no wait, Israel?... the bankers? umm.. i guess anyone but the muslims did it right?


Personally I have no idea who was responsible for it.

But it damn sure wasn't done by the people our illustrious government is telling us.

And at least our minds are running.

no photo
Sun 01/27/13 07:32 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 01/27/13 07:33 PM

Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

the "criminal cabal"...sheesh, your minds are running in so many directions no wonder you can't see fantasy from fact... so now it's the criminal cabal who did it, and not bush... no wait, Israel?... the bankers? umm.. i guess anyone but the muslims did it right?


all the basic same bunch of criminals..

No one believed in the existence of the Italian mafia either, until one of the members told all about that secret organization.

The elite criminals do exist. They are a lot worse than the Italian mafia, or the Russian mafia too.

This if not fantasy. What part of what I am telling you do you think is 'fantasy?" How do you know it is fantasy? How can you prove to me that what you believe is not fantasy?

What and whom do you believe? I just know bull chit when I hear it and I know truth when I hear it most of the time. I trust my bull chit meter and I don't believe the politicians or the media whores.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/27/13 07:59 PM

Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

the "criminal cabal"...sheesh, your minds are running in so many directions no wonder you can't see fantasy from fact... so now it's the criminal cabal who did it, and not bush... no wait, Israel?... the bankers? umm.. i guess anyone but the muslims did it right?


all the basic same bunch of criminals..

No one believed in the existence of the Italian mafia either, until one of the members told all about that secret organization.

The elite criminals do exist. They are a lot worse than the Italian mafia, or the Russian mafia too.

This if not fantasy. What part of what I am telling you do you think is 'fantasy?" How do you know it is fantasy? How can you prove to me that what you believe is not fantasy?

What and whom do you believe? I just know bull chit when I hear it and I know truth when I hear it most of the time. I trust my bull chit meter and I don't believe the politicians or the media whores.

your really asking me to disprove your fantasies?
laugh laugh laugh laugh

mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/27/13 08:01 PM

Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

the "criminal cabal"...sheesh, your minds are running in so many directions no wonder you can't see fantasy from fact... so now it's the criminal cabal who did it, and not bush... no wait, Israel?... the bankers? umm.. i guess anyone but the muslims did it right?


Personally I have no idea who was responsible for it.

But it damn sure wasn't done by the people our illustrious government is telling us.

And at least our minds are running.

keep telling yourself that, whatever helps you sleep at night...
i guess paranoia runs deep in here...

no photo
Sun 01/27/13 08:08 PM

Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

the "criminal cabal"...sheesh, your minds are running in so many directions no wonder you can't see fantasy from fact... so now it's the criminal cabal who did it, and not bush... no wait, Israel?... the bankers? umm.. i guess anyone but the muslims did it right?


all the basic same bunch of criminals..

No one believed in the existence of the Italian mafia either, until one of the members told all about that secret organization.

The elite criminals do exist. They are a lot worse than the Italian mafia, or the Russian mafia too.

This if not fantasy. What part of what I am telling you do you think is 'fantasy?" How do you know it is fantasy? How can you prove to me that what you believe is not fantasy?

What and whom do you believe? I just know bull chit when I hear it and I know truth when I hear it most of the time. I trust my bull chit meter and I don't believe the politicians or the media whores.

your really asking me to disprove your fantasies?
laugh laugh laugh laugh

No, I don't have any fantasies.

Troubled's photo
Sun 01/27/13 08:15 PM

Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

the "criminal cabal"...sheesh, your minds are running in so many directions no wonder you can't see fantasy from fact... so now it's the criminal cabal who did it, and not bush... no wait, Israel?... the bankers? umm.. i guess anyone but the muslims did it right?


Personally I have no idea who was responsible for it.

But it damn sure wasn't done by the people our illustrious government is telling us.

And at least our minds are running.

keep telling yourself that, whatever helps you sleep at night...
i guess paranoia runs deep in here...

Thanks, I will.

I guess some people like living in an idiocracy.

no photo
Sun 01/27/13 08:19 PM
I'm not the least bit paranoid. I simply know what is going on. LOL

Troubled's photo
Sun 01/27/13 08:21 PM

I'm not the least bit paranoid. I simply know what is going on. LOL

Paranoid? No. Galactically pissed off? Yup

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 01/27/13 08:54 PM

There are no such videos of the Pentagon...

There is the one that has been posted repeatedly.

...and lets not discount the sophisticated air defenses above the most heavily defended air space on the planet. A hot air balloon could not escape detection and interception yet we were powerless after both twin towers had been hit?

Incorrect and that has been proven to you repeatedly.

why does our Australian friend even devote so much time and energy onto American politics?

Not that it is any of your business, nor would I count you among my friends, but this issue isn't about American Politics. We are discussing the supposed conspiracy theory behind 9/11, and I spend my spare time looking into CT's. Have you a problem with that?

Again repeated for the slow of mind.

Oh dude, you are in no position to make such an accusation.

If the powers that be chose to release footage of the Pentagon attack they could have released a dozen films from different angles in slow motion to show us exactly how a jumbo jet could evaporate into a hole and leave no traces of luggage bodies or debris

You, of course know this for a fact? No, you don't.

Your arguments are not based in reality but propaganda and spin and they are absurd to those of us who know better.

Dude, you've got nothing but insults. I suppose you haven't looked at the links yet? The one on the Pentagon will inform you on the subject.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 01/27/13 09:27 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Sun 01/27/13 09:48 PM
Some more information on the subject that won't be read. laugh

The above site is by Mark Roberts, one of the best debunkers and the man who made Alex Jones look like an idiot (not that it is a difficult task). This deals primarily with fantasy surrounding the CD of WTC7.

On the cameras capabilities around the Pentagon see below. Note: this is a little scientific for most on here.

Photos of AA77 debris from the Pentagon:

Fuselage fragment showing American Airlines logo:

The wheel strut assembly:

Computer modelling of AA77's final moments:

Here you can download the NTSB's Full analysis of the flight data recorder:

I know no-one will actually bother to read this material, but it at least demonstrates that I've done the research. A point no-one else has been able to show thus far.

I await responses that include more vacuous remarks about my nationality.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 01/28/13 12:07 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Mon 01/28/13 12:12 AM
Eyewitness accounts of AA77 hitting the Pentagon:

Unedited footage of AA77 striking the Pentagon (note frame speed as discussed in detail in a paper posted above).

Note Newson's comment: "The Pentagon airspace is not protected. Airliners from Regan Nation Airport depart and overfly the Pentagon on a hourly basis. If an airliner wants to intrude on airspace, it will. You cannot put up a wall in airspace. The only thing you can do is use force. That force, was QUIT 25, 26; 2 F-16's scrambled from Langley 10 minutes prior to AA77 hitting the Pentagon. Not only were they no where near DC, but NEADS also had no warning of AA77 heading towards DC."

The myth of the 'stolen' 2.3 trillion dollars from the Pentagon:

So, the money wasn't 'stolen' and it didn't even exist in cash on-site. A few of the urban myths in circulation are clearly not what people believe them to be.

I hope you all enjoy not studying this wealth of information.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 01/28/13 01:24 AM
I am still waiting for an answer on the Fireproof Explosives in WTC!
Those that didn't cook off in the Towers and WTC7,even though having been exposed to Fire for a prolonged time!
Besides,I wonder where they hid all of it,and when they installed it!
Oh,BTW,how come all that Det-Cord didn't cook off?
Must have used Doctor Judy's Patented Dustifying Beam after all!laugh

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 01/28/13 01:34 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Mon 01/28/13 01:58 AM

I am still waiting for an answer on the Fireproof Explosives in WTC!
Those that didn't cook off in the Towers and WTC7,even though having been exposed to Fire for a prolonged time!
Besides,I wonder where they hid all of it,and when they installed it!
Oh,BTW,how come all that Det-Cord didn't cook off?
Must have used Doctor Judy's Patented Dustifying Beam after all!laugh

Funny how answers aren't forthcoming. All we get are rants soapboxing the same old narrative. Well, you can lead a horse to water, but if it just stands there telling you there is no water, you have to simply walk away and let it die from dehydration.

It seems that many of the truther profiteers (Griffin, Gage et al.) are distancing themselves from the Woods/No-planer/Vicsims crowds. No credibility=no new converts to the cult, perhaps? Icke's bunch are becoming an embarrassment (understandably) to many as well when one watches the various fora.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 01/28/13 01:41 AM

I am still waiting for an answer on the Fireproof Explosives in WTC!
Those that didn't cook off in the Towers and WTC7,even though having been exposed to Fire for a prolonged time!
Besides,I wonder where they hid all of it,and when they installed it!
Oh,BTW,how come all that Det-Cord didn't cook off?
Must have used Doctor Judy's Patented Dustifying Beam after all!laugh

Funny how answers aren't forthcoming. All we get are rants soapboxing the same old narrative. Well, you can lead a horse to water, but if it just stands there telling you there is no water, you have to simply walk away and let it die from dehydration.

It seems that many of the truther profiteers (Griffin, Gage et al.)are distancing themselves from the Woods/No-planer/Vicsims crowds. No credibility=no new converts to the cult, perhaps? Icke's bunch are becoming an embarrassment to many as well if you watch the various fora.

laugh :thumbsup:

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/28/13 08:36 AM

I'm not the least bit paranoid. I simply know what is going on. LOL

Paranoid? No. Galactically pissed off? Yup

yea, ok... keep telling yourself that...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/28/13 09:51 AM
too funny... 12 years has gone by, and not one piece of evidence has surfaced any whatsoever... but the ct'ers still keep on going, like they know that it was this massive coverup that effects us all in some way... then they say things like "at least someone is asking the hard questions"` or how stupid everyone else is for not believing them. then when someone shows the counter evidence, they all just dismiss it without even looking at it. i see no/very little critical thinking on the ct'ers part, like it would hurt them if they were actually wrong....

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 01/28/13 01:43 PM

Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

the "criminal cabal"...sheesh, your minds are running in so many directions no wonder you can't see fantasy from fact... so now it's the criminal cabal who did it, and not bush... no wait, Israel?... the bankers? umm.. i guess anyone but the muslims did it right?


Personally I have no idea who was responsible for it.

But it damn sure wasn't done by the people our illustrious government is telling us.

And at least our minds are running.
I agree these freaking apologists for these crimes do not even investigate they just post some apologists rubbish they have taken for fact without knowing a darn thing.

We know better so pee in the wind all day if you wish every day more and more people are hip to how bad we have been screwed over.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 01/28/13 01:45 PM

Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

the "criminal cabal"...sheesh, your minds are running in so many directions no wonder you can't see fantasy from fact... so now it's the criminal cabal who did it, and not bush... no wait, Israel?... the bankers? umm.. i guess anyone but the muslims did it right?


Personally I have no idea who was responsible for it.

But it damn sure wasn't done by the people our illustrious government is telling us.

And at least our minds are running.
I agree these freaking apologists for these crimes do not even investigate they just post some apologists rubbish they have taken for fact without knowing a darn thing.

We know better so pee in the wind all day if you wish every day more and more people are hip to how bad we have been screwed over.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 01/28/13 01:58 PM

Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

the "criminal cabal"...sheesh, your minds are running in so many directions no wonder you can't see fantasy from fact... so now it's the criminal cabal who did it, and not bush... no wait, Israel?... the bankers? umm.. i guess anyone but the muslims did it right?


Personally I have no idea who was responsible for it.

But it damn sure wasn't done by the people our illustrious government is telling us.

And at least our minds are running.
I agree these freaking apologists for these crimes do not even investigate they just post some apologists rubbish they have taken for fact without knowing a darn thing.

We know better so pee in the wind all day if you wish every day more and more people are hip to how bad we have been screwed over.
All the proof is classified Mr. Conrad you know it and I know it.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/28/13 02:30 PM

Yep, its all orchestrated by the criminal cabal of who buys elections, bribes congressmen, manipulates the stock market and the price of everything, and whose agenda is to steal the real wealth of the world and leave the population with worthless paper money and contracts while they keep the gold and the property.

Fractional reserve lending, stock market manipulation, stolen money, fraud, ponzi schemes, etc.

Wake up people and stop defending these criminals.

the "criminal cabal"...sheesh, your minds are running in so many directions no wonder you can't see fantasy from fact... so now it's the criminal cabal who did it, and not bush... no wait, Israel?... the bankers? umm.. i guess anyone but the muslims did it right?


Personally I have no idea who was responsible for it.

But it damn sure wasn't done by the people our illustrious government is telling us.

And at least our minds are running.
I agree these freaking apologists for these crimes do not even investigate they just post some apologists rubbish they have taken for fact without knowing a darn thing.

We know better so pee in the wind all day if you wish every day more and more people are hip to how bad we have been screwed over.
All the proof is classified Mr. Conrad you know it and I know it.

classified proof... wow... so how do you know it's proof then?