Topic: Would you date someone of a different race..No! why not?
Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 01/02/13 05:10 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 01/02/13 05:10 PM

Mingle people, if you don't mind interracial dating... however, its just not for you..Can you tell me why?

I do not mind interracial dating. It is amazing how men differ.

no photo
Wed 01/02/13 05:17 PM
I date who I am attracted to. If it happens to be someone of a different race, that's cool.

I am not attracted to guys who make a huge deal about race, though.

Goofball73's photo
Thu 01/03/13 07:56 AM
Last year, I went on a couple of dates with an African American woman. We had different ways of saying things. For instance, she would say "You so stupid", and then she would laugh. She meant this in the "You are making me bust a gut" way. When she first said it, she was quick to notice the "surprised" look on my face. She then told me how she meant it, which quickly had me feeling better. Lol. Anyways, she later got too bossy and I knew that she and I were not a good match. Still, I didn't care about her skin color, and had things worked out I would have asked her out again and again.

teebee79's photo
Thu 01/03/13 08:28 AM

Last year, I went on a couple of dates with an African American woman. We had different ways of saying things. For instance, she would say "You so stupid", and then she would laugh. She meant this in the "You are making me bust a gut" way. When she first said it, she was quick to notice the "surprised" look on my face. She then told me how she meant it, which quickly had me feeling better. Lol. Anyways, she later got too bossy and I knew that she and I were not a good match. Still, I didn't care about her skin color, and had things worked out I would have asked her out again and again.

HAhahaha! I'm sorry... the " You so stupid" is what got me!
I'm glad you could see past the ....clearly " around the way girl" vernacular to still find her interesting!
Good for you!

Goofball73's photo
Thu 01/03/13 01:01 PM

Last year, I went on a couple of dates with an African American woman. We had different ways of saying things. For instance, she would say "You so stupid", and then she would laugh. She meant this in the "You are making me bust a gut" way. When she first said it, she was quick to notice the "surprised" look on my face. She then told me how she meant it, which quickly had me feeling better. Lol. Anyways, she later got too bossy and I knew that she and I were not a good match. Still, I didn't care about her skin color, and had things worked out I would have asked her out again and again.

HAhahaha! I'm sorry... the " You so stupid" is what got me!
I'm glad you could see past the ....clearly " around the way girl" vernacular to still find her interesting!
Good for you!

What's funny is that I'd say something silly she wouldn't get and I would get that "WTH"? look from her. Lol. So, needless to say, we spent much of the first date "understanding" one another. Which was cool we were both open and attentive to each other like that. At the very least, we gave it a chance ya know. And, on another note, I have that LL Cool J song in my head...."Lisa, Angela, Pamela, Renee....I love you...You're from around the way". laugh

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/03/13 01:04 PM
laugh laugh laugh

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 01/03/13 01:10 PM
Interracial dating is very common in my city and much around the World. Of course, if people do not want to engage in that kind of relaionship that is a Choice just like everything else in this World.

oldhippie1952's photo
Thu 01/03/13 01:14 PM

My first online experience was on Zoosk. It was fun ....received a lot of "winks" and chat requests. One day I got an "odd" wink.
The guy said " Thanks for the interest. However I am a white boy and I'm looking for the same"
No he wasn't gay...he was looking for a white girl!

First of all... I did not message this guy...let's put that out there right away! He was in a grouping with a bunch of other guys. I politely told him that I did not view him or message him...Zoosk obviously sends random "matches" . I also informed him that he may want to keep that in mind before sending this type of message in the future.

My point is.... He couldn't be alone in his way of thinking!
Mingle people, if you don't mind interracial dating... however, its just not for you..Can you tell me why?

You go with whatever you are comfortable with.

notsoincognito's photo
Thu 01/03/13 02:43 PM

I try to date the person not the other stuff. In my experience: Americanized and/or white women tend to smack me a lot; foreigners tend to want money- that is the bad, the good is.... wait give me a minute...

"foreigners tend to want money"..... hmmmmmmmm you would be a foreigner in our country too (NZ), Do you want money?

Mirage4279's photo
Thu 01/03/13 02:46 PM

I date who I am attracted to. If it happens to be someone of a different race, that's cool.

I am not attracted to guys who make a huge deal about race, though.

Not a big dale earnhardt jr fan huh???

jaded72's photo
Thu 01/03/13 03:08 PM

I date who I am attracted to. If it happens to be someone of a different race, that's cool.

I am not attracted to guys who make a huge deal about race, though.

^^ What she said.I don't see skin colour as a big deal.

navygirl's photo
Thu 01/03/13 03:16 PM
As long as the guy treats me with respect and as an equal; I would date him and could care less about skin colour.

Lyndy1970's photo
Thu 01/03/13 05:34 PM
I have dated outside ethnicity, and would do so again, IF the man was a MAN, not a dude, dog, player, and so on....

I expect respect, consideration and kindness to be returned in the same amount I have given it.

I want someone with a decent amount of intelligence, whether it's gained from books or life or both.

And the color of the skin means nothing if the person is attractive, to me, inside and out.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 01/04/13 12:32 PM

I certainly hope that females of the human race are willing to date males of the Melmacian race, or I'm going to be alone for a long time.

no photo
Sat 01/05/13 05:52 AM
I like my hot lil asian women, They are happy if the roof dont leak, if there is food and if i dont beat them. I have pretty much written off white women, they all seem to want me to have an ATM machine taped to my back. mabe its American women, or mabe its just the ones i meet. dunnow.

teebee79's photo
Sat 01/05/13 11:07 AM

I like my hot lil asian women, They are happy if the roof dont leak, if there is food and if i dont beat them. I have pretty much written off white women, they all seem to want me to have an ATM machine taped to my back. mabe its American women, or mabe its just the ones i meet. dunnow.

Yes...its the women YOU know, darlin'

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 01/05/13 11:19 AM

I like my hot lil asian women, They are happy if the roof dont leak, if there is food and if i dont beat them. I have pretty much written off white women, they all seem to want me to have an ATM machine taped to my back. mabe its American women, or mabe its just the ones i meet. dunnow.

laugh laugh

burgundybry's photo
Sat 01/05/13 11:38 AM
have before, would again

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/05/13 11:56 AM
'might date another race or color, it doesnt mean I dont love my strong black brothers,,,,,'

En Vogue

Im fortunate to see beauty comes in all skin tones. I feel for others who arent so fortunate,,

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 01/05/13 08:17 PM

'might date another race or color, it doesnt mean I dont love my strong black brothers,,,,,

I do not buy into the myth promoted by certain racists - that a man is your brother if he has the same racial features that you have.

As I have said before, there is only one race that is native to planet Earth . . . the human race. Looking at humans through a prism of "race" is what keeps racism alive.