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Topic: New Year Resolutions?
TexasScoundrel's photo
Wed 12/26/12 04:06 PM
I haven't made any new year resolutions for a very long time. However, I am this year. I have some goals I want to work towards. Things like starting a savings account just for my sons when I'm gone. I'm also going to look into buying a truck to live in instead of living in the company truck (I'm an over the road truck driver and live in the truck for four six weeks at a time).

Do you make new year resolutions? What are your's going to be this year?

no photo
Wed 12/26/12 06:10 PM
I wouldn't necessarily call it a New Year's resolution, but I was planning on trying to reformulate a very specific diet and an old friend of mine that I saw the other day said he should be able to help me (I'm going mostly raw/vegan with eggs and chicken for protein [I climb a lot of stuff and burn calories]).

So kinda.

ashryn's photo
Wed 12/26/12 09:27 PM
haven't made any in a while but this year I an...I will finish school by the end of next and start doing things that make me happy instead if worrying about the happiness of others especially when it's not appreciated:smile:

no photo
Wed 12/26/12 09:58 PM
this year's was not to touch my hair.
no color or cutting.
i did it!
i'm chopping it and killing it again january first.
i believe i'm going vegan this year.
when cheese stops being so delicious.

pennyg281's photo
Thu 12/27/12 01:18 AM

to continue on my weight loss journey, i'm also going to stop drinking soda. i've cut down a lot but haven't quit completely, but for my lifestyle change to be effective, i've got to completely stop drinking it.

carold's photo
Thu 12/27/12 08:00 AM
Weight loss, stop drinking, get a new job, :cry: get strongerdrinker

no photo
Thu 12/27/12 08:21 AM

this year's was not to touch my hair.
no color or cutting.
i did it!

Congrats, b! :D

geppetto55's photo
Thu 12/27/12 08:28 AM
Learn tightrope walking.

Many a gap to cross for practice, indeed ifn I lean one way or other I'm in twubbo anyway.

Oh chute, I fell to abyss in mind once again~ tips me hat to the OP.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/27/12 08:50 AM
Hummm actually I never make them but have made some new goals of taking better care of my health. Which I have started since I have been off....bigsmile

no photo
Thu 12/27/12 09:15 AM
Stoping being lazy about the gym despite all weather to make the gap smaller than 3 days...

geppetto55's photo
Thu 12/27/12 10:04 AM

~whelp I spied my blood donor card passing the fridge and felt guilty for my post. Something of the card telling me B positive~

Leaning as well as others to change diet. More veggies, smarter choices of this and that with my jack knife meals.

Even walking past a vegans home is hard enough, let alone step on the grass.

But to help those who spoke of; a coupla Facebook links I've had as fav/like for awhile now but not wrapped my head around more specialty? shopping.
Judge for ones self~ and adding that some are ideas sans real recipes.

~this one being the author of book/owner of site above and of her own site~yes another cancer survivor.
For more motivation~

This is a strange site. It's of name of documentary I seen which got me thinking of natural vs industrialized foodstuffs...not a vegan thang by any means really. Y'all should see the vid from whatever source.
Here's anudder~ Originated by a movie/docu. peeps should see~

Excuse me if this sounds as spamming, tis not. I just walked by a crooked photo on the wall and can't keep my hands to myself.
New diet is long road, with lots of roll in a ball and make ones own requires input from varied.
tips me hat~ :thumbsup:

Goofball73's photo
Thu 12/27/12 11:07 AM
Well, in January I will start classes to complete my Bachelor's. Stoked about that one. I'm also planning on learning the piano, start learning a second language, learning to cook more things. Gonna be a busy 2013 for me.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 12/27/12 02:25 PM

Do you make new year resolutions? What are your's going to be this year?

No I usually do not make new years resolutions.
However, this year I am working on loosing a few pounds with more exercise and I am looking to make new friends. Life is good and I had a good 2012.

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 12/27/12 02:35 PM
Survive...Same as the last time around.

carold's photo
Thu 12/27/12 02:42 PM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 12/27/12 02:48 PM
My resolution is to not make any resolutions.

navygirl's photo
Thu 12/27/12 05:03 PM
I have a good workout regime but wouldn't mind making a resolution to work twice a day. I want to cut back even more on eating meat and skip supper completely as I have been doing it five times a week; so now just need to add the other two days. I also want to explore my sprituatlity; perhaps wiccan as an example.

Suzanne20's photo
Thu 12/27/12 06:23 PM
I usually don't make resolutions because I think if you want to do something, you should do it regardless of time of year. BUT, this year my mother decided to give up caffeinated sodas. So I said I would do it with her. I have started early because I am a major caffeine addict. Day 12bigsmile

no photo
Thu 12/27/12 06:29 PM
I'm going to try and watch even more horror movies...should be easy.

irisheyes79's photo
Thu 12/27/12 08:29 PM
not jerk off too much

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