Topic: women explain please
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Sun 12/30/12 06:32 PM
ooops.. forgot to mention..

perhaps finding a cool scrapbook or photo album that he can 'build a memory book' sort of thing with.. maybe even help him paste/add the pics each visit..

my kids and I made books and even today (some 15-20 yrs later) they still drag the books out every visit and walk down memory lane, typically with lots of laughter.. :wink:

anywho.. I'm done now.. bigsmile

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 06:34 PM

oh ffs, peeps giving advice here never washed a diaper, not had anything from a plastic bag.
Internet/cable? Oh my my, there's instructional ho hum.

beating gums as...arguing on the internet is like running special olympics. You may win, but you're still a retard.

ava gander at what was learned at age of eight~ say 1850. Shaddup 'n leave the youn'n learn without dat paint in corner.

if it's any consolation Geppetto.. :wink: I got what you said! :thumbsup:

deny1192006's photo
Sun 12/30/12 06:37 PM
its prettty cool you say that ijust had pictures done at the photo place at wal mart and got him stuff to try that with for christmas but as for the giving him the picture his mom is still trying to push him that the other guy is his father she refers to me by name and dont like it went we refer myself as daddy he dont really talk yet and im only allowed to have him at home for now the supervised thing but in time

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 06:47 PM
yeah.. that IS pretty cool huh..

he may not talk yet.. but he's always listening and learning right?.. simply explain it to him the same way you explain things to your girlfriends kids.. they're really quite smart the lil buggers laugh

deny1192006's photo
Sun 12/30/12 09:07 PM
that they are

no photo
Mon 12/31/12 07:21 AM
must've missed it .. how old is he exactly? (I'm too lazy to go back 'n read thru everything again laugh )

a few things I noted when my girls would come back after time spent with their dad were, at first they were okay with it cuz they got to do some fun stuff like when they're with me.. then after a short time it wasn't fun anymore cuz he spent more time working OR with his 'other' family (he lives with a woman and her 3 perfect kids whoa .. then eventually (when they were about 13) they didn't want to go any longer.. his focus was on his 'other' family and even lately he doesn't seem to want to have anything more than that to do with them.. which personally I feel is VERY wrong but hey.. it'll come back to bite him in the azz.. and already has.. I'm soon to be a grandma and my daughter has asked me to walk her down the aisle.. (they were engaged before getting pregnant.. and decided to hold off the wedding until she can into my old gown :wink: ) so at this rate figure he probably won't be there at the birth and he'll miss her special day.. sad but.. that's what happens with 'dead-beat' dads.. which I really don't believe is your intention.. :wink:

anywho..the point is (although you may already know this) to focus as much of your attentions with him now to create the bond you seek.. and suggest you always spend TRUE quality time with him at every visit.. (which I'm sure you already do) alls I'm sayin is.. don't let LIFE get in the way of living! flowerforyou

deny1192006's photo
Mon 12/31/12 08:53 PM
He will be 18 months jan 3 and hes my main focus when i have him she i hold him the whole time because she gets him up way early on my days she knows he wont nap in strange places but ie been thru that stage already i got the deff ear lol little does she know i dont care im just happy to have him but it does hurt because he dont know me and resists untill about the last hour :( and then i have to take him back it hate taking him back butone day when hes older hell know everything kids always do but its really cool you daughter is getting married in your dress the one good thing about my son is because of him i found my bio father i was raised by someone else cuz my mom was cheatin when she had me than moved to virgina and married my dad i.e my sisters real dad who raised me and name i carry but i firgure it all out anyway my bio dad had two of the wall babys with his wife in there fortys and my youngest sister 2 and my son could be twins so we took a test between us its been a big year 2012 a good one

no photo
Tue 01/01/13 07:40 AM
gotcha.. for some reason I thought he was older.. slaphead

I inherited a 2 yr old grand-daughter with my youngest's fiance.. there's been weeks between us seeing each other but she always remembers me.. must be all the funny faces I make OR the fact I'm on the ground with her and her toys playing "pretend" :wink: laugh

and having her in my old gown IS a bonus.. but the BEST part is I gets ta walk her down the aisle and give her away at her wedding.. tradition be damned she says.. I've been her mom AND dad forever as far as she's concerned.. the Ex doesn't get that privilege being a dead beat.. YAY ME! bigsmile :banana:

offtopic I was adopted too.. however never could find either of my parents.. even after 8 years of tryin.. ohwell but kudos for finding yours!! :thumbsup:

deny1192006's photo
Tue 01/01/13 10:51 AM
never give looking my grandfather was born in 27 adopted in 1930 hes 85 there was five brothers hes the last one left but in 2007 his nephews finally tracked him down and hes since found out which brothers whent where and only one die in the world war but was all vets persistance pays off

deny1192006's photo
Tue 01/01/13 10:51 AM
never give looking my grandfather was born in 27 adopted in 1930 hes 85 there was five brothers hes the last one left but in 2007 his nephews finally tracked him down and hes since found out which brothers whent where and only one die in the world war but was all vets persistance pays off

geppetto55's photo
Tue 01/01/13 11:08 AM

if it's any consolation Geppetto.. :wink: I got what you said! :thumbsup:

Thanks MsZee
erm, geppetto gots allot of letters. My name is Brian...well it's spelled Brian, but pronounced Throatwoblermangrove. :-)

no photo
Tue 01/01/13 01:02 PM

never give looking my grandfather was born in 27 adopted in 1930 hes 85 there was five brothers hes the last one left but in 2007 his nephews finally tracked him down and hes since found out which brothers whent where and only one die in the world war but was all vets persistance pays off

perhaps it does for some..(cool about yer grandpa too) but I did try every avenue and regardless.. the files were all gone and the trail just kinda stoped... I was working with the adoption agency here for 8 yrs.. they HAD found the families of my 2 brothers and 1 sister real easy like(we were all adopted) but mine came to a dead end ending in a brick wall frustrated

the assumption was.. my mothers family paid out a tidy sum to have some 'files disappear' and it ended there! no one answered the newspaper ads either.. ohwell c'est la vie.. I DID find out a few small tidbits though.. for one I'm Greek bigsmile :thumbsup:

deny1192006's photo
Wed 01/02/13 09:44 AM
thats cool but everything happens for a reason your prob better off but it its sad and family medical history like cancer high blood pressure is out the window my worse give i may have gave my son is early recieding hair line lol

no photo
Wed 01/02/13 02:49 PM

if it's any consolation Geppetto.. :wink: I got what you said! :thumbsup:

Thanks MsZee
erm, geppetto gots allot of letters. My name is Brian...well it's spelled Brian, but pronounced Throatwoblermangrove. :-)

no problemo Brian.. *gets tongue tied during pronunciation.. ohwell *

no photo
Wed 01/02/13 02:51 PM

thats cool but everything happens for a reason your prob better off but it its sad and family medical history like cancer high blood pressure is out the window my worse give i may have gave my son is early recieding hair line lol

good for you! I CAN think of worse..

I've survived my family's medical history it seems(cancer).. all except for the diabetes.. I'm trying to be watchful of sweets though..:thumbsup:

deny1192006's photo
Wed 01/02/13 08:08 PM
im glad you did and hope it never comes back

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 01/03/13 12:06 AM
Finding family members can sometimes be difficult when adoptions occure.

If parents or grandparents came from Greece the likely hood that they first came to the continent through Ellis Island and then into Canada is good.

The Mormon church also has EXTENSIVE records on both Mormon and non-Mormon persons and by registering with them they will reciprocate what information they have.

The Catholic church has also relaxed it's stand on adoptions, some, and has allowed a registry.

ALMA, one of many free support organizations, is a to-way registry for those adopted or family members seeking those who were placed for adoption. That can include extended family members up and down the generational chain. Placeing even limited information in their registry even a date of birth without name, often allows information to be forwarded. Continueing to update with registries can be worth the effort because as age or barriers to telling are removed it can mean what was a trickle of information can turn into a landslide, more or less over night. Some of thiese groupes do have international links and local chapters and can be a very pleasant means of support and fellowship.

Family re-unifications can be wonderful or extremly disruptive. Proceeding with caution and recognizeing the emotional toll to all is not always easy to see at first view. Greif issues over the loss of a family and reunification is a now better understood and organizations for the adopted or those placeing for adoption can recommend reading lists on the subject usually as a free service.

Some of their materials can be very helpful when family relationships have been disrupted and rebonding is taking place.

Every state has free publications printed at state expense from your federal tax dollars under grants from Mental Health and Mental Retardation block grants to the Developement Disabilities council to address this family issue. Even when what would normally not be called mental health issue or a developemental failure. It can be particularly helpful in understanding developemental issues, and regression of developement; which is normal when children are re-bonding with biological parent absent from their lives. Your states publication office can provide a list. Often the materials are written to address a variety of age groupes and can be particularly helpful in sibling bonding or even addressing grandparenting issues. I have not personally seen the newer materials but I am told now even free downloadable DVD's exist.

no photo
Thu 01/03/13 08:28 AM
seriously??noway this was simply a 'shared' life experience to broaden an already growing friendship.. I wasn't looking for advice.. if I WAS? I'd start a new thread..
but I do recall Deny asking you nicely NOT to post in here again...whoa seems a lack of respect to me to do otherwise.. especially when one just jumps into a conversation and throws useless info out without FIRST knowing all the facts, again! slaphead

just for the record.. neither my paternal NOR maternal families came in through the US.. (not EVERYthing revolves around the US ya know.. whoa) Canada had it’s own immigration system (and still does).. also.. the US laws and practices are FAR different than many of those in Canada.. so whatever info you COULD offer.. is pointless to this Canuck ohwell

no photo
Thu 01/03/13 08:30 AM

im glad you did and hope it never comes back

thanks Deny.. it's been 23 years and holding!! bigsmile :thumbsup:

deny1192006's photo
Thu 01/03/13 10:43 PM
wow thats great i donate to the american cancer soitiety everytime i go to the bank yjey have the bast candy bars and there was a girl i when to school with shes had bone breast and jus had thiroid cancer she 27 and she is the best purest person
i know