Topic: Here 'they come!
JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 12/28/12 12:02 PM

Ya know Denial is a coping mechanism.

In order to deny the awful truth, there has to be an alternate story.

It is easier sometimes to blame unseen or unattainable sources rather than to try to address the real deal.

I mean it is the same story of denial you get from the gun crazies who are in denial. All they can say blindly is "more guns" and "more guns". With no acknowledgement of the truth of the situation.

"I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it".- Voltair.

…however I really do wish it wasn't such bullsh*t as to not even be worth listening to.

Until you come up with a better and more life-saving response to homicidal maniacs running wild than more guns to stop them, I would suggest that you believe a fantasy utopia of "no murders" can exist, and thus have no contact with the real world. Somebody is in denial, but it isn't your "gun crazies"…You're just projecting.

Example one.

Denial at it's best here.

Are you confessing or projecting?

no photo
Fri 12/28/12 12:27 PM

Ya know Denial is a coping mechanism.

In order to deny the awful truth, there has to be an alternate story.

It is easier sometimes to blame unseen or unattainable sources rather than to try to address the real deal.

I mean it is the same story of denial you get from the gun crazies who are in denial. All they can say blindly is "more guns" and "more guns". With no acknowledgement of the truth of the situation.

"I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it".- Voltair.

…however I really do wish it wasn't such bullsh*t as to not even be worth listening to.

Until you come up with a better and more life-saving response to homicidal maniacs running wild than more guns to stop them, I would suggest that you believe a fantasy utopia of "no murders" can exist, and thus have no contact with the real world. Somebody is in denial, but it isn't your "gun crazies"…You're just projecting.

Example one.

Denial at it's best here.
Queen of assertions . . . NAAA HUHHHH, YAAAAH HUHHHHH

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Fri 12/28/12 01:58 PM
Is there nothing that cannot be attributed to da Jooz?

Conspiracy Theorists Blame Jews For Sandy Hook Massacre

In the after­math of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Ele­men­tary, inter­net posts blam­ing Jews for the killings began to spring up on var­i­ous online mes­sage boards and con­spir­acy the­ory web­sites. One the­ory, for exam­ple, pro­motes the notion that a sup­pos­edly Jewish-controlled Hol­ly­wood encour­ages killing sprees with sub­lim­i­nal mes­sages glo­ri­fy­ing gun vio­lence. Another attrib­utes the vio­lence to the State of Israel, claim­ing Israel per­pe­trated a “false flag” ter­ror­ist attack on Amer­i­can soil as alleged pun­ish­ment for Amer­i­can for­eign pol­icy on Israel and the Palestinians.

Among the most well-known pro­mot­ers of racist and anti-Semitic beliefs to claim that Jews were behind the shoot­ing spree is for­mer Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. On his web­site, where he dis­sem­i­nates his white suprema­cist ide­ol­ogy and specif­i­cally anti-Jewish views, Duke alleges that what hap­pened at Sandy Hook Ele­men­tary is a result of Jew­ish con­trol over sev­eral Amer­i­can insti­tu­tions and for­eign pol­icy. Duke con­cludes that it is the sup­posed Zion­ist con­trol over the media that resulted in the Sandy Hook shootings:

“Lead bul­lets are not mur­der­ers. The real mur­der­ers are not the bul­lets, but the Bul­lies of the Zio Media…Guns did not cre­ate the hor­ror in that lit­tle school in Sandy Hook, Con­necti­cut. The Zio mas­ters of the media did. They have devoured the real Amer­ica. The mas­ters of the media con­tinue to take us down the path of human depravity…”

Press TV, the Iran­ian government’s plat­form to dis­sem­i­nate its ide­ol­ogy to the English-speaking world, also exploited this tragedy to espouse anti-Semitic “expla­na­tions” of what hap­pened at the Con­necti­cut ele­men­tary school. In an inter­view broad­cast on Press TV today, Mike Har­ris, a con­trib­u­tor to the anti-Semitic web­site Vet­er­ans Today who has ties to mem­bers of the neo-Nazi National Social­ist Move­ment (NSM), held Zion­ists account­able for a num­ber of mass shoot­ings in America:

“We have had a Zionist-controlled Hol­ly­wood, a Zionist-controlled news media that is the con­duit to all of these vio­lence, these imagery, into every home in Amer­ica and so you won­der why there is a cul­ture of vio­lence? It is because it comes from the Jews in Hol­ly­wood. That is where the con­duit of vio­lence comes from. That is the source of it… You have to real­ize Israel has been oper­at­ing death squads in the United States since Gabrielle Gif­fords and Judge Roll were shot in Tus­can. There have been other inci­dents as the Col­orado shoot­ing, that was again Israeli death squads oper­at­ing in the US.”

In an arti­cle pub­lished on the Press TV web­site by Gor­don Duff, Senior Edi­tor of Vet­er­ans Today, Duff asked Har­ris if he stands by his claims that Israel is respon­si­ble for the mas­sacre. His response: “You [Israel] mur­der chil­dren as part of ‘busi­ness as usual,’ you shouldn’t be sur­prised that when chil­dren are mur­dered, peo­ple look to you.”

This is not the first time David Duke and Press TV have exploited a tragedy in Amer­ica to spew their hate­ful anti-Jewish ide­ol­ogy. On the 11th anniver­sary of the 9/11 attacks, David Duke appeared on Press TV claim­ing that Zion­ists mas­ter­minded the attacks on 9/11.

Well, Presstv, what more needs to be said?

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Fri 12/28/12 02:02 PM

At the risk of sounding like a "conspiracy nut twoofer" I can't help but think this video raises a lot of interesting questions.

It does raise one question: what is supposed to be on the end of this link?

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Fri 12/28/12 02:04 PM

I have lost IQ just trying to understand the reasoning involved with some of these . . . . theories . . . ohh the tragedy of calling them that . . .

David icke . . . sigh . .

I know, to think we've come so far as a species, and yet, stupidity of this magnitude still exists.

no photo
Fri 12/28/12 06:06 PM

At the risk of sounding like a "conspiracy nut twoofer" I can't help but think this video raises a lot of interesting questions.

It does raise one question: what is supposed to be on the end of this link?

Because Mingle can't handle a clickable link that starts with https, you have to copy and paste the above into your browser to get to the video.

Very good video, JustDukkyMkII!!

no photo
Fri 12/28/12 06:27 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 12/28/12 06:31 PM
I've listened to a few of the conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook even though I didn't really want to get into any of that.

If the globalist evil cabal is behind the Sandy Hook incident, I have no doubt that they couldn't care less about really killing the children. The only reason they would fake it would be because they couldn't find any special ops teams who would agree to kill innocent American Children for the sake of promoting a gun control agenda.

But I don't believe the story that no children at all were actually killed. I think that would have been more difficult to stage than actually killing the children.

I would like to just put on my blinders and believe the official reports but they keep using this whole incident to push gun control agenda and laws through, that I am really getting sick of it.

They had no problem killing children at WACO Texas, so why should this be any different?

Do I believe it was done by a single shooter? NO. Sorry, They chased one guy into the woods, and they caught and handcuffed another guy. So what was that all about? Where are the real facts?

The reason people are saying "the Jews" did it is because of the connection to the Movie "The Dark Knight Rises" which is a Hollywood owned business... owned by people who claim to be Jews. Are they? I doubt it.

Also, a strange fact about the Father of the so-called (now dead) shooter, is that the father is said to be a witness in the global elite Bankster Cabal case of Libor that proves these Elite people are manipulating the market and stealing trillions of dollars from the people.

I believe this global Cabal will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They do want to disarm the American people. That's a fact.

no photo
Fri 12/28/12 07:16 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 12/28/12 07:33 PM
How can the Media or anyone make this kind of mistake?

Now a retraction is posted: here about the guns used...

Earlier today I posted an NBC News report about the type of weapons Adam Lanza used during his Sandy Hook rampage. That report was from December 15 and contained false information. According to the Newtown coroner, Lanza used a semi-automatic AR-15, not four handguns as the report said. The entire post has been retracted. I apologize for the error.

Okay which is it? Hand guns or assault rifle? I'm getting confused.

Four handguns found in the school. The assault rifle was left in the trunk.

Someone seems to be lying.

no photo
Fri 12/28/12 07:34 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 12/28/12 07:46 PM

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 12/29/12 12:46 AM

How can the Media or anyone make this kind of mistake?

Now a retraction is posted: here about the guns used...

Earlier today I posted an NBC News report about the type of weapons Adam Lanza used during his Sandy Hook rampage. That report was from December 15 and contained false information. According to the Newtown coroner, Lanza used a semi-automatic AR-15, not four handguns as the report said. The entire post has been retracted. I apologize for the error.

Okay which is it? Hand guns or assault rifle? I'm getting confused.

Four handguns found in the school. The assault rifle was left in the trunk.

Someone seems to be lying.
either way it wasn't an Assault-Rifle,since Assaultrifles are outlawed,Illegal in CT,and Lanza's Mother acquired that Rifle legally!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 12/29/12 01:20 AM

How can the Media or anyone make this kind of mistake?

Now a retraction is posted: here about the guns used...

Earlier today I posted an NBC News report about the type of weapons Adam Lanza used during his Sandy Hook rampage. That report was from December 15 and contained false information. According to the Newtown coroner, Lanza used a semi-automatic AR-15, not four handguns as the report said. The entire post has been retracted. I apologize for the error.

Okay which is it? Hand guns or assault rifle? I'm getting confused.

Four handguns found in the school. The assault rifle was left in the trunk.

Someone seems to be lying.
either way it wasn't an Assault-Rifle,since Assaultrifles are outlawed,Illegal in CT,and Lanza's Mother acquired that Rifle legally!

I wonder how the news that an assault style rifle wasn't used in the shootings is going to affect the proposed legislation to reintroduce a (stricter) semi-auto ban that never did diddleysquat when it was in effect the first time.

Funny that they were pushing the Bushmaster "theory" for so long eh? I have a feeling the next session of congress is gonna misfire badly! I hope the American people let their congress know that the jig is up!...Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice...uh...uh...ya can't get fooled again!

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 12/29/12 01:23 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sat 12/29/12 01:38 AM

How can the Media or anyone make this kind of mistake?

Now a retraction is posted: here about the guns used...

Earlier today I posted an NBC News report about the type of weapons Adam Lanza used during his Sandy Hook rampage. That report was from December 15 and contained false information. According to the Newtown coroner, Lanza used a semi-automatic AR-15, not four handguns as the report said. The entire post has been retracted. I apologize for the error.

Okay which is it? Hand guns or assault rifle? I'm getting confused.

Four handguns found in the school. The assault rifle was left in the trunk.

Someone seems to be lying.
either way it wasn't an Assault-Rifle,since Assaultrifles are outlawed,Illegal in CT,and Lanza's Mother acquired that Rifle legally!

I wonder how the news that an assault style rifle wasn't used in the shootings is going to affect the proposed legislation to reintroduce a (stricter) semi-auto ban that never did diddleysquat when it was in effect the first time.

Funny that they were pushing the Bushmaster "theory" for so long eh? I have a feeling the next session of congress is gonna misfire badly! I hope the American people let their congress know that the jig is up!...Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice...uh...uh...ya can't get fooled again!
the Rifle doesn't qualify as an "Assault-Rifle",besides,the Term is Political and absolutely meaningless!

Was Adam Lanza’s Bushmaster Rifle an Assault Weapon?[/]

>The many observers who are calling for a renewed ban on assault weapons apparently believe that the rifle that Lanza used was an assault weapon. Is that assumption correct? There are three possible answers; take the quiz:

* Yes
* No
* Maybe

The correct answer is “Maybe,” or, more specifically, “Maybe, but probably not.” The specific model of the Bushmaster rifle has not been publicly disclosed, and without knowing that we cannot tell whether it is an assault weapon as defined in the defunct federal law. (The phrase “assault weapon” has no meaning apart from the federal law; it was invented by politicians for political reasons.) We can guess that it probably isn’t, since Connecticut already bans the sale of “assault weapons,” and there is no indication that Nancy Lanza bought or owned her guns illegally.<

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 12/29/12 01:33 AM

Hell Comes to Bath

Ain't seen anything yet!sick

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sat 12/29/12 03:33 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Sat 12/29/12 03:33 AM
The reason people are saying "the Jews" did it is because of the connection to the Movie "The Dark Knight Rises" which is a Hollywood owned business...

Plus people just hate Jews. The above is barely a connection at all and is wild in the extreme. If you read back I posted that dumb story earlier.

no photo
Sat 12/29/12 11:21 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 12/29/12 11:22 AM

The reason people are saying "the Jews" did it is because of the connection to the Movie "The Dark Knight Rises" which is a Hollywood owned business...

Plus people just hate Jews. The above is barely a connection at all and is wild in the extreme. If you read back I posted that dumb story earlier.

People don't "just hate Jews." That is absurd. There is a criminal element in this world who claim to be "Jewish" and that is a fact!!!

That does not mean everyone who claims to be Jewish belongs to this mafia. Don't be so ignorant, and stop playing that worn out "everyone hates Jews" game. It doesn't fly anymore. People are waking up and are not falling for that crap. It's old, its sick and its stupid.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sat 12/29/12 01:45 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Sat 12/29/12 01:46 PM

The reason people are saying "the Jews" did it is because of the connection to the Movie "The Dark Knight Rises" which is a Hollywood owned business...

Plus people just hate Jews. The above is barely a connection at all and is wild in the extreme. If you read back I posted that dumb story earlier.

People don't "just hate Jews." That is absurd. There is a criminal element in this world who claim to be "Jewish" and that is a fact!!!

That does not mean everyone who claims to be Jewish belongs to this mafia. Don't be so ignorant, and stop playing that worn out "everyone hates Jews" game. It doesn't fly anymore. People are waking up and are not falling for that crap. It's old, its sick and its stupid.

Oh, please! slaphead This crap is old, it's sick and it's stupid. laugh Please don't turn this thread into one of your ignorant, anti-semitic rants.

Now, back to the point:

This is just banal.

"Not too many people have pointed this out"

What does that tell you? laugh

no photo
Sat 12/29/12 05:07 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 12/29/12 05:07 PM

The reason people are saying "the Jews" did it is because of the connection to the Movie "The Dark Knight Rises" which is a Hollywood owned business...

Plus people just hate Jews. The above is barely a connection at all and is wild in the extreme. If you read back I posted that dumb story earlier.

People don't "just hate Jews." That is absurd. There is a criminal element in this world who claim to be "Jewish" and that is a fact!!!

That does not mean everyone who claims to be Jewish belongs to this mafia. Don't be so ignorant, and stop playing that worn out "everyone hates Jews" game. It doesn't fly anymore. People are waking up and are not falling for that crap. It's old, its sick and its stupid.

Oh, please! slaphead This crap is old, it's sick and it's stupid. laugh Please don't turn this thread into one of your ignorant, anti-semitic rants.

What?? You are the one who started the "everyone hates Jews" bull crap. It is really getting old.

no photo
Sat 12/29/12 05:11 PM

"Not too many people have pointed this out"

What does that tell you?

It tells me that you have too much time on your hands. laugh laugh

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 12/31/12 04:57 PM
"I think the NRA made this happen to drive gun sales up for the gun manufacturers."

"I will now start presenting evidence for the arrests of the criminal network involved in the Sandy Hook conspiracy:

In this photo we have Vicki Soto (the supposed hero teacher who died), in the background we have a unknown man signing, this indicates a conspiracy by secret society.

If this wasn't a coverup and I a detective, I would be locating and talking to this man".

Only on David Icke's forums slaphead

"After 2 minutes I couldn't watch any more of this banal tripe. I can't even be bothered pointing out the stupidity in it."

"I got 2 minutes into it and clicked off. "Banal tripe" is being kind."

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 12/31/12 05:22 PM

"Not too many people have pointed this out"

What does that tell you?

It tells me that you have too much time on your hands. laugh laugh

Ad Hominem noted, keep it up. slaphead