no photo
Sun 12/23/12 12:43 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sun 12/23/12 12:46 AM
Some people are just Anti-Social I would guess.

Which begs the question, Why do these people sigh up for dating sites?

There is nothing wrong with weird.

Sorry, I have to disagree here. Weirdos&Flakes, Even though dating sites are full of them, Have no real place on a dating site. What we need is a dating site that caters to this clientele.

Maybe, A good catch line, "Where the weird & flaky come to meet."

no photo
Sun 12/23/12 12:59 AM

I don't what you would say, Let it bother me. All in all I don't really care. I've done this long enough that I expect flaky behavior from most of the women that contact me. I've learned to expect opposite behavior from what they say in their profiles.

I have always been interested in what makes different people tick. What makes them do the things they do. Me, I'm a do as I say I'm gonna do type. Even if it hurts me. When I contact someone, I'm interested in talking to the person. If I'm not, I don't bother them. I have my mind made up before I ever speak a word whether I am interested or not.That way I don't come off looking like a flaky air head-ding-dong that just wants to waste other people's time. Seems like common sense to me.(:o)

Men are JUST as flaky, if not even more flaky, don't get me started ...whoa

I'm sure they are in some circles. Most men I know, Including myself, Know what we want to do and usually follow through to the end. I've never written anyone on a dating site and act like I'm hugely interested and then not follow through. But, In the seven or so yrs that I've been around dating sites, I can't even begin to count the amount of women I've come across that are this way. In one sense of the word I don't care. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. But, On the other hand I can't help but wonder what makes someone want to be that way. Curious about the human mind I guess.

no photo
Sun 12/23/12 07:02 AM
The unusual is ordinary in the other parameters, the player is free to play or not

naughtysplinter's photo
Sun 12/23/12 07:40 AM
i have had a lovely lady sent me mail saying that she sent me a email addy to write to her and that she would give me her mobile number when i wrote she sent me to another Dating site I hookup site

no photo
Sun 12/23/12 08:10 AM
one good reason to not answer at all if the message sounds at all like a cut & paste. or send your own messages. I usually reply - very briefly at first on a first message. until I can tell if the sender is authentic. that way I have not put that much into it to get upset about - not much else you can really do

MariahsFantasy's photo
Sun 12/23/12 09:17 AM
I think its a little bit more easier to be a flake/anti-social on a dating site. I know maybe two people personally that have been together for a long time but its so rare. I feel like the internet just makes us into rock stars and we feel like we have all the control to do and say whatever we want whenever we want through aliases. If we choose to talk to someone, then we have to get slightly invested, then again that's another choice. I mean, its much simpler to make things up from the safety of a computer screen then actually take some chances regardless of the outcome. Like I keep saying, on the internet people are more willing to lie and make up excuses. Does anyone really care to take the next step? Do they even know what that is?

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 12/23/12 10:21 AM

Some people are just Anti-Social I would guess.

Which begs the question, Why do these people sigh up for dating sites?

There is nothing wrong with weird.

Sorry, I have to disagree here. Weirdos&Flakes, Even though dating sites are full of them, Have no real place on a dating site. What we need is a dating site that caters to this clientele.

Maybe, A good catch line, "Where the weird & flaky come to meet."

First off you would have to define weird and flaky for me...

Last I checked flaky meant you may or may not make appointments or engagements... Meaning the person may not be worth meeting you made the apointment with just easily as as fault laying on the absentee...

And weird is really eye of the beholder... Most people that I consider to be so weird it is uncomfortable to share company with have mental diagnosises... and so $&*%^&*ing obvious I would not bother to mention it...

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 12/23/12 10:46 AM

Some people are just Anti-Social I would guess.

Which begs the question, Why do these people sigh up for dating sites?

There is nothing wrong with weird.

Sorry, I have to disagree here. Weirdos&Flakes, Even though dating sites are full of them, Have no real place on a dating site. What we need is a dating site that caters to this clientele.

Maybe, A good catch line, "Where the weird & flaky come to meet."

The same reason you did...Find someone they can get with, someone they can maybe marry, or simply a one night stand.

The next portion of your statement though, this is the part I am about to butcher to high hell...Let me get my bearings straight here a minute...

Everyone has a place everywhere, you're f*ed society is what put us here in the first place, further it is your f*ed society that labels us as "Weird" in an effort to somehow make our opinions less valued and segregate us to a level less "Superior" to that of themselves.

Your answer doesn't lie in segregating a portion of us off to make yourself feel better.

no photo
Sun 12/23/12 10:52 AM

I think its a little bit more easier to be a flake/anti-social on a dating site. I know maybe two people personally that have been together for a long time but its so rare. I feel like the internet just makes us into rock stars and we feel like we have all the control to do and say whatever we want whenever we want through aliases. If we choose to talk to someone, then we have to get slightly invested, then again that's another choice. I mean, its much simpler to make things up from the safety of a computer screen then actually take some chances regardless of the outcome. Like I keep saying, on the internet people are more willing to lie and make up excuses. Does anyone really care to take the next step? Do they even know what that is?

there are those of us that tried....and also I have met a lot of men who seemed to have no clue regarding the next step

I had a man tell me he would like to meet me were it possilbe...what? why weren't it possible

it seemed a strange thing to say

no photo
Sun 12/23/12 11:34 AM
Which begs the question, Why do these people sigh up for dating sites?

Because it's easier for them than meeting people in real life?

MzMariah's photo
Sun 12/23/12 07:12 PM
Edited by MzMariah on Sun 12/23/12 07:12 PM
I tend to think those that do a drop message and never respond are just fishing. In my exp they seem to be foreign guys who are just seeing who might respond. I bet women could do the same.
Alternatively, they could have been interested and then got distracted by something else and not come back to the site :)
Either way, why does it bother you so?

*typo fixed

no photo
Mon 12/24/12 12:22 AM

I tend to think those that do a drop message and never respond are just fishing. In my exp they seem to be foreign guys who are just seeing who might respond. I bet women could do the same.
Alternatively, they could have been interested and then got distracted by something else and not come back to the site :)
Either way, why does it bother you so?

As I have already said, Doesn't bother me any. I can't much say that I care.Not going to lose any sleep over it for sure. The only reason I do think about it is curiosity. What makes some people tick. This is not the only thing that seems weird to me since I started dating sites 7 or so yrs ago. I've seen a lot of weird behavior that I wondered about.

By the way, If they didn't come back to the site I wouldn't think anything about it. All the ones I'm talking about have come back to the site. But, For whatever reason never answer the return message.
Just seems sorta stupid to send a message to someone that you have no intention of following through with. I should have been a psychologist or psychiatrist. The human mind fascinates me.

no photo
Mon 12/24/12 12:54 AM

Some people are just Anti-Social I would guess.

Which begs the question, Why do these people sigh up for dating sites?

There is nothing wrong with weird.

Sorry, I have to disagree here. Weirdos&Flakes, Even though dating sites are full of them, Have no real place on a dating site. What we need is a dating site that caters to this clientele.

Maybe, A good catch line, "Where the weird & flaky come to meet."

First off you would have to define weird and flaky for me...

Last I checked flaky meant you may or may not make appointments or engagements... Meaning the person may not be worth meeting you made the appointment with just easily as as fault laying on the absentee...

And weird is really eye of the beholder... Most people that I consider to be so weird it is uncomfortable to share company with have mental diagnosis... and so $&*%^&*ing obvious I would not bother to mention it...

My definition of flaky, Unreliable,says one thing,Does another.Can't be taken seriously.

My definition of weird is much more broad. It covers more than just the medicated and the schizophrenics. (Which I have come across a lot of both) Some examples, I started conversing with this very good looking (at least in my eyes) 38 yr old woman that lived about 20 miles from me.

Just by looking at her and talking to her you would never know that she got her sexual kicks not from the act of sex it's self, But, From blood letting during sex. Yes, On the second date I found out how weird she was. She couldn't get sexual satisfaction without pricking her man with a sharp pin or surgical instrument and sucking a small amount of blood from him. That was the end of that. I never went out with her again.

One other that I was interested in but this one I never went out with. She kept her dead husbands ashes beside her bed. She told me that she kissed the urn every night. She also talked to "it".

This is the last one for sure, She before we ever met was talking to me about moving in with her. She told me that if I would stay on the phone with her for 24 hrs I would be ready to move in with her. At first I didn't take her serious, I thought she was joking. She wasn't.

Their has been many others. Different in each ones weirdness. But never the less,weird.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 12/24/12 03:04 AM

I think its a little bit more easier to be a flake/anti-social on a dating site. I know maybe two people personally that have been together for a long time but its so rare. I feel like the internet just makes us into rock stars and we feel like we have all the control to do and say whatever we want whenever we want through aliases. If we choose to talk to someone, then we have to get slightly invested, then again that's another choice. I mean, its much simpler to make things up from the safety of a computer screen then actually take some chances regardless of the outcome. Like I keep saying, on the internet people are more willing to lie and make up excuses. Does anyone really care to take the next step? Do they even know what that is?

there are those of us that tried....and also I have met a lot of men who seemed to have no clue regarding the next step

I had a man tell me he would like to meet me were it possilbe...what? why weren't it possible

it seemed a strange thing to say

Maybe you should have asked him.

You could read that two ways. He could have meant that he would have liked to meet you but it wasn't possible or it could just have been his way of saying that he would like to meet you like saying, "I would like my pizza without anchovies if that would be possible."

Don't know exactly how the guy phrased it anyway but as far as I'm personally concerned it wouldn't be practically possible for me to meet most of the women on this site because of my personal circumstances. You lot may think it's no big deal to travel hundreds or thousands of miles just to meet someone for a date but I couldn't really do that.

On the topic of weirdness, that's rather subjective. I chatted with a woman for a bit on a dating site once and we aranged a date. She said that if I came to her house she would cook dinner for me, which on the face of it sounds good but she said that she couldn't really go out of her house "because of blackouts". I asked her what she meant about blackouts but didn't get an answer. I didn't feel like I had really hit it off with her because most of her messages were just "Hi babe" with no real effort on her part to engage in a proper conversation. She lived in the middle of nowhere and it just felt too weird, so I canceled the date, even though she might have been really nice if I had gone through with it.

mthom086's photo
Mon 12/24/12 03:01 PM
op one thing I've noticed is that the more computers play a part in our lives, the more boring people are. They lack imagination and they are bored.

Many people just want to talk with ANYONE. And they'll talk a few times and then move on. Why? because someone else is there to talk to so they aren't bored anymore.

People are also flaky. They will tell several people they are perfect for them but they dont' mean it.

What someone does shows how they feel; the words are the bull crap that covers up those actions.

mthom086's photo
Mon 12/24/12 03:04 PM
p.s. another thing is the lack of character and respect people have for others. Instead of just saying, you seem like a great person but I dont think we are a match, they will just talk to them and then just drop them like a ton of bricks.

Our society is wimpy; people don't want to confront anyone anymore in a calm and adult way. They would rather be a spineless wimp and just ditch them.

You hear horror stories of people breaking up or admitting they are cheating via text or email. Some even have others do it for them.

There is actually a website that will break up with someone or blow off someone as a friend. You sign up and they'll text the person and you never have to get involved.

dysfunctional. that's why relationships are such a mess. no conscious anymore

mthom086's photo
Mon 12/24/12 03:07 PM

Some people are just Anti-Social I would guess.

Which begs the question, Why do these people sigh up for dating sites?

There is nothing wrong with weird.

Sorry, I have to disagree here. Weirdos&Flakes, Even though dating sites are full of them, Have no real place on a dating site. What we need is a dating site that caters to this clientele.

Maybe, A good catch line, "Where the weird & flaky come to meet."

Thats naive IMHO. how are you going to control someones actions? this is real life. so if they dont answer you in 24 hours the site dumps them. Who defines what being a flake is?

What's next a site that makes someone talk to another person, or a site that guarantees no rejections?

Dating in general is tougher because its' harder to find good people. But if people are going to date online, they need to have thick skin or they shouldn't do it.

kissablekiss's photo
Mon 12/24/12 03:08 PM
Weird can be fun js Lol ...

no photo
Mon 12/24/12 03:19 PM

I think its a little bit more easier to be a flake/anti-social on a dating site. I know maybe two people personally that have been together for a long time but its so rare. I feel like the internet just makes us into rock stars and we feel like we have all the control to do and say whatever we want whenever we want through aliases. If we choose to talk to someone, then we have to get slightly invested, then again that's another choice. I mean, its much simpler to make things up from the safety of a computer screen then actually take some chances regardless of the outcome. Like I keep saying, on the internet people are more willing to lie and make up excuses. Does anyone really care to take the next step? Do they even know what that is?

there are those of us that tried....and also I have met a lot of men who seemed to have no clue regarding the next step

I had a man tell me he would like to meet me were it possilbe...what? why weren't it possible

it seemed a strange thing to say

Maybe you should have asked him.

You could read that two ways. He could have meant that he would have liked to meet you but it wasn't possible or it could just have been his way of saying that he would like to meet you like saying, "I would like my pizza without anchovies if that would be possible."

Don't know exactly how the guy phrased it anyway but as far as I'm personally concerned it wouldn't be practically possible for me to meet most of the women on this site because of my personal circumstances. You lot may think it's no big deal to travel hundreds or thousands of miles just to meet someone for a date but I couldn't really do that.

On the topic of weirdness, that's rather subjective. I chatted with a woman for a bit on a dating site once and we aranged a date. She said that if I came to her house she would cook dinner for me, which on the face of it sounds good but she said that she couldn't really go out of her house "because of blackouts". I asked her what she meant about blackouts but didn't get an answer. I didn't feel like I had really hit it off with her because most of her messages were just "Hi babe" with no real effort on her part to engage in a proper conversation. She lived in the middle of nowhere and it just felt too weird, so I canceled the date, even though she might have been really nice if I had gone through with it.

I don't remember how I responded exactly. I think I said something like I would like to meet you too. It would have been feasible to meet as friends. But I did not hear from him for awhile after that and subsequently we argued about something ....w/e

no photo
Mon 12/24/12 03:35 PM

Some people are just Anti-Social I would guess.

Which begs the question, Why do these people sigh up for dating sites?

There is nothing wrong with weird.

Sorry, I have to disagree here. Weirdos&Flakes, Even though dating sites are full of them, Have no real place on a dating site. What we need is a dating site that caters to this clientele.

Maybe, A good catch line, "Where the weird & flaky come to meet."

Thats naive IMHO. how are you going to control someones actions? this is real life. so if they dont answer you in 24 hours the site dumps them. Who defines what being a flake is?

What's next a site that makes someone talk to another person, or a site that guarantees no rejections?

Dating in general is tougher because its' harder to find good people. But if people are going to date online, they need to have thick skin or they shouldn't do it.

well a couple of things. mostly I agree with you, and maybe it's because I 've been on here awhile but I just don't let most of this stuff bother me - I mostly focus on a few of the friends I have

but as far as dropping someone like a hot potato. I have done it, I admit. It is not the best thing I agree but there are 2 basic reasons. First we hear so much about scams, and there's probably a few times that I have been a little to paranoid about that. Second, the way some of the men react when we tell them we are not interested - I've had some pretty hostile messages regarding this and they are stressful & upsetting - and this is usually from the ones where no real online relationship is really yet established - bloody cheeky I tellyanoway