Topic: Women's pics
hotandspicey's photo
Fri 08/10/07 10:00 PM
yeah that jd..good stuff perk ya right up! laugh

poohbear82's photo
Fri 08/10/07 10:54 PM
wow... so I know I'm late and everyone left and I missed all the arguments and pissing contests....

but who in the heck cares what kind of pic you put on your page... I think at least 3 people(can't count today so that numbers probably wrong) said the pics that you do choose show who you are... and I agree... I have different types of pics of me on here... and they all reflect who I really am... I don't think I really have a full body shot.. maybe sitting or something with a baby.. i'll see what I have... but I'd rather someone be intrested in because of who I am... not because of what my body looks like... yes looks are some what important and to some obviously extremely important... but get to know me for who I am not for what my body looks like ...

and I also agree that if you don't like what is in someones profile fine then move on... don't go around bashing all of the JSH women because you have issues... keep it to yourself and move on to the next profile...

and what do those quakes know.... they just want your money on those other websites... think they can analyze someone by asking stupid questions... I did one that said choose the answer that is most like you and none of them were like me at all and most of the questions were that way and they came up with some crazy thing about what kind of person I am.. yeah.. NO I don't think so...

I say forget all the psychology mumbo jumbo and just be yourself that's what men and women really want the real you not some manufactured Dr. Phil person....

bigbayhrsrider's photo
Sat 08/11/07 06:40 AM
good morning everyone.. and ALEXIS here is the coffee and a raisin cinn bagel for ya as promised.. :wink:
boy sure heated up after i left huh ...
im looking for my dobie bud i think its a full length pic.. see if i can find it. laugh laugh laugh laugh everyone have a wonderful day..
EVERYBODY GET UPPPPPPPPPPPpppppppp.. have some coffee.. tea or whatever.. whomever.. time is wasting time to get er done gang..
bigbay aka fuzzy dog lol

no photo
Sat 08/11/07 07:03 AM
So uh yeah I read this whole thing and that duder is freakin weird.

alexiateigra's photo
Sat 08/11/07 07:17 AM
Slowly rises w/ sleep in eyes still. I'm up. I'm up, then, I put head down. I don't even hear the snores! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

alexiateigra's photo
Sat 08/11/07 07:18 AM
Mech, weird doesn't even begin w/ it. He is sooooooooooooo far off his rocker that the pink little pills do not have any affect on him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL...........bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile smokin smokin smokin

no photo
Sat 08/11/07 11:59 AM
Poolbear. U have about 3 that can be called full body. They can see all of you; or almost. From those people can see what U look like. So U recognize that U should put them there before I spoke. Good.

Mecham will join the line Oldsage and others who run around telling women they are right when they are wrong. Traitors is a good word for them; or jack-in-the-box or puppets. Read what I said about those kind.

Alexia-something-whatever! I am far off the WRONG track that YOU are on. And what is this pink pills about? How do they work? What do they do? As you are confessing of your regular intake, please inform me of it's function? You may need to take a double dose.

I am not annoyed with you, however; I feel pity for you. As you are so frustrated, confused and lost U direction, U do what such people do. Count stars, place japanese drawings as YOUR pics for people to see you. Ah tut tut tut

alexiateigra's photo
Sat 08/11/07 01:25 PM
Greiving, you are like a petulant child that doesn't get his way. You demand that women should use full body pics & insult anyone female that doesn't comply. Any male that tries to point out how ridiculous you are behaving, you assume he is traitor to your gender. You claim that you are guru when it comes to relationship advice, but then you complain on how unlucky you are by following so called expert advise. You are almost 60 years old. Isn't time you grew up & started acting like an adult.

huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin

Native_Grl39's photo
Sat 08/11/07 01:30 PM
Well I for one will post whatever kind of pic I want...I don't bow to demands sorry.....I think for myself!!!!!!!!

huh bigsmile ohwell

no photo
Sat 08/11/07 01:35 PM
WHERE is the button for retro-deletion?


newguy's photo
Sat 08/11/07 01:38 PM
A photo of any kind is fine with me as long as it is a true photo of your self and not some photo shop job.

no photo
Sat 08/11/07 01:39 PM
Sheeesh! Is he still at it? We don't need somebody preaching us what we "have" to do. In case, Greiving, you haven't noticed, we are adults and we do as we please as long as it is within the rules. You don't like our pics???? Don't look at them, simple.:angry:

no photo
Sat 08/11/07 01:39 PM
>>> wow... so I know I'm late and everyone left and I missed all the arguments and pissing contests....

laugh laugh laugh laugh

>> WHERE is the button for retro-deletion?

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Greiving [sic],

In all seriousness, I have seen many threads/comments from you which seem to have unintended responses from others. Maybe you would benefit from examining why, and taking steps to prevent it?

SheNerd's photo
Sat 08/11/07 01:44 PM
Wiser worse were never spoken, oh wise and mighty King of the Veggies... bigsmile

SheNerd's photo
Sat 08/11/07 01:45 PM
But you're still not geting my chocolates. :)

no photo
Sat 08/11/07 03:51 PM
Some people lie and say they read so they come out and see like somebody gettilg licks and they say : Let me help kick him up and I will get women to LIKE me or let me help out my friends.

This is what first wrote:
Quote: Some women posts like 20 pics and not ONE is a whole view of them; like where U can see the whole person. Unless they post a pic like standing or even sitting on a couch, you have not seen them yet.
They post faces faces faces; dogs, cats, stars and moon; all kind of weird or beautiful art, themselves with other sometimes with groups and so forth and so forth.
I usually have to wonder what track are they on. Don't U?
I wonder if men do the same thing or if women seeking men see on faces of men, if they will be satisfied to say: "Yes I will marry him!!!" Unquote

Now any NORMAL SENSIBLE, MATURE, HEALTHY AND INTELLIGENT Human will see that there is NOTHING offensive or DEMANDING here. Or, let me put is this way: Where in this fisrt thread does anyone see the word 'demanding' or even a hint of demanding? Where in this do they see 'abuse of women? Where in this does anyone see a temper tantrum by a kid?

A normal person might be able to deduce the word 'advice'

All the allegations of 'demanding' are TRUMPED-UP charges because someone don't like what I say; and they DEMAND that I shut up. We, myself included, are ARE adults, as one lady says we can give our opinions.
And some puppet-men looking for friends, pull the strings they feel the women WANT them to pull, and parrot what they feel the women saying. They do not have their own balls. They spring up like jack-in-the-box. Hoping to get a screw someday or some kind of payment.

The persons who are weird and DEMANDING are those who want me to shut up and sonner than later they are going to post just as I advised.

Some even jumping in the beating and kicking, while they themselves HAVE full-bodied pic showing they agree with me before I posted this thesis. laugh But they did not REALIZE that I could catch their 'foot' and break it.

But maybe some people do not KNOW what is demanding. DEMANDING is while being on some paid Sites with pshchologists, THEY WILL NOT POST YOUR GIVEN PHOTO IF IT IS NOT A 'RECENT' PHOTO OF YOU BY YOURSELF. They will write you and tell you: "Please upload a 'recent, CLEAR photo of yourself. THAT is demanding!!

I do not have that power here. Do I? I am among the millions who will simply hasten away and look elsewhere. That is elementary and SO obvious.

I will tell you what ELSE is DEMANDING. When Alex-whatever-something, wants me to shut-up, calling me names that fits her and prescribing pills that she takes and knows about.

Every time she opens her mouth to speak, as it were, she says something to tie up herself. Around here we call that; "Foot-in-mouth-disease or 'Manufacturer's defect. This time she tells me I am approaching the EXPERIENCED 60 when she doesn't highlight that SHE is approaching 3yrs old and throwing a temper tantrum. Then she says 'do not follow expert advice. DISREGARD EXPERT ADVICE???? Now that is Weird!!!

What is also weird and wacky, is posting only Japanese cartoon art and no pic of yourself. Artgurl has art too but she and Txsgal also HAVE pics of themselves. So the wise will look at their pics FIRST, and THEN look at hteir art.
But as Alex-whatever-however-who, and some others say: "If you do not like it move on." Well wise folks KNOW, that is EXACTLY what will happen with men viewing pics. Now she is approaching 3 and NEEDS to grow up. She has a long way before 60, to get my experience. Please somebody help her.

By the way I am not offended by any thig thrown at me. I could take it. I feel what is happening here is we are giving each other jokes and having a debating competition. And some wishes to see if I can debate. So if this is offending anyone, please let me know so I could stop. But then some will say: "If you cannot take, do not give!!

Invisible has about 3 full bodied pics and I think Native-grl. So what are they saying?
They are coming to the aid of women like plenty women do. They are not interested in who is right or wrong. THEY COME TO HELP WOMEN. I heard a female Attorney say that on TV a couple times. Whiew.

Native_Grl39's photo
Sat 08/11/07 04:02 PM
So what I posted the pics I had...If one of them happens to be full bodied...UMMMMMMMMMMMM I didnt think of that when posting them...frankly I really don't care what you think and my olny aid is not neccesarily to women BUT agsinst shallow people like you!!!!!!!!!!

My pics are in no way meant to attract anyone..If you read my profile you will see that!!!!!!!!!!!

flowerforyou drinker

no photo
Sat 08/11/07 04:27 PM
SHALLOW is when you can't ANSWER my question.
What in my first thread says that I am DEMANDING that women display a whole pic so that they can proceed with what they came here for?

And all wise men KNOW that most women 'vex' with you when you tell them that they are wrong. They hate you. And if you want them to like you, just tell them they are right even when they are WRONG. But that is if you are off and on remote lovers. They come-by-me-when-you-need-sex kind of relationship. Remote control lovers. But if you are going to live together, you have to tell them the truth to help. As a parent, when your are telling your child that they are always right even when they are wrong, YOU ARE MAKING A CRIMINAL

As a Police Officer, I told MY OWN SISTER that she was WRONG in a dispute with a neighbour. She and a next sister aint talk to me for years. They talk to me kind ah way now.

no photo
Sat 08/11/07 04:37 PM
and the grieveing goes on------

Duffy's photo
Sat 08/11/07 04:41 PM
so what if women post pixes of dogs, cats, moons, stars, groovey or
weird, ugly art.
they are expressing themselves. and if they show u their friends, in a group or.....

in a mug shot. why do u have to c the whole enchilada? it important 4 u 2 c how big some parts of us r?

maybe we do not want to show u everything. maybe our best feature are not our hooters or bum, it is our face.

r u buying the cow before u taste the milk or what?
:tongue: happy laugh :wink: