Topic: Women's pics | |
Someone kill this thread please!!! I can't believe it's still going... ![]() |
Nice poney there Duffy. You answer the question too. What in my post say that I am demanding you put a pic of the whole you so that you can be viewed, so enabling you to get started with what you came here for?
WOW .. DUDE I MISSED ALL THIS?? WOW..... shall I find the delete button?? ya like my pic huh?? DUDE? short for GRIEVING.. jeeeeeeeze
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someone get MIKE OR VAN this guy is insane
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![]() <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this is pretty much all of me ![]() |
This guy needs the same treatment as Vick!!!
I cannot believe this insane thread has gone on for this long!!!!
Ok, opinions have been voiced. Please let this thread die. This is crazy. |
I'll drink to that
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Hey sweetie, how have you been?
(((((((GREY)))))))) |
To qualify for U certificate Justmelooking4u, I must do something wacky right? Here is it: "Hey Justmelooking4U you look GREAT!!!! WILL YOU MARRY ME? Now what did you say again? Oh yes. Now hand me the certificate please? Just that they might not let you out to do that. U have to finish count your stars or the sand on the beach. I won't take it from you. I will wait til you're finished.
grieving i didn't recongnize anything about posting full body pics... the pics I posted... i posted because they help to tell who I am... not because guys feel the need to look at my body in order to get to know me...
why don't you give it a rest already...... you will never win this one |
Greiving wrote.........
“Some women posts like 20 pics and not ONE is a whole view of them; like where U can see the whole person. Unless they post a pic like standing or even sitting on a couch, you have not seen them yet. They post faces faces faces; dogs, cats, stars and moon; all kind of weird or beautiful art, themselves with other sometimes with groups and so forth and so forth. I usually have to wonder what track are they on. Don't U? I wonder if men do the same thing or if women seeking men see on faces of men, if they will be satisfied to say: "Yes I will marry him!!!"” Greiving wrote........... “Comments comments beside the point. Why doesn't someone post a NEW TOPIC as to why Greiving pics are not showing and here deal with if women believe that by showing 20 views of their faces and their Grandmothers plus their dogs, cats, daughters, their horses, the moon and stars, their hair, feet, lips buttocks that they will get thru with what they came here 4. And a man will say: "Will u marry me?" because he saw their driving permit or passport picture. MEN WILL SEE ALL THESE OTHER PICS AFTER THEY SEE U. Don't U know that? But instead u offended because I talk the truth” Greiving, by this time you have acknowledge that you did not have a pic showing of yourself, but still felt the need to criticizeany female that did not show a full body pic of herself. You may have used the actual word DEMAND, but your tone in your writing is a COMMAND/DEMAND. Not once, did you ask anyone politely show a pic, instead you began this thread by insulting women! Greiving wrote............ “And to some others who are offended? If you feel, happy and sure of success, by showing your toe nails, fingernails and car, where U will try to encourage men to THINK of whats inside of you, rather than seeing the whole U, then I am sorry for being wise enough to recognize that that is the success formula. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, if we feel HAPPY & we are SECURE with our self image, then we are doing something right which is a lot more than YOU can say. You are fool to think that any of women would foolish to believe that your motives are altruistic. If your motives were so selfless, then you would not give a damn what a person does or does not show you! Greiving wrote............ “Then there will always be some men out there who will be at the edge of their seat with anxiety hastening to speak with intent to deceive telling women ANYTHING they say or do is right. They probably hope that these women will easily chase after them to make a baby for them; or at least try. U think I also do not know that plenty women out there love to be told that they are right everytime? But I like to lead or advise them truthfully. "YOU CANNOT HOPE TO GET A HUSBAND BY SHOWING YOU DRIVING PERMIT PICTURE"” What planet did you grow up on? Most women and men do not think that way!!!! Make baby????? The majority of us were not raised on a bad episode of Jerry Springer. Greiving wrote............ “Honour and appreciation to all the opinions expressed. CAN MINES BE APPRECIATED or are some poeple's opinions INSTRUCTIONS to me. Some of them just born this morning or yesterday but they want 2 teach the Gurus.” Hmmmm..........You began this thread by insulting people who would not conform to your SCAM! You behavior and attitude is detrimental to society. I'm thinking that you need a room with padded walls & a very nice white jacket that ties in the back! LMFAO...........You cannot serious think that you are a guru! Oh, wait.............shortly after you wrote that, you wrote the below comment which proves that you are NOT a guru! Greiving wrote.............. “In 2001 when I was FORCED to become exposed to online dating; Desperate and panting, I went on a few PAID dating sites. Then, (maybe they STILL do)they had paid professional psycholigists or experts, giving ADVICE to all on: "If you want to succeed." Wishing you luck. They had some proffessional questions too. a long long list.” If I had any doubts before, this comment wiped them out. This guy is freaking NUTS! Greiving wrote.............. “Quake3 So I have proved you wrong. So you are now CONFESSING that YOU are a drama Queen? Ok. I thought that you were one one of the stooges that pursue women to tell them lies like they are right when they are wrong in the hope that they will like you and offer to pay you a salary by the month or beg you to breed them. Just now you might confess that you are both. You are a Corporal. You have 2 stripes. You getting fast promotion? Ok Well I tell them the truth. And some sleep in the back seat of the class and wake up on one word like "forced." they aint see or hear none of the other words and what Proffessional psychologists on existing Datings Sites say. They are showing what kind of wife they are or will be. Do not tell them anything They always right. And they deal with other than the issue. I am sorry that I am not intelligent enough to lie to them.” Greiving was throwing a tantrum, simply because another male dared to disagreed with him. Greiving wrote................... “Well done Quake3. You have earned you pay. You might not have to wait till month end. U might even get to give a baby. Then U both will go and live happiply ever after with you telling them everything they do is right all the time. Yeah you two will last long long. I aint so lucky. I tell the truth. And I listen to experts. I read what they say. And I am not the one who is or has demanded anything. I volunteer advice with my good heart trying to help, and some people are DEMANDING that I should not say that. I must say what they want and I will be a good boy. So they want to grind me to POWDER. I WILL STILL TALK THE TRUTH. I WILL STILL TALK THE TRUTH!!! lEARN THAT. Exam is coming up. Come in the front seat and sit.” Greiving, it is quite obvious that morale guidelines are completely wack. Where do you get this stuff????? Jenny Jones???????? Greiving wrote.............................. “Enter a next female puppet. Oldsage. Line up for your pay!” Greiving was still upset that none of the guys were in agreement with him. Greiving wrote.................... “Lesson 1 everybody: Quake 3 is going to ask a woman; "Will you marry me?" because her pic was that or Oscar's pet worm. She only had that one pic. Lesson 2. One very Pretty woman says yes, she put a whole pic BECAUSE TXSGAL says to do it; then she uses the word anal for me SUGGESTIONG it. To me it seems like cantradiction. I wonder where then should that word anal fit? HMMMMMmmmmmm” <<<<<Insert sarcasm>>>Thanks to Greiving, we all now know that by a single pic, we will receive offers of marriage and making babies. Greiving wrote....................... “As a Police Officer, I told MY OWN SISTER that she was WRONG in a dispute with a neighbour. She and a next sister aint talk to me for years. They talk to me kind ah way now.” LMFAO. You were NEVER a police officer. If you were, YOU would KNOW how WRONG you are for STARTING this thread in the 1st place. |
i love you
i don't know who that was for just wanted to say that
Greiving wrote...............
"Some people lie and say they read so they come out and see like somebody gettilg licks and they say : Let me help kick him up and I will get women to LIKE me or let me help out my friends. This is what first wrote: Quote: Some women posts like 20 pics and not ONE is a whole view of them; like where U can see the whole person. Unless they post a pic like standing or even sitting on a couch, you have not seen them yet. They post faces faces faces; dogs, cats, stars and moon; all kind of weird or beautiful art, themselves with other sometimes with groups and so forth and so forth. I usually have to wonder what track are they on. Don't U? I wonder if men do the same thing or if women seeking men see on faces of men, if they will be satisfied to say: "Yes I will marry him!!!" Unquote Now any NORMAL SENSIBLE, MATURE, HEALTHY AND INTELLIGENT Human will see that there is NOTHING offensive or DEMANDING here. Or, let me put is this way: Where in this fisrt thread does anyone see the word 'demanding' or even a hint of demanding? Where in this do they see 'abuse of women? Where in this does anyone see a temper tantrum by a kid? A normal person might be able to deduce the word 'advice' All the allegations of 'demanding' are TRUMPED-UP charges because someone don't like what I say; and they DEMAND that I shut up. We, myself included, are ARE adults, as one lady says we can give our opinions. And some puppet-men looking for friends, pull the strings they feel the women WANT them to pull, and parrot what they feel the women saying. They do not have their own balls. They spring up like jack-in-the-box. Hoping to get a screw someday or some kind of payment. The persons who are weird and DEMANDING are those who want me to shut up and sonner than later they are going to post just as I advised. Some even jumping in the beating and kicking, while they themselves HAVE full-bodied pic showing they agree with me before I posted this thesis. But they did not REALIZE that I could catch their 'foot' and break it. But maybe some people do not KNOW what is demanding. DEMANDING is while being on some paid Sites with pshchologists, THEY WILL NOT POST YOUR GIVEN PHOTO IF IT IS NOT A 'RECENT' PHOTO OF YOU BY YOURSELF. They will write you and tell you: "Please upload a 'recent, CLEAR photo of yourself. THAT is demanding!! I do not have that power here. Do I? I am among the millions who will simply hasten away and look elsewhere. That is elementary and SO obvious. I will tell you what ELSE is DEMANDING. When Alex-whatever-something, wants me to shut-up, calling me names that fits her and prescribing pills that she takes and knows about. Every time she opens her mouth to speak, as it were, she says something to tie up herself. Around here we call that; "Foot-in-mouth-disease or 'Manufacturer's defect. This time she tells me I am approaching the EXPERIENCED 60 when she doesn't highlight that SHE is approaching 3yrs old and throwing a temper tantrum. Then she says 'do not follow expert advice. DISREGARD EXPERT ADVICE???? Now that is Weird!!! What is also weird and wacky, is posting only Japanese cartoon art and no pic of yourself. Artgurl has art too but she and Txsgal also HAVE pics of themselves. So the wise will look at their pics FIRST, and THEN look at hteir art. But as Alex-whatever-however-who, and some others say: "If you do not like it move on." Well wise folks KNOW, that is EXACTLY what will happen with men viewing pics. Now she is approaching 3 and NEEDS to grow up. She has a long way before 60, to get my experience. Please somebody help her. By the way I am not offended by any thig thrown at me. I could take it. I feel what is happening here is we are giving each other jokes and having a debating competition. And some wishes to see if I can debate. So if this is offending anyone, please let me know so I could stop. But then some will say: "If you cannot take, do not give!! Invisible has about 3 full bodied pics and I think Native-grl. So what are they saying? They are coming to the aid of women like plenty women do. They are not interested in who is right or wrong. THEY COME TO HELP WOMEN. I heard a female Attorney say that on TV a couple times. Whiew." Greiving, you need HELP. You are NUTS. You really should be locked up and removed from society! You can try to insult me, but all I can do is laugh in your face! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ahem. since he's allll about the experts...
why doesn't he take their advice about punctuation, spelling, and grammar? |
dam grieving, you really like to stir the pot huh?
Greiving, this is a free site: We are free to post pictures WE like, and we are free to come and go. If we don't like something here we go look some place else. We don't go around complaining about this, that and the other.
Oh, and before I forget. You can look at my profile until the cows come home, I won't post a full body picture for you.
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Ditto for me Invisible ... not sure if he is checking out my art or looking for a body shot ... must be the latter
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