Topic: Guns - What's up with the MSM bias?? | |
Really? I'm not so sure that slavery is not still practiced. It is only illegal now. I am speaking to human trafficking and slave labor of illegals. Alcohol was sold illegally during prohibition. Guns will be too. And laws only "deter" law abiding citizens. (whimps.) The laws will make everyone into an outlaw. not everyone,, just those who have a deep seated fear that a boogeyman will come and delete their freedoms , a powerful boogeyman, that they will personally be able to take down with bullets,,,,, |
My grandpa kept a gun in the closet..never fired it. When asked why he didn't just sell it his response was "As long as I have that gun me and your grandma will never go hungry!" Sounds more like a tool in that a car |
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Wed 12/19/12 12:56 PM
Really? I'm not so sure that slavery is not still practiced. It is only illegal now. I am speaking to human trafficking and slave labor of illegals. Alcohol was sold illegally during prohibition. Guns will be too. And laws only "deter" law abiding citizens. (whimps.) The laws will make everyone into an outlaw. not everyone,, just those who have a deep seated fear that a boogeyman will come and delete their freedoms , a powerful boogeyman, that they will personally be able to take down with bullets,,,,, An ounce of prevention is far better than a pound of cure! I'll keep my guns thank you very much! |
once again, cARS ARE MANUFACTURED AS TRANSPORTATON, not as tools of death The response is to those claiming gun violence is our biggest problem, or making it out to be a bigger problem than it is.
HOWEVER, what you have said would probably get plenty of disagreement from anyone who has ever defended themselves with a firearm. I am sure they would refer to it as a tool of life, not death, especially if they didn't have to take one to save their own. works for weed too, actually, (not saying it stops people from smoking weed, but certainly it deters many many others from smoking it whose main reason for abstaining is the law) Based on what figures? Uptake of pot smoking has increased every year regardless of the severity of punishment.
Sorry, but you cant connect facts to conclusions to save your life. what 'facts' have been given here, seems like alot of opinions being expressed a law doesnt stop any activity,, its insane to believe its meant to but it does set a standard/expectation within the culture, of whats tolerated and whats not it also doesnt guarantee that everyone doing intolerable things can be stopped or caught anymore than a parent can stop their child from selling weed on a corner, or having sex with strangers but that doesnt mean the parent should hand the weed to the child to sell, or bring home strangers for them to sleep with, under the guise that 'rules dont work' no, rules dont work ABSOLUTELY, nothing does,, but rules do create some type of boundaries,, and without boundaries there is chaos,,, |
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Wed 12/19/12 12:56 PM
Really? I'm not so sure that slavery is not still practiced. It is only illegal now. I am speaking to human trafficking and slave labor of illegals. Alcohol was sold illegally during prohibition. Guns will be too. And laws only "deter" law abiding citizens. (whimps.) The laws will make everyone into an outlaw. not everyone,, just those who have a deep seated fear that a boogeyman will come and delete their freedoms , a powerful boogeyman, that they will personally be able to take down with bullets,,,,, You have no idea how many laws are on the books. You yourself are an outlaw and don't even know it. But the point is, prohibition won't work. People will do as they please anyway, because we are free and we will not be enslaved or told what to do by any puny governmental bureaucratic system. Their days are numbered. It is time to be free. The many will not be ruled by the few. |
Really? I'm not so sure that slavery is not still practiced. It is only illegal now. I am speaking to human trafficking and slave labor of illegals. Alcohol was sold illegally during prohibition. Guns will be too. And laws only "deter" law abiding citizens. (whimps.) The laws will make everyone into an outlaw. not everyone,, just those who have a deep seated fear that a boogeyman will come and delete their freedoms , a powerful boogeyman, that they will personally be able to take down with bullets,,,,, An ounce of prevention is far better than a pound of cure! one mans cure is another mans poison,,, |
Really? I'm not so sure that slavery is not still practiced. It is only illegal now. I am speaking to human trafficking and slave labor of illegals. Alcohol was sold illegally during prohibition. Guns will be too. And laws only "deter" law abiding citizens. (whimps.) The laws will make everyone into an outlaw. not everyone,, just those who have a deep seated fear that a boogeyman will come and delete their freedoms , a powerful boogeyman, that they will personally be able to take down with bullets,,,,, You have no idea how many laws are on the books. You yourself are an outlaw and don't even know it. But the point is, prohibition won't work. People will do as they please anyway, because we are free and we will not be enslaved or told what to do by any puny governmental bureaucratic system. Their days are numbered. It is time to be free. The many will not be ruled by the few. mmm, a lawless society, cant wait for that reminds me of the crazy parents who dont give their children any guidance because they are gonna 'do it anyway' |
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Wed 12/19/12 02:12 PM
After reading this thread, I'm thinking everyone is blurring the lines to reflect personal feelings... The second amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted in 1791 and contains ONLY two clauses, both are pretty easy to understand...The first, "a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state" and..The second, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon" According to CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, the second clause is "controlled" by the first clause...This is something many overlook...Because the Constitution was written to serve as a "Living document" the use of structuralism was necessary...Structuralism, or its interpretation, is based on what is good for society "as a whole" as opposed to what is good "for each individual"...How these two opposing approaches are interpreted is what fuels the problem of gun control ... Even the courts confuse interpretation... A lot has changed since 1791...Gun control legislation is an ongoing process....As society changes so does the need for more effective gun control....Taking individual rights away from responsible, law abiding citizens is certainly not the answer, but how do you justify preserving individual rights once those rights reach a point of monumental abuse?...I wish I knew... IMHO, emotions led us to these ridiculous conclusions, not logic, not reason, and certainly nothing intelligent can creep into the hysterical perfect storm of save the children meets evil black gun. Take historical data and chart total violence leading to death as a percentage of the total population of earth and what you discover is that there has never been a safer time to live than right now. The reality is that this whole debacle as it relates to gun control is a distraction from anything even approaching a solution, and it is for pure political gain, nothing else. I get your meaning Bush, but it doesn't serve as a strong argument against gun control...Of course automobile "accidents" cause more deaths than gun related "killings"...But with the exception of drunken or drugged driver "killings", the two are completely separate issues....So you get my point....As I said earlier, infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens is not the answer, but no single killing of a defenseless man, women, or child is acceptable either...America is a civilized country meaning we cannot turn a blind eye to killing human beings for sport....People are not being logical or using reason because there is no logic or reason behind a situation that allows for children to be slaughtered as they sit in elementary classrooms learning to read and write.....Your arguments are hollow and they will not help solve the problem of gun control either...As far as historical data, it doesn't apply because the current societal situations that contribute to gun related killings are constantly changing...That is the reason there are so many laws on the books now...It doesn't take rocket science to figure out gun control legislation is not working either...If you use a process of elimination it is easy to see that the problem is not related to how many and what type of guns are out there, the problem is 100% tied to who's hands they are in and how they got there....And I'm afraid that list is as long as your arm.... |
rules dont work ABSOLUTELY, nothing does,, but rules do create some type of boundaries,, and without boundaries there is chaos,,, Apparently King George made one rule too many sometime around 1776. That rule created a new boundary out of the ensuing chaos….The American border. I'm not so sure that slavery is not still practiced. It is only illegal now. Slavery isn't illegal and it is still practiced today…on everyone. Only involuntary slavery was outlawed. People are free to be willing slaves and most of them are. If they knew they were slaves, of course they wouldn't willingly go for it, so their state of slavery is hidden from them by an illusion of freedom. They can then unknowingly, but willingly put themselves into slavery. (Banks are pretty clever eh?) "There are none so enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." - Goethe It is time to be free. The many will not be ruled by the few. YAY!!…It's about bloody time!…This stupid neo-feudal system was getting on my nerves! one mans cure is another mans poison,,, …so don't try to cure one man's hoplophibia by taking away another man's guns. mmm, a lawless society, cant wait for that Correction, a LAWFUL society not regulated by stupid and/or criminal legislation written by stupid/criminal legislators. It doesn't take rocket science to figure out gun control legislation is not working Much of the gun control legislation has only made things worse, not better. There is NO EXCUSE for the continued existence of gun free zones. The Federal government, in DELIBERATELY NOT REPEALING THE LEGISLATION years ago is KNOWINGLY COMPLICIT in MASS MURDER, thus making many reps ACCESSORIES AFTER THE FACT TO MURDER. You call these people representatives? They are murderous criminals…Charge them, ARREST THEM and TRY THEM for their crimes! |
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Wed 12/19/12 03:03 PM
but this blurring of the lines by refuting one extreme with another gets boring,,, The blurring comes from conflating the right of self defence with the intention of the constitution. The constitution doesn't say " in order to hunt or defend yourself, you should have a gun", it says (in essense) that the people should be armed and ready to defeat a tyrannic government. This implies not that you should have a derringer for self defense, or a hunting rifle holding no more than a few rounds, but that you should have the armaments necessary to revolt and defeat the government itself if it should become necessary. I suppose in the extreme, that would mean that every state should have the right to have and maintain nukes to use on Washington if it became necessary, and every city or township should probably have some tanks & artillery, but as I say, that's probably slightly extreme, though I would argue that if a citizen should feel it necessary to have military grade equipment equivalent to a modern soldier's, he should have that right, and i believe under your constitution, he does. it also says a 'well trained militia' , what part of 'well trained' is so easy for gun advocates to understand any numbskull who feels like a cowboy shouldnt be able to own a tool of death disguised as 'self defense' against the government whatever the constitution meant when it was written, IM sure, was limited to the knowledge and experiences of those writing it and their culture and times Im sure that is why it was written with the ability to be AMENDED,,,, The right to keep and bear arms was just such an amendment. I do think it should be amended yet again however, to make it the DUTY of every citizen to belong to an organized civil militia and undergo combat & firearms training. In effect, the new amendment should ensure that a proprtly trained & armed militia will always be available to step up to the plate and overthrow a tyrannical government. However, with all governments having a propensity to tyranny, I seriously doubt that such an amendment could ever be passed now in your country...It isn't in your corrupt and greedy government's interest to do it. so let me understand our constitution should be amended so that the government forces all citizens to be part of an organized militia with militia training in order that they might be prepared if that same GOVERNMENT enforcing that law decides to become tyrannical? wow,,,Im kind of speechless right now It's not paradoxical. Militias are state/locally run. Militias are there to protect citizens of states against the Federal Government and serve as defense forces should the need arise. The National Guard is similar to what the Anti-Federalists had in mind when they penned Article II in most ways. They were proved right in their distrust of standing armies in less than a century when Lincoln started the War Of Northern Aggression. Elbridge Gerry famously said "What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. Whenever governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins." |
Considering that the guns the founding fathers dealt with had to be loaded for each round and they believed a well regulated militia with these slow loaders might be needed at the time, it makes sense they would write it how they did.
Today, watching 20 6 year olds die with several bullet wounds in their little bodies, they would not agree with this garbage we are being fed by the gun crazies these days. |
Considering that the guns the founding fathers dealt with had to be loaded for each round and they believed a well regulated militia with these slow loaders might be needed at the time, it makes sense they would write it how they did. Today, watching 20 6 year olds die with several bullet wounds in their little bodies, they would not agree with this garbage we are being fed by the gun crazies these days. Typical stereotyping attitude! Let's bomb Iran because a few are crazy? Why not the whole world? Everyone is crazy! Why not just dope the water supply of the world and make everyone equal? WHOOPIE! What fun! The fact is that there are people in the world that are addicted to fame, fortune, drugs, power and a mile long list of other goodies that cause them to do crazy things. Do we punish the world for the sins of the few? Only if your goal is tyranny or power and control! Every time the gov't bans something, crime goes up in relation to it. Only the suppliers, criminals, black markets own and control it making everyone else a criminal who wishes it. Prisons, courts, attorneys and the gov't alphabet soup of agencies get more control to fix a problem they create and the tyranny continues with us paying the bills! Guess what? The money's gone! The peasants are growing more hostile every day as more and more is taken from them, even when there is nothing more to give. A Robin Hood is better than a revolution, but nothing will change unless there is revolution...peaceful or otherwise. That is how America was founded...perhaps it's time for a rebirth! |
More crazy talk that isn't true to try to incite more gun crazy thoughts and fear.
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Wed 12/19/12 04:16 PM
More crazy talk that isn't true to try to incite more gun crazy thoughts and fear. So much for education! Our history is a lie? Why? Because Faux, CNN, ABC, NBC, TNN or one of the other networks said so? |
More crazy talk that isn't true to try to incite more gun crazy thoughts and fear. Don't worry...We kind of expect that. |
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Wed 12/19/12 04:23 PM
When only criminals and cops have guns, we might as well live in the mexican border towns!
Enjoy THAT thought! |
Our government sells assault weapons to gun cartels in South America and Old Mexico and then they have the nerve to suggest a ban on assault weapons for law abiding citizens of the United States.
Oh great, sell the guns to the drug cartels and forbid the people to own any. |
When only criminals and cops have guns, we might as well live in the mexican border towns! Enjoy THAT thought! Just don't go to England. Only criminals and cops have guns there and it has turned into a nightmare. If you let Washington have its way, your future is predicted by this video: Funny that Piers Morgan doesn't bring up this stuff when he knocks gun owners.: |
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Fri 12/21/12 08:08 AM
a law doesnt stop any activity,, its insane to believe its meant to If the law does not reduce the incidence of the behavior in question then it is ineffective and should not exist.
All laws cause harm, if the harm caused by the enforcement of the law outweighs the benefit, then it should not exist. If you cannot show a benefit . . . well then, does not put you in a good place to argue in favor of that law. You know all this, your just playing your rhetorical sound bytes. situation that allows for children to be slaughtered Situations are what they are, situations do not allow things. When a set of circumstances can be managed to reduce the incidence of a given outcome, the responsible parties are the people who have the ability to manage that situation.
The very displacement of blame is the first problem we have here. The people responsible for the safety of the children are to blame IF they had any control over the situation. No set of laws, guidelines, process, or methods will EVER remove all incidence of disturbed people getting weapons and harming others. We all know that the best methods, laws, and processes will only ever reduce the incidence so much, and most methods, processes or laws\guidelines will effect our freedoms directly. If a given law, process, or guideline does NOTHING to reduce the incidence, then we should not continue to discuss it. One of the advisers to the President of the United States said that the Assault Weapons Ban had no measurable effect on the incidence of firearm violence, but then preceded to say we should reinstate the ban anyways because it will make us FEEL safer. Gun free zones are the same kind of animal, it makes us FEEL safer without engaging in the cause and effect relationships involved in the shootings at all. Regardless of the strength of my arguments they are true. As soon as you see someone arguing a law, guideline, process, or method and never engage in the actual details of the crime that sparked the discussion of ideas then you know it is about rhetoric, politics, and power, NOT stopping the incident in question. Gun free zones have removed the capability of the parties who have been given the responsibility of protecting your children when they are at school. The laws that make us feel safer, have made us less safe. That fact is unimportant to those with agenda's that are more about control, than about facts, and about actually lowering the incidence of this kind of crime. We all know that the mental health issue is the bigger issue, but as is typical human nature the hard fix is always given the least amount of attention. |