Topic: Jerks | |
Why do women like jerks in men? Shouldn't they want nice guys that care about them and not use them as meat? How come the nice guys never ask this question.... ![]() This is something I have noticed since I was very young... That guys that are kind of stereo typical jerks and take their girlfriends for granted ( the romantic fairy tail romance that they are hoping for is liike a 0 chance with this dude ) tend to do very well with women. Never said much about it.. just noticed it... |
Lemme guess. The girl that you really wanted badly turned you down in favor of a "jerk" right? Look man. Women go for a guy who..... 1. Makes a move on her. Yeah, he could be lying and all, but he is the one making the strong moves to get her. 2. Is confident. This doesn't mean a dude is a prick all the time. It's that women can sense a man with confidence and they will flock to that more often than not. 3. Women LIKE WHAT THEY LIKE. It could be the rough guy. It could be the dork. You never know. This concludes our session for the day. Live long and prosper. wow! do you hold seminars? cause you could be onto something very profitable and marketable right there,,,lol ![]() Something tells me he knows A LOT about this topic. |
Most woman have either programmed themselves to like those jerks and bad boys because they do not think they could do better. Other woman just try to find those good guys and either never find them or those great nice guys are taken.
The jerks have a better sales pitch and women believe their BS.
I think "jerks" appeal to a certain kind of woman who may have self esteem or co-dependency - type issues of her own...
I feel lucky in life to have never had a jerk for a boyfriend....not that they were a list of Mr Perfects! OH NO - no way but not jerks - just guys - who are (revelation here) only people too |
I think "jerks" appeal to a certain kind of woman who may have self esteem or co-dependency - type issues of her own... I feel lucky in life to have never had a jerk for a boyfriend....not that they were a list of Mr Perfects! OH NO - no way but not jerks - just guys - who are (revelation here) only people too Just who is classifying who as a jerk? |
I think "jerks" appeal to a certain kind of woman who may have self esteem or co-dependency - type issues of her own... I feel lucky in life to have never had a jerk for a boyfriend....not that they were a list of Mr Perfects! OH NO - no way but not jerks - just guys - who are (revelation here) only people too Just who is classifying who as a jerk? it's the topic fuzz brain ![]() |
I think "jerks" appeal to a certain kind of woman who may have self esteem or co-dependency - type issues of her own... I feel lucky in life to have never had a jerk for a boyfriend....not that they were a list of Mr Perfects! OH NO - no way but not jerks - just guys - who are (revelation here) only people too Just who is classifying who as a jerk? it's the topic fuzz brain ![]() Well, how do we know that the topic wasn't started by a jerk? |
Edited by
Sun 12/23/12 10:04 PM
I dont know. I like meat.
![]() At least I will admit it |
You know if your not doing it.
You must be doing someone else. At least that what I heard. So get busy |
I think "jerks" appeal to a certain kind of woman who may have self esteem or co-dependency - type issues of her own... I feel lucky in life to have never had a jerk for a boyfriend....not that they were a list of Mr Perfects! OH NO - no way but not jerks - just guys - who are (revelation here) only people too Just who is classifying who as a jerk? it's the topic fuzz brain ![]() Well, how do we know that the topic wasn't started by a jerk? it may have been good chance after all would you have ever asked that question? |
Back when I was dating some guys just didn't seem to have strongly developed personalities of their own...It's not about being mean or a jerk..I think we all have to have something unique and special to offer to others.. It's about being interesting and intriguing and even entertaining..Some of the guys I dated hadn't come into their "own" yet. I had to start a lot of the conversations and do most of the planning when it came to dates etc.. Maybe they waited for me to make suggestions because they wanted to be "nice" and "pleasing" and thoughtful and compliant or ?? But it got boring after awhile...I dated other men who had minds and ideas of their own and this kept things more interesting. And I didn't have to do all the work...They weren't mean or dominate or pushy or aggressive. Just interesting! And intriguing and full of surprises. We took turns coming up with ideas. Everything wasn't on my shoulders.
I agree greeneyes; that these so called nice guys can be very boring. I was wondering why men in particular would think that another man is a jerk? For example; guys I date don't buy me flowers, jewelry, or gifts? They don't spend x amount time with me as its whatever time we can make for each other. He doesn't accompnay me to the symphony or the Opera as he hates those things. Now do these things make him a jerk? To me, no he isn't a jerk; he is just being himself as these things don't matter to me. Now when he starts abusing me or cheating on me; yep then I would call him a jerk. So my point is I think men are quick to call another man a jerk because they compare themselves to the other guy and feel the so called jerk should treat a woman the way they would.
How about we ask men the same thing about women that treat them poorly. I suppose the question could be asked as to why men would worship the ground of a woman that most would consider nothing more than a b*tch but again; we don't know the mindset of why he loves or adores this woman anymore that why a woman would love a guy deemed as a jerk. |
I agree greeneyes; that these so called nice guys can be very boring. I was wondering why men in particular would think that another man is a jerk? For example; guys I date don't buy me flowers, jewelry, or gifts? They don't spend x amount time with me as its whatever time we can make for each other. He doesn't accompnay me to the symphony or the Opera as he hates those things. Now do these things make him a jerk? To me, no he isn't a jerk; he is just being himself as these things don't matter to me. Now when he starts abusing me or cheating on me; yep then I would call him a jerk. So my point is I think men are quick to call another man a jerk because they compare themselves to the other guy and feel the so called jerk should treat a woman the way they would. How about we ask men the same thing about women that treat them poorly. I suppose the question could be asked as to why men would worship the ground of a woman that most would consider nothing more than a b*tch but again; we don't know the mindset of why he loves or adores this woman anymore that why a woman would love a guy deemed as a jerk. I refuse to take dull acuusations from someone dressed as a girl scout ( on Christmas too) LoL |
Why do women like jerks in men? Shouldn't they want nice guys that care about them and not use them as meat? Hate to break this to you but the nice guys are the ones that turn out to be the jerks. I learned the hard way. some are good at covering it up for their personal agenda....and are only good or nice to you when it serves their purpose - like if you have something they want or they need your influence.... So what you are saying is that I should stop being nice, because you will think I have a hidden agenda? Or stop being so tolerant that a woman takes advantage once to often and I get pissed off? not really. at first glance it seems like I am saying you lose either way ![]() ![]() ![]() but really what I am saying is that it is important to get to know someone as if they are not as they say they it will become apparent - usually fairly soon I will say it's a tough rep to bust. if someone does have a hidden agenda for being nice to me and I catch on to that, I basically don't trust them at that point - even tho' it might not show in my behavior I am still confused, I am I supposed to be nice or mean to you? if u are interested in any type of communication with me at all - always nice even a tiny glint of mean and I'm gone - ur permatuned out |
The jerks have a better sales pitch and women believe their BS. Exactly! the so called jerks aren't afraid to approach a woman and give their "sales pitch" if they get rejected they don't moan and groan over it and post a nice guy thread they just move on to the next victim. |
What does a "jerk" do anyway? I agree with signsweet that most men think everyone except them is a jerk...
What does a "jerk" do anyway? I agree with signsweet that most men think everyone except them is a jerk... Agreed. ![]() |
I agree greeneyes; that these so called nice guys can be very boring. I was wondering why men in particular would think that another man is a jerk? For example; guys I date don't buy me flowers, jewelry, or gifts? They don't spend x amount time with me as its whatever time we can make for each other. He doesn't accompnay me to the symphony or the Opera as he hates those things. Now do these things make him a jerk? To me, no he isn't a jerk; he is just being himself as these things don't matter to me. Now when he starts abusing me or cheating on me; yep then I would call him a jerk. So my point is I think men are quick to call another man a jerk because they compare themselves to the other guy and feel the so called jerk should treat a woman the way they would. How about we ask men the same thing about women that treat them poorly. I suppose the question could be asked as to why men would worship the ground of a woman that most would consider nothing more than a b*tch but again; we don't know the mindset of why he loves or adores this woman anymore that why a woman would love a guy deemed as a jerk. I refuse to take dull acuusations from someone dressed as a girl scout ( on Christmas too) LoL What is this Christmas you speak of? Never heard of it and why would it matter what I said today? ![]() |
Why do women like jerks in men? Shouldn't they want nice guys that care about them and not use them as meat?
These men are jerks only from your point of view. She sees him as fun, exciting and rebellious. I once read (in one of these dating forums) that women prefer jerks because being treated badly only makes being treated well that much better. I translate that as; she loves the drama, the roller coaster of emotions he puts her through. He makes her laugh, he makes her cry, he makes her angry then he gives her an orgasm. She never knows what he'll do next and she finds that exciting. |