Topic: Franklin Graham : 'We Have Turned Our Backs on God' | |
Praying for God to take care of an economic crisis is pointless. I mean, the guy can't manage money, every time I've been to church they tell me he's broke and needs to borrow some from me. ![]() ![]() God doesn't need money. But I have prayed for money and gotten it a time or two. Sometimes, if you have faith, prayer works... but I think its the faith and the visualization that manifests the event. Ask and thou shalt receive. |
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Sat 11/17/12 04:14 PM
And without critiquing the sacred "Four Years" of Obama. America has turned it's back on God! There has been a line drawn. Not between parties but between leaders. wow 'faith should bring us together' yeah,, quite the line drawn there,,,,,amazing,,, ![]() ![]() ''be conscious of God and always speak the truth' 'whomever kills one innocent is as if he has killed all mankind' ,,these same lessons are in the BIble, are they less true because they are in the Quran? would people be feeling so threatened if Romney had read from the book of mormon? aknowledging the faith of others is not the same as drawing a line, its INCLUSION,, not EXCLUSION and truth is truth whatever book its read from Totally different authors...totally different source of "truth". The man in that video is appeasing one god and rejecting the True and Living One. This news piece is obviously directed to Bible-believing Christians which are being lovingly repremanded by a man of God, Frankin Graham, for not trusting that One and Only -Truth-giver, whom many of us fail to put above all earthly wisdom. Are we wiser than God? "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24, A man may do some service to two masters, but he can devote himself to the service of no more than one. God requires the whole heart, and will not share it with the world. Ps...I would not be conversing with you on this topic had I not been at one time convinced that some of you were a bible-believing Christians. I am a bible believing christian, and I am not happy with the presidents view on the issue of marriage I dont believe that having knowledge of or reciting from a book has anything to do with 'rejecting' God seems to me, finding Gods message is not only in the Bible is a source of spreading God and not rejecting him but I also dont believe that truth becomes less true because of the source it comes from I think it preposterous and egotistical to imply with a straight face that 'turning our backs' on God has only begun in the last four years,,, So the focus is the 4yrs? (speaking of "red herrings") ![]() Truthfully, looking for the phrase "4yrs" was like trying to find "Waldo". But good for found it. ![]() And I agree "4yrs" amounted to dishonesty. only ten sentences in I think the most objectionable part is trying to tie americas 'immorality' with their choosing this president americans voted on many issues, same sex marriage was barely one of them, being that is still a 'state' decided issue,, the president must represent the people, I would much rather he supported civil unions that afford the same cIVIL right to same sex couples without making them the SAME as heterosexual but in the end, acceptance of homosexuality is but one of the many sins becoming more rampant in america decade after decade I can understand the dissapointment, I cant understand trying to link it to one mans election,,,, The only disappointment I see happens to be represented in the topic of this thread. Many have turned their backs on God. Some have even equated The God of the bible with the god of the koran. Truth-be-told a "falling away" has been foretold. {2Thes 2:3} "I agree that Franklin Graham jumped the shark with his "last four years" remark." Anything a Bible-believing Christian says is a "jump[] in shark infested waters". |
The only disappointment I see happens to be represented in the topic of this thread. Many have turned their backs on God. Some have even equated The God of the bible with the god of the koran. Truth-be-told a "falling away" has been foretold. {2Thes 2:3} "I agree that Franklin Graham jumped the shark with his "last four years" remark." Anything a Bible-believing Christian says is a "jump[] in shark infested waters". ![]() |
Praying for God to take care of an economic crisis is pointless. I mean, the guy can't manage money, every time I've been to church they tell me he's broke and needs to borrow some from me. "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3 If you don't fully trust Him, why should He show you Great and Mighty things. The Lord does not appease scoffers. |
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Sat 11/17/12 04:45 PM
"Praying for God to take care of an economic crisis is pointless. I mean, the guy can't manage money, every time I've been to church they tell me he's broke and needs to borrow some from me." He owns "the cattle on a thousand hills". "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills." Psalms 50:10 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7 The air you breathe is His! Enjoy! |
And without critiquing the sacred "Four Years" of Obama. America has turned it's back on God! There has been a line drawn. Not between parties but between leaders. wow 'faith should bring us together' yeah,, quite the line drawn there,,,,,amazing,,, ![]() ![]() ''be conscious of God and always speak the truth' 'whomever kills one innocent is as if he has killed all mankind' ,,these same lessons are in the BIble, are they less true because they are in the Quran? would people be feeling so threatened if Romney had read from the book of mormon? aknowledging the faith of others is not the same as drawing a line, its INCLUSION,, not EXCLUSION and truth is truth whatever book its read from Totally different authors...totally different source of "truth". The man in that video is appeasing one god and rejecting the True and Living One. This news piece is obviously directed to Bible-believing Christians which are being lovingly repremanded by a man of God, Frankin Graham, for not trusting that One and Only -Truth-giver, whom many of us fail to put above all earthly wisdom. Are we wiser than God? "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24, A man may do some service to two masters, but he can devote himself to the service of no more than one. God requires the whole heart, and will not share it with the world. Ps...I would not be conversing with you on this topic had I not been at one time convinced that some of you were a bible-believing Christians. I am a bible believing christian, and I am not happy with the presidents view on the issue of marriage I dont believe that having knowledge of or reciting from a book has anything to do with 'rejecting' God seems to me, finding Gods message is not only in the Bible is a source of spreading God and not rejecting him but I also dont believe that truth becomes less true because of the source it comes from I think it preposterous and egotistical to imply with a straight face that 'turning our backs' on God has only begun in the last four years,,, So the focus is the 4yrs? (speaking of "red herrings") ![]() Truthfully, looking for the phrase "4yrs" was like trying to find "Waldo". But good for found it. ![]() And I agree "4yrs" amounted to dishonesty. only ten sentences in I think the most objectionable part is trying to tie americas 'immorality' with their choosing this president americans voted on many issues, same sex marriage was barely one of them, being that is still a 'state' decided issue,, the president must represent the people, I would much rather he supported civil unions that afford the same cIVIL right to same sex couples without making them the SAME as heterosexual but in the end, acceptance of homosexuality is but one of the many sins becoming more rampant in america decade after decade I can understand the dissapointment, I cant understand trying to link it to one mans election,,,, The only disappointment I see happens to be represented in the topic of this thread. Many have turned their backs on God. Some have even equated The God of the bible with the god of the koran. Truth-be-told a "falling away" has been foretold. {2Thes 2:3} "I agree that Franklin Graham jumped the shark with his "last four years" remark." Anything a Bible-believing Christian says is a "jump[] in shark infested waters". no more true than the notion that anything a bible believing christian says is therefore infallible tying the 'beginning' of immorality to a presidential election is indeed a jump |
"Praying for God to take care of an economic crisis is pointless. I mean, the guy can't manage money, every time I've been to church they tell me he's broke and needs to borrow some from me." He owns "the cattle on a thousand hills". "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills." Psalms 50:10 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7 The air you breathe is His! Enjoy! Bah... All he did was create gravity. Since then all he's been doing is taking credit for the works of others. |
Sigh, another religion post in the politics forum.
Sigh, another religion post in the politics forum. Are you the Topic Police? It's Politics, Current News & Events, bravalady! Like it or not! ![]() |
"Praying for God to take care of an economic crisis is pointless. I mean, the guy can't manage money, every time I've been to church they tell me he's broke and needs to borrow some from me." He owns "the cattle on a thousand hills". "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills." Psalms 50:10 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7 The air you breathe is His! Enjoy! Bah... All he did was create gravity. Since then all he's been doing is taking credit for the works of others. Or rather, taking the blame for the evil works of others. |
If there is any validity to Graham's premise that a lack of following god is causing a collapse in the economy, how come the nation with the best economy is a mostly Taoist nation?
Maybe we need to follow different myths over here, or more likely, when one governs a nation they should check their god at the door. Our nations economic woes are caused by greed, not by invisible men but tangible ones. If we want to come out of this crisis, it will cost us as a nation. It will require sacrifice, something the American is very unwilling to do. We will need to put up with larger regulation on our banks, as well as a raising of interest rates. Yes, I said it, you should be paying more for your home loans, and some shouldn't even be able to get them. It will cost us. It will cost us because to have a good economy, one must have a viable work force. America is still the largest consumer economy, but what we consume is made outside of the U.S.. So, we must raise tariffs on the importation of foreign goods, which will make it cheaper to produce products at home than to do so overseas. It would be more cost effective to hire Americans than children in sweatshops. Of course, we will have to pay a higher price for our goods and services, but our money will be here, helping our economy. It will cost us. It will cost us in the research into new sources of energy which we can exploit at home. That means paying for education of the populous. Giving up Arab oil, and putting up with the inconveniences that go with it. None of this will come to pass by "wishing" for it. Praying to a non-existent god won't make it happen. Reading from a 2000 year old book, which I will admit has good advice but no practical use beyond a doorstop as applied to nation governing, will not solve this crisis. Keep you voodoo out of politics. Well, maybe not voodoo, that stuff works. |
Our nations economic woes are caused by greed, not by invisible men but tangible ones.
I'm not a very religious person but I do think we could learn a bit from the teachings of religion. You said our economic woes are caused by greed, maybe if those who are greedy would belie e in god and what is taught in religion they wouldn't be greedy and we wouldn't have these economic woes we are in. Doesn't religion teach us to love one another? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you? Help others in need? I think if we all would follow just some of the basic simple teachings of religion the world would be a better place. Yes I know there are those who take religion to the extreme and the same goes for them. Go back to the basics and don't read to much into it. |
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Sun 11/18/12 07:25 AM
many people confuse the bible with God, although the bible is God inspired, it is also written by man,,,,like all other books are
it is a book with great knowledge and wisdom on many things |
many people confuse the bible with God, although the bible is God inspired, it is also written by man,,,,like all other books are it is a book with great knowledge and wisdom on many things Many people confuse the bible with other books. "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isaiah 55:11 |
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Sun 11/18/12 08:52 AM
Be careful what you pray for.
I know a woman whom I though would never ever quit smoking. She was hopeless addicted. So she prayed to God to help her quit. Shortly afterwards, she was smoking while on oxygen and lit up a cigarette and her face caught on fire. She was badly burned. If she would have been inhaling, it would have burned her lungs. She healed. I still did not think she would quit smoking, but she did. She kept a supply of cigarettes in her house for a full year. She never smoked again. She eventually gave all the cigarettes away. Prayers are answered. I call it the law of attraction. The universe responds to thoughts, belief and faith no matter if you believe in a God or not. |
Be careful what you pray for. I know a woman whom I though would never ever quit smoking. She was hopeless addicted. So she prayed to God to help her quit. Shortly afterwards, she was smoking while on oxygen and lit up a cigarette and her face caught on fire. She was badly burned. If she would have been inhaling, it would have burned her lungs. She healed. I still did not think she would quit smoking, but she did. She kept a supply of cigarettes in her house for a full year. She never smoked again. She eventually gave all the cigarettes away. Prayers are answered. I call it the law of attraction. The universe responds to thoughts, belief and faith no matter if you believe in a God or not. Any this explains prayer how? |
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Sun 11/18/12 09:17 AM
Prayer is basically thought forms. We live in a universe controlled and created by thought. Esther and Jerry Hicks wrote books on how to use this to your advantage in detail. They call it the "law of attraction." One book is called "Ask and it is given." If you want a more scientific view on this look to David Bohmm, an American quantum physicist. He wrote a book called: Thought as a System. from wiki: "Bohm views physical processes as determined by information of more and more subtle levels which interact, and does not limit this consideration to matter alone. In an article of 1990, A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter, he resumes his view that there exists a close link to mental processes: "the whole notion of active information suggests a rudimentary mind-like behaviour of matter". In his view, mental processes as well can be understood as representing levels of activity of increasing subtlety which act upon each other. He recalls that thought is intricately connected with physical reactions, as is known from everyday experience. Yet on the mental side, action as response to information need not be immediate; rather, in some cases at least, it can be mediated by "suspension" of physical action and the resulting train of thought. Bohm suggests that the mental and the physical sides, which he sees as two "poles" of a unified whole, are closely interlinked and that "at each level, information is the bridge or link between the two sides". A relationship between the mental and matter may exist at indefinitely great levels of subtlety, while nonetheless each kind and level of mind may have a relative autonomy and stability. His article concludes with the statement that "knowledge of matter (as well as of mind) has changed in such a way as to support the approach that has been described here. To pursue this approach further might perhaps enable us to extend our knowledge of both poles into new domains" |
andrewzooms, Prayer is basically thought forms. We live in a universe controlled and created by thought. Esther and Jerry Hicks wrote books on how to use this to your advantage in detail. They call it the "law of attraction." One book is called "Ask and it is given." If you want a more scientific view on this look to David Bohmm, an American quantum physicist. He wrote a book called: Thought as a System. from wiki: "Bohm views physical processes as determined by information of more and more subtle levels which interact, and does not limit this consideration to matter alone. In an article of 1990, A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter, he resumes his view that there exists a close link to mental processes: "the whole notion of active information suggests a rudimentary mind-like behaviour of matter". In his view, mental processes as well can be understood as representing levels of activity of increasing subtlety which act upon each other. He recalls that thought is intricately connected with physical reactions, as is known from everyday experience. Yet on the mental side, action as response to information need not be immediate; rather, in some cases at least, it can be mediated by "suspension" of physical action and the resulting train of thought. Bohm suggests that the mental and the physical sides, which he sees as two "poles" of a unified whole, are closely interlinked and that "at each level, information is the bridge or link between the two sides". A relationship between the mental and matter may exist at indefinitely great levels of subtlety, while nonetheless each kind and level of mind may have a relative autonomy and stability. His article concludes with the statement that "knowledge of matter (as well as of mind) has changed in such a way as to support the approach that has been described here. To pursue this approach further might perhaps enable us to extend our knowledge of both poles into new domains" ![]() ![]() |
andrewzooms, Prayer is basically thought forms. We live in a universe controlled and created by thought. Esther and Jerry Hicks wrote books on how to use this to your advantage in detail. They call it the "law of attraction." One book is called "Ask and it is given." If you want a more scientific view on this look to David Bohmm, an American quantum physicist. He wrote a book called: Thought as a System. from wiki: "Bohm views physical processes as determined by information of more and more subtle levels which interact, and does not limit this consideration to matter alone. In an article of 1990, A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter, he resumes his view that there exists a close link to mental processes: "the whole notion of active information suggests a rudimentary mind-like behaviour of matter". In his view, mental processes as well can be understood as representing levels of activity of increasing subtlety which act upon each other. He recalls that thought is intricately connected with physical reactions, as is known from everyday experience. Yet on the mental side, action as response to information need not be immediate; rather, in some cases at least, it can be mediated by "suspension" of physical action and the resulting train of thought. Bohm suggests that the mental and the physical sides, which he sees as two "poles" of a unified whole, are closely interlinked and that "at each level, information is the bridge or link between the two sides". A relationship between the mental and matter may exist at indefinitely great levels of subtlety, while nonetheless each kind and level of mind may have a relative autonomy and stability. His article concludes with the statement that "knowledge of matter (as well as of mind) has changed in such a way as to support the approach that has been described here. To pursue this approach further might perhaps enable us to extend our knowledge of both poles into new domains" ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There is a difference between promoting the Christian faith and promoting a political agenda in the name of the Christian faith.
Like it or not, the Christian faith is politically neutral. Yet, modern-day Pharisees insist on mixing Christianity with their political views, which results in non-Christians being presented with a false depiction of Christianity. Oh well, such a thing has been happening for centuries. When England's King James I gained the English throne, he, too, decided to use Christianity to promote his own political views. Prior to him becoming King of England, the Geneva Bible was the English version of the Bible commonly used in England. Church historian Ernest Trice Thompson describes what happened to the Geneva Bible: It had become the popular version in England, but was detested by James because it had footnotes strongly opposed to the divine right of kings, to which James was committed. James cried that he would have a new Bible.
That's right. The KJV was produced for a political reason, in order to aid England's King James I in his quest for absolute power on Earth. ![]() Anyway, there was no sudden shift in American spirituality four years ago, contrary to what Franklin Graham claims. ![]() Quote Source: Ernest Trice Thompson, Through The Ages, A History of the Christian Church (Richmond: The CLC Press, 1965), pp. 212-213. |