Topic: Can anyone help with a mysterious situation?
benniond27's photo
Mon 11/12/12 06:12 PM
As a kid I would tell my parents about stuff I see that they can't. As an adult, ON MEDICATION, I still see things. For example, some people call them auras or energy fields, I call them colors; but I see them on everyone if they're still and I am in a calm mood.
Also while i'm sleeping I dream about things. If they're small close events they'll happen that day. If farther away then usually 1-3 days. I just don't know what to do when I get a serious premonition, especially one that shows up twice in one night. I know I can't go crazy and call the authorities on every whim. If there is anyone out there who knows what I should do, I would like to hear your advice. The reason why I put my inquiry here was due to the paranormal/supernatural aspect of it. I didn't feel it fit into the other forums.

Kahurangi's photo
Tue 11/13/12 03:11 PM
You have access to a worldwide net of information. There must be a group or groups out there that can help you understand it.

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 11/13/12 04:08 PM
Relax, breath, get professional help if you are not already getting it.

Above all do not act on any "auras" or "energy fields" you may see.
Treat them as mere curiosities .

Do not let any dreams dictate how you act while awake.

And continue with your medication.

mssilverfox's photo
Tue 11/13/12 08:49 PM
Maybe your meds need adjusted or changed... ask your doctor..

Shortly before the death of my grandfather and my father. I dreamed that they had died..that was scary..
I also used to dream that I could levitate and fly above the trees..later in life I took up parasailing and hang gliding.. must have been a premenition..

jaded72's photo
Tue 11/13/12 09:04 PM
From my own experience, I would say that what you are experiencing is nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of. You are open to the world in different ways than other people. Sometimes there is nothing to "do" in response to the dreams, but use them as a way to prepare yourself for what comes next. Human intuition is fascinating and a wonderful resource. I hope you can enjoy the process of getting to know how yours works. :)

For the auras- I don't if people see auras in the same way as others. I think that however you see an aura will have significance for you; you'll learn what certain colours indicate for you, etc., like a code, perhaps. When I see auras they very rarely have colours- I get more emotional sensations, than anything else.
I'm very happy to chat with you more. Please message me, if you wish.

Jaswindersingh00126's photo
Tue 11/20/12 01:14 AM
Edited by Jaswindersingh00126 on Tue 11/20/12 01:24 AM
Sir as I understood your problem the reason can be only one your piyutry gland is activated to some extend because of any reason. You need not to worry but improve your concentration & confidence through meditation,you do not need medication.

spooklog's photo
Sun 12/30/12 06:34 PM
Your situation has been an interest of mine for some time, that is, when people who are ill/on medication, have paranormal experiences. This can make it difficult for other people to believe you, and can even make it challenging to believe yourself. But I strongly suspect that a person who has been under prolonged stress due to illness can become more sensitive to supernatural phenomena.

The advice to remain calm, continue meds and not act on premonitions is very good. Sometimes the line between the paranormal and an illness is blurred.

One recommendation I would make is to keep a journal of your experiences--nothing fancy, just keep a window open on your computer where you can jot down a few notes every time something happens. You'll find reviewing your journal every few weeks to be very useful and enlightening.

The fact that you made such a reasonable appeal for help here is a good sign of your common-sense and intelligence. Please keep us informed on how you are doing!

no photo
Wed 01/02/13 06:55 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 01/02/13 06:57 PM
Just be clear about who you are and don't let any strange voices in your head start telling you what to do or getting into your space.

If you are just seeing future events that actually happen, I'm sure you can use that for your advantage and avoid getting hit by a bus or being in the wrong place at a bad time. Consider that a skill.

Seeing auras should be no problem. Many people can see them. No biggie.

I would not ever advise anyone to to take drugs, (Medication) you should use your best judgement on that.

no photo
Fri 01/25/13 04:35 PM
Hi me too as a kid I've jumped all over diferent time lines and worlds and universes my question is why are they medicating u? What is they're reason u have had some glowing advice on this page and I concur with most of it. This is a difficult reality to be extraordinaryin lol most can't comprehend abilities and for our part might seek to abuse them,release fear, it might help to take up some relaxation exercises while retaining your doctor as a touchstone. some times we have to trust our intuition or gut feeling, that's how we win lottery's and save lives,but above all stay clear and true.

XxHunterxX's photo
Tue 02/12/13 01:19 AM

As a kid I would tell my parents about stuff I see that they can't. As an adult, ON MEDICATION, I still see things. For example, some people call them auras or energy fields, I call them colors; but I see them on everyone if they're still and I am in a calm mood.
Also while i'm sleeping I dream about things. If they're small close events they'll happen that day. If farther away then usually 1-3 days. I just don't know what to do when I get a serious premonition, especially one that shows up twice in one night. I know I can't go crazy and call the authorities on every whim. If there is anyone out there who knows what I should do, I would like to hear your advice. The reason why I put my inquiry here was due to the paranormal/supernatural aspect of it. I didn't feel it fit into the other forums.

Ive been around people like yourself and someone who was a gifted medium since she was a kid. I would recommend honing your abilities.
There is a lady that wrote a book "change your aura, change your life" she can see minute details of people's auras. That would be a good place to start. My advice though, with many people that have pschic abilities is to keep it to yourself. Psychics get in trouble when they share their premonitions with others. Not sure why this is but it almost always ends bad. There are also schools that teach what you are talking about. They can give you more direction too and additional tools to cope with being gifted in these respects :)