Topic: lets be real | |
I mostly agree with the "People pretend to be helpers" part. Anyone can say ANYTHING to make themselves look more charming than even a guinea pig. I wonder sometimes why people can't just let others be? What's the reason/s? I do hope you've never took anything I've said as offence. As I know my joking around can come across as sarcastic at times. That would mean I was only wanting to make people laugh though. I sure wouldn't want to think I've hurt anyone's feelings. You always haveonly nice things to say. If I'm being truly honest too-you're one of the very sweet ones. Just wish people weren't so abbrasive with others. It just helps them degrade themselves more. Anywho, hope you're well :) ![]() its hard to tell in black and white,, so this was just a joke? "They cant help it. Liberals have no class, integrity, common sence or tact and are immature and most are uneducated, guillable and easily manipulated. Most all are complete trash. That's enough to make me never want to be liberal. Ever. " |
that's the Rawrr_Girl I picture :) caring and living the upbeat in the middle of a world that presence lots of faces, some good some not so mg1959 I like your post. So many angry people on this Political forum. |
Yes there are and it carries all the way to the top. One thing about anger is even when it wins it looses. One can disguise negative to look like positive but in the end the negative comes out and bad happens. With positive there's a totally different feeling, resolve and will that comes from it. Negative is like this disembodiment, where positive is this rock. I've seen a lot of people go from negative to positive and the change is dramatic. Negative people spend a lot of their lives squirming, like every moment has to be manipulated or manufactured to defeat or hurt something or some one. Kinda like needing to get the upper hand even if it's for no other reason than to feel Superior. Being around positive people though is so different, they keep giving and pushing to help and the more they help the more they get blessed by helping and it feels so good you want to help more.
When I was in Mexico the first time I got typhoid and got it bad. It was in a little village that in the neighborhoods there was only one bathroom (an outhouse) at the top of a little hill. Typhoid comes with some nasty stuff including a really high temperature and delirium. I thought it was curtains for me. I stayed on a straw bed and shared the room with a pig (no kidding) and this huge spider in the corner. In about 2 weeks or so I started to come out of it and noticed that there was no one around from my group. I was scared to death until I noticed how nice these people were. Within a couple of days there was someone there that spoke English and I thought, ok I'm gonna make it. I was barely getting my feet underneath me and he asked me to come to the hut/house/shack next door. The guy told me they wanted me to eat. I was in no mood or condition to but he took me over there anyway. I walked in and there was a room full of folks and one bowl there with a pot on the table, some bread and a few other things. I thought this was so weird, but he had me sit down and start eating. These people were just watching me and smiling. I felt so odd and asked the guy why aren't they eating with me? The answer I got changed my life. I was their gift. Every year they saved up enough money to have one special meal. Beef from the US. All of their family would gather and feast on that day. This year they got US beef again, enough for one person. They spent the rest of their year's money saving the life of an American teenager. This teenager kept drifting in and out of delirium and these people carried him up and down the hill several times a day to rinse him. They also took him to the local medic 5 miles away in a wagon and did what was needed to keep him alive. I was their gift. How can we spend our time in anger. How can we be so selfish when there is so much to do. Sometimes we need to just shutup and do it. My life has been blessed with more than this one story because of them, but no event has allowed me to see how rich someone can really be. Being rich is reaching out, not beating down. |
If we are gonna get real here, we have to realize a few things first, the main one being that governments put people in the ditch, they don't pull them out of it. Anyone that can survive an engineered depression without a billion dollar "cushion" deserves a lot of credit for intelligence, resourcefulness and tenacity. they remind me of salmon swimming upstream against a heavy current...only the fittest survive.
Unfortunately, not all the "fish" are able to make it in that environment and if they are to survive, alternatives to the upstream swim must be found. In the current economy, that would entail creating a private business and dealing strictly in the private, with other private interests & away from any government interference. While the first thing that comes to mind is criminal activity (and many will turn to crime), it need not necessarily be a criminal enterprise (like banking). People can start all sorts of businesses, either on their own, or in tandem with other people. Private co-operatives come to mind, as a means of individuals in communities sticking together to help one another. This sort of scenario forms a nice "middle ground" between our existing, screwed up society and chucking the whole mess to live off the land in a cabin somewhere, which falls at the complete abandonment of society and/or "commerce" end of the spectrum that I see many (justifiably) gravitating to. Everyone has to do what they have to do to survive. It is up to the individual to determine for himself what that will be. Hopefully, whatever strategy is chosen, it will be one that doesn't hurt others and will be one that places NO RELIANCE on anything purporting to be "government". People should always be self-governing and free. |
If we are gonna get real here, we have to realize a few things first, the main one being that governments put people in the ditch, they don't pull them out of it. Anyone that can survive an engineered depression without a billion dollar "cushion" deserves a lot of credit for intelligence, resourcefulness and tenacity. they remind me of salmon swimming upstream against a heavy current...only the fittest survive. Unfortunately, not all the "fish" are able to make it in that environment and if they are to survive, alternatives to the upstream swim must be found. In the current economy, that would entail creating a private business and dealing strictly in the private, with other private interests & away from any government interference. While the first thing that comes to mind is criminal activity (and many will turn to crime), it need not necessarily be a criminal enterprise (like banking). People can start all sorts of businesses, either on their own, or in tandem with other people. Private co-operatives come to mind, as a means of individuals in communities sticking together to help one another. This sort of scenario forms a nice "middle ground" between our existing, screwed up society and chucking the whole mess to live off the land in a cabin somewhere, which falls at the complete abandonment of society and/or "commerce" end of the spectrum that I see many (justifiably) gravitating to. Everyone has to do what they have to do to survive. It is up to the individual to determine for himself what that will be. Hopefully, whatever strategy is chosen, it will be one that doesn't hurt others and will be one that places NO RELIANCE on anything purporting to be "government". People should always be self-governing and free. Remember Ruby Ridge? |
If we are gonna get real here, we have to realize a few things first, the main one being that governments put people in the ditch, they don't pull them out of it. Anyone that can survive an engineered depression without a billion dollar "cushion" deserves a lot of credit for intelligence, resourcefulness and tenacity. they remind me of salmon swimming upstream against a heavy current...only the fittest survive. Unfortunately, not all the "fish" are able to make it in that environment and if they are to survive, alternatives to the upstream swim must be found. In the current economy, that would entail creating a private business and dealing strictly in the private, with other private interests & away from any government interference. While the first thing that comes to mind is criminal activity (and many will turn to crime), it need not necessarily be a criminal enterprise (like banking). People can start all sorts of businesses, either on their own, or in tandem with other people. Private co-operatives come to mind, as a means of individuals in communities sticking together to help one another. This sort of scenario forms a nice "middle ground" between our existing, screwed up society and chucking the whole mess to live off the land in a cabin somewhere, which falls at the complete abandonment of society and/or "commerce" end of the spectrum that I see many (justifiably) gravitating to. Everyone has to do what they have to do to survive. It is up to the individual to determine for himself what that will be. Hopefully, whatever strategy is chosen, it will be one that doesn't hurt others and will be one that places NO RELIANCE on anything purporting to be "government". People should always be self-governing and free. Remember Ruby Ridge? ...and that is precisely why government should not be supported in phoney elections with things called votes...The best vote of all is not to go to the poll. People should always remember that the lesser evil is still evil, so why vote for it?...Don't give those clowns the pleasure of saying we ASKED for this. |
If we are gonna get real here, we have to realize a few things first, the main one being that governments put people in the ditch, they don't pull them out of it. Anyone that can survive an engineered depression without a billion dollar "cushion" deserves a lot of credit for intelligence, resourcefulness and tenacity. they remind me of salmon swimming upstream against a heavy current...only the fittest survive. Unfortunately, not all the "fish" are able to make it in that environment and if they are to survive, alternatives to the upstream swim must be found. In the current economy, that would entail creating a private business and dealing strictly in the private, with other private interests & away from any government interference. While the first thing that comes to mind is criminal activity (and many will turn to crime), it need not necessarily be a criminal enterprise (like banking). People can start all sorts of businesses, either on their own, or in tandem with other people. Private co-operatives come to mind, as a means of individuals in communities sticking together to help one another. This sort of scenario forms a nice "middle ground" between our existing, screwed up society and chucking the whole mess to live off the land in a cabin somewhere, which falls at the complete abandonment of society and/or "commerce" end of the spectrum that I see many (justifiably) gravitating to. Everyone has to do what they have to do to survive. It is up to the individual to determine for himself what that will be. Hopefully, whatever strategy is chosen, it will be one that doesn't hurt others and will be one that places NO RELIANCE on anything purporting to be "government". People should always be self-governing and free. So lets say someone gave you a town. How would you set it up? How would it relate to a county, the state and the United States? And then the world of course? This isn't a bait BTW. I've always been interested in this. My factory was set up like a town in many ways. I was also involved in the town, county and state it was in. So that you don't get me wrong, my factory was in Amish country in Ohio and I spent time learning how they did things as opposed to the "English" they would say. So the self sufficient thing is very close to my thinking. In fact half of my workers were Amish. So if we went in this direction there would need to be a plan and speaking from experience the company owner is too busy to make the plan and too busy to implement the plan. A business owner can not afford to development and run his own method of doing business. They may be able to run their own little part but that's even a challenge. There's too much involved and a co_op of some type has to be in place. As much as I appreciate ideas as a businessman I need a plan to get me from step one through the end. Arguing and complaining inside of my business does nothing but spend my money. Every time someone has an idea my anti-money clock ticks and it takes nothing for a day to disappear. Do you know how much a day cost me? A day in my business can cost me a year. When you guys say "phoney elections" and all that, it makes no sense to a businessman. It doesn't put a plan in front of me to consider. All of us can feel the frustration and want to blow off steam, but how does that place my order for 12ohm @.5 watt resisters today. The last thing we want to hear is someone being mad at somebody else or someone screwed up on line 5. We need people to see the problem on line 5 and get it fixed before we get overflow or underflow. And if they fix it so that there is no delay or break down we have saved the day and made money. "We have no time" for the "I don't like", cause it delivers "zero" unless there is a replacement for zero that we can plug in, in real time. NP are the worse 2 letters in the businessman's life. At my factory big or small if you spend more than a couple of minutes on what is wrong before you fix it, your done. My point is and has been, if you have a plan that is positive lets get at it. I already know who you don't like, but if I'm standing here looking at my clock we have a problem. We have a rule at my business and most do that I know of. If you have a complaint and come into my office without a suggestion on how to fix it that goes beyond pointing a finger don't come in. If you guys come to this forum without a plan that we can sit down and look at while the clock is ticking lets here it, cause if not it is a time burner and no business that I know of is going to give you the time of day. It's not cause we're mean or don't like you it's because we're busy. Another rule in business, and if your truly wanting to help us in the middle get somewhere you need to be aware of these things. 10/90 If we loose 10% in profits we're done. We are not only looking at all we have to pay for but we are also looking at you as being 90% profitable. This goes for positive as well. If I have an employee that complains more than 10% their out. As a middle businessman I look at this forum and just by the figures would be forced to say "your out". I can't afford to take your advice if your words are less than 90% positive. In business school we call this "Fat". You will never attend a business program or seminar that is going to spend time on the negative (fat) past 10%, "that's a fact". The term Fat is not always the word used but it's the same teaching. If you take this "and that is precisely why government should not be supported in phoney elections with things called votes...The best vote of all is not to go to the poll. People should always remember that the lesser evil is still evil, so why vote for it?...Don't give those clowns the pleasure of saying we ASKED for this." and apply our formula (which every business program in our country teaches) we would be out of business. So for me, I come hear and hear what you guys are saying and it doesn't move my bottom line meter anywhere but backward. If you say your here to help me (the middle) than do it. But remember the businessman has to look at the bottom line every way it is sliced. That applies to the arguments as well as anything else. Saying this though, if you give me a practical plan for a town I can look at it and see if it works for me, then I move it to the involvement in the county, state and country, world. Us business guys are all ears but we're not going to put stock in anyone who can't deliver the 10/90. Not going to happen and not going to consider it. NP (none productive). We are looking for productive. People who are looking at NP in our books have already lost or retired and are now armchair quarterbacks or giving motivation speeches on making the possitive outweigh the negative by getting rid of the NP or ripping down the very country that helped them in their time of need. But if their ripping they are more than likely being NP themselves and know it. |
If we are gonna get real here, we have to realize a few things first, the main one being that governments put people in the ditch, they don't pull them out of it. Anyone that can survive an engineered depression without a billion dollar "cushion" deserves a lot of credit for intelligence, resourcefulness and tenacity. they remind me of salmon swimming upstream against a heavy current...only the fittest survive. Unfortunately, not all the "fish" are able to make it in that environment and if they are to survive, alternatives to the upstream swim must be found. In the current economy, that would entail creating a private business and dealing strictly in the private, with other private interests & away from any government interference. While the first thing that comes to mind is criminal activity (and many will turn to crime), it need not necessarily be a criminal enterprise (like banking). People can start all sorts of businesses, either on their own, or in tandem with other people. Private co-operatives come to mind, as a means of individuals in communities sticking together to help one another. This sort of scenario forms a nice "middle ground" between our existing, screwed up society and chucking the whole mess to live off the land in a cabin somewhere, which falls at the complete abandonment of society and/or "commerce" end of the spectrum that I see many (justifiably) gravitating to. Everyone has to do what they have to do to survive. It is up to the individual to determine for himself what that will be. Hopefully, whatever strategy is chosen, it will be one that doesn't hurt others and will be one that places NO RELIANCE on anything purporting to be "government". People should always be self-governing and free. So lets say someone gave you a town. How would you set it up? How would it relate to a county, the state and the United States? And then the world of course? This isn't a bait BTW. I've always been interested in this. My factory was set up like a town in many ways. I was also involved in the town, county and state it was in. So that you don't get me wrong, my factory was in Amish country in Ohio and I spent time learning how they did things as opposed to the "English" they would say. So the self sufficient thing is very close to my thinking. In fact half of my workers were Amish. So if we went in this direction there would need to be a plan and speaking from experience the company owner is too busy to make the plan and too busy to implement the plan. A business owner can not afford to development and run his own method of doing business. They may be able to run their own little part but that's even a challenge. There's too much involved and a co_op of some type has to be in place. As much as I appreciate ideas as a businessman I need a plan to get me from step one through the end. Arguing and complaining inside of my business does nothing but spend my money. Every time someone has an idea my anti-money clock ticks and it takes nothing for a day to disappear. Do you know how much a day cost me? A day in my business can cost me a year. When you guys say "phoney elections" and all that, it makes no sense to a businessman. It doesn't put a plan in front of me to consider. All of us can feel the frustration and want to blow off steam, but how does that place my order for 12ohm @.5 watt resisters today. The last thing we want to hear is someone being mad at somebody else or someone screwed up on line 5. We need people to see the problem on line 5 and get it fixed before we get overflow or underflow. And if they fix it so that there is no delay or break down we have saved the day and made money. "We have no time" for the "I don't like", cause it delivers "zero" unless there is a replacement for zero that we can plug in, in real time. NP are the worse 2 letters in the businessman's life. At my factory big or small if you spend more than a couple of minutes on what is wrong before you fix it, your done. My point is and has been, if you have a plan that is positive lets get at it. I already know who you don't like, but if I'm standing here looking at my clock we have a problem. We have a rule at my business and most do that I know of. If you have a complaint and come into my office without a suggestion on how to fix it that goes beyond pointing a finger don't come in. If you guys come to this forum without a plan that we can sit down and look at while the clock is ticking lets here it, cause if not it is a time burner and no business that I know of is going to give you the time of day. It's not cause we're mean or don't like you it's because we're busy. Another rule in business, and if your truly wanting to help us in the middle get somewhere you need to be aware of these things. 10/90 If we loose 10% in profits we're done. We are not only looking at all we have to pay for but we are also looking at you as being 90% profitable. This goes for positive as well. If I have an employee that complains more than 10% their out. As a middle businessman I look at this forum and just by the figures would be forced to say "your out". I can't afford to take your advice if your words are less than 90% positive. In business school we call this "Fat". You will never attend a business program or seminar that is going to spend time on the negative (fat) past 10%, "that's a fact". The term Fat is not always the word used but it's the same teaching. If you take this "and that is precisely why government should not be supported in phoney elections with things called votes...The best vote of all is not to go to the poll. People should always remember that the lesser evil is still evil, so why vote for it?...Don't give those clowns the pleasure of saying we ASKED for this." and apply our formula (which every business program in our country teaches) we would be out of business. So for me, I come hear and hear what you guys are saying and it doesn't move my bottom line meter anywhere but backward. If you say your here to help me (the middle) than do it. But remember the businessman has to look at the bottom line every way it is sliced. That applies to the arguments as well as anything else. Saying this though, if you give me a practical plan for a town I can look at it and see if it works for me, then I move it to the involvement in the county, state and country, world. Us business guys are all ears but we're not going to put stock in anyone who can't deliver the 10/90. Not going to happen and not going to consider it. NP (none productive). We are looking for productive. People who are looking at NP in our books have already lost or retired and are now armchair quarterbacks or giving motivation speeches on making the possitive outweigh the negative by getting rid of the NP or ripping down the very country that helped them in their time of need. But if their ripping they are more than likely being NP themselves and know it. Businesses exist to provide goods & services to people. Government exists (ostensibly) to protect the people so they can enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of their happiness. Any business that doesn't provide goods and/or services is doomed to fail (and deserves to); likewise, any government that doesn't foster conditions guaranteeing the people their rights should also close up shop and allow the people to freely choose a new one. It's no surprise that the governments of almost all western countries are run by their central banks (which are mostly private corporations operating on the sole ethic of profit, not as a public service, but as a fascist monopoly with a stranglehold on the economy). It is senseless to look to a government (which is run by and caters to the banks instead of the people) for any relief, the government (of the US and most western countries) is a for-profit corporation too (currently in receivership), and just as beholden to the receiver as any other business operating in bankruptcy. Instead of safeguarding the people, the government has used them as security against the bank loans to keep operating. It then goes and squanders most of that money on crap like weaponry and stupid geopolitical power games that actually hinder the peoples' safety, leaving those same people to bankroll their fiscal irresponsibility. It's time for that garbage to stop, and the best way to stop it is to simply stop recognizing that the federal government has any authority and withdraw the delegation of your authority. As a business, you contract with other businesses and your customers. Why can't you continue to do that with private agreements (which exclude the government as a third party to the contract) instead of public ones which include an unproductive, parasitic corporation at odds with the interests of your business, your fellow businesses and your customers? If currency is a problem, opt to use something other than US dollars for your transactions (the Bitcoin comes to mind)? State, city/municipal governance structures can be left intact until a new federation of free states can be created. Really, very little has to change, as the change would not be revolutionary. It would simply be a matter of the people firing a corporation operating in fraud and creating a new one that follows it's corporate mandate as a public servant, instdead of the public's master. |
lets be real about things. I'm surprised that folks are so willing to blame the last 4 years for Americas problems. Those who do this need to do more than talk. How many of you have businesses now? I'm not talking about those who have had businesses but those who like I have lived through this. There are a lot of "facts" LOL being thrown around so here are mine. From 1981 to 89 1 to 3 people, 1989 to 92 we (my biz) stayed around 4 to 7 employees. From 92 to 94 we increased to about 10. From 94 to 2000 we jumped to around 45 to 50. In 2000 we took a sharp turn downward to 19 and by 04 back down to 5. I crawled all the way down to 3 until 09 when we have been slowly climbing since, now at 11. There are always a lot of factors at play but if you want to align these numbers with presidents I have to say Barack has been a saving grace. My distributors since around 2010 have been asking for new products again for the first time in a few years and now more than 2010, so yes, I see us on an incline again. Maybe with bigger companies it takes a lot longer and some of them are still on the decline from the 2000 to 2008 period but for me that period took the wind out of my business sails big time and honestly I didn't know if I would have ever recovered. Keep in mind though along with this my comeback was dependant on me making changes to business and getting out of old school habits. These habits I see as the same ones that companies that are struggling today still use and may even be part of the existing or remaining declines. From my point of view (these are only mine) I see old money wanting to hang on to what they have and see them fearful of a new country that is much more up to speed with the rest of the new world. Greed seems to be their only ambition. I see a new view though that wants to help bring the US back to an even playing field by pulling people of talent out of the poor and into the middle. This does not and will not happen over night cause we in the 2000 to 2008 period dug a hole that no one was transparent about from what I saw and experienced. There are millions of stories out there and I'm sure they are all over the place on the blame game but honestly I never did think that things would get solved or even better in just 4 years. I'm being honest here. The hole that I saw in the early 20's was one I didn't think would get dug out of till after I was dead and gone. It looked like one that has been unstable for a long time but really showed itself during the Bush years. I'm sure it freaked George out and I bet he was more than happy his 8 years was up. I don't think any of us know how close we were from being a 3rd world country. We are still on the edge, but honest to goodness it really was looking like we were about to elect (from where I sat) the 2000's back into office. For me I would much rather see us where we are now after election than doing 4 more of the 2000 to 2008 years. Not only would it have taken Mitt 4 years to reverse the tide back again but the hole would have gotten much worse. I would as a businessman much rather see a true beginning even with it having mistakes rather than be forced to get out of business which I'm pretty sure would have happen with Mitt as I still wondered if there was a plan that could move things forward fast enough to save us. I will admit that is based on a feeling, he could have had something up his sleeve that I and my circle of friends didn't see (and believe me we were looking). So for this being real for me it depends on the guys now sitting down and getting something passed even if it is not what everyone wants the first time around. But for now to be real my business has taken good steps forward with Barack in. I can only imagine at this point (holding my breath) what might happen if they start getting along over there in those pretty buildings we bought for them. Barack and the rest of you make your move and make it at least one that gets us back to par. This is my story of a "real" small business living through the past 30 some (man I'm getting old) years. Other small business owners care to share your story of where you were then and now? Earlier I mentioned for those who went through and are still going through it cause unless you are still in business and have been since the mid to late 80's you really didn't live through this particular cycle. No put down to what you experienced but I think people who have been living in this cycle see things first hand step by step and the ones I talk to anyway are glad as heck this election went the way it did. When 2010 election hit we said "here we go again" and some of my friends gave up saying "their never going to work together". I had more hope and it's starting to pay off. This quite interesting.. I have to ask why you didn't increase your debt levels and keep those employees when things began to slow down? I'm not sure why you would ask this. What would I have these workers do? If there are no clients there is no work. I did empty out my personal account to get them to their next pay checks, but paying for an empty factory doesn't make any sense. Maybe you don't realize what the early 2000 did to companies like mine, but certain industries just shriveled up and died. It was a nightmere and you don't really hear about how bad it was but all you had to do was look around and you could see factories and businesses closing right and left. This was major bad and I saw most of my friends who had businesses burn through their life's savings over the next few years and totally bottom out. You have to remember too that for these business owners, they couldn't talk about their bad times if they had hopes to do a restart of biz after things recovered. Once you go down and people hear about it your pretty much done in most circles. So these folks were really stuck in a bad place and after a while for the ones who did try the banks shut them down so it was a real trap. So what you had was a generation wiped pretty much out and the banks about to go under. Picture this and try to figure out a bounce back plan of this size. Plus on top of this Bush had to deal with 911 and a new world as far as the way we think about security. At that time I'm sure many folks behind the scenes didn't have a clue what to really do. I think for a long time we have built a false security and thought a collapse of this size would never happen to us. But it did and we have to live with it like it or not. It's going to take a long time I'm afraid. Leigh, I have no idea why you leveled me but here's my come back. Are you ready? Are you sure? I love you. I wasn't really a boo this guy or boo that guy during this campaign. I just thought it was way too negative period. As far as me being on these threads, for the most part their not my style but I wanted to give my opinion. Where was I before the election for the last few months? And why didn't I post then? I was getting my ear nibbled on by my girlfriend on one side and Pepper on the other. But I will say this, if my friends start to jump on me for sharing my opinion you can pretty much bank that I will not be back. For me I would much rather see us where we are now after election than doing 4 more of the 2000 to 2008 years. I just thought that since you are fond of the $6 trillion of debt accrued over the last 4 years that you would run your business like the government.. In case you were wondering they don't have any customers either.. |
Edited by
Tue 11/20/12 06:40 AM
This quite interesting.. I have to ask why you didn't increase your debt levels and keep those employees when things began to slow down? I'm not sure why you would ask this. What would I have these workers do? If there are no clients there is no work. I did empty out my personal account to get them to their next pay checks, but paying for an empty factory doesn't make any sense. Maybe you don't realize what the early 2000 did to companies like mine, but certain industries just shriveled up and died. It was a nightmere and you don't really hear about how bad it was but all you had to do was look around and you could see factories and businesses closing right and left. This was major bad and I saw most of my friends who had businesses burn through their life's savings over the next few years and totally bottom out. You have to remember too that for these business owners, they couldn't talk about their bad times if they had hopes to do a restart of biz after things recovered. Once you go down and people hear about it your pretty much done in most circles. So these folks were really stuck in a bad place and after a while for the ones who did try the banks shut them down so it was a real trap. So what you had was a generation wiped pretty much out and the banks about to go under. Picture this and try to figure out a bounce back plan of this size. Plus on top of this Bush had to deal with 911 and a new world as far as the way we think about security. At that time I'm sure many folks behind the scenes didn't have a clue what to really do. I think for a long time we have built a false security and thought a collapse of this size would never happen to us. But it did and we have to live with it like it or not. It's going to take a long time I'm afraid. Leigh, I have no idea why you leveled me but here's my come back. Are you ready? Are you sure? I love you. I wasn't really a boo this guy or boo that guy during this campaign. I just thought it was way too negative period. As far as me being on these threads, for the most part their not my style but I wanted to give my opinion. Where was I before the election for the last few months? And why didn't I post then? I was getting my ear nibbled on by my girlfriend on one side and Pepper on the other. But I will say this, if my friends start to jump on me for sharing my opinion you can pretty much bank that I will not be back. For me I would much rather see us where we are now after election than doing 4 more of the 2000 to 2008 years. I just thought that since you are fond of the $6 trillion of debt accrued over the last 4 years that you would run your business like the government.. In case you were wondering they don't have any customers either.. We have a little over a year until Obamacare fully kicks in and I would be interested in your opinion in 3-4 years. Sure, if I'm still around be happy to. I also have friends who live where there is social healthcare and love it. I'm happy that we are getting things looked at on the healthcare end of things. I won't pretend I know the answers but from what I see some pretty smart people are laying out some ideas that to me at least looks a lot better than the old days. I've shopped and shelled out health plans for employees so I might (might) be a fair judge. I really don't know the end answers ,but again I'm glad things are getting looked at closely. I also think that if something works we should let folks know and if something doesn't we should do the same. But we don't really know until we live through it and be a part of any society issue. What I can tell you is this. Healthcare the past few years has broke the bank so I'm looking forward to the change. Also in case people do fall through the cracks there are volunteer healthcare clinics that are being setup that do an excellent job. For a brief period I needed to use one and it was outstanding. I know folks are screaming about this issue but with research there are ways if we take the time to seek them out that are easier than what people make things look like. I'm not wanting people in my personal life but my clinic took care of some pretty serious stuff for me at no charge. It was setup for folks who were making a certain income but got chopped by the economy and couldn't afford the high cost. This allowed me to pay for my employees healthcare and even though I could no longer afford mine because of the cost of theirs I still got my health needs met. A lot of us employers went without pay and healthcare for a while (some still are) so we could keep as many of our people going as we could. It's just something we have to do if we want our business to be there when the tide turns. Anyway, finding this clinic 3 years ago when they opened saved the day for me and many others. You know I've always said a lot of people complain because they are natural born complainers, but with a little research there is always a way to make it. Our country doesn't want us to fail, that's just drama queens kicking up what they do, and they will be doing it long after this issue is resolved and move on to the next. I really do try looking at the positive and usually only get upset with people who create negative for negative sake. And just the fact that we are taking healthcare seriously after it being thrown around for so many years is a joy for me to see. Now if we could only create positive pills with no side effects. First question I gotta ask you is, WHY NOW?...Where were you during the weeks and months leading up to the election?...Not every political thread debating the merits and pitfalls of the candidates turned into free for all mud slinging knock down drag out....Plenty of members had something constructive and informative to say and they managed to say it in a civilized, intelligent manner!...Even the most heated debates here did not hold a candle to the hate spew both Romney and Obama were tossing out week after week!... If you are so keen on our newly re-elected president and his policies why come in storming after the fact?....There is no credibility in that...You lecture others about bad behavior while praising Obama's policies, lauding a health care bill that is fraught with problems without giving one "valid" reason why or how it is going to work in the long run!...You want to talk?...Great, get specific...Tell us exactly how this plan is going to make health care affordable, tell us how it is going to IMPROVE the level of care, tell us where the money to support it is coming from....I for one want to know.... While you are lecturing everyone here about coming together, doing more than just talking, explain the "fiscal cliff" now looming in front of a nearly broke nation and just how our second term president intends to deal with it.....Explain the chasm between Israel's president and ours...Explain what REALLY happened to all those shovel ready jobs Obama promised a bleeding nation four years ago...Explain Benghazi, what REALLY happened Michael?...Better yet, explain Benghazi to the families of the four men who died there....These are some of the issues that continue to divide our nation Michael and they can be directly traced back to one man, one administration....Of course unity needs to happen, but it must start at the top with the man who took it to the extreme..... Michael!...I just realized you did respond to me!...You tucked it neatly away into a response to someone else, so I did not see it until this morning! ![]() ![]() As for leveling you, how so?....You jumped in after the fact with a blanket condemnation to debaters here on their poor conduct followed by a rave review of the healthcare bill...Since I am totally opposed to it for many reasons and have stated the reasons in thread after thread, I was quite surprised to learn you support it....Our friendship is based on many things Michael, political affiliation (for me anyway) is not and never will be one of those things...I am not "jumping" you for having an opinion, I am asking you to elaborate on your opinion!....So rather than paint me as the bad guy for my opinion and response to a thread you created, why not answer my questions?...You have been pretty vocal about your entrepreneurial expertise so I'm thinking maybe you know something I don't, maybe you can enlighten me... As for the "I love you" part, I love you toO Michael! ![]() |