Topic: Dear GOD.... | |
Another one from that book: "Dear God, You don't have to worry about me. I always look both ways before I cross the street" Too cute! |
Dear God, you show me favor even when I don,t deserve it.
Thank You. |
Dear God..
Thank you for mi familia,near and far, for the hand you extended through my Dad...thank you for just being around when I need |
THANK YOU DEAR GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for an AWEsome day.. funny how the lil things are SOOO uplifting .. ahhhhhhhhhhh.. thank you |
Thank you Lord for my mom who called me tonight. For all the people who continue to pray for Noah, and for cordless phones.... even if Noah did throw it in his tub tonight as I was getting him dressed. Thank you for water too... even if Noah did throw my blow dryer into the toilet this morning. However, I'm thankful for indoor toilets and running water! Thanks for the little things and the precious gifts like Noah!
thank you GOD.. for allowing the mind infinite possibilities of limitless discovery... but I wouldn't mind finding a snooze button to push once in a while..
ahhhhhhh another beautiful day.. sigh.. thanks in YOU .. I AM |
Thank you god for all that is and all that can be.
thank you God for toilet paper and zoloft.I am happy at both ends.
ahhhhhhhhhhh.. yet another marvelous day GOD.. THANKS!!
well it's finally here GOD.. THE last day of work before holidays.. AWEsome!! YAY.. could ya make time slow just a weee bit for the holidays?? I just don't want it going by TOO fast thanks |
Thank you god for another day and opportunity to serve you.
Thank you God for the assheads that try and test my patience
thanx go for making me an asshead...jk
Thank you God for my life. Sometimes I just don't appreciate it much.
thank you GOD.. for all you're wonderous creatures..
not complainin BUT..could you give the strays a NEW address?? It's starting to get a lil crowded here and my daughter wants MORE?? ok.. I WILL admit our new lil 'Shadow' IS adorable.. but I think I'm at my limit now.. THANKS and PS.. thank you for yet another beautiful day to LIFE to enjoy |
Thanks GOD.. for my smile of contentment...
and for the beautiful rosen hues of sunset.. the bright twinkles of the stars and the seemingly omni-presence of the moon.. your works marvel me |
Thank you God for the blessing of having Noah in my family, and for him finally walking tonight without falling. Praise GOD he made it through heart catheterization and a few really rough nights. Thank you for all of the love and support that has been surrounding us over the past week.
Dear God,
Thank you for allowing me to choose the path I am on. Dear Zero, Thank you for reminding me of all the things I have to thank God for. G |
Dear God,
Thank you for allowing me to see, hear and listen to your messages and the courier who delivers them,,, Thank you (((( Mass, My Daughter Poet, Puddin Cup, Z, Wego,G, TG, Red, Artgurl,Invisible,Pam,Vanessa,Cybear ))))) for allowing me to see the beauty of your souls and explore the world within your eyes For this I am forever grateful,,, (((( Mass )))) special thanks to you today for taking the time to hear me and open my mind to the world in front of me, |
Heavenly Father:
Forgive me for what hapenned today. And give this person the confort and peace that/he/she needs. Amen |
Great Mystery,
Mornin', Long time ago, I heard a song called, "Lord, Make Me An Instrument". It struck a chord within me, so to speak, and is a returning thought whenever I'm trying to deal with whatever comes along in life in a way that works best for everybody involved. Well, the crickets have been in full song lately, the deer are enjoying the crab apples in the yard, and the thunder storm that kicked up last night had a great rhythm and sounds to it too, as well as being awesome to see. So what I'm trying to say is: I am soooo very glad I said yes to this gig and thank you for letting me play on. |