Topic: are all women just shy? | |
I agree I try to be a good person but I'm shy when It goes face to face not on JSH.
It has to start as a friendship first.We have all probably got some baggage or pain from the past.But that's what this site is all about.Let the past go,and enjoy the present.
a lot of people won't respond to an email that says something like i wanted to say hi. i don't know why.
I'm shy...Which usually atrracts the aggressive women...Don't want to be shy anymore
all I can say is that if you sent me an email I would reply. I think it is only courteous to do so. Even if you weren't my type I would. Is there anyone that has too many friends??
I'll be your friend wanting
yeah, and me...
we'll be the "shy" club. cause...yeah...we both never speak our mind 'n stuff. |
That's right lulu...we just go with the flow..That's what shyness does to us women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a genius once said," the only things that should go with the flow are dead fish."
haha...obviously, you don't know native and i too well.
I'm a guy, and I'm shy, and now I apparently have gender identification issues as well....
Well I have been on a couple of singles sights and........well I dont consider myself ugly but.....when I guy doesnt get a response from a women he thinks is attractive that he sent a message and would only just like to maybe have 1 tiny conversation with her .Doesn't reply and happens on numorous ocassions well......tends to hurt the guys confidence level .Then on top of that he becomes more shy because he doesnt have the confidence level of confronting another women because welll no one else was interested why should she?YAH....."IGNORE HIM HE WILL BE MORE INTERESTED" UMMMMMM ....NO if you dont show any interest in me I wont bother you. NO GUY LIKES GETTING SHUTDOWN.
you think, just maybe, your name might have something to do with that?
Well anyone who has a sense of humor should laugh at it not be offended .But....ok Thank you for your opinion on that though. I will take it into consideration.But What I said still true regardless of my name and not just me ALL!!!GUYS!!!! So dont just try in single me out just cause I have a name you dont approve of.
i never said that *i* didn't approve of anything. don't put words in my mouth.
however, if you're writing a woman you've never talked to, who is not involved in the forums...and she sees 69 at the end of your name...she might just be turned off by that. in fact, there are quite a few folks that will think you're just here for sex. |
Lulu ... shy?
Native ... shy? LMAO |
WELL ..PERSONALLY I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS .IM BEING ME THE REAL ME.....I always have something humorous to say or do that is me .I am unpredictable if they cant handle it then they can just keep reading I really didnt think tHt much about it when I got the name cant do nothing about it now owelll....
women are not shy...its just a tradition and sterotype that a man has 2 start a convosation..but if you want a woman 2 come up to you you got to be different. like when im at poetry clubs i bring a deck of cards and most times women come up to me and ask if i do magic..and then we take it from there