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Topic: Would you date a.....
Ladywind7's photo
Sat 08/18/12 07:45 PM
Someone passionate about their religion or faith? Why? Why not?

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/18/12 07:46 PM

Someone passionate about their religion or faith? Why? Why not?

that would depend entirely on what the religion entailed

if they had the same pasions as me,, of course

if their passions (religious) werent mine,, then no

wux's photo
Sat 08/18/12 07:51 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 08/18/12 07:52 PM

Someone passionate about their religion or faith? Why? Why not?

I will be completely honest with you. I am an atheist, a stauch one at that, and I take every opportunity, normally, to let a thistle in into the collective conscious of Christianity.

But history has shown me over and over again that I am willing to relax my atheism and my prickling the righteous, when I meet a girl I really like. I am willing to forego the ridiculing, the arguments, the logic, if I find her a worthwhile person when she is outside of her passionate faith.


You see, not one sick sentence. I only make sick jokes to make myself laugh. I say them pubicly, though, those sick jokes, not just to myself, because that way I laugh harder, for some unknown reason.

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 08/18/12 07:57 PM
So you do have the power of self control.

wux's photo
Sat 08/18/12 08:00 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 08/18/12 08:01 PM

So you do have the power of self control.

There are lots of times in my life when I don't need self control. All I have to do is listen to the vibes coming from my intense soul, and play them out on the violin of verbs and adjectives. A bit like Jimi Hendrix.

Really. This was no effort for me -- it's actually the environment, the social environment, whose job it is to put me in a giddy mood or in a serious mood, and there is no in-between.


Edit: I am not bragging or playing wuss. It is true what I said there.

wux's photo
Sat 08/18/12 08:04 PM
There was no self control, there, Ladywomb7. The more I think about it the clearer it becomes. I hate control over me soooo much that I lost most of my jobs for getting upset at the boss when he or she told me what I must do next.

In fact I have so much fear and loathing against control, and I resent it being over me so much, that at most times I'd rather not control myself either. I would rather live with the consequences than control myself and hold back or push out against my will.

no photo
Sat 08/18/12 08:14 PM
i don't care for such nonsense.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Sat 08/18/12 08:15 PM
Edited by MariahsFantasy on Sat 08/18/12 08:17 PM
Gotta say not really. With faith, it depends I guess. Your beliefs are your opinions and I don't see why that's a problem, unless things get too personal and they argue for the sake of arguing.

andrewzooms's photo
Sat 08/18/12 08:20 PM
When they try to convert you it gets a bit annoying. Hard to deal with.

L14ra's photo
Sat 08/18/12 08:38 PM
I dont mind,as long as they don't try to convert my beliefs to theirs.

wux's photo
Sat 08/18/12 08:38 PM

When they try to convert you it gets a bit annoying. Hard to deal with.

Hey. They are people, too. They also get annoyed when you try to convert them to leave their faith and become an atheist.

People get used to life in all kinds of different ways.

Bigblackxxx's photo
Sat 08/18/12 08:40 PM
I'm a practising Muslim and a high proportion of the ladies i've dated have been Christians. I've never had any problems with the difference in religious beliefs. In fact i'd find it hard to put up with a lady who has no religious convictions. I see religious guidance as something that helps in finely shaping human thought and i wouldn't be able to put up with someone who has no such base to serve as guidance. The simple thing is she respects my faith and i respect hers. I have nothing against those who don't care about religion, it is their personal choice but for me, religion is important and you don't necessarily have to belong to my faith.

Totage's photo
Sat 08/18/12 08:53 PM

Someone passionate about their religion or faith? Why? Why not?

Only if they're of the same religion/faith as I am. An intimate relationship will not survive conflicting core values and beliefs.

Much like how you can't force a corner piece of a puzzle to fit in the middle.

L14ra's photo
Sat 08/18/12 09:03 PM

I'm a practising Muslim and a high proportion of the ladies i've dated have been Christians. I've never had any problems with the difference in religious beliefs. In fact i'd find it hard to put up with a lady who has no religious convictions. I see religious guidance as something that helps in finely shaping human thought and i wouldn't be able to put up with someone who has no such base to serve as guidance. The simple thing is she respects my faith and i respect hers. I have nothing against those who don't care about religion, it is their personal choice but for me, religion is important and you don't necessarily have to belong to my faith.

in Indonesia here already celebrating Ramadhan for Muslims today,so happy Ramadhan day bigblack. Sorry i don't know what's an English term of Idul Fitri,we call it Lebaran or Ramadhan. flowerforyou

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 08/18/12 09:06 PM

Someone passionate about their religion or faith? Why? Why not?

Only if they're of the same religion/faith as I am. An intimate relationship will not survive conflicting core values and beliefs.

Much like how you can't force a corner piece of a puzzle to fit in the middle.

What he said.

Bigblackxxx's photo
Sat 08/18/12 09:09 PM
Thanks @L14ra :-) Idul means feast or festival :-) Idul fitr roughly translates to Feast of ending the fast :-) Opening of the mouth if you like :-)

ShugahBee's photo
Sat 08/18/12 09:11 PM
( just my opinion) its two
people in the same faith that
when the struggles of life get
difficult that will help
hold them together.

They can grow and build
together on there foundation
If both have differnt foundations
ti seems it would be unsteady ground.

So my answer is no i wouldnt
date someone who is of
differ faith /religion
then me.

Blessings ƸӁƷ Harmony

lilott's photo
Sat 08/18/12 09:16 PM

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 08/18/12 09:20 PM

Someone passionate about their religion or faith? Why? Why not?

The other person's faith would have to be compatible with mine.

msmyka's photo
Sat 08/18/12 10:19 PM
Probably not, mostly because I'm very passionate about religion NOT being a part of my life.

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