Topic: Israel to attack Iran before US election in November - media
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Sun 08/12/12 11:46 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 08/12/12 11:47 AM

Jeanniebean, you present a scary yet viable position in that many cities police resemble paramilitary goon squads, most are already completely militarized. Homeland security has already provided grants to cities to purchase various typs of drones. Sophisticated drones with micromechanical capabilities. Some are like the ones used in Afghanastan, Somalia and some can be fitted in a backback to be launched as survalience, or to survey targets ahead of you. Some are as small as your hand and smaller. Also Canada and Alaska have recently sold huge land plots to the US goverment deep in northern Canada. Many possabilities in such a purchase. Finally, the elite have a common philosophy, "why save a sinking ship, when you can prepare another ship for the eventual sinking of the original ship.

That is really scary.
I live in Colorado and the Military have been trying to purchase (or steal) hundreds of acres of land for the purpose of testing this kind of technology. That include the area where I live.

Farmers and ranchers have been battling this public domain action for years. They will probably return at a later time when they have the military might to take it by force.

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 11:53 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sun 08/12/12 11:54 AM

Covert operations are all designed to benefit US based multinational corporations that exproptiate the national resources of so called target countries. These operations hurt the indiginous people and eventually Americans themselves.Americas foreign policy toward central America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America is a reflection of their own wickedness towards these people. America like a giant serpant, has decieved the whole world. Many bought the Iraq war hook line and sinker, again they will buy it for the same reasons. American gullibility is classic and old, as they benefit as well. Finally the multinatinal corporations do consist of Jews vested interests that have nothing to do with Iranian weaponary. Cosidering the media in America is the nations most powerfull institution, I highly doubt truth is part of their agenda of war profiteering.

In college we studied semantics and gobbledygook...This post is a perfect example of both....Can you be more specific as to which multinational corporations exproptiate (sic) (did you mean EXPROPRIATE) the resources of targeted countries...Also, if you haven't named the targeted countries in an earlier post, would you name them for me? ...And can you explain in detail why the U.S. is targeting them?.....Do you have numbers for war profiteering or is this just something you made up?...I for one would like to know exactly how much America made and break it down according to each war please....TY..

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 11:58 AM

Covert operations are all designed to benefit US based multinational corporations that exproptiate the national resources of so called target countries. These operations hurt the indiginous people and eventually Americans themselves.Americas foreign policy toward central America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America is a reflection of their own wickedness towards these people. America like a giant serpant, has decieved the whole world. Many bought the Iraq war hook line and sinker, again they will buy it for the same reasons. American gullibility is classic and old, as they benefit as well. Finally the multinatinal corporations do consist of Jews vested interests that have nothing to do with Iranian weaponary. Cosidering the media in America is the nations most powerfull institution, I highly doubt truth is part of their agenda of war profiteering.

In college we studied semantics and gobbledygook...This post is a perfect example of both....Can you be more specific as to which multinational corporations exproptiate (sic) (did you mean EXPROPRIATE) the resources of targeted countries...Also, if you haven't named the targeted countries in an earlier post, would you name them for me? ...And can you explain in detail why the U.S. is targeting them?.....Do you have numbers for war profiteering or is this just something you made up?...I for one would like to know exactly how much America made and break it down according to each war please....TY..

Wow Leigh, you basically want him to educate you.

You want names of the corporations, names of the countries, and you want to see their books.

You can find this stuff out for yourself if you are really and truly interested and I suggest you do a little research on your own.

What you ask for, all of it, is available if you are willing to read some books and follow some leads.

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:00 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 08/12/12 12:01 PM
I do believe that "in college" you studied semantics and "gobbledigook." I hear a lot of that from college graduates.

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:02 PM

Covert operations are all designed to benefit US based multinational corporations that exproptiate the national resources of so called target countries. These operations hurt the indiginous people and eventually Americans themselves.Americas foreign policy toward central America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America is a reflection of their own wickedness towards these people. America like a giant serpant, has decieved the whole world. Many bought the Iraq war hook line and sinker, again they will buy it for the same reasons. American gullibility is classic and old, as they benefit as well. Finally the multinatinal corporations do consist of Jews vested interests that have nothing to do with Iranian weaponary. Cosidering the media in America is the nations most powerfull institution, I highly doubt truth is part of their agenda of war profiteering.

In college we studied semantics and gobbledygook...This post is a perfect example of both....Can you be more specific as to which multinational corporations exproptiate (sic) (did you mean EXPROPRIATE) the resources of targeted countries...Also, if you haven't named the targeted countries in an earlier post, would you name them for me? ...And can you explain in detail why the U.S. is targeting them?.....Do you have numbers for war profiteering or is this just something you made up?...I for one would like to know exactly how much America made and break it down according to each war please....TY..

Wow Leigh, you basically want him to educate you.

You want names of the corporations, names of the countries, and you want to see their books.

You can find this stuff out for yourself if you are really and truly interested and I suggest you do a little research on your own.

What you ask for, all of it, is available if you are willing to read some books and follow some leads.

Yes, very much so.....But since you see fit to butt in, you could post the information for him if he doesn't know the answers....

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:04 PM

I do believe that "in college" you studied semantics and "gobbledigook." I hear a lot of that from college graduates.

Really?...Are you sure you are understanding what they are saying?

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:06 PM

I do believe that "in college" you studied semantics and "gobbledigook." I hear a lot of that from college graduates.

Really?...Are you sure you are understanding what they are saying?

Actually I have a hard time understanding gobbledigook. But I do recognize it when I see it.

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Sun 08/12/12 12:08 PM

Covert operations are all designed to benefit US based multinational corporations that exproptiate the national resources of so called target countries. These operations hurt the indiginous people and eventually Americans themselves.Americas foreign policy toward central America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America is a reflection of their own wickedness towards these people. America like a giant serpant, has decieved the whole world. Many bought the Iraq war hook line and sinker, again they will buy it for the same reasons. American gullibility is classic and old, as they benefit as well. Finally the multinatinal corporations do consist of Jews vested interests that have nothing to do with Iranian weaponary. Cosidering the media in America is the nations most powerfull institution, I highly doubt truth is part of their agenda of war profiteering.

In college we studied semantics and gobbledygook...This post is a perfect example of both....Can you be more specific as to which multinational corporations exproptiate (sic) (did you mean EXPROPRIATE) the resources of targeted countries...Also, if you haven't named the targeted countries in an earlier post, would you name them for me? ...And can you explain in detail why the U.S. is targeting them?.....Do you have numbers for war profiteering or is this just something you made up?...I for one would like to know exactly how much America made and break it down according to each war please....TY..

Wow Leigh, you basically want him to educate you.

You want names of the corporations, names of the countries, and you want to see their books.

You can find this stuff out for yourself if you are really and truly interested and I suggest you do a little research on your own.

What you ask for, all of it, is available if you are willing to read some books and follow some leads.

Yes, very much so.....But since you see fit to butt in, you could post the information for him if he doesn't know the answers....

If I were being paid to educate everyone on this forum I might spend some time on that, but alas, I have work to do.

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:09 PM

I do believe that "in college" you studied semantics and "gobbledigook." I hear a lot of that from college graduates.

Really?...Are you sure you are understanding what they are saying?

Actually I have a hard time understanding gobbledigook. But I do recognize it when I see it.

No answers?

Ras427's photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:21 PM
The best and most recent example of multinational corporations reaping huge profits is in the case of Lybia. The worlds greatest and biggest deposit of "sweet crude" is in central Libya. For years Europeans goverments that provided soldiers to the Iraqi war were rewarded with portions of the Iraqi oil reserves, however, the costs to refine crude was and is quite expensive. So the conflict was in essence an alliance with NATO countrys to invade Libya and take control of the "sweet crude". In Iraq trillions not billions are being made by multinational corporations who were awarded contracts by Halliburton corps. France and Britain have sole rights in their awared contracts to rebuild all newly proposed infrastructering projests such as a totally new Electrical grid for the entire country, this endeaver is estimated in the high billions to generate for the companys who will actually do the work. Germany has been awared to recieve cotracts to rebuild Iraqi telecomunications systems destroyed by the allied invasion as strategic destablization. Further still is the money to be made in infrastruction projects in which "catapillar corps will or have been awarded the contracts to provide the equiptment for much of the reconstruction. Finally the INTERNATIONAL MONOTARY FUND will rebuild banking by offering foreign investors incentives of prime banking tax breaks, hedge fund bonuses to build companys in Iraq, . War is profitable indeed. We only benefit when it trickles down.

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:39 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 08/12/12 12:40 PM
Let's Play
Verse 2
Sept. 11, 2005

Let's play the game disaster
And help the death along
Let's flood the city faster
Even if its wrong.

Let's terrorize the masses
And break their stubborn will
Let's give commando classes
And teach them how to kill.

Let's play the game of drugs
And tell them that "we try!"
Let's pull out all the plugs
And drain their pockets dry.

Let's break the people's heart
then celebrate their pain,
Let's tear the place apart
and build it up again

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Sun 08/12/12 12:45 PM
US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR

Interviews with US troops and Halliburton employees explain what is happening in Iraq.

Scene from the documentary Iraq For Sale by Robert Greenwald.

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:47 PM

The best and most recent example of multinational corporations reaping huge profits is in the case of Lybia. The worlds greatest and biggest deposit of "sweet crude" is in central Libya. For years Europeans goverments that provided soldiers to the Iraqi war were rewarded with portions of the Iraqi oil reserves, however, the costs to refine crude was and is quite expensive. So the conflict was in essence an alliance with NATO countrys to invade Libya and take control of the "sweet crude". In Iraq trillions not billions are being made by multinational corporations who were awarded contracts by Halliburton corps. France and Britain have sole rights in their awared contracts to rebuild all newly proposed infrastructering projests such as a totally new Electrical grid for the entire country, this endeaver is estimated in the high billions to generate for the companys who will actually do the work. Germany has been awared to recieve cotracts to rebuild Iraqi telecomunications systems destroyed by the allied invasion as strategic destablization. Further still is the money to be made in infrastruction projects in which "catapillar corps will or have been awarded the contracts to provide the equiptment for much of the reconstruction. Finally the INTERNATIONAL MONOTARY FUND will rebuild banking by offering foreign investors incentives of prime banking tax breaks, hedge fund bonuses to build companys in Iraq, . War is profitable indeed. We only benefit when it trickles down.

I am not interested in European countries....Only your claims concerning American war profiteering.... Is America one of these NATO countries you refer to?... How does it breakdown, how much do we get?...The trillions you refer to being made in Iraq by multinational corps...How many trillions and what is/was America's take?...Halliburton, how much please, net not gross...Caterpillar has 59 overseas plants...Can you break out the exact amount of profit to America, again in net amount, not gross?...The last, please provide credible links or just admit this is something you made up...Define trickle down in the context used by you in the above post....

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:49 PM
How the Bush Family Makes a Killing from George's Presidency

Halliburton scored almost $1.2 billion in revenue from contracts related to Iraq in the third quarter of 2006, leading one analyst to comment: "Iraq was better than expected... Overall, there is nothing really to question or be skeptical about. I think the results are very good."

Very good indeed. An estimated 655,000 dead Iraqis, over 3,000 dead coalition troops, billions stolen from Iraq's coffers, a country battered by civil war - but Halliburton turned a profit, so the results are very good.

Very good certainly for Vice President Dick Cheney, who resigned from Halliburton in 2000 with a $33.7 million retirement package (not bad for roughly four years of work). In a stunning conflict of interest, Cheney still holds 50,000 stock options in the company. Why pursue diplomacy when you can rake in a personal fortune from war?

Yet Cheney isn't the only one who has benefited from the Bush administration's destructive policies. The Bush family has done quite nicely too. Just a few examples:

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Sun 08/12/12 12:52 PM

Bush, Cheney and Halliburton

As we all know, Dick Cheney was Secretary of Defense under Bush the Elder. When he lost his job thanks to the American Electorate in 1992, he became the CEO of Halliburton. Halliburton also owns Brown, Root and Kellog - lets just call it Halliburton and Friends.

As it turns out, Halliburton and Friends just happen to be awarded major contracts for the Department of Defense thoughout the 1990s. Whatever they earned when Dick was CEO cannot compare with the billions of taxpayer dollars that Halliburton and Friends have earned since Dick became Vice President of the United States.

While Dick claims he has no ties with the company he use to run, he receives about $150,000 per year from Halliburton. Of course the fact that Halliburton and Friends have the Vice President on the payroll has nothing to do with the billions of American tax dollars that Haliburton has made since we invaded Iraq to liberate the Iraqi people. Here are a few fun facts that will help you understand how Halliburton has earned those billions of taxpayers dollars fair and square!

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:53 PM

Seven Jewish Americans
Control Most US Media
From John Whitley

From southern France, Christopher Jones summarizes and comments on a report on the assassination of President Kennedy. Need I stress that WAIS censors only direct attacks on other WAISers and grossly improper laguage.

Christopher says: "I glanced at the Kennedy assassination site and found this; it fits into our discussion of Hollywood stereotypes and the slavish behavior of the US press after the 9/11 tragedy and in the run up to the invasion of Iraq. In a quick rundown, the website recapitulates an old story that I heard back in the late sixties and early seventies in California: that Kennedy was liquidated by the mafia whose kingpin was Meyer Lansky (pal of Lucky Luciano). In fact, I could add a small tidbit which the author may or may not have covered: that Marilyn Monroe was murdered by the mafia as a warning to her lovers; Bobby and Jack Kennedy. The story of the Corsican hit squad was documented in a TV documentary in Europe. Of course it would be interesting to know more about Auguste Ricord and his collaboration wih the Gestapo and if he had anything to do with our old friend, Mandel Szkolnikoff.

"Today, seven Jewish Americans run the vast majority of US television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner

Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company

Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd

Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios

Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc

Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric

Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

Most of the larger independent newspapers are owned by Jewish interests as well. An example is media mogul is Samuel I. "Si" Newhouse, who owns two dozen daily newspapers from Staten Island to Oregon, plus the Sunday supplement Parade; the Conde Nast collection of magazines, including Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Allure, GQ, and Self; the publishing firms of Random House, Knopf, Crown, and Ballantine, among other imprints; and cable franchises with over one million subscribers."

article on

Before you jump in here and make nasty remarkes about, spend some time checking out the information first.

This has nothing to do with Iran or anything else. One can just as
easily cite 10,000 names of Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist
executives of major corporations...


And it would be equally meaningless to this argument.


One has to question why it is that posts here always try to single out
Jews for some kind of derision. But it seems to be merely an unhealthy
and misguided preoccupation with Jews for no other reason than that they
are Jewish.


Regardless of your opinion on this subject, it is quite clear it is about Israel, not jews. The ethnic jews of the mideast never had a nation-State like modern Israel. They had a kingdom/minor empire for a while, but that was destroyed. The jewish power brokers and bankers the other posters in this and other threads mention are khazars. The Khazars are European in origin and adopted Judaism as a political move. They have no genetic relationship to ethnic jews.

The repeated posts about Jewish religious symbols, false Jewish world
domination conspiracy theories, Jewish heritage and genetic lines have
NOTHING whatsoever to do with the supposed title of the thread which
concerns the Iranian nuclear arms development effort.


The "Khazar theory" you speak of is another antisemitic attempt to deny
Jewish heritage and has been refuted through the real genetic
studies cited above and in numerous other mingle2 threads.
The Khazar theory has been widely criticized in academic scholarship
and the only big proponents of it are those who are constantly
trying to diminish the obvious and documented ties of Jews to Israel.

There is no reason to repeatedly post these anti-Jewish and
anti-Israel rants except to spread false antisemitic propaganda
which is a disgusting thing to see especially after it has been
debunked numerous times by various members here on the forums.

It's not an "anti-jewish" or "anti-semitic" matter. Here's a more recent piece on the khazar issue:

The word "semite" is not synonymous with "jew" FYI. Numerous peoples in the mideast are semites. I've referred you to the work of a Vanderbuilt scholar, and in this post I give you full scholarly essay with citations and external links. You can ignore these facts if you wish, but the "anti-semite" charge is just a red herring you're throwing around to stifle discussion. Very childish.

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 12:53 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 08/12/12 12:58 PM
It is not "AMERICA" that is making a killing. American tax payers are paying for the work that Hallilburton does...

It is the corrupt politicians (BUSH, CHENEY ETC) who are (were) exploting war and putting money in their own pockets.

KBR was paid $100.00 per bag to launder soldiers clothes and they did a terrible job. The clothes were smelly and not clean. A soldier testifies in the video how he started washing his own clothes and was told that he was not allowed to do that, that he MUST send them to KBR!

That is UNEXCEPTABLE and outrageous. This is a free country?

Apparently no if you are in the service. You can't even wash your own clothes!!

no photo
Sun 08/12/12 01:43 PM

US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR

Interviews with US troops and Halliburton employees explain what is happening in Iraq.

Scene from the documentary Iraq For Sale by Robert Greenwald.

Did Michael Moore collaborate on this anti American production?...

Ras427's photo
Sun 08/12/12 01:54 PM
Edited by Ras427 on Sun 08/12/12 02:02 PM
The NATO organization is North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a Intergovernmental military alliance, the USA is the leader of NATO which comprise of The USA, France, Britain, Germany, Belguim, and several others. As for the rest I will say, nothing beats doing ones own research. The post by Jeanniebean are as accurate as it gets. Again, the USA is recognized by the United Nations security council as the unofficial leader of the NATO Alliance formed in 1949. Id love to be of more assistance, but id hate for anyone to think im making anything up. As a former leatherneck I have first had knowledge of the Iraqi war. May I suggest researching it yourself, this way you will get first hand knowledge of whats made up and whats fact.

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Sun 08/12/12 02:04 PM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sun 08/12/12 02:12 PM

The NATO organization is North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a Intergovernmental military alliance, the USA is the leader of NATO which comprise of The USA, France, Britain, Germany, Belguim, and several others. As for the rest I will say, nothing beats doing ones own research. The post by Jeanniebean are as acurate as it gets. Again, the USA is recognized by the United Nations as the unofficial leader of the NATO Alliance form in 1949. Id love to be of more assistance, but id hate for anyone to think im making anything up. As a former leatherneck I have first had knowledge of the Iraqi war. May I suggest researching it yourself, this way you will get first hand knowledge of whats made up and whats fact.

I don't need you to explain NATO to me, just break down the vote and provide proof of your allegations or stop making them...That's the nature of debate....Gotta back up your chit....