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Topic: Pennys weight loss support thread :)
Cutiepieforyou's photo
Wed 04/17/13 03:37 PM
You are going to do great, my friend. I will be thinking about you tomorrow!flowerforyou :heart:

CuteKittyKat's photo
Wed 04/17/13 11:54 PM
Today´s the day! That God and angels be with you all the time through surgery so they look out for you. You will be in my prayers and hope that everything goes incredibly right. Hope that you have a great recovery too.

*Big Bone Crushing but always comforting hugs to you*

soufiehere's photo
Thu 04/18/13 12:30 AM
Waiting for your return :-)

no photo
Thu 04/18/13 02:11 PM
Thinking of you today Penny
Hope your surgery went well
And i hope you are not in too much pain...
Be Blessed my friend !


no photo
Thu 04/18/13 03:14 PM

pennyg281's photo
Fri 04/19/13 10:35 AM
Thank you everyone for all your prayers and support. I am recooperating nicely, should go home tomorrow. :) . :) weighed in before surgery . .341 !!! :)

no photo
Fri 04/19/13 11:19 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Fri 04/19/13 12:10 PM

Thank you everyone for all your prayers and support. I am recooperating nicely, should go home tomorrow. :) . :) weighed in before surgery . .341 !!! :)

Penny!!!!!.....YOU'RE AWAKE!!!!!!laugh :banana: :banana: laugh Great news!!.... Thank you for checking in with us!...Rest sweetie!:heart:

341 !!!...You know what that means!bigsmile

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63 flowers !!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 04/19/13 11:21 AM
Great penny! Glad the ordeal of surgery is over, and you can get on with your goals in life. Follow doctors orders! (wags finger at penny) Hope your recuperating goes well.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 04/19/13 04:41 PM

Thank you everyone for all your prayers and support. I am recooperating nicely, should go home tomorrow. :) . :) weighed in before surgery . .341 !!! :)

Glad to hear that all went well with your surgery and thanks for checking in with usflowerforyou

pennyg281's photo
Sat 04/20/13 10:46 PM
Just popping in for a few minutes to let everyone know im home, and doing fine. Thank you for all your prayers. :) hope everyone is having a good week end. :)

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 04/21/13 08:13 AM

Just popping in for a few minutes to let everyone know im home, and doing fine. Thank you for all your prayers. :) hope everyone is having a good week end. :)

It must feel good to be home again, my friend. Take good care of you!

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 04/21/13 08:21 AM
Yes, take good care of you on your journey!

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 09:21 AM
Glad to hear you are at home and doing good penny
Just take it easy and let the healing begin
You are very brave

pennyg281's photo
Sun 04/21/13 10:14 AM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Thank you everyone. Im taking it easy and resting. You are all such amazing friends. I Love you all. flowers

pennyg281's photo
Fri 04/26/13 01:55 PM
Hey everyone :) just a quick update to let you all know im doing fine. Adjusting to having a stomach the size of an egg is interesting. But has easier than i thought. I have not had any problems with anything as of yet. Just getting a little tired of the liquid diet. But i see the dr next week and he may give me the go ahead for soft foods and swimming. Hope everyone is well and has a great weekend. :) ((HUGS)) :)

no photo
Fri 04/26/13 02:33 PM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Fri 04/26/13 02:34 PM

Hey everyone :) just a quick update to let you all know im doing fine. Adjusting to having a stomach the size of an egg is interesting. But has easier than i thought. I have not had any problems with anything as of yet. Just getting a little tired of the liquid diet. But i see the dr next week and he may give me the go ahead for soft foods and swimming. Hope everyone is well and has a great weekend. :) ((HUGS)) :)

Good to hear from you!...Sounds like everything has been pretty smooth sailing so far Pennyhappy ...I am so happy for you!!..To soft foods and swimming!drinker Love you!:heart:

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 04/26/13 03:22 PM
If you're being a good girl maybe the dr will let you have soft foods and go swimming! I'll pray for you.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 04/26/13 04:17 PM

Hey everyone :) just a quick update to let you all know im doing fine. Adjusting to having a stomach the size of an egg is interesting. But has easier than i thought. I have not had any problems with anything as of yet. Just getting a little tired of the liquid diet. But i see the dr next week and he may give me the go ahead for soft foods and swimming. Hope everyone is well and has a great weekend. :) ((HUGS)) :)

Hey Penny, I am happy that you are doing wellflowerforyou

CuteKittyKat's photo
Fri 04/26/13 07:24 PM
Happy that everything is going well Penny. A big big hug for you!!! =D flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 04/27/13 11:10 AM
Hi Penny !
Glad to hear you are doing good
And hoping the doc will give you the go ahead to start soft food intake soon
Gee i can only imagine how tough this is on you
You have a lot of drive and we are all proud of you for your strength
Doing good and hang in there !


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