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Topic: Pennys weight loss support thread :)
Winlei's photo
Sat 04/27/13 06:19 PM
Hi penny,
How are you? I hope you are well. You are such a strong, intelligent, nice fried, kind hearted woman. (salute). I hope you the best.


no photo
Sun 04/28/13 01:27 AM
Wow Penny, now big changes will be instore for you, and fantastic changes they will be...Awesome...

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 04/28/13 05:07 PM
Make sure you drop in and update us on your progress so we can cheer you on!

pennyg281's photo
Thu 05/02/13 02:23 PM
Hey everyone :) I just got out of the Dr. office and he said everything looks great. He gave me the go areas for soft foods and swimming. :) I also weighed in . . . 333 !!!!!! :)

no photo
Thu 05/02/13 03:35 PM

You Go girl ...
Take it slow and don't hurt yourself
You are doing AWESOME !

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 05/02/13 03:36 PM

Hey everyone :) I just got out of the Dr. office and he said everything looks great. He gave me the go areas for soft foods and swimming. :) I also weighed in . . . 333 !!!!!! :)

Yes!!!! Very happy for you Penny:)

no photo
Thu 05/02/13 03:37 PM

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:banana: :banana: !!!!!! 71 POUNDS !!!!!! :banana: :banana:

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 05/03/13 04:11 AM
Congratulations penny and keep on trucking!

pennyg281's photo
Fri 05/03/13 05:35 AM
Thank you everyone so much :) Im so pleased with my progress :) Today im rewarding myself with a new swimming suit . .I wore my last one out and now I need a 3X not a 4x :) . I am starting my daily swimming this evening its already in the 90s here so the water should feel great. :)

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 05/03/13 08:59 AM

Thank you everyone so much :) Im so pleased with my progress :) Today im rewarding myself with a new swimming suit . .I wore my last one out and now I need a 3X not a 4x :) . I am starting my daily swimming this evening its already in the 90s here so the water should feel great. :)

That water will feel wonderful!

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 05/03/13 09:47 AM
Swim a lap or float a lap for me!

pennyg281's photo
Mon 05/06/13 06:41 AM
Happy monday everyone. :) just wanted to let you all know im doing great. Its nice being able to eat real food. I started swimming yesterday. The water felt great. Hope every one has a great week. :)

scarrpa's photo
Mon 05/06/13 11:40 AM
hey there!! you will make it! stay committed! i highly recommend watching the documentaries, forks over knives and hungry for change. i work in the health/fitness industry. the main key is commitment. the second is nutrition. the third is maintenance/exercise. honestly i have never seen diets that really works. it is more about lifestyle change into eating the right nutrition because that's what you desire, not what you want. the pharmaceutical and food industries lie to the people constantly about health. it is all a huge monopoly. almost all of american health problems actually are attributed to bad nutrition. switching to all organic plant based nutrition has had the effects of actually reversing stage 4 cancer. the more of the truth you find out about food and health, the better you will be off on weight loss. going with what is recommended by the 'industry' isn't always good. do plenty of backsearching on products and diets they may try to introduce to you. best of luck to you!!

pennyg281's photo
Mon 05/06/13 03:47 PM
Thank you for the advise scarrpa. Your right . . Its not a diet its a life style change and the surgery is only a tool for me to use to accomplish my goal. Organic food is great . Right now im on the soft food phase so i mostly eat high protein meats like tuna and tailapia and soft veggies like carrots and peas. I swim daily for exercise and check in with my dr on a regular basis. Its what seems to work for me. :)

oldhippie1952's photo
Mon 05/06/13 04:19 PM
Good to hear from you penny! I'm happy you're off that liquid meal plan.

pennyg281's photo
Mon 05/06/13 04:47 PM
Good to hear from you penny! I'm happy you're off that liquid meal plan.
Me too! I dont wanna see cream of chicken soup again for a very long time. :)

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 05/06/13 04:49 PM
Hey Penny, just checking in and saying waving .

pennyg281's photo
Mon 05/06/13 04:56 PM
waving hi cathy doing great. :) . flowerforyou

WolfEyez's photo
Mon 05/06/13 07:23 PM
Hey, penny. Glad to see you are making progress as am I. I'm down 35 lbs so far and was so happy to change my profile pic, lol. If you or anyone else ever needs a friend on my fitness pal, my user name is wulfeyez. I'm always looking for support especially now because it's go time ... 10 more lbs til my goal. glad to see everything is going well. keep up the great work.

pennyg281's photo
Mon 05/06/13 07:28 PM
Hey, penny. Glad to see you are making progress as am I. I'm down 35 lbs so far and was so happy to change my profile pic, lol. If you or anyone else ever needs a friend on my fitness pal, my user name is wulfeyez. I'm always looking for support especially now because it's go time ... 10 more lbs til my goal. glad to see everything is going well. keep up the great work.
Congrats on your progress. :) Keep up the good work. You can do it. :)

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