Topic: cheating husbands
no photo
Wed 06/20/12 06:44 PM
What would you do if your husband went away on business and you heard him having drinks with a woman in his room at 1am because his cell phone dialed his home and you heard every thing . But when you confronted him and he denied it.

galendgirl's photo
Wed 06/20/12 06:48 PM
You can believe it won't happen again if you experience was that it will - over and over. I should have gotten out earlier, but woulda, shoulda, regrets, no going backwards. Life is fine now!

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Wed 06/20/12 06:52 PM
Should have their Balls cut off!!!!!!!!!!!!

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Wed 06/20/12 06:53 PM
Sorry I just hate cheaters!!!

no photo
Wed 06/20/12 07:15 PM
Soooo right and what's bad we have kids which makes it much harder to make a decision

Awolf621's photo
Wed 06/20/12 08:35 PM
women are guilty too..
my ex ran up 50,000 in credit card debt on cards i never knew i had.
her boy friend was treated rather well...
my greatest revenge, was letting him keep her ;)

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Thu 06/21/12 01:21 AM

women are guilty too..
my ex ran up 50,000 in credit card debt on cards i never knew i had.
her boy friend was treated rather well...
my greatest revenge, was letting him keep her ;)

Some people really Suck! I feel ya get what you give in Life!

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Thu 06/21/12 07:45 PM
Guess I'm hard core....just found bruises on my best friend...,.. from her husband! I went over to her house & said, if he puts another mark on her body........ I'm coming at him with a baseball bat! So we laughed about that, but ill bet you he won't go there again. :angry:

msharmony's photo
Thu 06/21/12 07:48 PM

What would you do if your husband went away on business and you heard him having drinks with a woman in his room at 1am because his cell phone dialed his home and you heard every thing . But when you confronted him and he denied it.

I cant be with someone I cant trust. I also wouldnt assume things. I would ask him to explain what it was I heard and decide from there how much , if any , was a 'lie'.

being on a cell doesnt mean one is in their room, cells are portable,,,,

josie68's photo
Fri 06/22/12 12:26 AM
I wouldnt have been there when he got home.
I hate cheating and I hate lying,

no photo
Sun 06/24/12 03:08 PM
I'd tell you I'm so damn sorry and that I found this site because it's the latest one my husband uses to hook up w other women. Wish you the best and send you positive feelings. I share your pain

no photo
Sun 06/24/12 03:36 PM
Wonder how the hell I ended up with a husband.

But seriously, I am sorry it happened to you, but you need to tackle this head on and be done with it. If you want to work it out, so be it, maybe you can. Experience says most people can't, but you could be one of the lucky ones, and I use that phrase rather ironically. Otherwise you need to push forward for you and your children and he needs to figure out what he can do to fix it if anything at all.

Good luck.

madamx7316's photo
Thu 06/28/12 05:15 PM
im currently going thru a divorce now due to my cheating husband (along with his alcoholism/abusive behavior). for the last 2 yrs while i have been at work, he's been driving my car with the gas i pay for to go meet women, some of which he's met from on the internet. ive had this problem on and off for 2 yrs and just had my fill. these women would find me online or somehow and send me msgs telling me that they were seeing or talking to my husband, he would actually call them liars to their faces...but then some would send me pics, the most recent was a time/date stamped photo of him "behind" her sexually... there was no lying out of that one, while im working to pay his 150/wk child support and paying all the bills to keep him out of jail. that was the straw that broke camels back there. i had believed he had quit drinking, was seeking help and things had gotten better over the last year, then it all came out and he was kicked out. if its man or women, no one should put up with that. loyalty is huge and if there cant be any trust, then what do you have? nothing! its about respecting yourself....

krupa's photo
Thu 06/28/12 05:20 PM
Disconnect the dots....and be on your way.

That's all I got.

I have done it.

madamx7316's photo
Thu 06/28/12 05:27 PM

Disconnect the dots....and be on your way.

That's all I got.

I have done it.

thats a true story! keep on truckin and dont look back!!! drinker

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 06/28/12 05:40 PM
I'm with everyone else as they say dis-connect the dots and move on..But......before you make that choice make sure that you are not left without or the kids...Get all all the dots lined up first.. You can talk to a Lawyer the first time with no cost. Find out where you stand in your state and what your entitled too.

Then start planning put back all the money you can possible put back.. If you own a house you can make it where you stay in the house till the kids turn 18 and he might have to help you pay till then and then the house could be sold...

Or if you want to you can put the house on the market sell it and split the profit. That way you have a bit to start off on...take that money and put a down payment on another house if you can. It will benefit you in the years to come.

If you have two cars you will be awarded one as he will be...

Never leave yourself in a total bind...Be smart think get things lined up before you tell him to hit the door. As long as he is not a abuser then this would be much easier to do...

Been there done that and yes I followed my own advice...bigsmile