we're finding out a lot of info on the bottled water thing, aren't we. I'll just have a cold Pepsi!!
Ok....I know that they say there is no difference....but I prefer Fiji bottled water...I hate drinking water from the tap.
As long as the water isn't from my personal tap, cause its nasty as hell lol
Hummm Dr. Pepper lol
But if I do drink water I want bottled |
tap water here is NASSSTEEE!!! I dont care if its run thru a filter. Bottled water here!!!
aquafina just admitted that the stuff that they sell comes out of the tap.
Ssshhhhhhhhhhhh king it did not come out of my tap lmao so its till good lol
I drink ICE MOUNTAIN spring water. It is not from the tap and taste really good !
Tap water (from the city) has chlorine which is most likely a carcinogen. This kills certain sorts of bacteria and prevents growth of algae and other things. Bottled water ordinarily has ozone to prevent growth of algae instead of chlorine. Ordinarily bottled water is also filtered, distilled or otherwise treated as far as I know.
Well water will not have chlorine but it may or may not have other contaminants. I would guess it is usually better than tap water from municipal utility districts. Tap water is for washing clothes, taking baths, watering the lawn, cooking and coffee. Sometimes I think about using bottled water in coffee and cooking as well. Maybe I'll make that change this year. Anyone who can confirm or deny the informal information I have on this matter is welcome and invited to give me a reality check here. |
you're absolutely right philosopher. when i lived in pontiac(michigan) some summers when you run the tap you can smell the chlorine.
It kinda funny how tv adverties water from different places when it's most likely from the same place with different names. like coke company makes sprit.
lol shadow or like how the label on louisianna hotsauce says that it is made in minnesota lol
I do find a taste difference between MOST bottles water and tap. to me Dasani and Aquafina taste just like tape water, I just bought a case of the store brand water that I can tell by the taste it is spring.
did yoy know Evian (the water people spend like $3 a bottle on is just naive backwards? So you be the judge there. |
I vote for Memorex and a nice cold shower.
it's glorified tap my soda !!
Crystal Hot Sauce is the Best. Made in Louisiana. God I love home. And the tap here in Vegas is disgusting. The dog gets bottled water. Cook with bottled water, I brush my teeth with......... You guessed it! Tap water. LOL
Chlorine is so bad here, that when I fill the tub I can't stay long cuz the smell is too strong. I use a PUR water filter for everyting else except laundry. I can't afford to pay through the nose for bottled water. Even the gallon or more jugs of it. I only get less that 900 a mo to live on...............sooooo, water purifyer it is. Tastes like normal water. I have to say i used to live in the mountains and we had not only well water, but from a yr round spring, filtered through natural about sweet water ....sighhhh, but it was worth it to get away from the jackass I left!