Topic: Another shameful moment in history,,,
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Sat 06/02/12 10:57 AM

If it didn't matter "where" he was born, say Iran for example, like Obozo and the Kenya issue, how can you be sure he has the best interest of the American people in mind?

We could have had "Terminator" Arnie (the good little Nazi) as POTUS and we would have been broke by now (like he did to California!)

Rules are there for a reason!

No, I think that Arnie had good intentions at first but when they rejected them he just went along with it. Californians aren't the smartest voters as has been proven. They have what they want now, Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown. Good luck to them. They will need it.

willing2's photo
Sat 06/02/12 11:05 AM


*K at Free Republic confirms the

*So this is how Obozo honors those who served….I just had this passed on
from a friend who was at the wall this morning:*

*I normally try to avoid political statements, but this one is a bit
different. This was received by Colonel X X X X X just a few moments ago,
who was refused access to the Vietnam War Memorial, where he has visited
his fallen comrades for the last 15 years.*

*Today is Memorial Day and I went to the Vietnam Memorial and something
happened there that upset me greatly and I want to pass it on.*

*For over 15 years I had been going with my dear Marine buddy, Larry
Cullen. Since he passed away last year and was interned at Arlington
Cemetery, I went this year accompanied by my grandson, Cameron. I had my
list of Recon Marines, school classmates, and Larry’s fallen buddies to
visit but, as we got close to the area of the National Mall where the Wall
is located, we saw huge white tents. We also saw barricades all along
Constitution Ave and for a couple blocks in each direction from the Wall.
They even closed down all of Constitution Av from the Lincoln Memorial all
the way to the WW-II Memorial and there was a virtual army of uniformed and
plain-clothes security everywhere.*

*The biggest tent was right at the west end of the Wall entrance and there
was a covered walkway leading right up to The Wall. It was so close, you
couldn’t get to the Wall on that side so, **my grandson and I went all the
way around to the eastern entrance to the Wall and walked down along the
Wall to the first of my names and I began telling my grandson about my
buddies and how each one died. In short order, a guy in a dark suit and
earpiece in his ear told us we had to leave as it was 0730 and they were
cloerans and families were forced to leave and it was locked down.*

*The Vietnam Memorial is the most visited site on the entire National Mall.
Memorial Day has more visitors to the Vietnam Memorial than almost any
other day.** Even at the rather early hour Cameron and I were there, there
were a lot of veterans and family members down there. In the midst of all
that, Obama decides to close it for over seven hours just so he can roll by
for 30 minutes in the afternoon for a campaign appearance with Democrats,
supporters, and campaign donors? **This is an incredulously arrogant,
egotistical, and inconsiderate thing to do. What in hell was Obama thinking?

*Hey President Obama: Since you ran me (and all the other veterans and
family members) out of the Memorial before we finished our business there,
how about doing me a favor. If you can take a short break from all the
grippin’, grinnin’, posin’ and pontificatin’, how about taking a minute or
two to stop by and say hello to my fellow Recon Marines and other
classmates on the Wall. I suspect you’ll be too busy with photo ops,
campaigning, and stroking donors to be troubled with a couple minutes doing
what the Memorial was built for but, just in case, here’s a list so you can
have your man find them and point them out to you. Hope you have a
Meaningful Memorial Day.*

*Joseph J. JONES; 53-W-02**
Sherwood David Kreis, 42-W-40
Dale Kagebein, 34-W-50
Jerry Bock, 25-W-95
Larry Daniels, 09-E- 66
Joe Mack Kemp, 09-E-69
Rhonda L. Raglan, 09-E-70
Robert L. Studards, 09-E-71
Jose D. Flores, 09-E-74
Arthur Willie Greene, 14-E-56
Eric Barnes, 17-E-41
Godfried Blankenship, 17-E-48
Michael Ray Smith, 19-E-113
Ervin Lovell, 19-E-120
William D. Martin, 25-E- 87
Michael L. Laporte, 26-E-1
Ronald Frederick Kitzke, 32-E-76
Charles Harris, 34-E-48
Robert Tracy, 34-E-72
Michael G. Murdock, 36-E-57*

*Maybe it would have been better for everyone if Obama had **just gone
golfing like last
**. Unfortunately, this is what veterans and their families have to suffer
when Obama is in full campaign mode.*

*No wonder a recent Gallup poll showed **veterans prefer Mitt Romney to
Obama, 58% to 34%<>

willing2's photo
Sat 06/02/12 11:09 AM
Romney is just another elitist pos. I do agree with the rest of the post, Ms Sunshine

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/02/12 11:40 AM
the logical decline continues,,,,

'gripe',,,HE doesnt even respect veterans enough to visit the memorial on memorial day


'gripe' HE actually shut down the area around where he was going to be (unheard of , right?) while he visited the veterans on memorial day

,,,,no matter what you do, if they dont like you, they will find something to gripe about

OBAMA 2012!!!

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 12:00 PM
even if obama were to urinate on the veterans memorial there would be an excuse from you

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/02/12 12:02 PM

even if obama were to urinate on the veterans memorial there would be an excuse from you

actually there wouldnt

but I do specifically remember the whinging about him NOT visiting a memorial just last year, and th is year someone whinging that when he DID visit they had the NERVE to shut down the perimiters

its called DAMNED IF YOU DO AND DAMNED IF YOU DONT,,,and Obama deals with it fairly regularly as potus,,,,,

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 12:08 PM
there are those who post pro obama crap every chance they get, and others that post anti obama crap every chance they get. all i know is that right now everyone is whining, just like everyone was whining when bush was in

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/02/12 12:15 PM

there are those who post pro obama crap every chance they get, and others that post anti obama crap every chance they get. all i know is that right now everyone is whining, just like everyone was whining when bush was in

I wasnt here when bush was in,, and I wouldnt have been on either 'side' although I thought he was a terrible representative for americans to the world,,,,and not real bright to boot,,,

but you wouldnt have found me here bashing him at all, anymore than I 'bash' any other candidates

but I will speak up against the bashers for those candidates I support,,,

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 12:15 PM

the point is that, this would have never been done to a white president. Whether or not people want to admit, this country is still a little racist sometimes

So true. More than "a little" racist.

There are so many people who are just spreading ridiculous bald faced lies about Obama and everything else, it just makes me sick.

I think from now on, everyone running for office of President should have to present his proof of eligibility.

If they did it to Obama they should do it to everyone else.

oldhippie1952's photo
Sat 06/02/12 12:16 PM
Works for me.

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 12:21 PM

there are those who post pro obama crap every chance they get, and others that post anti obama crap every chance they get. all i know is that right now everyone is whining, just like everyone was whining when bush was in

I wasnt here when bush was in,, and I wouldnt have been on either 'side' although I thought he was a terrible representative for americans to the world,,,,and not real bright to boot,,,

but you wouldnt have found me here bashing him at all, anymore than I 'bash' any other candidates

but I will speak up against the bashers for those candidates I support,,,

if you would have been here when bush was in, you would have seen for yourself that the biggest difference between bush and obama is that when bush was in, people had their money in the bank. with obama it SEEMS like your money is safer under your mattress next to your loaded weapon of choice

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/02/12 12:33 PM

there are those who post pro obama crap every chance they get, and others that post anti obama crap every chance they get. all i know is that right now everyone is whining, just like everyone was whining when bush was in

I wasnt here when bush was in,, and I wouldnt have been on either 'side' although I thought he was a terrible representative for americans to the world,,,,and not real bright to boot,,,

but you wouldnt have found me here bashing him at all, anymore than I 'bash' any other candidates

but I will speak up against the bashers for those candidates I support,,,

if you would have been here when bush was in, you would have seen for yourself that the biggest difference between bush and obama is that when bush was in, people had their money in the bank. with obama it SEEMS like your money is safer under your mattress next to your loaded weapon of choice

I guess it depends upon whom you ask,,,

id say there are several BIG DIFFERENCES

one entered a couple of wars and got a lot of support with the 'us vs them' technique

the other was trying to GET out of the wars

one was ENTERING with a surplus
while the other ENTERED during an economic melt,,,

one was in for EIGHT years
the other has been in for three and a half

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 12:40 PM

I guess it depends upon whom you ask,,,

id say there are several BIG DIFFERENCES

one entered a couple of wars and got a lot of support with the 'us vs them' technique

the other was trying to GET out of the wars

one was ENTERING with a surplus
while the other ENTERED during an economic melt,,,

one was in for EIGHT years
the other has been in for three and a half

you just can't leave it alone. bush did this and it's all wrong. obama is trying to do this and it's all right. asking you anything leads to how obama is trying to make bush's mistakes all better

look around. the change obama talked about is not coming. if you want to believe it's not his fault, then bury your head in the sand and keep waiting

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/02/12 12:47 PM

I guess it depends upon whom you ask,,,

id say there are several BIG DIFFERENCES

one entered a couple of wars and got a lot of support with the 'us vs them' technique

the other was trying to GET out of the wars

one was ENTERING with a surplus
while the other ENTERED during an economic melt,,,

one was in for EIGHT years
the other has been in for three and a half

you just can't leave it alone. bush did this and it's all wrong. obama is trying to do this and it's all right. asking you anything leads to how obama is trying to make bush's mistakes all better

look around. the change obama talked about is not coming. if you want to believe it's not his fault, then bury your head in the sand and keep waiting

its not that at all ese

thing is I dont think bush was all right OR all wrong, I think he was human

JUST as I think of OBAMA, not all right or all wrong, but human

so when people try to isolate him as so much different or worse than this one or that one, I just point out alternative points of view

the post before made a point of implying that BUSH was somehow connected to people having more money and OBAMA(on the contrary) is connected to people struggling

Im just pointing out an alternative point of view about what is 'significant' and how many difference can be found between any two people if we are really trying to look

just like similarities can be found if we are really trying to look

but here, when people are ONLY trying to demonize, I respond to them with a broader view of things than what they present,,,

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 12:56 PM
you don't ever come across that way msharmony. i read your posts in non political threads and you come across as a nice, educated, well rounded woman

looking around when bush was in, people disagreed with him, but the government SEEMED to be all working towards the same goals. looking around now with obama in, it SEEMS like the attitude is every man for himself. irl i look around and people are arming themselves, and those that can, have military grade weapons in their homes. husbands are buying assault rifles for their wives. krupa posted a thread about a pink gun for a girl, and it wasn't a bb gun. change has come msharmony, but not the change obama spoke of

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/02/12 01:00 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 06/02/12 01:01 PM

you don't ever come across that way msharmony. i read your posts in non political threads and you come across as a nice, educated, well rounded woman

looking around when bush was in, people disagreed with him, but the government SEEMED to be all working towards the same goals. looking around now with obama in, it SEEMS like the attitude is every man for himself. irl i look around and people are arming themselves, and those that can, have military grade weapons in their homes. husbands are buying assault rifles for their wives. krupa posted a thread about a pink gun for a girl, and it wasn't a bb gun. change has come msharmony, but not the change obama spoke of

I believe CHANGE of that type (mlitancy, rebellion) has been coming long before OBAMA,,

OBAMA made the mistake (in my opinion) of thinking he could help to unite people who will fight tooth and nail to avoid anything he may receive credit for,,,,

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 01:02 PM

you don't ever come across that way msharmony. i read your posts in non political threads and you come across as a nice, educated, well rounded woman

looking around when bush was in, people disagreed with him, but the government SEEMED to be all working towards the same goals. looking around now with obama in, it SEEMS like the attitude is every man for himself. irl i look around and people are arming themselves, and those that can, have military grade weapons in their homes. husbands are buying assault rifles for their wives. krupa posted a thread about a pink gun for a girl, and it wasn't a bb gun. change has come msharmony, but not the change obama spoke of

Do you think it could be a deep seated fear of blacks that are causing people to panic, or is it the number of racists and alarmists who are actively spreading outrageous lies and propaganda about Obama and everything else?

Or would this be happening even if we had a white president? Is it the "inevitable" economic collapse coming that everyone is talking about?

Or is is about human rights, the constitution, freedom etc?

What do you think is going on esebulldog?

Surely you are not blaming everything on one man, Obama! Are you?

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 01:13 PM

Do you think it could be a deep seated fear of blacks that are causing people to panic, or is it the number of racists and alarmists who are actively spreading outrageous lies and propaganda about Obama and everything else?

Or would this be happening even if we had a white president? Is it the "inevitable" economic collapse coming that everyone is talking about?

Or is is about human rights, the constitution, freedom etc?

What do you think is going on esebulldog?

Surely you are not blaming everything on one man, Obama! Are you?

if there was a deep seated fear of blacks in this country we would have a woman vp. people would rather have any man in charge over a woman

racists and alarmists thrive on propaganda, it isn't just about obama

blaming anyone for anything is counterproductive. one finger points toward them and three point back at yourself. i could give a flying flock over a rolling donut if a one legged episcopalian kangaroo from mars is potus. it's about the man in front being able to rally everyone towards a common goal

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 01:16 PM

I believe CHANGE of that type (mlitancy, rebellion) has been coming long before OBAMA,,

OBAMA made the mistake (in my opinion) of thinking he could help to unite people who will fight tooth and nail to avoid anything he may receive credit for,,,,

rebellion has been around, but now they are drawing more and more support. not to mention the individual efforts to arm themselves

obama can't get both parties behind him so he can lead this country, so we need a leader that can lead everyone

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/02/12 02:17 PM

I believe CHANGE of that type (mlitancy, rebellion) has been coming long before OBAMA,,

OBAMA made the mistake (in my opinion) of thinking he could help to unite people who will fight tooth and nail to avoid anything he may receive credit for,,,,

rebellion has been around, but now they are drawing more and more support. not to mention the individual efforts to arm themselves

obama can't get both parties behind him so he can lead this country, so we need a leader that can lead everyone

leading everyone doesnt necessarily mean getting everyone to agree,, an impossible task

and both parties havent been behind any president as long as I have been voting,,, to be honest

its a party line government and getting more and more so each passing year,,the party will support 'their' candidate in most cases
where that party has control of congress

and they will oppose when they dont have the control,,,

in this admin though, we have the added division(in my opinion) of race and class,, whereas in the past it was strictly party lines opposing or supporting the candidate that was likewise white, male, and from means,,,,,