Topic: Another shameful moment in history,,,
mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/30/12 09:44 PM

As far as I'm concerned, birthers are thinly vailed racists who need to get over themselves. This is the United States of America. Racism is neither legal nor wanted here. Personlly I think that all racists should be deported to the moon where they could live happily with some of this year's Presidental candidates.

You know what black people have in common with white people? They're all humans, biolgically identical. I grew up in a racist enviroment, and I'm sick of it!

There's nothing wrong with President Obama. He's a very intelligent, accomplished, and loyal American, which is more than can be said of his detractors.

laugh laugh laugh laugh


laugh laugh laugh laugh

USmale47374's photo
Wed 05/30/12 09:48 PM
Yeah, it's pretty funny Moe. Don't forget to share it with Larry and Curly. laugh

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/30/12 10:38 PM

Pure logic,,,,,
Questions do not harm anyone if they have nothing to fear/hide.

its not the question thats harmful, its the disparate treatment


if john applied for a position that requires a background check

and bob applied for a position that requires a background check

and they BOTH Supply that check, but then bob is asked to ALSO provide a SECONDARY background check

although his initial check provides the same qualifying information as Johns


no, that is wrong... you don't have a right to work for someone, it is a privilege. that is just a minority way of thinking, just to get what they want...

if TAXES are going in any way to support or aid that employer in their business, the law says I DO Have the right to be treated equally,,,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/30/12 10:47 PM

Newser) – President Obama “stared deep into political irrationality” yesterday and offered up his long-form birth certificate—in what the New York Times calls “a profoundly low and debasing moment in American political life” in an editorial today. Here was a president who, more than halfway through his term and with far weightier matters to attend to, felt he had to prove his citizenship, in answer to “a baseless attack with heavy racial undertones.”

“It is inconceivable that this campaign to portray Mr. Obama as the insidious ‘other’ would have been conducted against a white president,” the Times declares. Yet Republicans like Sarah Palin and John Boehner intentionally fueled the controversy—and the party paid the price, getting saddled with “a cartoon candidate” in Donald Trump. Releasing the certificate should marginalize him and his ilk, even if they refuse to go away. But “it is tragic that American politics is fueled by such poisonous fire.”
I think this should have been put to rest long ago, but the problem is, no other President has ever been in question. I have never understood why it's so hard for him to come up with a birth certificate. But he is the POTUS, don't you think he could at least come up with something? And democrats wonder why people never let this go. Articles like this do nothing more than toss fuel on the fire.

that is incorrect peccy

he disclosed his birth certificate AS DID THE STATE OF HAWAII

back in 2009

but people werent satisfied because it wasnt a 'long form'

this document he released in 2009 is the same SHORT FORM I used to get my passport and is proof of citizenship,,period

but 'birthers' were not satisfied with it

they insisted on seeing the 'long form' instead, to which I responded even then that even if he met that request it still would not be enough 'proof' that he was a natural born citizen/us citizen(not naturalized but at birth)

and now that he showed the LONG FORM, just like I suspected and HE probably realized, they are also not satisfied with it because it is only a picture

its as if they actually expect someone to take the ORIGINAL one from storage and personally knock on all their doors so they can personally inspect it

it is beyond RIDICULOUS and embarassing for american history,,,,

Incorrect he posted an admitted fake the hospital on what was posted didnt exist, the country of kenya was the british colony of kenya not kenya in didnt become Kenya until 1963

,,see what I mean,, never ends,,,,,

no i am saying what helped cause the controversy......i havent even seen the long form in my opinion his administration propelled the controversy rather than squash it

in my opinion, his administration knew the controversy would continue regardless of what they did once they ALREADY fulfilled the initial request by providing the birth certificate,,,

Ridiculous the refusal caused most of the controversy....just do it get it over with without causing a fuss and it goes away as always throughout history.....they handled it badly...period

again, missing the point

they did just DO IT

but what they DID Wasnt good enough so they were HARASSED to do more

and it wasnt wrong for them not to give in to HARASSMENT< its kind of like terrorism, once you oblige someone they will keep coming back with another demand, and another, and another

no they didnt he became President in 2008 it was asked for time and again during his campaign and even in the beginning of his Presidency and he didnt provide it for over a year!!! The isnt just providing it thats causing controversy....where McCain provided his during the Campaign itself as requested by the democrats.

all irrelevant,, my point is he DID release the image of the certificate in JUNE 2008, and THEN in JULY 2009 state officials confirmed the legitimacy of the document and the birth in hawaii

then in July 2011, the long form image was release

and now in MAY 2012 we are still listening to these ridiculous allegations over and over

he has gone ABOVE and beyond, and yet it is still not enough, and it wasnt going to EVER be enough from day one,,,,,

Seakolony's photo
Thu 05/31/12 03:07 AM

Newser) – President Obama “stared deep into political irrationality” yesterday and offered up his long-form birth certificate—in what the New York Times calls “a profoundly low and debasing moment in American political life” in an editorial today. Here was a president who, more than halfway through his term and with far weightier matters to attend to, felt he had to prove his citizenship, in answer to “a baseless attack with heavy racial undertones.”

“It is inconceivable that this campaign to portray Mr. Obama as the insidious ‘other’ would have been conducted against a white president,” the Times declares. Yet Republicans like Sarah Palin and John Boehner intentionally fueled the controversy—and the party paid the price, getting saddled with “a cartoon candidate” in Donald Trump. Releasing the certificate should marginalize him and his ilk, even if they refuse to go away. But “it is tragic that American politics is fueled by such poisonous fire.”
I think this should have been put to rest long ago, but the problem is, no other President has ever been in question. I have never understood why it's so hard for him to come up with a birth certificate. But he is the POTUS, don't you think he could at least come up with something? And democrats wonder why people never let this go. Articles like this do nothing more than toss fuel on the fire.

that is incorrect peccy

he disclosed his birth certificate AS DID THE STATE OF HAWAII

back in 2009

but people werent satisfied because it wasnt a 'long form'

this document he released in 2009 is the same SHORT FORM I used to get my passport and is proof of citizenship,,period

but 'birthers' were not satisfied with it

they insisted on seeing the 'long form' instead, to which I responded even then that even if he met that request it still would not be enough 'proof' that he was a natural born citizen/us citizen(not naturalized but at birth)

and now that he showed the LONG FORM, just like I suspected and HE probably realized, they are also not satisfied with it because it is only a picture

its as if they actually expect someone to take the ORIGINAL one from storage and personally knock on all their doors so they can personally inspect it

it is beyond RIDICULOUS and embarassing for american history,,,,

Incorrect he posted an admitted fake the hospital on what was posted didnt exist, the country of kenya was the british colony of kenya not kenya in didnt become Kenya until 1963

,,see what I mean,, never ends,,,,,

no i am saying what helped cause the controversy......i havent even seen the long form in my opinion his administration propelled the controversy rather than squash it

in my opinion, his administration knew the controversy would continue regardless of what they did once they ALREADY fulfilled the initial request by providing the birth certificate,,,

Ridiculous the refusal caused most of the controversy....just do it get it over with without causing a fuss and it goes away as always throughout history.....they handled it badly...period

again, missing the point

they did just DO IT

but what they DID Wasnt good enough so they were HARASSED to do more

and it wasnt wrong for them not to give in to HARASSMENT< its kind of like terrorism, once you oblige someone they will keep coming back with another demand, and another, and another

no they didnt he became President in 2008 it was asked for time and again during his campaign and even in the beginning of his Presidency and he didnt provide it for over a year!!! The isnt just providing it thats causing controversy....where McCain provided his during the Campaign itself as requested by the democrats.

all irrelevant,, my point is he DID release the image of the certificate in JUNE 2008, and THEN in JULY 2009 state officials confirmed the legitimacy of the document and the birth in hawaii

then in July 2011, the long form image was release

and now in MAY 2012 we are still listening to these ridiculous allegations over and over

he has gone ABOVE and beyond, and yet it is still not enough, and it wasnt going to EVER be enough from day one,,,,,

He didn't release it in 2008 as was asked and that did cause be honest whether he is or isnt really dont care just saying I can se the point of what made it doubtful.....and I dont think everyone on that boat is prejudiced....I think people just really wanted to know because the way the administration actd cused doubt

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 04:26 AM

Newser) – President Obama “stared deep into political irrationality” yesterday and offered up his long-form birth certificate—in what the New York Times calls “a profoundly low and debasing moment in American political life” in an editorial today. Here was a president who, more than halfway through his term and with far weightier matters to attend to, felt he had to prove his citizenship, in answer to “a baseless attack with heavy racial undertones.”

“It is inconceivable that this campaign to portray Mr. Obama as the insidious ‘other’ would have been conducted against a white president,” the Times declares. Yet Republicans like Sarah Palin and John Boehner intentionally fueled the controversy—and the party paid the price, getting saddled with “a cartoon candidate” in Donald Trump. Releasing the certificate should marginalize him and his ilk, even if they refuse to go away. But “it is tragic that American politics is fueled by such poisonous fire.”

if this one is real, it's way to late... he should have squashed this at the beginning, and he would have had a little respect... he is not in there for himself, he is in there for us, the people. and if the people want proof, he should have given it to them at the start.

I disagree
birthers never respected him and never will

there will never be enough 'proof' for them to consider him anything other than 'other'

This is true. Nothing will be good enough for the crazy birthers.

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 05/31/12 05:54 AM

As far as I'm concerned, birthers are thinly vailed racists who need to get over themselves. This is the United States of America. Racism is neither legal nor wanted here. Personlly I think that all racists should be deported to the moon where they could live happily with some of this year's Presidental candidates.

You know what black people have in common with white people? They're all humans, biolgically identical. I grew up in a racist enviroment, and I'm sick of it!

There's nothing wrong with President Obama. He's a very intelligent, accomplished, and loyal American, which is more than can be said of his detractors.

That post appeals to me.

No Place for racism on this planet in the 21st century.

Too expensive to deport them to the moon.

Cut them adrift on the high seas with a weeks supply of food and then rescue the last man standing when they tear themselves apart.drinker

willing2's photo
Thu 05/31/12 06:36 AM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 05/31/12 06:56 AM
Why are the rest of his "Public Records" on lock down?

Why has a photoshopped copy been displayed as an original?

Barry's damage control team must be working 28 hours a day to change history.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Here is what they really want from us. We see it in the sheeple.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 05/31/12 09:28 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 05/31/12 09:40 AM

Why are the rest of his "Public Records" on lock down?

Why has a photoshopped copy been displayed as an original?

Barry's damage control team must be working 28 hours a day to change history.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Here is what they really want from us. We see it in the sheeple.

Yeah! And in ALL 57 states! rofl

Not to worry tho! If he doesn't give all 57 to the UN then Robme will sell it to them!

Obozo....the 1st American POTUS to unconstitutionally hold office within a foreign power..... TREASON! by the very definition of it!

In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's sovereign or nation.

Impeach and prosecute! I rest my case!

Chazster's photo
Thu 05/31/12 09:35 AM

Newser) – President Obama “stared deep into political irrationality” yesterday and offered up his long-form birth certificate—in what the New York Times calls “a profoundly low and debasing moment in American political life” in an editorial today. Here was a president who, more than halfway through his term and with far weightier matters to attend to, felt he had to prove his citizenship, in answer to “a baseless attack with heavy racial undertones.”

“It is inconceivable that this campaign to portray Mr. Obama as the insidious ‘other’ would have been conducted against a white president,” the Times declares. Yet Republicans like Sarah Palin and John Boehner intentionally fueled the controversy—and the party paid the price, getting saddled with “a cartoon candidate” in Donald Trump. Releasing the certificate should marginalize him and his ilk, even if they refuse to go away. But “it is tragic that American politics is fueled by such poisonous fire.”

if this one is real, it's way to late... he should have squashed this at the beginning, and he would have had a little respect... he is not in there for himself, he is in there for us, the people. and if the people want proof, he should have given it to them at the start.

I disagree
birthers never respected him and never will

there will never be enough 'proof' for them to consider him anything other than 'other'

Well he didn't help his case by providing a forged birth certificate. The courts proved it wasn't real and his lawyers said so. I question the point of providing fake documentation when real ones exist.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 05/31/12 09:43 AM

Newser) – President Obama “stared deep into political irrationality” yesterday and offered up his long-form birth certificate—in what the New York Times calls “a profoundly low and debasing moment in American political life” in an editorial today. Here was a president who, more than halfway through his term and with far weightier matters to attend to, felt he had to prove his citizenship, in answer to “a baseless attack with heavy racial undertones.”

“It is inconceivable that this campaign to portray Mr. Obama as the insidious ‘other’ would have been conducted against a white president,” the Times declares. Yet Republicans like Sarah Palin and John Boehner intentionally fueled the controversy—and the party paid the price, getting saddled with “a cartoon candidate” in Donald Trump. Releasing the certificate should marginalize him and his ilk, even if they refuse to go away. But “it is tragic that American politics is fueled by such poisonous fire.”

if this one is real, it's way to late... he should have squashed this at the beginning, and he would have had a little respect... he is not in there for himself, he is in there for us, the people. and if the people want proof, he should have given it to them at the start.

I disagree
birthers never respected him and never will

there will never be enough 'proof' for them to consider him anything other than 'other'

Well he didn't help his case by providing a forged birth certificate. The courts proved it wasn't real and his lawyers said so. I question the point of providing fake documentation when real ones exist.
Friend of mine used to say,:"If you can't convince them,confuse them"!

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/31/12 03:18 PM

Pure logic,,,,,
Questions do not harm anyone if they have nothing to fear/hide.

its not the question thats harmful, its the disparate treatment


if john applied for a position that requires a background check

and bob applied for a position that requires a background check

and they BOTH Supply that check, but then bob is asked to ALSO provide a SECONDARY background check

although his initial check provides the same qualifying information as Johns


no, that is wrong... you don't have a right to work for someone, it is a privilege. that is just a minority way of thinking, just to get what they want...

if TAXES are going in any way to support or aid that employer in their business, the law says I DO Have the right to be treated equally,,,,

last i heard, business's paid taxes, not took them... so you are saying that a business owner doesn't have the right to do extra checks on people as they see fit?

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/31/12 03:31 PM

As far as I'm concerned, birthers are thinly vailed racists who need to get over themselves. This is the United States of America. Racism is neither legal nor wanted here. Personlly I think that all racists should be deported to the moon where they could live happily with some of this year's Presidental candidates.

You know what black people have in common with white people? They're all humans, biolgically identical. I grew up in a racist enviroment, and I'm sick of it!

There's nothing wrong with President Obama. He's a very intelligent, accomplished, and loyal American, which is more than can be said of his detractors.

so your saying i can't just dislike the man without being racist? it is statements like that that is the biggest part of the problem. last i heard, we were free to like or dislike whoever we wanted to, without being persecuted or labeled as being racist. I didn't like bush either, so do i get a label for that too? that is the main reason i started to hate democrats, because of stupid statements like these. any non black that doesn't like barry gets the label now...he may be intelligent and accomplished, but honest and loyal i have very serious doubts about. just remember, while people are respecting your opinion on barry, your are not respecting others opinions when your say these things...

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/31/12 05:08 PM

Newser) – President Obama “stared deep into political irrationality” yesterday and offered up his long-form birth certificate—in what the New York Times calls “a profoundly low and debasing moment in American political life” in an editorial today. Here was a president who, more than halfway through his term and with far weightier matters to attend to, felt he had to prove his citizenship, in answer to “a baseless attack with heavy racial undertones.”

“It is inconceivable that this campaign to portray Mr. Obama as the insidious ‘other’ would have been conducted against a white president,” the Times declares. Yet Republicans like Sarah Palin and John Boehner intentionally fueled the controversy—and the party paid the price, getting saddled with “a cartoon candidate” in Donald Trump. Releasing the certificate should marginalize him and his ilk, even if they refuse to go away. But “it is tragic that American politics is fueled by such poisonous fire.”

if this one is real, it's way to late... he should have squashed this at the beginning, and he would have had a little respect... he is not in there for himself, he is in there for us, the people. and if the people want proof, he should have given it to them at the start.

I disagree
birthers never respected him and never will

there will never be enough 'proof' for them to consider him anything other than 'other'

Well he didn't help his case by providing a forged birth certificate. The courts proved it wasn't real and his lawyers said so. I question the point of providing fake documentation when real ones exist.

HIS LAWYERS NEVER SAID THIS!!!,, why do these birther folks keep repeating the same tired lies,,,?

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/31/12 05:11 PM

Pure logic,,,,,
Questions do not harm anyone if they have nothing to fear/hide.

its not the question thats harmful, its the disparate treatment


if john applied for a position that requires a background check

and bob applied for a position that requires a background check

and they BOTH Supply that check, but then bob is asked to ALSO provide a SECONDARY background check

although his initial check provides the same qualifying information as Johns


no, that is wrong... you don't have a right to work for someone, it is a privilege. that is just a minority way of thinking, just to get what they want...

if TAXES are going in any way to support or aid that employer in their business, the law says I DO Have the right to be treated equally,,,,

last i heard, business's paid taxes, not took them... so you are saying that a business owner doesn't have the right to do extra checks on people as they see fit?

business pay taxes, they get certin 'perks' and 'write offs' from the government, giving the government a vested interest in those businesses and oversight into how those businesses are run

those businesses are built on roads and lands paid for by TAXES

and yes, a business owner can do checks on people, but they have to be EQUAL requirements for the candidates,,,,without discrimination based upon race, gender, ethnicity,nationality,,etc,,,,,

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/31/12 05:14 PM

Newser) – President Obama “stared deep into political irrationality” yesterday and offered up his long-form birth certificate—in what the New York Times calls “a profoundly low and debasing moment in American political life” in an editorial today. Here was a president who, more than halfway through his term and with far weightier matters to attend to, felt he had to prove his citizenship, in answer to “a baseless attack with heavy racial undertones.”

“It is inconceivable that this campaign to portray Mr. Obama as the insidious ‘other’ would have been conducted against a white president,” the Times declares. Yet Republicans like Sarah Palin and John Boehner intentionally fueled the controversy—and the party paid the price, getting saddled with “a cartoon candidate” in Donald Trump. Releasing the certificate should marginalize him and his ilk, even if they refuse to go away. But “it is tragic that American politics is fueled by such poisonous fire.”
I think this should have been put to rest long ago, but the problem is, no other President has ever been in question. I have never understood why it's so hard for him to come up with a birth certificate. But he is the POTUS, don't you think he could at least come up with something? And democrats wonder why people never let this go. Articles like this do nothing more than toss fuel on the fire.

that is incorrect peccy

he disclosed his birth certificate AS DID THE STATE OF HAWAII

back in 2009

but people werent satisfied because it wasnt a 'long form'

this document he released in 2009 is the same SHORT FORM I used to get my passport and is proof of citizenship,,period

but 'birthers' were not satisfied with it

they insisted on seeing the 'long form' instead, to which I responded even then that even if he met that request it still would not be enough 'proof' that he was a natural born citizen/us citizen(not naturalized but at birth)

and now that he showed the LONG FORM, just like I suspected and HE probably realized, they are also not satisfied with it because it is only a picture

its as if they actually expect someone to take the ORIGINAL one from storage and personally knock on all their doors so they can personally inspect it

it is beyond RIDICULOUS and embarassing for american history,,,,

Incorrect he posted an admitted fake the hospital on what was posted didnt exist, the country of kenya was the british colony of kenya not kenya in didnt become Kenya until 1963

,,see what I mean,, never ends,,,,,

no i am saying what helped cause the controversy......i havent even seen the long form in my opinion his administration propelled the controversy rather than squash it

in my opinion, his administration knew the controversy would continue regardless of what they did once they ALREADY fulfilled the initial request by providing the birth certificate,,,

Ridiculous the refusal caused most of the controversy....just do it get it over with without causing a fuss and it goes away as always throughout history.....they handled it badly...period

again, missing the point

they did just DO IT

but what they DID Wasnt good enough so they were HARASSED to do more

and it wasnt wrong for them not to give in to HARASSMENT< its kind of like terrorism, once you oblige someone they will keep coming back with another demand, and another, and another

no they didnt he became President in 2008 it was asked for time and again during his campaign and even in the beginning of his Presidency and he didnt provide it for over a year!!! The isnt just providing it thats causing controversy....where McCain provided his during the Campaign itself as requested by the democrats.

all irrelevant,, my point is he DID release the image of the certificate in JUNE 2008, and THEN in JULY 2009 state officials confirmed the legitimacy of the document and the birth in hawaii

then in July 2011, the long form image was release

and now in MAY 2012 we are still listening to these ridiculous allegations over and over

he has gone ABOVE and beyond, and yet it is still not enough, and it wasnt going to EVER be enough from day one,,,,,

He didn't release it in 2008 as was asked and that did cause be honest whether he is or isnt really dont care just saying I can se the point of what made it doubtful.....and I dont think everyone on that boat is prejudiced....I think people just really wanted to know because the way the administration actd cused doubt

or maybe ALL THESE SITES are in on the suspicious decision to 'not release' his certificat,,,,

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/31/12 05:15 PM

As far as I'm concerned, birthers are thinly vailed racists who need to get over themselves. This is the United States of America. Racism is neither legal nor wanted here. Personlly I think that all racists should be deported to the moon where they could live happily with some of this year's Presidental candidates.

You know what black people have in common with white people? They're all humans, biolgically identical. I grew up in a racist enviroment, and I'm sick of it!

There's nothing wrong with President Obama. He's a very intelligent, accomplished, and loyal American, which is more than can be said of his detractors.

so your saying i can't just dislike the man without being racist? it is statements like that that is the biggest part of the problem. last i heard, we were free to like or dislike whoever we wanted to, without being persecuted or labeled as being racist. I didn't like bush either, so do i get a label for that too? that is the main reason i started to hate democrats, because of stupid statements like these. any non black that doesn't like barry gets the label now...he may be intelligent and accomplished, but honest and loyal i have very serious doubts about. just remember, while people are respecting your opinion on barry, your are not respecting others opinions when your say these things...

no, Im saying chances are, if after the first three years of being REPEATEDLY shown and verified the mans birth certificate, you are one who continues to scream that something is 'suspicious'

you just may be a bit prejudiced,,,,

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 05:39 PM
Edited by JimmyTheGent on Thu 05/31/12 05:41 PM
Give it up, msharmony. People believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts. Stop banging your head against the wall. It's fruitless.

Seakolony's photo
Thu 05/31/12 05:44 PM

Pure logic,,,,,
Questions do not harm anyone if they have nothing to fear/hide.

its not the question thats harmful, its the disparate treatment


if john applied for a position that requires a background check

and bob applied for a position that requires a background check

and they BOTH Supply that check, but then bob is asked to ALSO provide a SECONDARY background check

although his initial check provides the same qualifying information as Johns


no, that is wrong... you don't have a right to work for someone, it is a privilege. that is just a minority way of thinking, just to get what they want...

if TAXES are going in any way to support or aid that employer in their business, the law says I DO Have the right to be treated equally,,,,

last i heard, business's paid taxes, not took them... so you are saying that a business owner doesn't have the right to do extra checks on people as they see fit?

business pay taxes, they get certin 'perks' and 'write offs' from the government, giving the government a vested interest in those businesses and oversight into how those businesses are run

those businesses are built on roads and lands paid for by TAXES

and yes, a business owner can do checks on people, but they have to be EQUAL requirements for the candidates,,,,without discrimination based upon race, gender, ethnicity,nationality,,etc,,,,,

Are you kidding me government has no right to know how businesses are run.......its a free country the government can know how much they made and the companies contribution to taxes owed and thats it beyond that they have no right to anything..........

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/01/12 01:34 AM

Give it up, msharmony. People believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts. Stop banging your head against the wall. It's fruitless.

sigh,,,good advice,,,

it just frustrates me at times because I know the more often a lie is repeated the more 'legitimate' it becomes to many who read it,,,,,