Dodo_David's photo
Thu 05/17/12 03:00 PM

I was waiting till this evening to reply to this thread anymore. I wanted to see if this last lady I was talking to would be any different from any other.

I've been talking to this woman every night now on POF for about a week. Everything has been going smooth. I already knew we were about 75 miles apart. I been waiting to see if she would bring it up. She finally did last night. I asked her if she thought we were to far apart. Her answer was NO. She said she didn't limit herself when it came to finding love. She wouldn't let anything get in her way.

Now, With me being me I just had to find a way to test it. She gave me her phone number. I knew before hand it was going to be long distance. I asked her if she would mind calling me. I explained why. I know she has a cell because she also asked if I could TXT her. (I hate TXTing)I know that most cell phone plans have nights & weekends free.

I haven't heard a peep out of her since. She has been on several times without answering. To me this is one of my ways of weeding out the full of shyt. The ones that are talking out the side of their neck.

A lot of them spout off like this. I don't know about every man. But a lot of men will test you to see if you mean what you say. Some are pretty slick about it.

If you tell me that you don't let anything get in your way. Not even distance, But you will let something as simple as a phone call do it, Makes me feel like I dodged a bullet. You're not serious. Your just talking and don't mean what you say. You're showing me that I can't take you serious.

This is one of the reasons why I and my friend will not bend a little about our phones. To many quirky, weird people. This is a way of weeding them out. Doesn't work every time. But it does work.

So it isn't about the phone bill as much, but more about getting the women to do what you want.

I disagree. It's about whether or not the woman will walk her talk.

msmyka's photo
Thu 05/17/12 03:02 PM
Edited by msmyka on Thu 05/17/12 03:02 PM

I was waiting till this evening to reply to this thread anymore. I wanted to see if this last lady I was talking to would be any different from any other.

I've been talking to this woman every night now on POF for about a week. Everything has been going smooth. I already knew we were about 75 miles apart. I been waiting to see if she would bring it up. She finally did last night. I asked her if she thought we were to far apart. Her answer was NO. She said she didn't limit herself when it came to finding love. She wouldn't let anything get in her way.

Now, With me being me I just had to find a way to test it. She gave me her phone number. I knew before hand it was going to be long distance. I asked her if she would mind calling me. I explained why. I know she has a cell because she also asked if I could TXT her. (I hate TXTing)I know that most cell phone plans have nights & weekends free.

I haven't heard a peep out of her since. She has been on several times without answering. To me this is one of my ways of weeding out the full of shyt. The ones that are talking out the side of their neck.

A lot of them spout off like this. I don't know about every man. But a lot of men will test you to see if you mean what you say. Some are pretty slick about it.

If you tell me that you don't let anything get in your way. Not even distance, But you will let something as simple as a phone call do it, Makes me feel like I dodged a bullet. You're not serious. Your just talking and don't mean what you say. You're showing me that I can't take you serious.

This is one of the reasons why I and my friend will not bend a little about our phones. To many quirky, weird people. This is a way of weeding them out. Doesn't work every time. But it does work.

Hmmm sounds like you're looking for this to happen and when it does you get to say "I told you so" and feel some sense of accomplishment. If you know someone is too far away and you can't call them then limit your search to a closer area. At first I thought you were commenting on her reaction but now it seems like you are just trying to prove a point. Which, in my opinion, is just as juvenile as the woman's reaction in the first place.

izzie's photo
Thu 05/17/12 03:09 PM
My home phone came with unlimited calling, in state and international. My cell phone was still an ORegon number even though I lived in Texas for nearly 3 years before I changed it because my family lived in Oregon, and I wanted to be easily accessable to my FAMILY over some person that I may meet online. I chose my priorities.

I met my husband on this site, and when we met we lived about 3.5 hours apart. AND he worked out of town. We made arrangements to see each other every other week, and found a way to work around the rest until we were sure that we were with the person that we wanted to be with. When we got engaged, we made the decision of where we would live, and how we would make it work. I have been married for (nearly) 3 years and it has been the greatest 3 years of my life. WE both moved across the country together.

where there is a will there is a way. perhaps you should find a way to stop limiting yourself, and find a way to give people a chance. :smile: jmho.

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 04:07 PM

I was waiting till this evening to reply to this thread anymore. I wanted to see if this last lady I was talking to would be any different from any other.

I've been talking to this woman every night now on POF for about a week. Everything has been going smooth. I already knew we were about 75 miles apart. I been waiting to see if she would bring it up. She finally did last night. I asked her if she thought we were to far apart. Her answer was NO. She said she didn't limit herself when it came to finding love. She wouldn't let anything get in her way.

Now, With me being me I just had to find a way to test it. She gave me her phone number. I knew before hand it was going to be long distance. I asked her if she would mind calling me. I explained why. I know she has a cell because she also asked if I could TXT her. (I hate TXTing)I know that most cell phone plans have nights & weekends free.

I haven't heard a peep out of her since. She has been on several times without answering. To me this is one of my ways of weeding out the full of shyt. The ones that are talking out the side of their neck.

A lot of them spout off like this. I don't know about every man. But a lot of men will test you to see if you mean what you say. Some are pretty slick about it.

If you tell me that you don't let anything get in your way. Not even distance, But you will let something as simple as a phone call do it, Makes me feel like I dodged a bullet. You're not serious. Your just talking and don't mean what you say. You're showing me that I can't take you serious.

This is one of the reasons why I and my friend will not bend a little about our phones. To many quirky, weird people. This is a way of weeding them out. Doesn't work every time. But it does work.

Hmmm sounds like you're looking for this to happen and when it does you get to say "I told you so" and feel some sense of accomplishment. If you know someone is too far away and you can't call them then limit your search to a closer area. At first I thought you were commenting on her reaction but now it seems like you are just trying to prove a point. Which, in my opinion, is just as juvenile as the woman's reaction in the first place.

Yes, I was looking for it to happen. I didn't contact her. She contacted me. I went ahead and answered. I feel like you should never ignore anyone. You never know when you start talking to someone how it's going to turn out. So, I give people a chance.

That's why when she brought it up about where I was I asked her if she thought we were to far apart. I was really giving her an out if she wanted it. No hard feelings. Instead of taking the "out" I was giving her, She spouts about not letting distance or anything else get in the way of her finding love.

So, When you get right down to it there was only one thing left for me to do. See if she would call me. But at the same time experience was telling me she was just blowing off. I've heard that same line many times with the same result from women who contact me. I just feel like if you are going to be the one to contact a man, You should carry through. Don't spout off and make yourself sound like you will let nothing stop you. Then turn around in the same breath and let a simple phone call stop you.

Another thing, She had just gotten through telling me how she hated a wishy washy man. And almost in the same breath be that way herself.

Seakolony's photo
Thu 05/17/12 04:10 PM

I've had this happen to me. Now today a friend of mine has had it happen to him.

Here's the thing, When you are doing this online dating thing you come across all types of people. Today a friend of mine got himself fussed out over a phone call.

This woman he was interested in, She lives in the same state as he does, Ga. But the thing is her number is out of state. Washington St as a matter of fact. Now, He like me doesn't have a cell phone. She wanted him to call her. He told her he couldn't. He had a home phone. It would run his phone bill sky high. He asked her if she had thought about getting a local number. Instead of telling him that she couldn't change her number and why, She jumped all over him. Fussed him out from one end to the other. He wrote me telling me about it.

Here is my question for you forum junkies. Should a person be it man or woman assume that everyone has a cell phone? Should a man or woman expect someone that they really don't know to call them long distance?
Do you think that if you're going to do online dating, Shouldn't you make yourself as accessible as you can to potential suitors in the state your in? Including an instate number?

Even home phone don't have the long distance charges like once upon a time.....long distance is the same charge as least most places in the US.....of GA is a little bass ackwards

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 04:15 PM

I was waiting till this evening to reply to this thread anymore. I wanted to see if this last lady I was talking to would be any different from any other.

I've been talking to this woman every night now on POF for about a week. Everything has been going smooth. I already knew we were about 75 miles apart. I been waiting to see if she would bring it up. She finally did last night. I asked her if she thought we were to far apart. Her answer was NO. She said she didn't limit herself when it came to finding love. She wouldn't let anything get in her way.

Now, With me being me I just had to find a way to test it. She gave me her phone number. I knew before hand it was going to be long distance. I asked her if she would mind calling me. I explained why. I know she has a cell because she also asked if I could TXT her. (I hate TXTing)I know that most cell phone plans have nights & weekends free.

I haven't heard a peep out of her since. She has been on several times without answering. To me this is one of my ways of weeding out the full of shyt. The ones that are talking out the side of their neck.

A lot of them spout off like this. I don't know about every man. But a lot of men will test you to see if you mean what you say. Some are pretty slick about it.

If you tell me that you don't let anything get in your way. Not even distance, But you will let something as simple as a phone call do it, Makes me feel like I dodged a bullet. You're not serious. Your just talking and don't mean what you say. You're showing me that I can't take you serious.

This is one of the reasons why I and my friend will not bend a little about our phones. To many quirky, weird people. This is a way of weeding them out. Doesn't work every time. But it does work.

So it isn't about the phone bill as much, but more about getting the women to do what you want.

I disagree. It's about whether or not the woman will walk her talk.

EXACTLY! That's partly what I'm getting at. I've met so may goofy, weird acting women that I don't want to do anything like buy a cell phone just to talk to them. I keep hoping that somewhere along the way I will meet one that's worth whatever I have to do to stay in contact with her.

If I ever find one that will walk her talk, I will do whatever it takes. Till then, I and my friend will stick to what we have.

msmyka's photo
Thu 05/17/12 04:19 PM
Do you not realize you are saying "I will not compromise but I expect the other person to"?

teadipper's photo
Thu 05/17/12 04:30 PM
Edited by teadipper on Thu 05/17/12 04:32 PM

I've had this happen to me. Now today a friend of mine has had it happen to him.

Here's the thing, When you are doing this online dating thing you come across all types of people. Today a friend of mine got himself fussed out over a phone call.

This woman he was interested in, She lives in the same state as he does, Ga. But the thing is her number is out of state. Washington St as a matter of fact. Now, He like me doesn't have a cell phone. She wanted him to call her. He told her he couldn't. He had a home phone. It would run his phone bill sky high. He asked her if she had thought about getting a local number. Instead of telling him that she couldn't change her number and why, She jumped all over him. Fussed him out from one end to the other. He wrote me telling me about it.

Here is my question for you forum junkies. Should a person be it man or woman assume that everyone has a cell phone? Should a man or woman expect someone that they really don't know to call them long distance?
Do you think that if you're going to do online dating, Shouldn't you make yourself as accessible as you can to potential suitors in the state your in? Including an instate number?

I don't assume they have a cell phone, but I do and as a man I expect to initiate the calls. If I had a land line I wouldn't call long distance unless I was very sure, I think she needs to change her number but she might have seen it as a sign of "cheapness" on his part.

You can get a free cell phone from a provider and pay $40 a month for about 500 minutes.

Edit: You think that was bad I wrote to a woman who cussed me out because I was on the internet...

I am wary of people's whose numbers are not in the state they say they are in. Too much bad experience with scammers. And if a guy wants to phone you that badly, he will freaking find a way to call you. End of discussion.

P.S. I once dated a guy with no cell phone. He got a 7-11 cell phone and refilled the freaking thing every two minutes to talk to me.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 05/17/12 05:01 PM
Uh, I missed something. Did the woman in this particular case offer to make some calls, too, or does she want the man to make all of the calls?

motowndowntown's photo
Thu 05/17/12 05:06 PM

American systems are much less regulated, coz Americans successfully fight overregulation, they think it's a headache. It is, they are right mostly, but sometimes a bit of a regulation or standardization would do them a lot of good.

But no. America still is under the spell of that stupid beeeech, Ayn Rand. She destroyed more good ideas with two of her books than Cortez did with all his guns and horses.

The pen is mightier than the sword, and like nuclear power or statistics, it can be used equally easily for the greater good, or else for evil purposes.

Wow dude, you nailed the problem with American politics in one paragraph. Nice work.

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 06:29 PM

Do you not realize you are saying "I will not compromise but I expect the other person to"?

Is "ALF" the only one that gets it?frustrated "Walk your talk" Back up what you say. He's also got it in another spot. If you say, I will not limit myself when it comes to finding love. Distance is not an issue" Then, If someone asks you to call them because they don't have a cell,Don't want to call long distance and run their bill up, Why, If you're not going to let distance stop you, Let a phone call stop you? Makes no sense. When you're the one with the cell and nights and weekends free.

If you are really interested in a guy to the point that you will not let distance stop you, But you will let a phone call do it, You are actually showing the guy you are a liar. You can't be trusted. You are either goofy and not thinking about what you are saying, Or, You could be a scammer.

Totage's photo
Thu 05/17/12 06:35 PM
Seems like it's your issue, but you expect women to provide the solution?

I don't understand.

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 06:39 PM

Uh, I missed something. Did the woman in this particular case offer to make some calls, too, or does she want the man to make all of the calls?

She never offered to make any attempt at calling me. Never offered to make any calls.

So far it seems you're the only one that gets it.

Totage's photo
Thu 05/17/12 06:42 PM
Some women still expect the man to make the call and make the first move. They see it as a lack of interest or weakness it they do not.

tessa68's photo
Thu 05/17/12 07:05 PM

Uh, I missed something. Did the woman in this particular case offer to make some calls, too, or does she want the man to make all of the calls?

She never offered to make any attempt at calling me. Never offered to make any calls.

So far it seems you're the only one that gets it.

I can call you if you want(from US) but should ask permission first to Mr. D lol.

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 08:31 PM

Do you not realize you are saying "I will not compromise but I expect the other person to"?

Is "ALF" the only one that gets it?frustrated "Walk your talk" Back up what you say. He's also got it in another spot. If you say, I will not limit myself when it comes to finding love. Distance is not an issue" Then, If someone asks you to call them because they don't have a cell,Don't want to call long distance and run their bill up, Why, If you're not going to let distance stop you, Let a phone call stop you? Makes no sense. When you're the one with the cell and nights and weekends free.

If you are really interested in a guy to the point that you will not let distance stop you, But you will let a phone call do it, You are actually showing the guy you are a liar. You can't be trusted. You are either goofy and not thinking about what you are saying, Or, You could be a scammer.

This is YOUR issue. If distance is an issue for you because of long distance phone calls, either look for someone local, or use one of the options we've already discussed here in the thread. If distance is not an issue, do not expect the woman to be the only one making phone calls. It's really as simple as that. You're playing games here and looking for women to do what you want. When they don't, you complain about it.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 05/17/12 10:51 PM

Am I not getting this?? why didn't she just call him then?

Thank you (hi BTW, good to see you)

She can call him as easy as he her.

And I have to say these days cells really are a better deal than land lines. Mine is $35 per month unlimited. The phone was only $40 itself.

<<Waves HI! waving good to see you too!

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 05/17/12 10:58 PM

Do you not realize you are saying "I will not compromise but I expect the other person to"?

Is "ALF" the only one that gets it?frustrated "Walk your talk" Back up what you say. He's also got it in another spot. If you say, I will not limit myself when it comes to finding love. Distance is not an issue" Then, If someone asks you to call them because they don't have a cell,Don't want to call long distance and run their bill up, Why, If you're not going to let distance stop you, Let a phone call stop you? Makes no sense. When you're the one with the cell and nights and weekends free.

If you are really interested in a guy to the point that you will not let distance stop you, But you will let a phone call do it, You are actually showing the guy you are a liar. You can't be trusted. You are either goofy and not thinking about what you are saying, Or, You could be a scammer.

There is really no issue here. she's not worth wasting time over, what ever she is. geee maybe she wants him to pay for her phone so she can call him Oo

no photo
Thu 05/17/12 11:00 PM

Am I not getting this?? why didn't she just call him then?

Thank you (hi BTW, good to see you)

She can call him as easy as he her.

And I have to say these days cells really are a better deal than land lines. Mine is $35 per month unlimited. The phone was only $40 itself.

<<Waves HI! waving good to see you too!

Hope you and the family are doing great!

no photo
Fri 05/18/12 12:03 AM

Do you not realize you are saying "I will not compromise but I expect the other person to"?

Is "ALF" the only one that gets it?frustrated "Walk your talk" Back up what you say. He's also got it in another spot. If you say, I will not limit myself when it comes to finding love. Distance is not an issue" Then, If someone asks you to call them because they don't have a cell,Don't want to call long distance and run their bill up, Why, If you're not going to let distance stop you, Let a phone call stop you? Makes no sense. When you're the one with the cell and nights and weekends free.

If you are really interested in a guy to the point that you will not let distance stop you, But you will let a phone call do it, You are actually showing the guy you are a liar. You can't be trusted. You are either goofy and not thinking about what you are saying, Or, You could be a scammer.

This is YOUR issue. If distance is an issue for you because of long distance phone calls, either look for someone local, or use one of the options we've already discussed here in the thread. If distance is not an issue, do not expect the woman to be the only one making phone calls. It's really as simple as that. You're playing games here and looking for women to do what you want. When they don't, you complain about it.

This is the last I am going to say on this. I've made it as plain as I can. Some of you get it,Some of you don't. And that's just the way it is.

Apparently you haven't looked back far enough in the thread.I didn't contact her, She contacted me. In one sense of the word, Your right. I do have an issue. I have an issue with people in general who talk a big game. But when it comes to backing up what they say,They fall short.

I'm not playing games with anyone. I back up what I say. I will do as I say I will do. Flaky people get on my nerves. I'll say it one more time, Then I am done.

If you tell me that you will let nothing get in your way of finding love, No distance is to great, Then turn around in same breath and let a simple phone call stop you, You are showing me you are full of shyt. You don't mean what you're saying. You're just talking. You're being a flake. You're not standing true to your word. That's the issue. Stand true. Or, Keep your mouth shut.

I come across a lot of this with online dating. Not always this type of thing. But always something. Flakiness like this is one of the main reasons I don't bend a little about the phone. I pay 22 a month just as it is. It's hard for me to justify going out and spending,At the least, 45 more a month on a cell phone plan just to talk to flaky people. Everybody that knows me knows to call me at home.

So, The bottom line is, I can't justify paying anymore than I already do just to talk to flaky people.

I think some of you just haven't come across what I have. And for that reason, You don't get it.

To the one who mentioned Skype, I'm gonna look into that. I thought Skype was paid. I didn't know it was free.