I did read the thread. If she contacted you and distance is an issue, be honest about it upfront and say you're unable to make phone calls because of that.
I think you said what you phone bill is earlier and both Myka and I mentioned Vonage, which is very cheap and has free long distance. Someone else mentioned MagicJack, which is even cheaper. So, if cost is an issue, those are two solutions for you. There really are solutions to your issue. It does not seem that you're willing to make a change, though. There's nothing saying you have to change, but if you're not willing to, you cannot expect a woman to make changes either and you cannot expect her to do everything while you sit there and wait to find something to complain about. |
Just a suggestion here, maybe she's shy when talking on the phone to strangers. Heck i definitely am. I like to email first, as i don't think i could suddenly just pluck up the courage to speak to a stranger over the phone.
So, what ever happened here? I wonder if the OP looked into the cheap phone options listed in this thread, or is still using the phone game as a way to weed out women?