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Topic: letter from court
lulu24's photo
Fri 07/27/07 02:53 PM
okay, so today i received an envelope, addressed to me...from the county courthouse. nervously, i tore the corner flap...feeling the sweat break out on my forehead as i contemplated the reasons that they could be writing...and convinced the forger struck again, and that i'd once again have to go to court and prove that i didn't write those damned checks...

i pulled out the letter, read...and reread. and then again. apparently...they reversed part of the bond on the dog-tickets that i paid in SEPTEMBER. they sent me a freaking CHECK for $125. it had been sent to the wrong address...

*starts humming "happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me..."

lulu24's photo
Fri 07/27/07 02:54 PM
heh, forgot the discussion: name something that came out of the blue and surprised you...a special treat that you could never have known was coming...from somewhere that just doesn't GIVE treats.

HillFolk's photo
Fri 07/27/07 02:57 PM
It is nice to be the recipient instead of the payee.flowerforyou

lulu24's photo
Fri 07/27/07 02:57 PM
yeah, well...they WERE paying me back. but still...i'm so shocked.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 07/27/07 02:58 PM
can u send me that money
i'm kind of broke
laugh laugh laugh

lulu24's photo
Fri 07/27/07 03:03 PM
hehe, ME, TOO!!! my water line broke last gas bill went from $35 to $180...

ahem. so when have YOU received something that you didn't expect...?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 07/27/07 03:06 PM
last week somehow the stick for the turning lights in my truck broke, this also controls the shift of the headlights, so i did not have headlights (the bulbs were fine, the fuses where fine) the damn stick was broken.
then i received a bill for $240 that i did not expect.

lulu24's photo
Fri 07/27/07 03:11 PM
er...SO not in the spirit of the thread!

sorry, little brother...that really sucks.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 07/27/07 03:12 PM
i know it sucks
but i was just answering the question
something i did not expect

no photo
Fri 07/27/07 03:59 PM
I stopped at the grocery store one day not long ago and won an Ipod. I would have never considered buying one but danged if I'm not addicted to the thing now. Made my whole week!

frankfk's photo
Fri 07/27/07 04:07 PM
lulu, its friday, let's do the party with the money, that u were not expectingdrinker drinker drinker drinker

lulu24's photo
Fri 07/27/07 04:11 PM
haha...i don't party.

no...this will buy me a new book...and go towards my gas bill.

cool, an ipod? just...won it?

see, that's EXACTLY what i'm talking about. november, i think...i sent my kid to pay the rent. my landlord made out the receipt, and then said that we had OVERPAID by a couple hundred. apparently, they had decided to credit me rent for when the hot water heater went out...

frankfk's photo
Fri 07/27/07 04:16 PM
sorry, take from paul and pay to peterflowerforyou use it the way you want itflowerforyou

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 07/27/07 07:42 PM
i never pay for peter and once I won 1000 dollars.really came in handy..i'm glad to here good news for a change.

bigpappa4331's photo
Fri 07/27/07 09:19 PM


lulu24's photo
Sat 07/28/07 08:56 PM
and it gets even weirder...

i get a certain amount per week in child support. if i'm receiving a's ALWAYS that amount. i've gone for months without receiving a dime...but when i DO get's that set amount.

i checked online today, just to make certain that a check had been cut. um...apparently, the check that should be here the beginning of the week...has an extra $290 attached.

knowing MY luck, it's cause i won't receive a payment for several weeks...but i choose to believe it's EXTRA, heh...(okay, arrears. whatever.)

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 07/28/07 10:58 PM
One year around Christmas; I went to pay my rent to my landlord, (I was fourty dollars short)and told him I was sorry that I was short that amount. He said "we were wondering what to get you for Christmas" "How about we just call that your Christmas from us?". I thought that was really cool.


ArtGurl's photo
Sat 07/28/07 11:06 PM
I am with you today Miguel ... I took my vehicle in for service today and to get my brakes lubed to extend the life ... ended up needing new roters and brake pads on the front end ... all tolled $520 sad

On the upside Ed McMahon sent me another letter telling me I am the next millionaire bigsmile

Jess642's photo
Sat 07/28/07 11:27 PM
Our first Christmas as a separated family...scrimped and saved to have money to buy my then, 5 year old youngest son his first pushbike for a combined Christmas birthday gift...

All the gifts loaded into the car, he knew what he was getting as the kids were with me, and helped him pick it..back into the shops to buy a few groceries, the kids were going to spend the Christmas holidays with their dad, when we came back out to the car, we were without it!!! Big bummer, the car had been stolen, along with all the presents, and the new bike!!! 125 kms from home, (that's our nearest shopping centre)...

A phone call to the police, a visit to the store manager by said police to get pushbike details, etc,(who was devastated), a phone call to a friend asking them to travel 25o km round trip to pick us up...

By the time we got home, a new bike was waiting for my son, the same model, (the store manager had it couriered to our home, unbeknownst to us), and as want is in a small town, the local telegraph had got around,in regards to our plight, and for the next week gifts kept arriving at our house for the kids, some straight from under people's Christmas tree,...a hire car arrived courtesy of a company in Bundaberg for two weeks, and a giant leg of pork, (much to our horror, as we are vegetarian) from a local farmer...

The generosity was over-whelming for such a tiny village, and yes, the car was found a few weeks later, stripped and burnt, but hey, statistically here in Oz, you will lose a car and have your house broken into at least once in your lifetime, so our turn was over..

lulu24's photo
Sun 07/29/07 05:25 AM
oh, wow...lee...that's amazing. kind of restores faith in humanity.

our first christmas without my husband, my daughter's teacher asked my permission to give our name to her church to be placed on their prayer list. i shrugged and said, "why not?"

a few days before christmas, there was a knock at the door...they walked in with three-four wrapped presents for each person, including myself. i opened the card that accompanied the gifts...and that's when i about hit the floor. gift cards, to jcpenney, kroger, wal-mart...they totaled almost four hundred bucks.

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