Topic: why, how, and from what or from where did you pick / create | |
It is a harbinger of my youthful ways...they are old and long gone and I miss those days.
I do however; still believe in peace, serenity, happiness and love evin if I don't show it. |
* meanmarthajean * ... well, its a long story from back in the late 70's and I can't really remember! LOL! If you really want to know go as Alice. I think it had something to do with throwing a pie?
Well a long long long time ago I was taking some classes at a JC; I was a young single mom of 4 young children..I barely had time for the classes I was taking..anyway the story goes like this..A guy kept asking me out..I kept turning him day it was raining really hard ..he asked me what could I do to get you to go on a date with me...I said "if you spit shine my shoe, I might go out with you" He got down on his knees and with his umbrella and shined up my Doc Martian boots..they looked pretty nice..I said thanks and walked away.......there were many many people around watching as I walked away they called me the Iceprincess...(man this story is long and boring )...anyways trying to think of a screen name that came to me I shorted it too Ice and added my age at the time I joined asked
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Edited by
Sat 03/31/12 06:34 PM
Well a long long long time ago I was taking some classes at a JC; I was a young single mom of 4 young children..I barely had time for the classes I was taking..anyway the story goes like this..A guy kept asking me out..I kept turning him day it was raining really hard ..he asked me what could I do to get you to go on a date with me...I said "if you spit shine my shoe, I might go out with you" He got down on his knees and with his umbrella and shined up my Doc Martian boots..they looked pretty nice..I said thanks and walked away.......there were many many people around watching as I walked away they called me the Iceprincess...(man this story is long and boring )...anyways trying to think of a screen name that came to me I shorted it too Ice and added my age at the time I joined asked ![]() Well you did say MIGHT. If he was smart he would have talked you into a definite yes. |
Well a long long long time ago I was taking some classes at a JC; I was a young single mom of 4 young children..I barely had time for the classes I was taking..anyway the story goes like this..A guy kept asking me out..I kept turning him day it was raining really hard ..he asked me what could I do to get you to go on a date with me...I said "if you spit shine my shoe, I might go out with you" He got down on his knees and with his umbrella and shined up my Doc Martian boots..they looked pretty nice..I said thanks and walked away.......there were many many people around watching as I walked away they called me the Iceprincess...(man this story is long and boring )...anyways trying to think of a screen name that came to me I shorted it too Ice and added my age at the time I joined asked ![]() Well you did say MIGHT. If he was smart he would have talked you into a definite yes. |
Cause I like motown music and I like going downtown.
Jade - one of my favourite colours is green, and the colour of my eyes.
Jaded -1) because my long term relationship tanked very badly, and I was burnt out. 2 a) And, because instead of my wedding ring I wear a ring that is made of green jade. So I am literally adorned in jade, thus "jaded". It is supposed to be a healing stone with properties specifically related to the HEART. The ring finger is thought to be the energy line to the heart. b) I need a lot of heart healing. Emotionally and physically. I had a heart arrythmia that caused me problems for about 8 years. Now, I'm working through healing my marriage. 72 - year of my birth Brilliant thread question, wux! |
i chose speedbug89 cause i was bourn in 89 my first vehicle was a 1989 chevy an speedbug under the fact i love going fast.
Mine does mean something to me, but I'm not telling what because it's extremely personal. I hate the "lady" part of it but Brava alone wasn't going to work, and I couldn't think of anything else as an ending.
Mines a marketing gimmick at this point. Same here. I saw it on a book cover. Hahah! Very drole. Do you think it's working? :) |
![]() Not Torgo ![]() Torgo ![]() ![]() |
Mines a marketing gimmick at this point. Same here. I saw it on a book cover. Hahah! Very drole. Do you think it's working? :) A little. Not quite enough to get me where I want to be, but these things take time. |
Edited by
Tue 04/03/12 10:39 AM
A lot of us have user names here that are significant to ourselves. I like to analyze them, and more times than not the name can be deciphered more than one way. Can you explain why your username is what it is? Pray tell us what your moniker means to you and why you chose it for yourself. =============== Hi, I choose Wholesome Woman and it was not my first, second or third choice but after fifteen attempts or so in getting a username I was finally successful. I was running out of ideas by the time WholesomeWoman came to mind. I am a wholesome person and a woman. So, on the sixteenth or so attempt in entering a username, WholesomeWoman was accepted. For your information I add the definition since you would like to analyze it: whole·some adj \ˈhōl-səm\ Definition of WHOLESOME 1: promoting health or well-being of mind or spirit 2: promoting health of body 3a : sound in body, mind, or morals b : having the simple health or vigor of normal domesticity 4a : based on well-grounded fear : prudent <a wholesome respect for the law> b : safe <it wouldn't be wholesome for you to go down there — Mark Twain> ![]() |
Humm no real meaning to it...pretty simple I'm from Texas and a gal....
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Torgo ![]() Not Torgo ![]() Torgo ![]() ![]() Just wondering if that weird music plays whenever you walk? Anyways, the name... Never grow up... year of birth (1969) |
Yes! And people are always pointing at my knees!
<<<<<< Here's the explanation for my current avatar for those who have asked or wondered: As appears in the OnlineInterlinear version: Exodus 3:13 (goto main site and find the correct chapter if the link doesn't work) אֶהְיֶה = "I AM THAT I AM" OR "I SHALL BECOME WHO I AM BECOMING" And as is usually found for the name of God. יהוה = YHWH = God, the Lord, Jehovah, Yahweh Hebrew-English traslation to verify if desired: YHWH spelled vertically instead of right-left י Yod (yode) ה He (hey) ו Vav (vahv) ה He (hey) I feel it's kinda unifying if you look at it this way. A world-wide "in the image of..." representation. I also like the alternative translation for the "Name" as revealed to Moses the first time... |
Pretty self explanatory...
Pretty self explanatory... I don't get it. |
Among my friends in undergrad school was a guy named Richard. He would get himself in situations where he had to pay for his married girlfriends abortion and get treatment for crabs repeatedly. However, he believed that Jesus was Lord. So they called him the good Rich.
Whereas, I was not so nice and was called The Bad Rich, TBRich. |