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Topic: A Nation of Morons
smart2009's photo
Wed 02/29/12 01:57 PM
"I wasn't worried about freedom. I was worried about people being turned into morons by TV."
-- Ray Bradbury in 2001 talking about his book Fahrenheit 451
Is television actually making us stupid? After all, this is a device nicknamed"the boob tube" and "the idiot box." Television was once famously called the "vast wasteland,"a moniker that has stuck since it was spoken. Can we look to television to show us the status of society? Does TV reflect the nation's intellectual capacity and contribute to its decline at the same time?

smart2009's photo
Wed 02/29/12 02:07 PM
They made you a moron.....

no photo
Wed 02/29/12 02:55 PM

They made you a moron.....

msharmony's photo
Wed 02/29/12 03:32 PM

"I wasn't worried about freedom. I was worried about people being turned into morons by TV."
-- Ray Bradbury in 2001 talking about his book Fahrenheit 451
Is television actually making us stupid? After all, this is a device nicknamed"the boob tube" and "the idiot box." Television was once famously called the "vast wasteland,"a moniker that has stuck since it was spoken. Can we look to television to show us the status of society? Does TV reflect the nation's intellectual capacity and contribute to its decline at the same time?

yes, I believe it has

I believe less exposure to television does wonders to help the mind develop use of logic and common sense

the tv can be a drug, harmless if not misused
or it can be a virus, waiting to slowly destroy the mind

boredinaz06's photo
Wed 02/29/12 03:37 PM

The internets are the new TV!

msharmony's photo
Wed 02/29/12 03:41 PM

The internets are the new TV!

I totally believe that. Except, other than news stations, we have clear indications on most programs that they are fiction. THe internet passes just about everything off (except advertisements) as fact and the more sites duplicate and republish said 'facts' the more people tend to believe it

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 02/29/12 03:49 PM
I finaly unplugged my cable TV I could find nothing to watch that justified over sixy bucks a month. I think the final straw was the history channel turning into ax men and swamp people and american pickers channel.

I have netflix and hardly ever watch it anyhow.

smart2009's photo
Thu 03/01/12 12:10 AM
Rupert Murdoch’s Twentieth Century Fox corporation has admitted to plantingpolitical brainwashing withinits globally popular TV shows and indeedboasts that it is proud of the fact.
A corporate video currently being showcased on another part of Murdoch’s media empire,, showsFox executives and stars of its universally recognized shows bragging about howthey use the platform of hit shows that are broadcast globally toimplant messages about the supposed threat of global warming.
This is not the first time Fox have been enthusiastic in propagandizing for the establishment. In 2003, Rupert Murdoch himself admitted that the corporation had “tried” to help the Bush administration sell the war in Iraq.
The text accompanying the video states, “In 2006, News Corp. embarked upon a company wide initiative to reduce the size of its carbonfootprint.”
The means by which this “initiative” was carried out is then made clear by a plethora of clips from Fox’s most popular shows – the Simpsons, King of the Hill, Family Guy, Prison Break – whichare all loaded with messages about global warming and the need to do something about it.
“What could we do on a practical level to start making a difference,” asks oneexecutive before another answers, “The biggest thing we’ve done is inserting messages about the environment into some of our content.”
In other words, Fox has embarked on a deliberate campaign, which could only have beendone with the coordination of the script writers of eachprogram, to force people to accept the pseudo-science of global warming by brainwashing them into accepting it as areality. This has beenachieved by weavingin messages about climate change and having popular characters in the TV shows embrace specific tenants of the global warming manifesto.

smart2009's photo
Thu 03/01/12 12:13 AM
James Murdoch is stepping down from his role as executive chairman of News International as British police begin to comb through a mountain of evidence in a hacking scandal surrounding his father's media empire.

no photo
Fri 03/02/12 11:43 AM
You're wrong. A nation of morons? I think not. A few bad apples, yes, but...Michael Jackson, Whitnet Houston, Lady Ga-Ga...Elvis...the list goes on. America is creative. When was the last time you watch some Chinese perform sing from the heart and make you want to dance the night away with the sound of their soul?

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/02/12 11:45 AM

You're wrong. A nation of morons? I think not. A few bad apples, yes, but...Michael Jackson, Whitnet Houston, Lady Ga-Ga...Elvis...the list goes on. America is creative. When was the last time you watch some Chinese perform sing from the heart and make you want to dance the night away with the sound of their soul?

actually, there are many many korean acts who perform soul music,,,my teens have turned me on to some of them

and they move me the same as any other soulful artist,,,

SanneHan's photo
Fri 03/02/12 11:58 AM

You're wrong. A nation of morons? I think not. A few bad apples, yes, but...Michael Jackson, Whitnet Houston, Lady Ga-Ga...Elvis...the list goes on. America is creative. When was the last time you watch some Chinese perform sing from the heart and make you want to dance the night away with the sound of their soul?

Hmmmm... I bet there is a zillion Chinese people doing exactly that right now... Where did you get the impression there aren't?

Oh, sure, they'd be on tv if there were...

Chazster's photo
Fri 03/02/12 11:58 AM

You're wrong. A nation of morons? I think not. A few bad apples, yes, but...Michael Jackson, Whitnet Houston, Lady Ga-Ga...Elvis...the list goes on. America is creative. When was the last time you watch some Chinese perform sing from the heart and make you want to dance the night away with the sound of their soul?

actually, there are many many korean acts who perform soul music,,,my teens have turned me on to some of them

and they move me the same as any other soulful artist,,,

I agree, I have a Korean gf who is from Seoul. She sends me links once in a while to Korean singers. Yea they can sing it like the best of them.

no photo
Fri 03/02/12 01:05 PM
Think about the average person . . . now realize that half of all people are more stupid than that.

Yep, I dont think TV has anything to do with it.

no photo
Fri 03/02/12 01:33 PM
"Fahrenheit 451" had an undercurrent of "TV makes you stupid", but it's revisionist history for Bradbury to claim the book wasn't about freedom.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 03/02/12 07:33 PM

You're wrong. A nation of morons? I think not. A few bad apples, yes, but...Michael Jackson, Whitnet Houston, Lady Ga-Ga...Elvis...the list goes on. America is creative. When was the last time you watch some Chinese perform sing from the heart and make you want to dance the night away with the sound of their soul?

When I watched the Chinese Opra.

Not a word of english but I completely understood the story.

From moments of elation to sudden poignant sorrow.

Art as are humans is a spectrum.

Most of which is a bloom of beauty and touches the heart.

(art exists in all nations)

Understanding exists only in the eyes of the beholder.

no photo
Sat 07/21/12 07:14 PM
WHAT ABOUT LESS ONS?????????????

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 07/21/12 09:05 PM

Rupert Murdoch’s Twentieth Century Fox corporation has admitted to plantingpolitical brainwashing withinits globally popular TV shows and indeedboasts that it is proud of the fact.
A corporate video currently being showcased on another part of Murdoch’s media empire,, showsFox executives and stars of its universally recognized shows bragging about howthey use the platform of hit shows that are broadcast globally toimplant messages about the supposed threat of global warming.
This is not the first time Fox have been enthusiastic in propagandizing for the establishment. In 2003, Rupert Murdoch himself admitted that the corporation had “tried” to help the Bush administration sell the war in Iraq.
The text accompanying the video states, “In 2006, News Corp. embarked upon a company wide initiative to reduce the size of its carbonfootprint.”
The means by which this “initiative” was carried out is then made clear by a plethora of clips from Fox’s most popular shows – the Simpsons, King of the Hill, Family Guy, Prison Break – whichare all loaded with messages about global warming and the need to do something about it.
“What could we do on a practical level to start making a difference,” asks oneexecutive before another answers, “The biggest thing we’ve done is inserting messages about the environment into some of our content.”
In other words, Fox has embarked on a deliberate campaign, which could only have beendone with the coordination of the script writers of eachprogram, to force people to accept the pseudo-science of global warming by brainwashing them into accepting it as areality. This has beenachieved by weavingin messages about climate change and having popular characters in the TV shows embrace specific tenants of the global warming manifesto.

One would have to be a moron to immediately believe what you have said, because you provide no evidence to back up anything that you have said.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 07/24/12 07:19 PM

no photo
Sat 11/17/12 05:26 PM

"I wasn't worried about freedom. I was worried about people being turned into morons by TV."
-- Ray Bradbury in 2001 talking about his book Fahrenheit 451
Is television actually making us stupid? After all, this is a device nicknamed"the boob tube" and "the idiot box." Television was once famously called the "vast wasteland,"a moniker that has stuck since it was spoken. Can we look to television to show us the status of society? Does TV reflect the nation's intellectual capacity and contribute to its decline at the same time?
WHAT ABOUT THE MORON WHO CANCELLED THE TWINKIE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

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