Topic: How do you feel about Vick and his case
no photo
Fri 07/27/07 05:10 PM
Tell that to the states that have that law.

no photo
Fri 07/27/07 05:13 PM
what he did is wrong, Will he got to jail r be kicked out the NFL NO so thats that

no photo
Fri 07/27/07 05:17 PM
I agree, I said that in an earlier post. Here in America, the rich and famous are known for taking care of their own. No jail time, even tho he deserves it. He's a "drawing card" in the NFL, so they'll take him back the first minute they can. And if Atlanta cuts him, someone else will pick him up in a heartbeat.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 07/27/07 08:50 PM
By the way soldier: I don't remember anyone saying anything about animal verses humans dying.
I am an avid animal lover (all animals). I will fight the for the rights of them with all I have in me. I am not a member of PETA, but they do have some good points. I admit they do go a little too far in some things.

My little dogs get better medical treatment than me. It is my responsibility to care for them, since they cannot.

Would I take a bullet or step in front of a car to protect them?? Most likely.


Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sat 07/28/07 12:18 PM
High 5 TJ777!!! now i am just waiting to hear vicks pull out that race card for innocence. FARK HIM!!

no photo
Sat 07/28/07 12:34 PM
Like I said what he did was wrong Do I think its something he should be barred from the NFL for ? No, look at leonard little they didnt do anyhing to that loser. And as I said b4 he will walk as usual. I have two dogs myself so I know how it feels to love and care for a pet. A german shepard and a pit, both well behaved children.

Eljay's photo
Sat 07/28/07 04:19 PM
Willy_cents wrote:

"Mike Vick will be cut by the Falcons just prior to Sept 5. If he is on the roster then, they have to pay him 10+ million. If they cut him before then, they can save 12+million over the next two years, even with the big cap hits they will have to take. Money talks. He is gone for this season anyhow, and possibly next, so, they will save the 12 million bucks and dump him...Logical, no?"

>>> I believe that all NFL teams have mortality clauses built into their contracts - and once they are convicted of a felony, the team is released from the terms of the contract - and are not held to the salary cap for it. I'm pretty sure that the Carolina Panthers did not have to honor Rae Carruth's contract when he was convicted for murder - and their salary cap was unaffected. But I don't remember the exact details. Vick will never again wear an Atlanta Falcon's uniform - you can count on that. He will most likly be suspended by the commisioner - which will give the Falcons salary cap relief.

Doggielover's photo
Sat 07/28/07 04:56 PM
If he is guilty, he should be given the same treatment the dogs had. Any abuser, animal or human, should receive the same treatment they dished out!

no photo
Sun 07/29/07 08:05 AM
Its just that the NFL has had too many players bringing down the league. Its time that they step up and tell the it suspending them to take account of their own actions. Everyone is accountable for their own actions. Lord knows no one is perfect. But come on...if you are a high profile athlete and make millions why hold a dog fighting ring on your property and say that your not guilty. At least work a deal and plead maybe NO Contest...take it like a man. Just my opinion.

GayJean200's photo
Sun 07/29/07 10:51 AM
If he did what they are saying, he must go to jail.

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Sun 07/29/07 12:18 PM
Well, my problem is since he had all of those dogs, why did,nt he invite me to dinner.

RandomX's photo
Sun 07/29/07 12:28 PM
I am a MAJOR Falcons fan.....Its time to move on I just kinda wish our season was not left in the hands of the inept Joey Harrington.

Vick Is Doomed I would not be surprised if he never thre another NFL pass.......

no photo
Sun 07/29/07 12:29 PM
so you don't think they'll bring in culpepper?

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Sun 07/29/07 12:30 PM
You,re all nuts, he,s be back by the start of the season.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 07/29/07 01:21 PM
Its a real shame the falcons let my beloved FAVRE go after the first season. BIG MISTAKE!!! BIG BIG MISTAKE!!!drinker drinker

no photo
Sun 07/29/07 02:16 PM
The falcons r over, done, finished Since they might get rid of vick they may also want to do some restructuring period cause these is going to be a hard season without him.

smantha's photo
Sun 07/29/07 02:29 PM
just another case of someone rich and famous trying to get away with whatever they goes to their head

seahawks's photo
Sun 07/29/07 03:34 PM
well if he's found guilty, they should hang or drown him like he did those dogs.!!!!!

winnie410's photo
Sun 07/29/07 03:37 PM
i had been a vick fan ever since he played at tech, but now, im disgusted. (at least he wasnt on the eagles! :tongue: j/k)

NaturallyRedneck's photo
Sun 07/29/07 04:09 PM
he never touched those dogs, and the government isn,t saying he did, nor should he be responsible for the person he rented to.